'16 ICE SprintX fs, '16 Rocket, '12 KHS Mocha
Posts: 5803
2nd verse, same as the first, a little bit louder and........ maybe a lot more riders! Let's do the same thing we're trying on the 15th, on the 29th... 7:45AM -- roll out from Preston/Forest (regular GDB Airport Ride start location), to ride 13 miles at ~16-18mph out to Bicycles Plus, arriving 8:30ish 8:30 - 9:00AM -- Gathering at Bicycles Plus, northwest corner of MacArthur and Belt Line 9:00AM -- rollout - group rides together at casual pace, ~6 miles across Belt Line to Freeport south to Airport Shell station at 114. 9:30AM -- Groups split into "turtle", "Counterclockwise", and "Clockwise" riding groups. "Turtle" group finishes ride back at Bicycles Plus. "CW" and "CCW" groups meet again at 114 Shell Station, then ride together back to Bicycles Plus 11:30AMish -- probable return time to Bicycles Plus for all groups. Lunch location is a group decision. Riders who started at Preston/Forest may not stay for lunch -- if you're in this group, you probably know the way back!