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4 person team RAAM-2012 (Read 3175 times)
Killer Bee
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4 person team RAAM-2012
Jun 30th, 2012, 3:17pm
Peggy, Linda Metcalfe & myself left Dallas on June 13th & flew to San Diego, CA where we would meet up with some of teammates. The group of "strangers" we were ready to meet would soon become close personal friends that we would share a bond with. The experiences, memories, & friendships would last a lifetime. I was an alternate rider for Team Sarcoma, but due to an unfortunate injury to a rider a few weeks before RAAM, I now found myself in position of a rider. I had trained for RAAM & had the mindset that I would be riding. When I received the call to ride, I was ready.
Team Sarcoma powered by Bacchetta bikes (4 person team) & 14 crew would gather at the Motel 6 in Oceanside,CA to ready 3 mini-vans & RV. The crew would take care of vehicle storage, logistics, & bike maintenance. So the Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday before RAAM (RAAM starts for teams on Saturday, June 16th-12:00pm PST, which is really 3:00pm EST-RAAM time from here on out). It's amazing how quickly the days would disappear , so many items to complete, so little time. The team took 1/2 day to travel north of Oceanside to a state park to practice both rolling exchanges (daytime,while moving, both rider, the incoming rider passes the rear wheel of the outgoing rider ) & night (cold swap- the outgoing rider must position his bike in the follow vehicle lights, wait on the incoming rider to pass them & come to a complete stop before taking off with his follow vehicle in tow) exchanges.
The team received a surprise on Sat.morning while heading off to team breakfast. Brenda Barnell showed up & brought rice krispy treat with her for crew & racers. Brenda was such a joy to have around before the start. She was like a kid in a candy store. A multiple RAAM rider, so has the RAAM bug in a big way & wanted to join our team in the worst way.
Our team was set up with 4 riders. The riders were broken into 2 groups, 2 riders would ride 4 hours(each of the rider would ride for 3o mins, then swap with the other rider). Then after 4 hours, the next set of riders would take their 4 hr rotation(each racer riding for 30 mins). The first group would return to the RV to eat & sleep.
My first rotation came after the "glass elevator" , a fast tricky descent (8 miles long, do to windy conditions). Borrego Springs in the middle of desert was my 1st pull. After waiting 4+ hrs, I made the exchange with the incoming rider. I was amped up, I could feel the adrenaline flowing. I just rode with it, this is RAAM!
After a couple of rotations, I finally settled into a rhythm. I remember vividly riding through the Imperial Sand Dunes (at night, I would soon learn that I would lose track of all time,not knowing what day it was) & rolling along at 20mph+ & seeing off road vehicles playing in the dunes with bright lights on the vehicles. That looked like so much fun! I wanted to play too.
Our team rolled on to AZ. I remember Congress AZ, time station. Along the route, the follow vehicle would call our team name/# into assigned time stations along the route (54 total time stations on RAAM), the begin of the Yarnell grade (I call the Brenda Barnell grade),an 8 mile climb up to Prescott,AZ. The climbs to Prescott seem endless. The RAAM route book (aka the bible) states the yarnell grade climbs 1,800 ft in 7 miles. After the yarnell grade, the route averages more than 130 ft of climbing per mile. The most difficult section of climbing west of Maryland.
My race partner & I made short work of this section (it's all relative on a bike, in the heat). We traversed this section 46+ miles in 3 hrs. The other teammates were expecting
it to take 5 hrs.
We rode on (of course, this RAAM, what else are we going to do!) I recall riding through Flagstaff,AZ, but nothing too memorable here. I do remember riding from Tuba City, AZ to Kayenta, AZ through the Navajo Indian reservation. The crosswinds were tricky on the descents. We were heading to Monument Valley, UT. Unfortunately, we arrived early in the morning. in 2010, Peggy & I crewed for Mark Metcalfe during RAW (race across the west which follows the same route as RAAM form Oceanside, CA but stops in Durango,CO. Mark arrived in Monument Valley early evening, so we were able to take the beauty of this area).
I did get the fast descent into Mexican Hat, UT. The road was rough & I was getting thrown out out of my seat from the bumps in the road. The next section I remember was the another fast descent into Durango,CO. 8+ miles & the crosswinds were really strong, blowing me into the lane of traffic. The should was full of debris & loose sand/gravel. The next memorable section were the climbs into the Rockies. Pagosa Springs, Wolf Creek Pass (highest point on RAAM-11,000" elevation-the Continental divide). We threw all 4 racers onto this climb. Short pulls 1/2 to 3/4 mile. One teammates got the fast descent from Wolf Creek through 2 mountain tunnels reaching speeds close to 60 mph.  
