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LSR Cleburne Brevets (Read 3069 times)

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LSR Cleburne Brevets
Mar 7th, 2009, 9:40pm
Something over 40 riders left Cleburne at 7:00 am this morning to ride either a 200k, 300k, or 400k brevet. I rode the 200k. As tough as the hills are on this route, I knew that would be all I wanted today. It was 67 degrees with the wind already blowing at start time. I can't remember the last time I started an early morning ride just wearing shorts and a short sleeve jersey. It stayed cloudy all day, and the wind blew harder later in the day.
The 200k version of this route is an out and back that goes from Cleburne to Glen Rose, then from Glen Rose to Bluff Dale, then back. It goes down Goatneck Hill early in the ride, then climbs it near the end. It is a hilly route; there aren't many flat miles. I knew from the beginning that I would be riding most of this ride by myself. It was a given that the only way I was getting up all these hills was by spinning my way up them, at a slow pace. With me being the slowest rider up the hills, and probably the fastest down the hills, it was not a day for me to be a social butterfly. I chatted and said hi to everyone the first few miles, then watched them pedal off into the distance on the first hill.
Peggy, Steve, and Nelson were still at the Glen Rose control when I arrived, so I left with them. After they all stopped briefly in front of the Dinosaur Valley State Park for Nelson to take a photo, they soon disappeared in the distance ahead of me. This stretch of the ride is the hilliest, with two big climbs just before Bluff Dale. But the hill that was the toughest for me was a short, steep hill just after Dinosaur Valley. As tough as it was going out, it was even tougher coming back. Before I reached the top, I was in my lowest gear, at 4 mph, with a cadence just over 70, and my heart rate was over 170. There's not much left in the well at that point. I definitely need more hill work. But I did pedal up every hill, without stopping. I was thinking that this ride would make a good annual benchmark. As long as I can pedal this route without walking a hill, I haven't slipped into too terrible of a fitness level.
Peggy, Steve, and Nelson were still at the Bluff Dale control when I arrived. We left at the same time, they continuing on for their 400k, I turning back for my 200k. With the two climbs near Bluff Dale soon behind me, I was feeling better about my prospects of finishing strong........ until my struggle up the hill near Dinosaur Valley. That was a reminder to save something for Goatneck Hill, near the end.
When I arrived back at the Glen Rose control, Jim Rimbey, Cheri Brown, Debbie Breaud, and another rider (who's name escapes me now; he was doing his first 200k) were still there, so I joined them for a good bit of the remaining miles. I fell back enough during the Goatneck climb that I never quite caught up with them again.
This was a good training ride for me, and the scenery is really nice, with Brazos and Paluxy river crossings, and great views of the hills and valleys in this area. But it was also a reminder that my hill climbing sucks. I finished in 10:17. My on the bike time was 9:26, so my time spent in controls wasn't bad. I was just slow. My gps showed 6,041 feet of climbing. My heart rate average for the entire ride was 143; that probably explains how tired I am. I ended the day with a great dinner with Mark and Linda Metcalfe, and headed home.
Some random thoughts from the ride:
  • If you are slow enough, there are plenty of rando droppings on these rides; I never did have to buy water.
  • I think I could have walked some of these hills faster than I climbed them on the bike, but I just wasn't willing to do it.
  • At 4 mph climbing these hills, even grazing cattle drop me (but I do reel them in when they run out of fence).
  • At 4 mph with a 30 mph crosswind, I seem to be a bit wobbly.
  • While bombing down hills at 40 mph and climbing the next one at 4 mph, it occurred to me that if I had a device installed for counting gear shifts, I would have set a world record for a 200k.
  • Small chainrings and large cassette cogs are good.
  • I am more wiped out after this ride than I was after October's 300k.
  • I wonder if anyone has ever designed a point to point 200k permanent that is all downhill.
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2009, 6:38am by Bud_Bent »  

