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TTTT 2009 (Read 5717 times)

'16 ICE SprintX fs,
'16 Rocket, '12 KHS

Posts: 5803
TTTT 2009
Sep 27th, 2009, 12:15pm
I probably shouldn't be the first one to post on this, since I played such a relatively minor part, but I'll tell you this much:   This new course is TOUGH...
But once again, the RBENT family was a wonderful group to be a part of -- always willing to help each other (and other riders), and cheering each and everyone on in their efforts.  There were riders across the whole spectrum of entry classifications, so somebody was ALWAYS out on the course.  I also met Dave Townes who came down from Illinois, and John-Scott Freeman who came in from Oklahoma, and finally met Kent for the first time!!  And it was pretty cool to have John Schlitter right there in the middle of us!!!
Personally, the 6-hour kicked my butt...  I only managed three laps (79 miles) in a little over 5 hours, despite pulling a 1:20 on the first lap -- probably too freaking fast, actually.... and couldn't do a fourth due to muscle cramps and a blister on my right heel from a shoe problem...  but of the 20ish entries in the 6-hour division, only about three even ATTEMPTED a fourth lap, so that'll tell you something.  This course is just constant up/down/up/down for the vast majority of it, and is just a grind.
I am simply amazed and awed at what Steve, Peggy, Greg, Kent, Robert, Bryan, Nelson, and (yes, even) John S. accomplished out there in the 24 hour and 500 mile divisions.. GAWD....   And Ray and the Foursome hit it hard, as well...  Lap times were typically around an hour and forty-five minutes, which is another indication of what a beating this course is.  (And condolences to Steve Barlow, on his knee injury...  he was going strong, and something went "pop"!!!)
Congrats to all, and fast healing!!!!  
PS -- also a big thanks to Mark (EVBlazer), who worked his tail off all weekend, running errands, driving SAG, and manning the halfway point corner!!!  Hope you're not too sunburned!!!  And to Bud for manning a corner for part of Saturday, as well!
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2009, 3:09pm by FlyingLaZBoy »  

"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
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mostly a commuter

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Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #1 - Sep 27th, 2009, 1:30pm
I had a great time, and it was great to see the bents ride so well!  I suppose for my own ride I winged it a bit too much, but I stuck with my rule of only ride when its fun, and that way you're always having fun.  I rode the Corsa for the 1st 4 laps and was doing OK at that point, @6.5 hrs of racing. The next 3 were on the Barcroft and I took increasingly larger breaks 10-15 minutes per lap, and slowed down as well.  On lap 7 when Steve B. lapped me I was a bit deflated, and having been up for 24hrs was a bit beat down about not being able to keep up, so tried to take a nap for a couple of hours and failed miserably.  So got back on the bike for 3 laps in the heat, and the last one Lap 10 started well enough, but halfway the wheels came off.  and I crawled in my 10th lap at 3pm, way behind where I wanted to be, and pretty much had packed it in mentally.  I went up took a shower, and laid down and slept a little bit, but for some crazy reason people kept coming and knocking on the door trying to get me back out on the race course, about the last thing I had in mind at that point.  Anyway I went over and had a leisurely Sonic supper, and went down and visited and watched the race a while (Steve and Peggy were doing great!)  and decided @10pm well it might be fun to ride some more, I have the bikes here and all.  So did 3 more laps feeling real good on lap 12 as Greg, Steve, and lastly Bryan went by.  I did one more lap and the wheels started to come off a bit again, and absolutely did not want to ride in the heat again, and there would be no way to avoid that as I was right up against the time limit, so actually got something like 4hrs of beautiful sleep and had fun crewing after I got back up and had a Sonic breakfast.  
  I was thrilled Steve and Peggy had such a great race.  If I recall correctly the overall for the 24 hr race was
Dennis Johnson
Steve Petty
Peggy Petty,
(a bunch of male and female DF riders)
Peggy had come in cooled off and waited for Steve and hit the showers before a DF rider came in, that was fun to watch.
Bryan did the most awesome job, and Shellene crewing!  He raced a near perfect race, which is what it takes to beat the indomitable John Schlitter.
Awful news about Steve B. hurting his knee and hope that heals fast, he was smoking along up to that point.
Ray upped the ante by adding a shoot out lap in the heat, after having Dennis crash on the first lap of their team event leading to the remain 3 having to do a bit more work.  Dennis looked a bit scrapped up, but hopefully nothing turns up broken.
Kent and Greg powered around in some awesome time, not sure what it was yet as I never saw the results, but it was fast.  And Paul definitely left it all on the course going all out in the 6hr in the hottest part of the day.  
It was great meeting Dave Towns, a nicer fellow I could not imagine, and I wish I could have talked more with Dennis Johnson and John (Freeman) from OK.  Always impressive to get to listen to John S. and really look forward to next year!
Take Care,
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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'16 ICE SprintX fs,
'16 Rocket, '12 KHS

