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LSR Two Flags Brevets (Read 5574 times)

Posts: 3310
LSR Two Flags Brevets
Apr 25th, 2009, 10:07pm
This morning at 7:00 am was the start of the LSR Two Flags Brevets in Denison. There were 200k, 300k, 400k, and 600k routes to choose from. I didn't hear a count of how many rode, but it looked like a pretty good turnout. I rode the 200k. This route went east from Denison through Telephone and on to Direct, before turning around and following the same roads back for a ways, then dipping into Oklahoma and looping back.
I really liked this route. There are some hills at the beginning, some rolling hills at mile 100, and some tougher hills near the end, but most of the route is fairly flat. There is an abundance of the tall trees that you always see in East Texas, and the majority of the roads were really low traffic roads.
I didn't get off to a great start, discovering at mile 11 that my Corsa's cassette nut had unscrewed itself. I knew there would be no cassette tool to be found on the route, and I almost turned around, rode the 11 miles back, and called it a day. But through all the trials and tribulations I've had on these long LSR rides, I've never DNF'd one. I decided I wanted to finish today's ride, too.
I tightened the nut the best I could by hand, and rode on, but by the Ivanhoe control at mile 33, it had backed off again. Nelson jammed a multi-tool in the end of the nut while I turned the wheel, and we got it tighter that way, but by the Direct control at mile 60, it had backed off again. I managed to get it tighter at that control. It wasn't as tight as a cassette nut should be, and the smaller cogs made some noises here and there, but the bike shifted perfectly and the nut never backed off again.
Big surprise, the wind was tough. That seems to be an unchanging theme this spring, and today was no exception. I was very glad to get the tailwind at mile 90 where the route turns north and crosses the Hwy 78 bridge over the Red River into Oklahoma. The road soon turns more west, and starts climbing out of the Red River valley near mile 100. It was on that climb where three big dogs came after me. I remember thinking that a hill at mile 100 on one of these long rides is tough enough without three huge dogs chasing you.
My asthma didn't seem to like the howling humid wind, with all the spring stuff in the air. At around mile 110, I thought I was hearing coyotes yipping off in the distance, then realized I was hearing my own wheezing (It probably can't be good when you mistake the sound of your own breathing for coyotes).
At mile 126, the route crosses the Texoma dam back into Texas. This is a great view from a bike, but going south up on that dam against today's wind was brutal. Then right after that are the toughest hills of the day. I ended up with 133.9 miles and finished in 10:12. I chatted a while after the ride with Mike and Nancy Myers, a couple from Kansas who ride a RANS Seavo, then had dinner with LM. I'm sure we'll have some great adventure stories from the 600k riders, but 200k definitely reached my quota of riding pleasure for today.
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« Last Edit: Apr 25th, 2009, 10:21pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #1 - Apr 27th, 2009, 7:51am
Good write up Bud!  I'm sorry to hear your cassette came loose again, I thought you got it pretty torqued down at Ivanhoe.  I had a great time riding the 600K with Peggy and Steve.  Some of it all blends together after awhile, but the first day after Ivanhoe, we teamed up with a group including Dan, Pam, John D., Todd, Vickie, Bryan, and Shellene, and rolled along at pretty high rate for quite awhile.  Maybe a little too fast for this slow and steady guy. It was fun, but I was happy to back of some after awhile.  Our first day pace was good enough that I set PR's for the 200K, and 300K distance by about an hour, and would have for the 400K as well if we hadn't stopped for a sleep break.  This was my second 600K and the first time I rode the thing basically solo and straight through.  Wow company and sleep break made it so much more enjoyable!  Awoke quite refreshed for the 2nd day's loop of 160 miles, after we slept a little long, almost a 6 hour break from pulling in to leaving in the morning.  However I didn't eat enough in the morning and felt a little poorly by the first control.  Rectified that, and felt pretty good most of the day until the about 30 miles to go, when the high winds took their toll and I started running low on fuel again.  Peggy and Steve rode like champs, and I definitely worked hard to stay with them, especially when they started smelling the barn near the end!  Peggy had a little spill on the first day when we encountered some roads made slick by a short sprinkle.  She didn't let it slow her down, but it had to make it a little tougher!  I'm so proud of them, true randonneurs!  Pat and Charlie did a great job hosting, and setting up some really very scenic routes.  They even managed to dial up some serious wind to make it fully epic ride worthy!
Take Care,
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #2 - Apr 27th, 2009, 9:17am
Congratulations to ,Bud, Nelson,Bryan & Shellene. Job well done. Obviously ,the riding conditions this past weekend were not the best(scattered rain showers & wind-lots of WIND), but we all persevered(or survived). Just over 36 hours to complete the 616K(which included 4-5hours of sleep).  
It was really cool to see all the Bacchetta's at the start of the ride Saturday morning. 6 total, 5 riding the 600k.  We saw Bud briefly(at the start) and the 1st control(just as were heading out of the control). Nelson helped Bud with his cassette, then we headed out. Bud,glad that didn't get any worse for you.
I think Peggy & I made some Rbent history this past weekend. The first Rbent members(husband/wife) to complete an ACP rando series(200,300,400 & 600K's), within the calendar year. So no pressure Ray/Angie ,Bud/Rose ,Mark/Christine ,Paul/Terrie ,Mark/Linda Metcalfe(wait,that's nothing for the Metcalfe's).  
A HUGE thanks to Nelson for riding with us. Just a class guy & a good friend. A true randonneur.
