CHANGING THE START TIME TO 10AM, TO LET IT WARM UP A BIT!!! PB -- 11/25 Just throwing this out there, if the weather cooperates... Whoever might want to meander out to our house in Rowlett the Friday morning after TGiving Day for a social ride, I've mapped out a 26-mile route out to Sachse and back, exploring the 190 service road and new road/path construction of Merritt and Bunker Hill Rd.
Roll out is at 9:00AM -- this will be a casual, conversational pace, no drop, but with occasional elevation changes -- so NOT a totally flat route. Return will be around 11:30ish, with the possibility of stopping at Hubbard's for brunch when we get back to Rowlett.
We'll keep an eye on the weather, and plan to ride unless it rains or if it's below 50 and cloudy... Our house is 3402 Summer Solstice, Rowlett, on Miller Rd about 1/4 mile west of the LGBT tollway.