Posts: 5803
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #2 - Sep 27th, 2009, 3:08pm
Quote from Kwijybow on Sep 27th, 2009, 1:30pm:
Peggy had come in cooled off and waited for Steve and hit the showers before a DF rider came in, that was fun to watch.

Uhhh, you watched WHAT, exactly, again????   Peggy and Steve in the shower???? Grin
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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mostly a commuter

Posts: 1026
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #3 - Sep 27th, 2009, 3:15pm

Uhhh, you watched WHAT, exactly, again???? Peggy and Steve in the shower????

and now my face is red!  Uh I was definitely not present  for anyone else's shower activities...   Wink
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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Killer Bee
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CA2.0 proto type

Posts: 1308
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #4 - Sep 27th, 2009, 3:50pm
First off, what an outstanding event. Mark Hastings was amazing. He was everywhere(all 2.5 days).  Bud was great on the course too. I think Shellene said it best, anyone that participated in the event is a winner, regardless of where they finished. Thank you both.
Congratulations to all. Steve Barlow was strong  in the 500 milers(get well soon Steve). To say Bryan was strong was the understatement of the year. Way to go Bryan. Very impressive. I can't say enough good things about Shellene. She was absolutely fantastic helping with riders in the pit areas. That was so welcoming to see after from the riders standpoint as we rolled in.
Ray Torrey was amazing after his team lost a man due to a crash. Nelson is truly amazing. I rolled up along side of him on a night lap & he chased me forever. I couldn't shake him. Kent & Greg were amazing to watch(Kent it was good to finally you meet you). Paul rode the 6 hour in the heat of the day, and it was hot! He passed me on my last lap and I was just turning the pedals at he point. I was cooked. Mark Metcalfe showed up & had not been for an ill fated visit to the dentist office the night before the 500 miler, he would have been a factor.
John S was unreal with with a first the lap of 1 hr 12mins. Always good to see & visit with him(notice I didn't say ride with him- I saw him once on the course, right after the start of the 24 hr ride). Not sure where John finished the 500 miles.
I can tell everyone how proud and happy it made to see Peggy ride so strong-316.8 miles(in just over 22+ hours). We had been "chicked".  Amazing.
My ride didn't go according to plan, but do these rider ever go to plan. I had a flat about 1 mile from the pit area(not that would have changed the outcome of the 24 hr event) on one my early morning laps(3 or 4 in the morning right by the Big Rocks park), and rode the bike in for my coach & Shellene to change while I used the bathroom. That threw my pit sequence off. On another early morning lap(at almost the exactly the same location on the course), a female rider & simultaneously rode up on a skunk on our side of the road. The skhunk arched up & started spraying. We both made a quick maneuver to get away from the darn thing, I pedaled my butt off & didn't look back. Meanwhile, the lady rider was screaming in horror, but I think she avoided the spray. I'm sure had I gotten sprayed, my crew would have just told me to keep riding.
I felt really bad for the 48 hour group, they had a really cold,damp night on Thursday to start. Friday evening(start time for the 24 hr solo) was a perfect evening. I really didn't get cool. I used arm warmers just to keep my from getting chilled from the sweat on the descents. There were a few cool spots on the course.  
There were 3 'bents riding in the 24 hr solo event(Peggy, Dennis Johnson-eventual winner and helluva good guy- and myself). Dennis and were riding together for the first 5/6 laps.  
I felt good(as well as you with multiple laps on this course), although I think my nutrition was not where it should have been early in the race, but that the was resolved soon after.  
The last 3 laps were pretty tough, fatigue, heat, and that course(hills). But I finished my first time trial, with a respectable time(for me anyway).  17,000+ ft of climbing during my 13 laps. I finished in 23.30.  
I learned so much. A lot of areas for improvement. I need to get stronger ,but I enjoyed myself. I really enjoyed the camaraderie.  
Congratulations to all riders, volunteers , and spouses. For those on the fence about next year, come and the event(there's plenty of categories).
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Killer Bee
Five Star Member