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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #1 - Mar 8th, 2009, 1:53pm
I'll be brief ,as we just  back home from Cleburne. We survived. 21hours ,15 mins-for the 400k. We had a 9 hr ,35 minute time for the 200k.
We rode back with EV(who rode really well), Mark mentioned that we had climbed 10,800+ & that was a few miles from the finish.  
I give a more detailed report later.  Thanks to Nelson for leading the way all the day. What a strong ride you put in! Almost great to ride with Nelson.  
Oh ,congratulations to Bud for completing a very challenging 200K.  These route are NOT for the faint of heart!
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #2 - Mar 8th, 2009, 5:44pm
Quote from Killer Bee on Mar 8th, 2009, 1:53pm:
 Thanks to Nelson for leading........ Almost great to ride with Nelson....

Now THAT'S one of the funniest typos/misphrasings I've seen on this board....  and I'm sure you meant every word of it, Steve...   Grin Cheesy Smiley
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #3 - Mar 8th, 2009, 5:47pm
Bud, what bike were you riding, just out of curiosity...?
Are we beginning to ask ourselves, "Why are we doing this?"  ????   Smiley   Twenty one hours and change?  I hope you had sufficient lighting...
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #4 - Mar 8th, 2009, 5:59pm
Bud I walked up that last steep part on the hill you were spinning up. I think it was the first hill I have had to walk up with the Hurricane.  
Those hills really took a lot out of my legs dragging a combined 300+ of weight up those endless slopes.  
18:11 ride time
3 hours stopped (4 chain jams  Smiley)
10,275 total ascent (I probably misread 10,080 as 10,800)
13,944 calories per my wifes polar (reset for my weight before ride)
123 average hr
No bonking, no weakness just my weight and the hills beating up my connective tissue problems.
Hm I think I ate a Banana, 2x paydays, 28 scoops of perp, 7 servings of hammer gel, 32 oz v8 fusion, 1 cherry 7up, 5 luna bars, 2 sports beans and 2 reeses fast breaks. I also took two advil (only thing I can take) which I haven't taken in years so maybe it was extra effective for those last 37 miles.
Thank you all for waiting up on and after that 24 mile climb fest and riding into the last control. I'll see in the next few days if I recover enough to be able to do the 600k in late April.
When we initially went out I had stayed with one of the lead groups up to the first control which based on the ride home was probably all downhill. Then they blew through there while I was in the restroom and I was solo except for a few miles here and there all the way to the turn around. At the turnaround I caught up to Edward who had blown past me up Cherry Pie hill and we waited a bit and I pumped up some local kids BMX tire for him so he could ride with his homeys. A few minutes Nelson, Steve and Peggy rolled in. I left first because I wanted to make sure I hit cherry pie before dark and before I was much past the bottom Nelson had already caught me.
Note: On the drive home I spied Angie and Ray (on his Aero) heading up 377 with a few uprights. I wasn't really all there but it looked like Ray was riding well.
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2009, 10:22pm by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #5 - Mar 8th, 2009, 6:24pm
My HR was really pushed in the beginning trying to keep up with some of the people up front instead of staying back and trying to keep a good pace.  

