Heart of Texas Recumbent Rally (HOT) - Austin, TX - Feb 24-26
Attention all you 'bent guys and gals!! Get out your BenGay and White Lightning, whichever type you need, and head on down to Austin for a unique 3-day experience with recumbent advocates and friends. Many have said February is not a good time to schedule a rally but during the 8-year history of this event there has been only ONE truly bad weather situation, and that was in 2015. The rally still went on - indoors, with recumbent-based classes, discussions and lots of social interaction. This is the only recumbent rally in our area, and we need to continue to support it in order to be able to draw in credible guest speakers, dealers and fellow recumbent riders from across the country. Friday, Feb 24, is the registration, packet pickup, recumbent swap meet and social time. Refreshments and hot dogs will be served. Sat, Feb 25, will be various length rides, Recumbent University, guest speakers and lunch and refreshments will be served. Sunday, Feb 26, is the famous Recumbent Rodeo (obstacle course events) and final farewells. I encourage you all to attend and meet your fellow recumbent riders and expand our recumbent family.
Here is the link to the HOT event information and registration:
https://heartoftexasrecumbentrally.wordpress.com Hope to see you there!!