CA2.0 proto type

Posts: 1308
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #5 - Sep 27th, 2009, 3:55pm
Quote from Kwijybow on Sep 27th, 2009, 3:15pm:

Uhhh, you watched WHAT, exactly, again????   Peggy and Steve in the shower????

and now my face is red!  Uh I was definitely not present  for anyone else's shower activities...   Wink

Oh, that was you Nelson? The shower was pretty much community property anyway. I lost count how many people got a shower in our room.  Smiley
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Posts: 349
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #6 - Sep 27th, 2009, 5:09pm
It was a great event!  Thanks Greg, for inviting me to ride with you. I wasn't mentally or physically prepared to do a solo and the relay was just what I needed. And you did great. It's neat to see how people hold up to stress in events like these and the little I saw of you during the race, you were 100%.  
It was really great to finally meet the rbent family. Put real faces to names and have fun riding and joking with all of you. Wonderful to watch everyone perform so well (racers and crew and workers) and have so much fun doing really hard work under rough conditions.
Bryan! You da Man! Fabulous performance out there. Always looking great, wearing a mouse-eating grin on your face, having waaaay too much fun.
The course was great, barring a few spots. Really allowed a 'bent to open up and fly. I need to lose some weight before I do it again though...
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Spherical Cows, Dude! Ranch Racing
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #7 - Sep 27th, 2009, 6:13pm
Here's my write up.  You guys tell me what you want to add and I'll make some change and post it to BROL:
Recumbents dominate Texas Time Trials
The TTTT (www.tt24tt.com) used to be a tough course.  Then the race organizer made it worse.  Basically it’s a loop course of 26.5 miles with, depending on whose Garmin you read, 1200-1600 feet of climbing.  Let’s call it 1400.  It felt like more.  Especially with the rough chipseal roads and constant climbing.  Some big long grades that get bigger the more you ride the loops.  Even the indomitable John Schlitter thought it was the toughest he’s ridden, if my exhaustion-soaked brain correctly recalls.
There were at least 162 entries before race day, perhaps more in the hours leading up to the race.  We staked out our own lane in the pit and supported each other like family.  Wives, friends, and coaches all pulled together to help us turn the pedals, stay on the bike, and prove themselves to be winners and class acts through and through.
Here’s how the recumbents stacked up:
One lap shootout:
- Ray Torrey (Ti-Aero) set recumbent record
6 hour challenge:
- Paul Brown (X-stream prototype) set recumbent record with 3 laps
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/paulandxstreamproto. jpg
12 Hour Challenge:
Scott Freeman (Ti-Aero) set recumbent record with 6 laps.  Sorry Scott – I have no pics!
24 Hour Challenge:
Bents totally dominated.  This was a big field and we captured all the top spots in the field.  I can’t say enough about the solo riders – it takes GUTS to tackle something like this.
Dennis Johnson (CA1) 378 miles and 1st place  overall record by at least a lap.
Steve Petty (Corsa) 346 miles and 2nd place
Peggy Petty (Strada) 319 miles and 3rd place overall beating all the male and female DF riders!  Believe me you WISH you could ride as fast as this lady!
Dave Townes (Giro) don’t know how he ended up, but he rode strong.  I had a dickens of a time catching him in the wee hours.  