Player log (long load time due to 21 hour + record)
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« Last Edit: Mar 9th, 2009, 8:48am by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
Merlin Road - Short distance speed bike
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #6 - Mar 8th, 2009, 7:18pm
   I had a great time, Bud and I were near each other much of the outgoing 100K and he looked like he was doing great, and a 10hr 200K on this course is an awesome time.  Especially given the 20mph winds, which never give as much as they take!  I played cabbose much of the day so got to see all the other riders it being an out and back course.  Heading into Bluffdale I saw a bunch of 200Kers including Dan and Pam climbing out.  Saw Linda and Mark at the control before they left to head back.  After Lipan we saw Jeff Elmer's bright yellow coat, and managed to hook up with him and heard the bad news that George Evans wasn't feeling well and had decided to turn around after recovering in Lipan.  
    So now Peggy, Steve and I were four.  Saw Bryan flying back on the return trip as the only 300Ker.  After a stop in Santo, where surprisingly I hit 45mph on the descent because of the nice tailwind, we headed out to climb Cherry Pie Hill which is better during the day I think for the really nice views.  We turned on 180 to head into Mineral Wells, and about 7 miles from the control saw the lead 400Kers heading back (wow 14 miles and a control in arears!).  But it looked smaller, and definitely didn't feature EV on the hurricane.  So when we pulled up to the control EV was there waiting for us, along with Edward Robinson.  Great to see Edward and he would join us, and we headed out to catch EV who left a few minutes before us.  The return wind wasn't really all that bad being mostly a side wind or blocked by whatever climb we were on.  
    Disaster was narrowly averted on the tricky descent down Cherry Pie, as Steve did a little fishtailing at one point but managed to real it in.  Then the real trouble started after Santo.  I led the Petty's astray enjoying a nice hot ham&cheese from the grill, but theirs made them sick and just a few miles later in Lipan they were both feeling poorly.  The ride for them to Bluffdale was tough on Peggy especially, but she perked up after managing to unload the offending item.  A recharge in Bluffdale where despite missing the closing time by a minute we were well taken care of by Vickie Tyer who had all kinds of goodies!
    We climbed out of Bluffdale, and I felt good and pulled ahead a bit, and waited at the turn back onto 205 to take some night time pictures as folks came up.  The course from there back to Glen Rose trends downhill and my well padded self enjoyed that a great deal.  Good to have an open control in Glen Rose and a final top off for the almost 35 mile final run.  Goat Neck was quite a bit easier than expected on the return, as we had a nice tailwind from that point to finish up.  I'd been a bit off the front with Edward, but started to drop back after Goat Neck until I could pick up headlights in the mirror.  Mark's I presume, since he looked like aircraft on final approach!  
    Everybody finished strong around a post time change 5am.  I'm so proud of our bent family.  Peggy and Steve overcame a severe food problem, which can end a ride in a heartbeat, and sound ready to take on the 600K next month.  Mark looked strong, and despite having to work through some knee pain.  Thanks so much for the memorable ride and great company!
I had 17:18 ride time, and 20:56 overall and felt pretty good all day.  As usual I had my low period around 90 miles in the hot part of the day, and felt great at night and near the end.  I had more issues with being sleepy this time, which I attribute to starting this one not as well rested as my previous ones.  A bit tired and sore, but ready I think for the 600K next month.  Hope to see everyone there.
 Take Care,
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recumbent ninja

