So with the pleasant success of last Saturday's first CCRBENT ride, what about June? The 9th is out (Collin Co Classic), the 17th is out (Fathers Day) too. That leaves for the weekends, June 2-3, 10,16, 23-24 & 30th. Any other upcoming pay rides in June I didn't account for? Major Brevets or Randos on the schedule? What about having 2 different rides? One for slower pace and social, and the other longer/faster? I know some folks are looking to explore the more northern roads, and some folks are not ready for that yet. Dave would be happy leading the faster group I am sure, and I would be happy guiding either a slower social ride, or a longer ride but at about a 12-13mph avg. Just chime in with your thoughts and ideas, help select a date or two, and what your preference is on distance and pacing. Vic