Here's what I'm thinking: we have a little ride on this Sunday. two distances. One approximately 30 miles, and one 45-60. For the 30 milers, the route will be mostly MUP trails with only 1/4 mile of lightly traveled road. 12 mph average pace with regroups - very doable. For the 45-60, we will bridge beyond that onto nearly 100% very good roads with little traffic where we can go whatever speed we please, with regroups. I can include a 4.5 mile drag race in the route so we can square off and have some fun and watch Mark and Steve leave us in the dust. I can have this ride start and end at a shopping center right off the trail that has a Red, Hot, N Blue Memphis style BBQ and we can socialize without worrying about what to bring. Finally, it's an easy 3 mile bike to my place where we could enjoy poolside lounging with or without adult beverages. You could also drive there of course. There is also a trinity trails parking lot right next to my place so it would be even easier to do some swimming if you so choose. We'd ride out from that parking lot about 7:30 to go meet everyone else. Any thoughts?