Bob McClure
rbent member
Posts: 24
I am the keeper of the current web site. I re-established it after the old web site died and its keeper disappeared. Up until recently, I've not had time to update it much. Now I have more time, but being out here in the eastern hinterlands, I'm not much in touch with much of the riding going on in the Metromess. So I'm looking for someone to take charge of the content of, if no other way than to feed me information to put up, but I'd prefer you do it all. I will continue to host the site and manage its server and keep the domain name paid for. I also plan to acquire when it expires. It's a LAMP (Linux/Apache/MySQL/Perl/PHP) machine running 64-bit CentOS 6. The current site is plain old SHTML. If you want to do something with it using PHP like WordPress, Drupal, and the like, I insist that you keep it updated or at least inform me when updates are needed. I've had a belly full of whiz-bang PHP sites that were left to rot, get cracked or spammed, and the like. If you want some interactive stuff, I do Perl, not PHP, and I know enough JavaScript to be dangerous. Let me know if you are interested at