I've done it many times. its not really even difficult .. just carry your momentum into it ... and .. then ... gear down .. spin .. gear down .. spin .. give up and grind grind grind until you are over the top . Along the way don't let the guys walking up notice you are sweating .. Quote from jrob_bent on Dec 29th, 2016, 6:13am:Quote from Action Lad on Dec 29th, 2016, 12:46am:Quote from reever on Dec 28th, 2016, 10:47pm:Thanks j_rob! I forwarded her that link. What an appropriate ride for a father/daughter to do! Is that the race that has the boy scouts at the top of the hill giving you a patch if you make it up the hill without getting off of your bike??? If so, have any of you guys done the race and made it up the beast without cratering??????? Does anyone know the slope of the hill and its length? They say it is .7 miles long at 13% grade. Not too bad. I made it up the 24%-28% grade and about .4 miles back in MO. It was over a 100 degrees and I made it without stopping. 5 others out of about 16 people walked it, and one had a heart attack! It was a DF ride, me being the only recumbent, the old Phantom.