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HHH (Read 10410 times)

Posts: 3310
Aug 25th, 2012, 7:17pm
In spite of the fact that my left shoulder had been sliced and diced on two weeks ago, I headed down to Wichita Falls yesterday, and this morning I rode the 100 mile route of the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred. This trip is always a blast, the ride down with DJ, camping at the church community center, visiting with everyone there, the bike show at the convention center, the ride to the start early in the morning, and all the rest.
I usually enjoy the ride a lot too, but I can't say that this year's ride will be remembered as one of my favorites. The highlight of the ride was definitely the ride through Sheppard Air Force Base. The 100 mile route had never gone through it before this year, and I'd never ridden anything except the 100 mile route, so I'd never been through Sheppard on HHH day. It's pretty special having all those airmen cheering for you as you ride through.
Overall though, I have to give a thumbs down to the new route. The new turn south at mile 15 takes you to some rolling hills on high ground that really catches the wind (and the south wind was howling today). Then, when you finally turn north, and get a great tail wind, the road gets so rough that you can't take advantage of it. The 100k and 100 mile routes splitting so early broke up the paceline I was in, the remaining riders in it on the 100 mile route soon broke up, and I could never find a paceline that I fit well in after that.
By the time I reached Electra and rejoined the old route, I had stayed out in the wind by myself way too much, and would pay the price for it later. I made a 2 minute stop at mile 60. I took a quick nature break, but the stop was really more to give my aching shoulder and toes a quick break. I really hit the wall at mile 70, plus had GI issues that made my stop there even longer, never recovered very much, and was barely moving by the time I finished. That last 18 miles straight into the wind was brutal. But I did finish. I'm going to call that a victory on this day that I felt more like the bug than the windshield.
I finished in 6:14 (my second slowest time ever at HHH). My on the bike time was 5:52, so I stopped for a total of 22 minutes. That's much more off the bike time than I usually do at HHH, but it was the only way I thought I could finish today. It looked like lots of riders were struggling in the wind at HHH today, though, so I was in good company.
HHH 100 mile route.
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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2012, 7:20pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Pedalin` Peggy

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Reply #1 - Aug 25th, 2012, 8:24pm
Bud you are amazing, only 2 weeks after surgery and riding 100 mile ride.  Smiley
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Reply #2 - Aug 25th, 2012, 9:38pm
I did the 25 miler today, when Johnny came upon me.  We were riding along talking, having a good ole time.  Being the good rider that Jay has taught me to be I was riding next to the right shouler when I got too close and ran into about 3-4 inches of gravel.  I tried to get out and went down, ate about 3-5 feet of asphalt, ripped my new shorts, and got the most red/raw/meat hanging road rash you have ever seen on my butt and left elbow  Smiley Smiley.
Outside of that I had a great ride...... Smiley
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Ric Clark

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Clown #1

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Reply #3 - Aug 25th, 2012, 10:06pm
Being the good rider that Jay has taught me to be I was riding next to the right shoulder