The mental highs/lows on these long rides are incredible. We all ask a lot of bodies on these rides ,& it really is amazing what you can do when you push yourself.  Peggy took a spill at mile 127 after a light rain shower left the road surface slippery. Nelson & I were riding beside one another ,Peggy was 20' or so behind us,then CRASH. When we got back to her ,the bike was lying on Peggy ,she fell on her right side.  
Peggy took the brunt of the crash(road rash on her right hip/leg), the bike escaped unscathed ,what a trooper. We dusted Peggy off & continued on our way. Peggy never complained/moaned & I know the road rash & bruised knee had to really hurt. We have another 100 miles to go to get back to the hotel in Denison.
We arrive back around midnight. After getting our brevets cards signed ,we immediately went to the hotel to get a shower & sleep. The plan was to sleep 4 hours then have a 4:30am roll out Sunday morning. Oops.  
We roomed with Mark & Linda Metcalfe. Mark's I-phone's alarm goes off at 5:00am. I can't say that I was upset. I was exhausted. Peggy ,Nelson & I(and Mark) headed out of the hotel a little after 5:30am.
More wind & light/medium showers(what fun).  
Mark heads off & Nelson ,Peggy & I navigate our way to Whitesboro. This was low spot for us. We're tired, it's dark , it's raining, & we're starting a 250K ride .  As well approach Whitesboro ,we come on Mark just cruising along.  
The four of us ride into the Whitesboro together. We saw another rando group working on a bike in front of the convenience store. Tat group left short after, we left 5-10 minutes behind them heading N of hwy 377 with a tailwind.  
Mark hangs with us for a while ,then he powers on ahead of us. Back to the three of us riding again. I'm still not feeling 100% ,& it's 49+ miles to the next stop. Thankfully ,there was unscheduled store/stop in Enville,OK. The breakfast at this stop smelled like heaven(bacon eggs,etc...). We eat & head on to Lake Murray. The light showers stop & the sun makes its return. The trip around Lake Murray was the high point of Day #2. The scenery was beautiful & some fun rollers.
There's a control at Lake Murray. We say the rando group at the control. We talk briefly ,they head out & we drink/eat & rest. One of the LSR members didn't feel like keeping their pace ,so I invite her to ride with us. She comes into the convenience store & rests with us.
Now the FUN part. The trip from Lake Murray back to Tishomingo was tough ,nice 30+ mph head wind. 13 miles on OK 1. Then we arrive in Tishomingo,OK. After a stop there, we head out(four of us now), Nelson is leading us out. He & I are riding together & I look back in my mirror & see no Peggy or other LSR rider. Crap. I wait at the intersection of OK 22/78. A Pick up truck pulls over & asks me "are you looking for your riding partners?". I respond "Yes." "Well, one of the riders had a flat just outside of Tishomingo." I say thank you & ride 2 miles back to Peggy & the LSR rider.  
I see Peggy sitting on her bike, it was the other rider that had the flat. She went through 2 tubes, & finally Peggy finds a thorn in the tire sidewall. Tire on, we head out. At this point ,poor Nelson is wondering where we're at.  
The LSR riders doesn't have any more tubes. So I offer to ride with her for awhile. The wind was really blowing us around. I was afraid we would not make the control on time. So I excuse my self & catch Peggy a few miles up the road. I don't think I've ridden in wind that strong before. Peggy & I ride together a few miles before we see Nelson waiting for on the side of the road.  
We have 15 miles to the control. I'm spent by fighting the wind(I think all three of us were). The next control is a Love's truck stop(the same control that was on our Saturday 350k ,in Colbert,OK). I was in need of FOOD. This stop has a Subway. A subway never tasted so good. Just what we all needed. 14 miles to the finish. Across Denison dam into a HOWLING head wind(do I sound repetitive with the wind),
through Eisenhower State Park & finish with about a 12-13% grade hill at the finish.  
We were greeted by cheers from the LSR members. We were all whipped. Now to start our RUSA series...did I just write that?  Peggy burned over 10,000 calories during the ride.
We survived. 36+ hours. Epic adventure ,accomplishment ride, call it whatever. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The LSR group are just amazing group. Very welcoming & supportive.  
I think Peggy has some pictures to share.
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #3 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:02am
I'm so incredibly proud of you all.  What an accomplishment.  I rode roughly 100 miles Saturday and Sunday, and felt the affects of the wind, and a little rain.  It's amazing what our bodies are capable of, eh?  Randonneuring really tests us mentally as much, or more than it does physically.  
Peggy, sorry to hear of your injury.  I'm not surprised when Steve said that you never complained, but kept riding hard as you always do.  You epitomize this sport!  
Ride like a girl  
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Ray Torrey
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #4 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:24am
"My asthma didn't seem to like the howling humid wind, with all the spring stuff in the air. At around mile 110, I thought I was hearing coyotes yipping off in the distance, then realized I was hearing my own wheezing (It probably can't be good when you mistake the sound of your own breathing for coyotes). "
Bud, to funny, I have rode along for miles wonder were that wheezing creaking noise was coming from on my bike until finally I realize it is my lungs full of fluid.
keep spinning
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #5 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:26am
Steve, great ride report, you guys make me so proud, would it have be easier if you had a van follow you the whole way Smiley
Great job LSR Bacchetta riders!
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #6 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:44am
Quote from JS on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:26am:
Steve, great ride report, you guys make me so proud, would it have be easier if you had a van follow you the whole way Smiley

