Quote from jayg on Mar 23rd, 2011, 6:14pm:Quote from Patti on Mar 23rd, 2011, 1:36pm:Quote from jayg on Mar 22nd, 2011, 5:11pm: I'll be there, unless forecasts indicate there will be a good chance for rain. Understood. I'm not real crazy about 45mph winds, either. Had hoped to be riding a Big Cat product, as you Texas Catrikers will be riding, but unfortunately there seem to be some production problems with regards to the Musashi. RBM has had one on order for over a month and Easy Street Recumbents for almost 3 weeks. The last time I checked, they didn't know when their orders would be filled. I own a Catrike "Speed", but I'm not going to ride a 16"-wheeled trike on chipseal. Will be riding my trusty Carbent 50 miles with 2 other RBENT high racer riders - John S and Corsa Ken. Looking forward to that Outback Steakhouse lunch, after the Ride. I was going to do this ride but instead will do a couple of bigger rides down in Houston, most of the route is my normal nightly ride and you don't have to worry about chipseal. It does have a couple of short steep hills on Hilltop rd but that's about it