Read this: http://www.bikingindallas.com/critical-thinking-about-bike-lanes/
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Reply #4 - Aug 25th, 2012, 11:18pm
Can't say I was too crazy about the new route either, but the wind was the biggest issue for me today.  I did get to meet some rbent folk at the starting line, and one kind lady with a p38 gave me a retractable connected for my ever flapping camelbak hose.  THANKS!  See yall next year...
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Reply #5 - Aug 26th, 2012, 7:40am
This was my first HHH since 1991 and while it HURT I still had a blast.
I ended up staying in Lawton cause that was the closest motel Vicky could find me, (we're already registered at the church for next year however)  Smiley  The consumer show wasn't quite what I really remembered as it was mostly bike shops at normal retail pricing.  I was looking forward to all the oddball bike stuff that I'd remembered.
Started the day by losing my phone, (found by a nice guy in Saginaw, Vicky will pick it up tomorrow) and that kind of threw a kink in my day.  I did make some good time early sitting in with some of the fast, (so I thought) pacelines until I saw Rat Rider come SMOKING past on his Apache, (we were doing 21 and change and he just blew right on by us).  Did anyone see that velomobile anywhere out on the course?  He was at the start and then just disappeared, I'm guessing he just smoked the route.
I almost got taken down three different times by inconsiderate roadies who passed tight on the left and then cut in way to soon, I had to remind them that my front end was where all the teeth and feet where and if they clipped me, they were going down also.
One of these years I'm going to have to do HHH by trike pulling a trailer so I can collect all the free waterbottles out there.  I did managed to snag a Camelbak bottle as it was in a pull in that I could get to safely.
It was disappointing to see all the trash out there, I had a discussion with a guy at a sag stop that threw his trash on the ground while standing next to a trash bag.  Some people just don't have a clue.
Sheppard Air force base was fantastic.  I got some great video of the aircraft on display and had a nice conversation with the three lieutenants that were there.  Unfortunately they weren't able to find me a couple of JATO's and mount them on my bike for me, was thinking of pointing the bike into the wind and lighting them off to get back to the finish.  All the Airmen standing alongside the road gave me goosebumps, what a great bunch they are!
That wind was just killer out there!  It made that last bit back into Wichita Falls into a true sufferfest, despite all the pickles and pickle juice my left leg was on the edge of cramping up for that whole stretch.
My Garmin says 101.24 miles, (I got some bonus miles in) in a moving time of 5:59:43, elapsed time of 8:00:46, (I knew I took to long at those sags but I had to try all the homemade cookies)!
Semper Fi
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Reply #6 - Aug 26th, 2012, 9:43am
HHH…my first one.  I trained for the 100K (66.12) miles this year, but after talking to Paul B., Dave R. and Bud, decided to try the 100 mile.  I’m here, the course is “flat”- this would be the one to do an Imperial century.  They all convinced me this would be the one to try it on.  After all was done I realized I should have traded out Dave’s pedals and stolen his bike in the middle of the night…next time!  Smiley  So without really looking at the route (I have been studying the 100k route for weeks), decided Friday night to try the big one.  If you recall previous post by FlyingLAZboy he told me to just do the metric for my first HHH ride…  
The stay at the church was quite comfortable and enjoyable, company and conversation was good and I was not bothered by any snoring-even without earplugs!  Spaghetti dinner was nice and breakfast was really good!  Scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits & gravy and juice…they really took care of us!
Once we all got out on the bikes we made the trek down to the start of the course, and since we were on bents, we went right up front.  This would be the last time I was that far ahead for the rest of the course.  After easily climbing the overpass right out of the start, another bent rider told me that was the toughest hill on the course, so I thought either he was just poking fun or this course really was flat.  Started off really well and since I knew I had a long way to go and I wasn’t trying for any records just got a good pace and stayed out of the way of the crazies that I knew were about to be released behind me.  Met up with the Lightening Pilot (Carolyn) and rode with her for a time, when this guy on a Bacchetta came up behind us making an awful racket!  We though his chain was trying to shred his gears or something.  Turns out he lost a sprint brace bolt and his seat was only held up by one side.  We pulled over and gave him a few zip ties and got it back together and I took off.  Later Carolyn would catch me right before the 100K/100 mile split and told me as soon as he got back on the ties sheared and he had to hobble up the road about a mile to the Shimano truck and get a bolt.  Needless to say this but me further behind at the start and it was just part of the day.  I stopped at all the rest stops but no more than about 5 minutes (except for Electra (the 50 mile mark), Margaretville (80 miles) and the ones that I waited for the potty-those took a bit longer!)  The stops were nice and well stocked.  I mostly just refilled my bottles and was off again.
The first stint into the wind came when we broke off from the 100K course and headed south.  It wasn’t all that bad, maybe a 12-15 MPH wind, but I did slow to about 10-11 MPH according to my Polar.  (I had Strava going on the phone but it quit at the 40 mile mark.  I had phone battery issues the rest of the ride.)  Got to going east again and if you read Bud’s account that’s what we all experienced.  The tail wind was welcome, but the chipseal took the advantage.  I did average about 20 MPH on the northerly stretch which boosted my confidence a lot.  I was feeling really good at every stop up until about 70.  I started to get slight recumbutt on the right side and just had to work through it.
Then I made the turn south at Margaretville, right into the wind.  By this time it was about 25-30 (I would find out the reading at the 85 mile stop.  They told us they were closing the course and that took my gusto to finish out, deflating the sails figuratively, because the wind would have easily kept them full!!  After some conversation we discovered that they were automatically SAGing from the #6 stop-I was at 8A!  I COULD do this.  So back on the bike and headed off into the wind again.  After about ½ a mile at 6-7 MPH, I realized that this was going to take me another 2-2.5 hours to finish the last 14 or so miles and I took the rest stop at about the 88 mile mark and waited for the SAG.  I didn’t feel at all bad though as the conversation of the veteran riders who were already there was about how they had never ridden in THAT kind of headwind at the HHH.  My main concern was that I could finish, but as I knew my phone was dead I had no way to contact Dave whom I carpooled with.  Of course at this time I didn’t know he lost his phone either.  The SAG ride took almost 30 minutes to go the 14 miles, so I wasn’t too sad that I called it.  (“A man’s got to know his limitations.”- Spock)  
After finally getting back to the convention center, I hopingly glanced around for Dave’s van but knew that was a long shot.  I still had to get back to the church which I figured he would be at if he were waiting on me.  So back on the bike again, and yep you guessed it-right back into that wind for a very steep uphill and a mile or so before turning onto 10th street and the cross wind, which seemed like a huge relief!  All of the details worked out after that and I called the day at 91 miles.  Furthest I’ve ever gone.
The most often asked question I got for the day was: “Do you have any beer in there!?” referring to the Aerotrunk I had on the back.  I did use it to pick up a bottle on the side of the road…I could have sold bottles and made a fortune if I had picked up more!!  Maybe next time… Smiley      
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012, 10:22am by JimFPU »  

