Calling all EastSiders... I’m going to start leading an official GDB “Moderate Pace” ride group as part of the regular Mesquite Poteet HS Ride -- and any RBENTers are obviously welcome! This ride will be
TUESDAYS ONLY (which allows me the option to do faster riding on Thursday!), and will be a
no-drop ride with regrouping points as needed. The concept is to provide an official regular group/leader for those who don’t want to “hammer” like the standard group does, but also to encourage new or newish riders (but not total newbies who can't do 10 miles yet, knowwhutImean???).
The plan is to roll at 14-16mph on the flats, and to ENJOY THE RIDE…
Meet in the northwest corner parking lot of Poteet High School, on Galloway. We will follow the standard GDB Mesquite route out Barnes Bridge, etc., so there will still definitely be some hill climbing to do – however, depending upon the participants, we will shortcut where it makes sense to. There will be times when Terrie and I are on the recumbent tandem – pretty much guaranteeing slow hill climbing!! Regroup points will occur as needed. We will do everything possible to accommodate the slowest rider, especially when a newbie shows up.
Being a no-drop ride, it will be dependent upon the slowest rider – so I’m saying this now –
if you find after a few miles that the overall group pace is too slow, you are welcome to go off the front and ride your own ride.
We will start next week (
12March, 6PM rollout) with the 17-mile version, given that sunset is 7:30 and civil twilight is roughly 7:45. A map of this is here: There is an option to do an additional 4-mile loop once we get back near Poteet HS. NOTE: There is no “official” rest/bathroom stop on this route.
Once there is more daylight, or if the ride group is faster, we will shift to longer distances, like a 25-mile route, that stops at the 7-11 at the corner of Clay Mathis and Eastglen at the 15-16 mile point. This map is here: Note, again, this is
TUESDAYS, 6PM from Poteet HS –and I have no plans at this time to shift to 5:30... If some of the same riders want to repeat on Thursdays, the group will need to coordinate prior to rollout, because I plan to do a “standard” pace ride that day, or attempt to haul ass with the regulars… I’ve gotta try to keep in SOME kind of shape, eh?
Please spread the word about this Tuesday option for the Mesquite ride… and if there is a regular 'Mesquiteer' that would like to offer to be a consistent ride leader for a similar Thursday group option, please step on up! I will also need the occasional substitute on Tuesdays, if I have to travel.