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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #7 - Mar 8th, 2009, 8:21pm
wow.  Great ride guys.  Just phenomenal, all of you.  I honestly think I'm glad I missed it with the winds, but looks like you folks made it look easy.
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Killer Bee
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #8 - Mar 8th, 2009, 9:17pm
Some of the more memorable moments of the ride were watching Nelson come to the rescue of a baby goat who managed to get his stuck in between sections of the fence(somewhere Bluffdale & Lipan). Nelson the "goat whisperer".  
Nelson ,in retrospect ,it was not the grilled sandwich that did me in(not sure about Peggy). To deal with the inflammation of Achilles ,I took some Excedrin &  then a Celebrex-BIG NO ,NO! It was Achilles pain vs. stomach issues...AND both did me in.
I was almost mortally wounded by a unknown weed(my Neil Sperry knowledge escapes me) with wicked thorns...while visiting a man about a horse. The thorns cut my upper thigh & then I couldn't get the bleeding to stop. Oh well, gotta catch Pedalin' Peggy & Nelson the goat whisperer.  
I caught them with a nice 27 mph sprint outside of Lipan.We see Bryan heading back to Cleburne on the 300k route. Onto Santos, where a grouchy grill cook decided to take forever with Nelson's food. Onto Cherry Pie hill...5-6 mph climb ,right curve,left curve ,right curve,left curve...FOREVER.
Then onto Mineral Wells ,where the stomach issues started after the Mineral Wells control. The climb out of Mineral Wells into the wind was a struggle. Approaching Cherry Pie hill for a descent ,I had a the brilliant notion to "fly" down the twisting curves that we climbed not long ago at 5-6 mph. About 1/2 way down ,the bike took an abrupt left turn onto the oncoming lame of traffic...at 40 mph.
The bike went sideways & the rear end was violently fish-tailing. I touched the breaks & rode out the descent...at a much slower pace. An accident that didn't happen. I'm not sure I hit a rut or pothole or both.
Next stop, Santos. With the stomach upset in high gear,we arrive at the Santos control. As I go inside, I see both bathrooms are "out of order"  OK,that's not even remotely funny when battling stomach issues.
We head out(Nelson ,EV,Peggy ,& Edward Robinson-LSR events co-coordinator), to Bluffdale. A few miles outside of Lipan ,I asked Nelson if we can make an unscheduled in Lipan. Nelson took a picture of Peggy & I swiggin' a Pepto bottle like is was a beer.
By stopping in Lipan ,we put the group behind a few minutes. We arrived at Bluffdale ONE minute after 10:00pm(closing time). Vickie Tyler(a LSR rider) met us there(after riding a very tough 200K earlier in the day) with all kinds of food, water ,& cookies. What a godsend. She's a real sweetheart & awesome rider.
The climb from Bluffdale to Glen Rose starts with a series of 3/4 hills for 6.5 miles. Then it's pretty much downhill to Glen Rose(by Glen Rose dinosaur park). Oh,& dinosaur hill is a tougher climb on the return trip(especially after 199 miles in the saddle).
Glen Rose is close by. Refuel & hang on the final 38 miles(the Goatneck 100k course from Glen Rose to Cleburne. AND it's a long 38 miles. Pedlain' Peggy was doing her best imitation of riding while trying to sleep.  We kicked it up on the time trial course. Like Bud said, climbing goatneck hill was not much at all.
The final 11 miles...past the Retreat & the rollers on the back side of the TT course. Turning the pedals. Peggy & Jeff Elmer sprint  the last 1.5 miles to the finish. EV & I just look at one another & just cruise to the finish.  
21 hours ,15 minutes , battered and bruised.  249.5 miles.We overcame a lot on this ride. Thanks to Nelson,& EV for the company.
Congratulations to all that rode.  
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #9 - Mar 8th, 2009, 9:22pm
Quote from aikigreg on Mar 8th, 2009, 8:21pm:
wow.  Great ride guys.  Just phenomenal, all of you.  I honestly think I'm glad I missed it with the winds, but looks like you folks made it look easy.  

