Seat cushion is in, still waiting on the seat cover, that cushion doesn't look very durable with the kind of power I put out trying to move me back in the seat
The pedals were the original Stratus pedals that the bike left the factory with back in 1983, and the only thing they required to make them fully functional again was to pull them apart and remove the old grease and put in nice clean grease. How about that, 26 YO pedals that are still good? And rebuildable to boot. How many modern pedals can say that (rebuildable)?
I'm going to be leading a series of training rides on how to do a multi-day bike trip (3 days @ ~80 miles a day, long weekend, and then 3 days back) not a tour but riding bikes as transportation to the destination. OK technically it's touring as the trip is to a camp out, but if I can keep these guys focussed on just the fact that they are riding bikes for a few hours a day rather than riding 240 miles out and back I think they can do it.