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Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populaire (Read 754 times)

Posts: 3310
Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populaire
Nov 29th, 2008, 6:54pm
Steve, Nelson, and I took off from Winscott Road in Benbrook at 7:30 am. This 106 mile route goes west from there to Aledo, then turns north and goes through Willow Park, before stopping at the second control at Lake Weatherford. From there, it goes north through Springtown, then on to Paradise for the next control. From there, it turns around and retraces its route back to Springtown, then turns east and goes into west Fort Worth, before turning south and returning to Benbrook. This route really has a lot of turns, but between the three of us, we managed to not miss any turn by much, and kept our bonus miles to less than half a mile.
On the way to the ride, my truck temperature gauge showed 42 degrees, lower than was forecast. There was a northwest wind which picked up as the day went. It was cold. The sun came out only briefly; the rest of the day was cloudy. After the ride, my temperature gauge showed 52 degrees, not nearly as warm as was forecast. It was cold. Did I mention it was cold?
This is a hilly route. Most of the roads are very low traffic though, and not rough. There are some excellent views from the stretch you ride just after reaching the highest elevation on the route, which we climbed to at mile 32, and also a very pretty valley with lots of pecan trees just before Paradise. It even manages to climb Radio Tower Hill as it approaches Fort Worth from the west. There was also lots of wildlife on the route, including deer and quite a few squirrels, one of which ran between me and Steve and Nelson, who were just in front of me. We even saw a road runner. This route whipped me pretty well today, but I really do like it anyway.
In spite of my diminished climbing ability this year, I had managed to climb every hill in front of me (except when my chain jammed once) until today. At mile 97 on Paint Pony Road in far west Fort Worth, I was unable to climb the last bit of a 23 percent grade hill, and had to walk it. It was so steep, I had trouble getting traction with my shoes as I walked the bike. If I thought that was the ride's final insult for me, I was mistaken. At mile 102, a light rain started. The raindrops were so cold, they felt like sleet hitting my face. It only lasted a couple of miles, and had quit before we finished.
As usual, the company on this ride was excellent, and Nelson even treated me to a Subway sandwich after the ride. Thanks, Nelson. And thanks, Steve, for inviting me along. I ended up with 106.2 miles, and 4400 feet of climbing. My maximum heart rate for the route was 180, and I can tell you exactly where that happened. We finished in 8 hours and 40 minutes. That's a pretty poor time for a century, but on this day, and this route, with these conditions, that's all I could manage. Thanks, Steve and Nelson!
The graph below shows the elevation and grade percent for the route from my gps. You can see the highest elevation at mile 32, and the 23 percent grade at mile 97 that stopped me in my tracks.
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« Last Edit: Jul 22nd, 2021, 4:47pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Killer Bee
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Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #1 - Nov 29th, 2008, 7:41pm
Bud ,great data. Thanks. I sound like a broken record after these LSR rides,but I enjoyed myself so much today(we missed Peggy ,Greg & Ray). You guys are truly great friends/cyclists & make climbing on a cold November morning FUN. The conditions as you mentioned were less than ideal for a fast time,neither was the course. I'm not sure if Nelson was kidding ,but he mentioned 85 turns in all? This is a route to enjoy the scenery,time with friends, & exercise. We did have a few encounters with our K-9 friends. I think one of the dogs is still chasing Bud.
Several roads did not have marked signs,so it took all three of us to be on watch(no significant bonus rando miles,1/2 mile bonus miles is not much on this route). My mantra for this ride was "at least it's not 400K"(Nelson & I were contemplating riding the 400K route today. Wiser minds prevailed).
4,400 feet for 100 miles? Spanish Fort is 4,900 for 130 miles. That little 23% grade hill is a butt kicker ,then it's immediately followed by an right hand bend at 1-2% grade. Ooof! I could have done without that cold rain at the end(mile 102).
Thanks to Nelson for buying the grub at Subway & for both coming along today. You guys rode strong. Bud ,forget that hill. If I could have pulled you up that hill,I would have. All I had was 6-7 mph. That was getting close to my stall speed.  
I thoroughly enjoyed this route. I would definitely recommend riding this route again.  These rides always turn into adventures. Today was no different.
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Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #2 - Nov 29th, 2008, 11:23pm
A very nice ride, great scenery and great company.  Taking out the control entries, and comments there were 77 actual turns on this course, and about half of them lacked any marking I think!  Definitely kept you on your toes, not a hammerhead type course, but very good for enjoying a nice scenic route, and Jerry's excellent cue sheet did a great job of keeping us on course.  I was glad the rain was brief, and quite glad it wasn't a 400K as I would still be riding even at 11:20 at night, instead of having enjoyed subway sandwichs, and a nice second dinner with my family.
Working on setting up a 200K for 12/6, as soon as it is set I'll post it on rbent.  Missed having Peggy, Ray, Paul and Greg there.  Heal quick Ray!
Take Care,
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Killer Bee
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Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #3 - Nov 30th, 2008, 8:34am
How could I not mention the Annis Chapel we rode past(just east of Springtown of CR 3696))? I think Bud is a lifetime member!
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Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #4 - Nov 30th, 2008, 11:15am
Quote from Strada177 on Nov 30th, 2008, 8:34am:
How could I not mention the Annis Chapel we rode past(just east of Springtown of CR 3696))? I think Bud is a lifetime member!

But I have a feeling the church members don't pronounce "Annis" quite the way we did.  Wink
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* 2009 RANS F-5 Pro
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #5 - Dec 1st, 2008, 2:08pm
*lol* Anus Chapel?  Sounds like you guys started your own Cult!  Or at least a 12 step group.
Sounds like a route I need to ride a bunch!  Nice ride fellas.
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Killer Bee
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Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #6 - Dec 1st, 2008, 2:44pm
Quote from aikigreg on Dec 1st, 2008, 2:08pm:
*lol* Anus Chapel?  Sounds like you guys started your own Cult!  Or at least a 12 step group.

Sounds like a route I need to ride a bunch!  Nice ride fellas.  

Greg ,the name of the church was Annis Chapel-but of course we quickly turned that into Anus Chapel. I really did feel bad for Bud. That 23% grade hill was tough because it came shortly after a right hand turn. It wasn't like you could sprint to build-up speed to get up this hill. It was one of those turn right & say Oh Fudge!
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Killer Bee
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Posts: 1308
Re: Two Tickets to Paradise 161k Permanent Populai
Reply #7 - Dec 1st, 2008, 2:46pm
Quote from aikigreg on Dec 1st, 2008, 2:08pm:
*lol* Anus Chapel?  Sounds like you guys started your own Cult!  Or at least a 12 step group.

Sounds like a route I need to ride a bunch!  Nice ride fellas.  

Oh ,if you ride it,you're not going to ride it for speed. 77 turns & unmarked roads? Ride it & enjoy the low traffic, good roads & pretty scenery. AND remember that steep little hill at mile 96+.
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