Great job LSR Bacchetta riders!


John,thanks. What's even more amazing, Peggy & I are still talking to one another.
AND Bud can still ride stronger with 1.5 lungs better than most with 2 lungs. AND ,now he sounds like a coyote. Bonus!
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Pedalin` Peggy

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #7 - Apr 27th, 2009, 12:13pm
I had a great time this weekend Smiley. I still think the 400k was harder then the 600k.  
The wind and the little bit of rain just added the adventure Smiley, Ok I did have to pedal down some of the hills not to lose speed. My toughest part of the ride came on day 2 with about 50 miles to go we had a strech of rode 13 mies long that the wind blew me all over the road.( some times off the road) I need to apologize to Steve and Nelson, I got very crabbie  Angry Angry. Thanks for understanding, Thanks Nelson for making us stop and eat real food. I felt so much better.  
As for the crash, I'm sure it was caused by my great bike handling and wet  Smiley roads. Just a little road rash and a sore right knee. It just adds to the fun.
John ,Texas was at its prettist ,everthing was bright green, lush, beautiful, pretty lakes, fun hills (Texas is flat) .You would be proud of me , I think I climbed better this weekend then in Hell Week . But I didn't stop and take any pitures as we rode.
Thanks again toSteve , Nelson and the LSR group for a great weekend.
                                             Pedalin Peggy
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #8 - Apr 27th, 2009, 8:21pm
Y'all are Ironmen (and Woman).  Very proud of all my friends representing and overcoming the crazy conditions that would have kept me indoors.  I wish I'd been able to ride along with ya, though.  I can't believe while I had my head turned, you all have achieved so many milestone.  
Great reports.  How did Bryan and Shellene fare?  I hadn't expected her to be doing that sort of mileage given her recovery and knee issues.
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #9 - Apr 27th, 2009, 8:44pm
Quote from aikigreg on Apr 27th, 2009, 8:21pm:
Y'all are Ironmen (and Woman).  Very proud of all my friends representing and overcoming the crazy conditions that would have kept me indoors.  I wish I'd been able to ride along with ya, though.  I can't believe while I had my head turned, you all have achieved so many milestone.  

Great reports.  How did Bryan and Shellene fare?  I hadn't expected her to be doing that sort of mileage given her recovery and knee issues.

Greg, hardly Ironmen... but not bad for my first FULL LSR season .  So  I thought Peggy fell on her hip, apparently she struck her head because she claims the 600k was easier than the 400k. Uh ,let me disagree with my bride. The 600k was more difficult, in my opinion.  
We're 1/4 of the way done for our RUSA series to date. 3 more to go, BUT for now, we'll take one ride at a time.
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #10 - Apr 27th, 2009, 9:00pm
I have to agree with Steve, the 600K was definitely harder than the 400K for me! I know Peggy felt pretty low after the bad sandwich on the 400 though.  Not sure what Bryan and Shellene's time was but we never saw them on Sunday, so they were well ahead of us.  Both of them looked plenty strong on Saturday!  
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #11 - Apr 27th, 2009, 9:04pm
Quote from aikigreg on Apr 27th, 2009, 8:21pm:

Great reports.  How did Bryan and Shellene fare?  I hadn't expected her to be doing that sort of mileage given her recovery and knee issues.