Onto Alamosa CO, I could see what I thought was rain cloud on the mountain peaks. Not rain, but smoke from the CO wildfires. The next climb was Cuchara Pass. Another mountain pass. The descent was the most harrowing for me. It's a 20 mile, fast descent. The winds were howling (50+ mph). I had 3 or 4 times were the wind literally ripped the handlebars front wheel from me. The follow van had a difficult time staying on the road, getting blow from side to side. Imagine how I a 160 lb rider felt on a 20lb bike!
Finally, we were off the Rockies (they always add a touch of anxiety for me because due to the elevation, the weather is so changeable/variable-rain,sleet, snow, wind). Now onto the flatlands of eastern CO & Kansas. Our team set the fastest avg speed form time station to time station during RAAM. Trinidad,CO to Kim, CO-just a tick under 30 mph avg! Too cool!
Kansas! The winds started out in the morning as a quartering crosswinds, but as the sun rose, the winds became stronger & stronger & now a crosswind. 40-50+ mph crosswinds. Visibility was a couple hundred yards (blowing sand/dirt). I remember passing a team from England (Beefeaters) & turned to the rider & joked "wait to the wind really starts blowing!". he rider just dropped his head.  
The wind was so strong that I broke a bike on another teams carrier. A roof rack on one of follow van was damaged. This is crazy! Nope, it's RAAM. Anything can go wrong & does. It just did. My next rotation saw a teammate slowly, painfully make to the exchange. He literally fell off the bike after the exchange. He could not walk to the RV by himself. Three crew members physically carried him outside of the RV. He had collapsed. That really bothered me. he was in bad shape. The crew made the decision, he would be admitted to a hospital. Luckily, Greensburg, KS had a nice,modern hospital. 2 crew members drove him to the hospital & spent the night with him. He was severely dehydrated. He weight about 155lbs, but had lost 10 lbs & received 5 liters of IV fluid.  
We were now a 3 person team. Our rotation was 2 hr solo pulls,then that rider would rotate with another rider for 2 hrs-sharing 30 min pulls. We hit MO & rode across Ozarks. These suckers are short, steep climbs. Somewhere in MO, a teammate had a friend who was a pilot. The pilot was flying a bi-plane. The Bi-plane spotted us on the road & was buzzing me with low level flying. I was locked in a zone, I didn't know anything about the bi-plane until after my pull (at the RV), the pilot was there & the crew clued me in on who he was & what had happened. I began passing solo RAAM riders in MO. Some looked like death on a bicycle, & they have another 1,000+ miles to go!
At this spot (somewhere in MO), I decided to take a nature break in the woods. I mention this because this is where I received encountered my first ever tick. I didn't notice it until the following day when I was putting on clean riding clothes. Thankfully a crew member calmly pulled off the parasite. Nasty little bugers!
One of my high points was riding into Jerfferson City,MO. This is where the crew (God bless them) were like a security blanket. Navigating ,telling me turn by turn via PA system. We were on a busy , busy Hwy (Hwy 54). I hate riding in traffic, let alone a busy highway. The navigator (Kevin Kaiser-a multipe RAAM solo rider) calmly talked me through this (I called it "talking me off the ledge"). Riding passed the MO capital at night was really cool. The capital is beautiful old building, brilliantly lit, with round abouts.
We head off,my teammate was suppose to take this section, but the follow fan had taken a wrong exit prior to the Jefferson City & then that follow van would have a flat. SO my 30 min pull turned into a long 2+hr pull. I was rolling, easily 20+ mph into steep climbs that parallel the Katy Trail in MO. I was suppose to ride for 4 hrs, but like I said before, this RAAM & sh*t happens. I was out for a 5+ hrs. But having fun!
The next morning saw the return of stricken teammate. What a huge boost to out team morale just knowing he was OK, & back to riding. We rolled through Illinois & Indiana. I had made a request to ride through TS#39. Bloomington, IN. I a native Hoosier & went to school at I.U. We rode past Memorial Stadium. All those foggy memories of college. The roads around Bloomington were busy with traffic & road construction. I did get to say hi (& a wave) to our friend Tom Robertshaw (who was manning the time station. Tom is the race director for Heart of the South 200/500 mile ultra distance bike race). Good to see Tom, but gotta go.
Heading east toward OH, Oxford is cool college town(Miami of Ohio), lots of rolling hills. Then continuing on to the Appalachians in Eastern OH, West Virginia.I rode through Athens, OH (another college town-University of Ohio)on brick paved roads. Luckily , is was not raining. That would have been tricky.  
Another busy road section in West Virginia (Hwy 50E). Are you kidding me. Time for the follow van to talk me off the ledge again. Some of the roads (highways) we had no business riding a bike on. This is stupid!(I said that to myself on more than one occasion). Get me off this road. When is this going to end?!