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/davetownesoncourse.j pg
One more photo:  Steve and Peggy congratulating each other – too cute:
500 mile Tejas 500 SOLO
Actually it’s 504 miles but who’s counting?  Certainly not me.  1st place overall was some DF dude from Austria.  I dunno how he managed to win given that he only trains on those little speedbumps they call the alps.  Here’s how the bents faired:
Bryan Mckinney (Corsa) 30 hours 10 minutes and 2nd overall
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/bryanwiltsintheheat. jpg
John Schlitter (CA 2.0) Don’t know his time and 3rd overall.  John REALLY stuck it out with stomach issues, hotfoot from the tough roads, and the like.  He’s made of pure willpower and it was cool to watch him go go go.  
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/johnwishinghedneverc ometotexas.jpg
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/?action=view&cur rent=schlitterreadies.jpg
Steve Barlow (Corsa) was set to be next, but unfortunately tore his medial meniscus in his knee 310 miles in.  Somehow I couldn’t get him to man up and get back on the bike.  I guess passing out from the pain and waking up in the middle of the road does that to a guy.
Nelson Ralls (Corsa and Barcroft lowracer) started in the 48 hour slot instead of the 36 and had to ride through the coldest and most humid night I’d ever seen in Texas this time of year.  He showed us all what it meant to be tough.  Getting on the bike again and again.  I have no pics of Nelson – who’s got em?
500 mile Tejas 500 TEAM
4 person:
Ray Torrey rode both his x-stream #1 and his ti-aero in the competiton as a mixed group of 4 with 3 of his DF buddies.  They came in at roughly 38 hours with 1 of their guys getting pretty banged up on the first lap.
http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/?action=view&cur rent=rayfinishing.jpg
2 person:
This was me on my Carbent and and Kent Polk on the Carbon Aero 2.0.  Together we were team Bent Dreams, and dream big we did.  Kent was phenomenal, with half of his laps 1 hour 20 minutes or less.  I did pretty well myself.  Together we not only set the recumbent record of 27 hours 15 minutes, but that set the overall record as well because we beat all the other 2-man teams and the 4 person teams as well.  Kent is such a calm guy, but you should have heard him when he crossed the finish line and got the news.  I’m pretty sure they heard him all the way back home to San Antonio.  I’m so proud to have been his teammate.
Kent:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/CIMG3386.jpg
Greg:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/imdone-wherethechamp agne.jpg
No Limit:
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/reambentdreamsSHAMES thecompetition.jpg
Winning  Congratulations:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/CIMG3393.jpg
Team Bent Dreams and crew:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/CIMG3400.jpg
Accepting the award:  http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v652/aikigreg/tttt%202009/bigsmilesandbentdrea ms.jpg
See the rest of the pictures at:
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I'm in it to Schwinn it.
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #8 - Sep 27th, 2009, 6:15pm
By the way, just to show how much Kent OWNED this course, he had lap times of:
1:22, 1:18, 1:16, 1:19, 1:18, 1:25, 1:25, 1:29, 1:35, 1:20
Mine were:
1:22, 1:22, 1:26, 1:33, 1:35, 1:32, 1:43, 1:41, and 1:35
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2009, 6:17pm by aikigreg »  