Our original plan was for us to ride day one, and then evaluate her condition for the second day (with dnf'ing at the start being a valid option.  Besides being a tough cookie, she is also smart.  With about 100k to go she decided that it would be best to stop, so she called for a sag at that point.  (No damage done, just being smart.)  That gave her over 500k, more than double her longest ride on the 'bent.  
Since there was a sag on the way, I decided to continue my ride, hooking up with John D, Pat and Charlie for the remainder of the trip; that made for an enjoyable finish.
The first day was "just a long ride", at one point Steve and I got to talking, only to discover that we were well off the front.  After a while Shellene and I were chasing Dan, Pam, Todd, John D and Vickie from control to control; until they left us with about 30 miles to go.  
Day two was the fun stuff, 10 minutes or so of rain spread throughout the morning, and again we were chasing Dan and Pam, but this time they had Pat and Charlie with them.  There was no way we were going to catch them.  When we rode though the Lake Murphy park there was a group ride going the other way.  It was made up of a high-racer, a tandem and about 6 DFs; if there hadn't been a sag wagon with them I'd have thought it was a rando group.
We pulled into the Lake Country contol, and noticed that John D's bike was there; he was napping inside.  He told us he was waiting on Pat, Charlie, Dan and Pam, which caused all sorts of confusion to me since I knew that were in front of us.  It seems that we passed them in Whitesboro.  This set up our riding group for the day, once Todd joined them.  Shellene and I rolled out first, knowing that sooner or later they'd catch us, which they did.
Had one humorous dog encounter, we (John D, Pat and Charlie) had just crested a small hill with me in the rear, when a chihuahua came out of nowhere after me.  I looked in my mirror, saw how fast he was going and went into a full sprint.  When I passed the tandem I just said "He was gaining on me", and they looked at me like I was out of my mind.  I guess I was tired, 'cause it was funny to me Smiley
Time total: 35:17
Time stopped: 9:06  (4 hours sleep)
Elevation gain:  17,540 (Garmin)
Calories burned:  22,169
Calories consumed: Not nearly enough
For anyone interested in the full numbers:  http://trail.motionbased.com/trail/activity/8096870
Steve, Peggy, Nelson:  fantastic jobs on the 600k, it was fun riding en-mass Saturday AM.  If I had known how close you were behind me I would have waited at the Love's to finish the same way (and probably put away a pair of $5 footlongs)
Special thanks to J.S, for showing me that 'bent's can climb!
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #12 - Apr 27th, 2009, 9:06pm
Quote from Kwijybow on Apr 27th, 2009, 9:00pm:
I have to agree with Steve, the 600K was definitely harder than the 400K for me! I know Peggy felt pretty low after the bad sandwich on the 400 though.  

I'll have to agree with Peggy.  I would rather do a 600k than a 400k, since you can actually sleep.
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Shellene's is yellow, mine is too.
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #13 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:13pm
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recumbent ninja

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #14 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:20pm
Quote from Killer Bee on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:13pm:
Here are some pictures from the 600K. Shellene looking happy & some high class dining in Paris,TX. Bryan pre-ride, Nelson.Peggy & I after the finish, & Peggy showing some leg.


There's the cover photo for the RBENT calendar right there!  What a hottie!   Smiley
Bryan, it looks like y'all have taken to bents really well.  I'm glad you guys can ride together and hopefully get as much enjoyment out of them as you did your DFs.
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #15 - Apr 27th, 2009, 10:24pm
Great job, everyone. Congrats on your series, Steve and Peggy.
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* 2009 RANS F-5 Pro
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #16 - Apr 27th, 2009, 11:01pm
Quote from Bud_Bent on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:24pm:
Great job, everyone. Congrats on your series, Steve and Peggy.