Now we are firmly in the Appalachians. A slight rain shower jacked up the humidity, there was a fog hanging on the mountains. Gorgeous scenery, but really tough, steep climbs. The RAAM route book says parkesburg,WV has some of the most difficult climbs in RAAM. There is more elevation gained in this section than any other section of RAAM. At the end of one of my pulls into Grafton, WA, my follow vehicle encounters another flat tire. Since it's daylight, I can ride ahead with no follow vehicle. As the exchange with my teammate, I head 6 miles up steep mountain climbs. Really steep.  They hurt the legs. 8-10% for 2-3 miles at a time. At the end of rotation, a rain shower managed to cool me off for the last minute of my climb. I crested the climb & see the RV. Thank God. Time to let others have fun with these climbs.  
After a quick rest/food, I woke up in the RV. Today was Peggy's birthday & our 27th wedding anniversary. Surprisingly,the crew bought us a cake & we all sang Happy Birthday to Peggy in the RV. Those are type of memories that I will never forget.  
We're heading to Maryland. I had no idea what was in store. 4 major climbs between Cumberland,MD & Hancock, MD. The RAAM route book says this is the most difficult section of RAAM measure in feet per climbing per mile. No joke! My teammate & I rode this section, it was 37 miles, but took us most of our rotation.  
During this entire time across the country, we were passing other teams (team 402 Herbert Schwartz from Germany for one),our team was flip flopping with them. At night, they passed us on a climb. The next day was to be the highlight of RAAM for me.
I was resigned to the fact that I would not get to ride through Gettysburg (Gettysburg National Park. The Battlefields). My teammates knew I wanted to ride through & were gracious enough to let me have this section. How cool was this! We arrived early morning at the battlefied, sun was just cresting the hills, a fog laid across the valley. This is a sacred placed & I could feel how special of a place this is. At the same time, we see the RV for the German team. They're close. I'm riding through the battlefield site with my head on a swivel (looking left/right) flying along at 20-25 mph trying to take in sights/history & trying to run this team down.
Outside out Gettysburg, on a sweeping right hand, downhill curve, I see the German team.
I screamed "I got you!". I'm flying at 35 mph & I'm closing fast on the guy. I fly by him & smugly say "good morning!" The rider says nothing, but I see his head drop. I continue on up the road a mile or so & make an exchange with my teammate. I yell as we make the exchange "we got 'em. Don't let them pass you!" He didn't we never saw that team again.
Prior to that pass,the last 100 miles was pins & needles. We had come 2,800 miles & this the teams were so close to one another. How cool! How much fun! We're heading to Annapolis!
We are required to stop at time station # 54 Rams head (Shell gas station) where RAAM officials will escort our team into the city docks of Annapolis. The race is officially over. What a thrill! We made it. 2,995 miles in 6 days, 21 hrs, 29 mins.
The riders had the easy job. We pedaled the bike & steered. The crew was amazing. 14 strangers came together just over a week ago & formed a cohesive unit that safely & successfully got us riders across the country. There is no RAAM without crew. I will forever grateful to the crew for sacrificing their time/efforts for this event. Thank you. The friendships &  memories will last a lifetime. AND NO PENALTIES for our team. Amazing, because RAAM has rules, upon rule, upon rules.  
Of  the 4 person teams, Team Sarcoma (T#427) won our age group, our category & managed to set the fastest avg. time from TS to TS during RAAM 2012. Take 14 crew & 4 riders & place them in a stressful environment for 7 days. But to the credit of our team, everyone is still friendly & speaking at the finish. There were RAAM teams that couldn't say this.  
Great job everyone, what a ride!  
Special thanks to Peggy, my beloved wife who made endless sacrifices prior to,during & post RAAM. WIthout you RAAM 2012 would not have been possible. ANd to Kellie Moylan (coach Kellie) had me mentally/physically ready for RAAM. I felt stronger the 2nd half of RAAM than I did the 1st half.  My contribution was 877 miles of the 2,995 miles.  
-Steve Petty
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #1 - Jun 30th, 2012, 3:43pm
I don't know what to say....wow doesn't seem to be big enough.  Thank you for taking the time to write and post your story.  I can't believe one of our own was out there accomplishing such a feat!  That is a once in a lifetime adventure ... with the results you turned in I don't think it will be a once in a lifetime adventure to you!  I hope to read another RAAM report from you in the future.   Smiley
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #2 - Jun 30th, 2012, 4:33pm
Smiley Smiley awsome accomplishment! Thank you for taking time to post for us. Now I have more detail somin my sleep/dreams I can have a big adventure  Smiley
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recumbent ninja

