Given what you told me about how much you drank, I suspect that that dehydration was the biggest factor, though for sure your calories and muscle glycogen were low. Something before the start of the ride and watching your water intake whether or not you are thirsty, are called for. If you're going to do any distance riding, which to me is that 40 mile plus mark, a certain amount of tracking is called for to find out what works best for you. I know cytomax doesn't work for me. I tend to stick to clif shot bloks, honey stinger waffles, and clif electrolyte drink mix for up to around 50 miles, and add in clif bars, bonk bars, and some hammer mixes for longer stuff with real food added in depending on whether I am riding, randonneuring, or racing. And even now I still don't feel I have it perfected. Mark Metcalfe runs on fried pies and hamburgers. Sure recipe for a DNF for me.