Bud, now when can we see you & Rose completing your series? Greg & Alexis? Anyone else?
There's the cover photo for the RBENT calendar right there!  What a hottie!   Smiley
Bryan, it looks like y'all have taken to bents really well.  I'm glad you guys can ride together and hopefully get as much enjoyment out of them as you did your DFs.
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Rbent calendar? You nut.
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recumbent ninja

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #17 - Apr 28th, 2009, 11:19am
What, you don't think "Women of Recumbents" 2010 has a good ring to it?
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #18 - Apr 28th, 2009, 12:14pm
Sorry for the late check in, My work week is pretty busy at the start!
Peggy, I'm so sorry to hear about your crash!  Glad you weren't injured in a worse manner.  I was bragging to Dan about you during the ride, and you just gave us more to brag about on your behalf Wink  Of course, huge congratulations go to both Steve and Peggy for their first 600k, and to everyone who finished their rides this past weekend in that wind.
The 600k was great (or at least the 500k that I rode).  This is of course coming from someone who bailed out just before the turn into the wind on the 2nd day.  That is pretty cheap to leave the ride after some good tail and cross winds!  However, I would have rather been there slogging it out with you guys.  The muscles were fine, the energy level was fine, but that silly left knee was beginning to fuss non-stop.  Since I didn't want to spend another - almost 2 months - off the bike, it was time to retire.
My only goals with this 600k were to take it super easy and not get injured.  I'm still debating whether that happened or not.  I'm definitely not injured (the knee should be fine if I take care of it this week), but like Nelson, I set a Personal Recumbent Record on the 200k so I'm a little baffled at the take it easy part Smiley.  I guess it was easy enough since I felt fine after backing down to a more reasonable pace for the finish of day one.
My only regret about the ride is that the knee waited until that steep little climb at mile 280 to start fussing (before Lake Murray).  I really thought that if I were going to have trouble, I would have known before starting day 2 and I could have simply remained at the hotel.  I would have been quite happy to have only ridden day 1.
High points in the ride were most notably getting to ride with all of the LSR and rbent gang that I could temporarily stay with.  I loved getting to visit with everyone for a bit, and I received the added bonus of being able to visit with the super fast finishers since I was back to the hotel well before I should have been.  
The route was as everyone has said, absolutely beautiful.  I can't wait to get back out there for another shot!
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #19 - Apr 28th, 2009, 3:42pm
Shellene , not only smart/gusty decision on your part ,but you'll live to ride again. Being stubborn & not wanting to getting off the bike could have caused possibly future injury(as you mentioned). You rode 500K & that's a helluva accomplishment itself.
Congratulations on the "PR".,it was cool to have a good turnout of 'bents. Hang in there. We'll see you soon I'm sure.
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #20 - Apr 28th, 2009, 4:54pm
Quote from aikigreg on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:20pm:
Quote from Killer Bee on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:13pm:
Here are some pictures from the 600K. Shellene looking happy & some high class dining in Paris,TX. Bryan pre-ride, Nelson.Peggy & I after the finish, & Peggy showing some leg.


There's the cover photo for the RBENT calendar right there!  What a hottie!   Smiley

It certainly beats the one of Greg from a couple of years ago!!!!   Smiley
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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Pedalin` Peggy

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #21 - Apr 28th, 2009, 9:25pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Apr 28th, 2009, 4:54pm:
Quote from aikigreg on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:20pm:
Quote from Killer Bee on Apr 27th, 2009, 10:13pm:
Here are some pictures from the 600K. Shellene looking happy & some high class dining in Paris,TX. Bryan pre-ride, Nelson.Peggy & I after the finish, & Peggy showing some leg.


There's the cover photo for the RBENT calendar right there!  What a hottie!   Smiley

It certainly beats the one of Greg from a couple of years ago!!!!   Smiley

How can we ever forget Greg in "Full Monty" mode?  Darn the Rose Baker, she made me do it!   Smiley
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Rose Pedals

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #22 - Apr 28th, 2009, 10:44pm
I plead the 5th..... Smiley
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #23 - Apr 29th, 2009, 12:07am
Quote from Rose Pedals on Apr 28th, 2009, 10:44pm:
I plead the 5th..... Smiley

I plead insanity  Grin
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recumbent ninja

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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #24 - Apr 29th, 2009, 6:49am
As much as you all obviously love looking at  / talking about el conquistador  (hey we all have pet names for it, right?), I think Paul is referring to my many road rash pictures from last year.   Smiley
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I'm in it to Schwinn it.
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #25 - Apr 29th, 2009, 1:07pm
Quote from aikigreg on Apr 29th, 2009, 6:49am:
As much as you all obviously love looking at  / talking about el conquistador  (hey we all have pet names for it, right?), I think Paul is referring to my many road rash pictures from last year.   Smiley

Oh. My fault. e conquistador?  Smiley Strong like bull!  Smiley
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Re: LSR Two Flags Brevets
Reply #26 - May 1st, 2009, 1:40pm
I'm afraid I wasn't in much of a picture taking mood on the 600K (certainly not 400! like John) but did manage to take a few pictures on mostly the first half of the first day.
I uploaded them to flickr after developing last night.
here's the link to the set.
Take Care,
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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