Less than 2 weeks until it's HOT in Texas!
The Heart of Texas Recumbent Rally and Rodeo is all set to start up Friday, February 21 and wind down February 23 in Austin, Texas at Easy Street Recumbents.
The fun starts Friday afternoon around noon at Easy Street with the Laid Back Social. A chance to meet and greet fellow recumbent riders, test ride some neat cycles, look at some neat gizmos, and check out the Easy Street Garage Sale and the Swap Meet for those registered for the HOT. Have some bike or trike parts or stuff? Apparel, shoes, trailers, accessories? Want to sell or trade them? Conact Jane. Bring a snack fr the Social -- we're having a pot luck sack. Cookies, brownies, cupcakes, chips -- whatever. Don't want to sit around all afternoon? Paul "Male Model" Brock is leading a posse out to the Austin Veloway to ride around in circles (
www.veloway.com). Saturday we start off with Recumbent University (Bent U). We'll have three classes, then break for lunch (provided with your registration). Then - LET'S RODEO! The second annual HOT Rodeo kicks off. This is off-the-charts FUN. Added to the events this year is the HOT Shot race -- a straight line SPRINT to see who the fastest trike and bike are! The winner of each gets the official title of HOT Shot. Sunday morning we head to Pfugerville for some pfun riding. Three rides to choose from - Scenic, Semi Tough, or Warriors.
Visit the website (
www.easystreetrecumbents.com/HOTrally) for all the details. Be sure and check out every tab to see the super cool give-a-ways, check out the rodeo, see Who's Who at the HOT -- LOTS to take in so sit down and get comfy and surf the entire site.
Registration is $40. The give-a-ways are only available to the first 100 registering. No guarantees after that.
Questions? Holler at me!