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Reply #7 - Aug 26th, 2012, 10:51am
Dave/Jim - Did either of you happen to get my bottle that fell out of my right side cage at about mile 4?  Needless to say that cage is going and will be replaced.
Ended up stopping at about every rest stop except the first and last on the 100k route since I was riding with only 1 bottle but kept them short just filling up with drink.  After living in WF for 4 years going to college - I knew that south stretch into the wind was going to be tough.  I'm glad I was hitting it at mile 50 instead of 84 like you 100 milers.  I knew I wasn't tough enough yesterday to ride the 100 miles.
There was some fun to be had running north along the small rollers with the wind at your back.  I was blowing the socks off some roadies going by at 34 mph.  I went by so fast I couldn't really make out what they said but one was astonished I was passing so quickly.  I did meet up with a roadie that was giving me all I wanted.  He was a big guy probably in his 60s riding on his aero bars catching my draft riding about 28 when I couldn't hold it any longer - I pulled off slowed down and let him go by.  As he passed I told him he sure was fast - i was struggling to get it out as I was breathing so hard. He said he just wished he had bigger gears on his bike and took off - he didn't appear to be working at all.
Going through the Airforce Base is still the best part of the entire trip!    
Edit:  Don't get the impression I was doing the whole ride fast - I finished w/ 14.5 avg.  The 10 mile stretch into the wind where I had a 10 mph avg really killed my overall avg.  For comparison - I had a 19 avg on the lowracer last year on the 100k.  Given the choice between heat and wind I think I will take heat everytime.
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« Last Edit: Aug 26th, 2012, 10:58am by TonyWard »  

The road goes on forever and the party never ends - Robert Earl Keen
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Reply #8 - Aug 26th, 2012, 11:05am
Quote from dd5339 on Aug 26th, 2012, 7:40am:
I saw Rat Rider come SMOKING past on his Apache, (we were doing 21 and change and he just blew right on by us).  Did anyone see that velomobile anywhere out on the course?  He was at the start and then just disappeared, I'm guessing he just smoked the route.

I kept jockeying with a carbon low racer in the last 16 miles - he ended up finishing before me and I talked to him for a couple minutes after the finish.  I just now realized that was probably Rat Rider - the thought crossed my mind when we were talking but he wasn't what I had in mind so I didn't ask.  Guess I should have.
I parked next to the guy with the velo.  When I got back to the car his trailer was still empty.  I'm sure he was probably done w/ the ride - he must have been out trying to sell some.  Talked to him in the morning and he is from OKC.  Gave me his card but here is his site:
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The road goes on forever and the party never ends - Robert Earl Keen
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Reply #9 - Aug 26th, 2012, 12:05pm
Quote from TonyWard on Aug 26th, 2012, 10:51am:
Dave/Jim - Did either of you happen to get my bottle that fell out of my right side cage at about mile 4?  