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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #3 - Jun 30th, 2012, 4:44pm
That's my boy!   Smiley
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rbent member

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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #4 - Jun 30th, 2012, 6:07pm
Great write-up!
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #5 - Jun 30th, 2012, 9:21pm
Fantastic write up!  Thanks for posting that.
Semper Fi
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Posts: 465
Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #6 - Jul 1st, 2012, 3:57pm
I want to read Peggy's write up, the crew is far more interesting than the rider, since the rider should never know all the things that went wrong.
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Killer Bee
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #7 - Jul 1st, 2012, 4:37pm
Quote from AustinSkater on Jul 1st, 2012, 3:57pm:
I want to read Peggy's write up, the crew is far more interesting than the rider, since the rider should never know all the things that went wrong.

Bryan, you're so right! I left out the part as I was riding into Jefferson City, MO at about 7:30pm. We were a few blocks from the capital (stopped at a stop light), when this bum comes staggering up to me asking me for a drink. This dude was so loaded that he could barely stand up or speak. I just started laughing & the follow vehicle behind me is telling me to keep going & ignore this guy. I'm on a bike, where can I go to avoid this drunk?!
Or one of the incredibly steep climbs in MD, it was so humid (early morning) outside my cleats were drenched with water. I clipped in with one foot , as my teammate passed me, the climb was so steep & the cleats were so wet, I could not stop to clip in(otherwise I would fall over). So I rested my left foot on the pedal & pedaled with my right foot for the next 2 miles up this monster climb.
Or how supportive other RAAM teams are of other riders. I was riding along somewhere in OH (just past Oxford, OH early in the morning), & an 8 person team were waiting to make an exchange with the their riding behind me & the entire team (RV crew & riders) start clapping encouraging me & said "way to go RAAM rider!". That just makes you feel so good.
Oh, Bryan... Peggy wasn't bitten by a tick Smiley
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #8 - Jul 1st, 2012, 9:38pm
Congrats, Steve!
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Killer Bee
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #9 - Jul 2nd, 2012, 3:02pm
Quote from Bud_Bent on Jul 1st, 2012, 9:38pm:
Congrats, Steve!

Bud, thanks. All the glory goes to the crew. Without crew there is no RAAM. The 4 riders were well taken care of during RAAM. Lets get together so & do some kind of bike  ride.
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #10 - Jul 2nd, 2012, 6:25pm
Amazing effort and write up! Thank you for posting Smiley
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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #11 - Jul 2nd, 2012, 9:48pm
Steve, an experience like that is something that you'll remember fondly the rest of your life (even if you're crazy enough to do it another time in the future!)...  and while Peggy will obviously have different memories of those 3000 miles, you've created a very unique shared experience together.  Congratulations on many, many levels...  We're proud of your skinny butt...!!!!
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Killer Bee
Five Star Member

CA2.0 proto type

Posts: 1308
Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #12 - Jul 3rd, 2012, 11:18pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 2nd, 2012, 9:48pm:
Steve, an experience like that is something that you'll remember fondly the rest of your life (even if you're crazy enough to do it another time in the future!)...  and while Peggy will obviously have different memories of those 3000 miles, you've created a very unique shared experience together.  Congratulations on many, many levels...  We're proud of your skinny butt...!!!!

Paul, the rear end is even skinnier now. I burned over 56,000 calories during my 877 miles,6 day odyssey.
I would do it again, BUT it's very,very expensive. RAAM 4 person team entry fee is $10,000.Smiley
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Pedalin` Peggy

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Re: 4 person team RAAM-2012
Reply #13 - Jul 5th, 2012, 6:42pm
I could not be more proud of Steve and the team. It was very sepical to have been able to be with Steve on this great adventure.  
As for Steve's skinny butt, it just gets skinnier, stronger and faster. Look out TTT here we come!!!!!!!
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