I'm in it to Schwinn it.
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Posts: 349
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #9 - Sep 27th, 2009, 8:26pm
In my defense of my 1:35 9th lap, it was the last lap of the night, early morning fog completely covered the road for the first few miles and that unmarked road leading to the big downhill/bridge, a semi came up that road to the left just past the turn with the tents running full brights so I completely lost all vision, wondering where the road and the truck was, I hit a bump just as I was approaching that little jog to the bridge and both of my headlights turned off so I had to guess at where the road went as I sat up at 35+mph in the seat to try to turn at least one of the lights back on, then at the 16.5 mile bridge with the big bump they both turned off again, then heading downhill towards town at 35+mph my left crankarm started clipping something... Yep, my headlight mount had broken and was listing into the left crankarm and as I turned the last corner to head towards the finish line I hit yet another bump and the headlights jumped up into the air so I leapt forward (what word describes throwing your torso and arms forward when your feet are stuck to gadgets in front of you?), and caught the headlights in midair (in the dark, remember) and carried them in my left hand across the line...  How's that for drama (and a great run-on sentence? :^)
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Spherical Cows, Dude! Ranch Racing
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #10 - Sep 27th, 2009, 8:36pm
Dude, all of those lap times are impressive.  I don't think you have to justify it.  We were wiped out!  Or at least I was.
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I'm in it to Schwinn it.
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Posts: 349
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #11 - Sep 27th, 2009, 8:56pm
Not sure how to say this, but while it wasn't an easy course, I think it was a pretty recumbent-friendly course, compared to what our road bike friends had to deal with. Our times show it. Yeah, a few steepish climbs but not long enough to do us in, and some really great speed runs. One of my favorites was that left turn a little ways past Nemo. You had that little climb past the stop sign and could bump it up to about 30 approaching that next left turn and with the little dip at the turn, it was hard for road bikes to take it fast, much less get up to 30 approaching it. But I could carry most of my speed through the turn and usually crest that little rise at over 28 and just barrel down that stretch towards the mile 10 hill. I have no idea how many bikes I passed doing at least 10mph faster than they were on the hill past the turn. Then the rollers after the mile 15 hill... I blew past handfuls of bikes on those uphill runs almost every lap. Simply Precious. Then the BIG Downhill and through town. No words...
I'm just so glad they didn't hold it around here or up in Austin where there be some really killer climbs...
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Spherical Cows, Dude! Ranch Racing
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Posts: 349
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #12 - Sep 27th, 2009, 9:02pm
Quote from aikigreg on Sep 27th, 2009, 8:36pm:
Dude, all of those lap times are impressive.  I don't think you have to justify it.  We were wiped out!  Or at least I was.

Oh yeah, I was wiped out. I broke down and had to use my baby ring on the Nemo and mile 10 hills on lap 9. I wasn't expecting that. Gotta lose some weight. :^(
But even with all that, I was still having a blast. At least that's what I remember...
I was shooting at humor with the defense posting, but I still have this vivid memory of thinking I didn't want those headlights to scratch my pretty new CA2 paintjob!  :^)
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« Last Edit: Sep 27th, 2009, 9:20pm by goatstick »  

Spherical Cows, Dude! Ranch Racing
RailGun performance seats
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'16 ICE SprintX fs,
'16 Rocket, '12 KHS

Posts: 5803
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #13 - Sep 27th, 2009, 9:34pm
'SIMPLY PRECIOUS", he says....   good lord.....    Smiley
Greg, you've got Peggy's photo in for Kent....
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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Posts: 349
Re: TTTT 2009
Reply #14 - Sep 27th, 2009, 9:50pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 27th, 2009, 9:34pm:
'SIMPLY PRECIOUS", he says....   good lord.....    Smiley

Greg, you've got Peggy's photo in for Kent....

Oh no. What did I do now? What am I missing?
But seriously, between the mile 15 hill and the last climb was a blast. I just start giggling when I think of it. Especially this one guy on that last hill who saw me coming so climbed out of the saddle and started cranking, only to watch me just motor up that hill past him. He screamed something but I went by so fast I couldn't understand him. It sounded like he was pissed but I can't see that I did anything wrong - just walked on past him.  
Now I want to be cautious here... I know this probably sounds like I'm bragging and my wife cautioned me about this so I tried to explain that I think there were three parts to why it was so much fun: Yeah, there's maybe a tiny bit of the competitive thing there, but hey, be honest, he's most likely stronger than I am, but I'm maybe smarter (or probably luckier) to pick a better vehicle. :^) But the main part is something like piloting a small private aircraft, you just leave the ground and watch all the little cars and trucks slide past...
It's the bike...
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Spherical Cows, Dude! Ranch Racing
RailGun performance seats
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