Nope...the one I picked up was around mile 73.
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'13 Bluevelo carbon Quest QB 74 - The Flaming Eyeball
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Reply #10 - Aug 26th, 2012, 12:28pm
Tony, I picked up a bottle around mile 40 or so...    
Semper Fi
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Reply #11 - Aug 26th, 2012, 12:35pm
This was my first year to ride at HHH so I wasn't quite sure what to expect. I flip-flopped for two weeks trying to decide between bike or trike but the stability of the trike finally won out. Better to avoid the accident than to cause it. When a guy took a hideous crash right next to me, early in the ride, it reassured me that I made the right decision. It must have been quite a pleasant day in Hell yesterday because the temps sure were nice in Wichita Falls.  Still, the devil was definitely in that wind.
Staying at the church was great. I almost didn't go because I didn't think there was anyplace left to stay until Dianna told me about the church. I had thought it was full but  only the men's section was full. We had lots of space upstairs. The nice folks at the church also let my husband shower and change there, after the ride even though he didn't stay there Friday night. We are both already signed up for next year.
I missed the recumbent start because I had left my shoes and helmet at home by mistake. My husband drove up to bring them but didn't get to the church until just after 6:30. However, they allowed me to go to the front and get started right before the flyover so I had the course by myself for a few (very few) minutes before being overtaken by the hordes. Later, when I turned off for the 50 mile route, I was completely alone for quite a while and began to be concerned that I had gone the wrong way but a nice police officer assured me I was still on course a few miles later.  The Air Base was fantastic and really gave me a boost when I needed one most. Every single one of those folks on the right hand side of the street high-fived me as I rode through. My hand has still not recovered but it was definitely a rush. Another place that was outstanding was Burkburnett. God bless those folks for having some of the smoothest streets around. After slogging along on crappy asphalt that threatened to pop out my fillings, Burkburnett was like an oasis. The people there were very friendly too. I made surprisingly good time until the turn into the wind took me from 18 mph to 8. It was a little frustrating but then I started passing bicycles so I persevered. I skipped the 1st and 3rd rest stops, stopped at the 4th because all those electrolyte supplements give me heartburn, then skipped all the rest because I felt if I stopped in the wind, I might not want to start again. My knees started to get a little sore. I used my new Camelbak and am pleased to note that it not only carried enough water for the day but also kept it cold for the entire ride. I also used the Endomondo app for the ride and it did a nice job of tracking the course but not using up my battery. My only casualty of the day was a lost pair of sunglasses. Note to self: never try to keep riding while removing a helmet to put on a headband. The sunglasses popped off with the helmet and I didn't notice they were gone until I went to put the helmet back on. I didn't finish with any amazing stats, 11.8 mph average, finished in just under 4 1/2 hours. Nothing compared to a bike but respectable enough for the trike. What was most important to me was enjoying the ride and finishing the distance. Mission accomplished.
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Reply #12 - Aug 26th, 2012, 12:43pm
Quote from TonyWard on Aug 26th, 2012, 10:51am:
Dave/Jim - Did either of you happen to get my bottle that fell out of my right side cage at about mile 4?

Yours might possibly be one of the ones I picked up along that stretch. I snagged two, fumbled a third and couldn't safely get to the other strewn about the roadway. There was about a 1/4 to 1/2 mile stretch where it looked like a dozen or more people dropped their bottles. The guy that crashed next to me fell because he hit one and flipped his bike. I just tossed them off to the side, though,  because I didn't have a way to carry them.
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Rat Rider
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Reply #13 - Aug 26th, 2012, 3:18pm

I have done 25 or 26 HHHs, including HHH#1. Saturday's route had only one deal breaker for me, the set of cattle guards in Wilbarger county.  I could forgive them all the poor roads, of which they can't control, and the rest stops, that gleaned unusual amounts of criticism. But cattle guards are where I draw the line.
I was annoyed at the ending when EVERYBODY convened, to get to the base. It was almost as bad as the beginning when you start at the back. I stayed in the left lane passing masses of riders of every description. A little too crowded, probably not a healthy mix that late in the ride.
All the whining aside, a great ride - mostly because the weather was so mild. The base, the static display, and the troops were a big hit in my opinion.
Was somebody from here on a yellow Xstream? It was laid way back. The only reason I ask is it looked like it had 700's.
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Reply #14 - Aug 26th, 2012, 6:17pm
The new route is NOT an improvement...  Good to see everybody, and kudos to Jim for trying the big 100 miler!!!  I'll post more later, including pics...  I rode with Dave Rothgeb - we hit it hard for 50 miles, then backed off, finishing at ~1:30
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