While they made it look easy, I will say it wasn't (but it was fun):
I took off with  Mark at the beginning, and managed to hang on until the second light out of town.  After stopping and thinking about what I was doing (I can't even hang with him on my DF, and I'm not as fast as that on the Corsa "yet"), I decided to roll towards the back and make a photo pass.  While the camera works ok on Plano's concrete roads it didn't do as well on the chipseal (something to work on).  After turning around I moved slowly back to the front, chatting as I went.  Once I caught Dan, Pam, Pat N, a couple on a tandem I discovered that Dan and Pam had switched to the 200 distance, not the 300 that I expected.  Deciding that I didn't want to ride 200 solo Pat and I bridged to Val, Todd and Brenda.  Riding with that group can be dangerous to your sanity.
We stuck together until Bluffdale, where the couple on the Tandem (doing their first 400k) joined us.  Less than a mile out of the control Todd have a flat, a quick tube and tire change later we were on the way, with the tandem and I enjoying the downhills.  
Since I had to stop in Lipan, after getting my card signed I pushed to  try and bridge the gap, getting just close enough for then to wish me a safe ride at my turn around.  Total time to the 150k point 6:05.
Then the long slog began, knowing I was going to be into the wind and alone for 150k I just settled into a steady tempo.  About 10 miles before Bluffdale I ran into George, and kept him company until the store (not so much for his needs, but it was good to ride with him).
Leaving Bluffdale sucked, pure and simple.  Heading due South into the wind, on the very first climb I got hit with a wind gust that stopped me dead; fortunately I am very good when it comes to unclipping.  Once I got going, I went to my drink tube and nothing came out.  I had pinched the tube over when I put it back in the bag.  Rookie mistake!
Once I got the New Hope Baptist Church the rest was easy, all I had to do was climb Goat Neck, sprint by some dogs (who I couldn't see, time to add a helmet lamp) and deal with a dead GPS (spare battery pack was in the car).  Total time for the  second 150k was 7:35, giving me a 13:40 for the day.  Of course I did have it a little easier than the rest, since I didn't do Cherry Pie hill.
Here is the data from my Garmin, up to the point the battery died:  
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2009, 9:39pm by AustinSkater »  

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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #10 - Mar 8th, 2009, 10:28pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 8th, 2009, 5:47pm:
Bud, what bike were you riding, just out of curiosity...?

I was on my designated rando bike, the Corsa. I do plan on trying the Roadster on a 200k later, but I haven't done a century on it yet.
Great job on the 400k and 300k, y'all!
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« Last Edit: Mar 8th, 2009, 10:29pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #11 - Mar 10th, 2009, 12:50pm
Went just under 35 miles on the road bike yesterday with half of it into that wonderful south wind we had which was griding me to a halt.
When the wind really picked up I had to shift down to my 42/25 or my left knee would start to make it's presence known. My right foot only gives me grief when I walk up stairs and my left arm doesn't look too bad from where I hit it on the fall. So far so good I guess.
I think I'm definately going to leave those water bottles where they are since they provide some protection for me and the bike as they hit first when the bike is laid down. A higher priority of course would be just not to lay down the bike while in motion.
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Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #12 - Mar 10th, 2009, 1:57pm
Quote from evblazer on Mar 10th, 2009, 12:50pm:
Went just under 35 miles on the road bike yesterday with half of it into that wonderful south wind we had which was griding me to a halt.

When the wind really picked up I had to shift down to my 42/25 or my left knee would start to make it's presence known. My right foot only gives me grief when I walk up stairs and my left arm doesn't look too bad from where I hit it on the fall. So far so good I guess.

I think I'm definately going to leave those water bottles where they are since they provide some protection for me and the bike as they hit first when the bike is laid down. A higher priority of course would be just not to lay down the bike while in motion.

When did you fall?
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* 2009 RANS F-5 Pro
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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #13 - Mar 10th, 2009, 2:27pm
After the second control bluffdale I think (the one that closed at 10pm) I was heading out and tried to lean into some wind which pushed me a little more then I thought and hit a patch that was completely loose fill gravel. Before I even noticed I was on my side with a torn underarmor heatgear shirt and my left foot stuck on the pedal. If that was the end of my ride I may not have aggrivated whatever slight twist to my left knee that happened but 190 miles was enough to.
My right foot got jammed when I was pedalling downhill and hit a bridge transition that had big lip. Somehow it hit just at the right extention so that my already weak ankle region took some of it and kinda cruched but not a bad crunch  Smiley
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« Last Edit: Mar 10th, 2009, 2:29pm by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
Merlin Road - Short distance speed bike
Fuji Touring Xtracycle Shopping Hauler Bike
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recumbent ninja

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Re: LSR Cleburne Brevets
Reply #14 - Mar 10th, 2009, 3:59pm
dude, you really are a manimal!
I swear, if we don't go as a big group to Sebring next year and whip some tail, it'll be a crying shame!
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