Trike Mike
rbent member
Posts: 14
The 2nd annual Easy Street Recumbents 'Bent Event will take place Sunday, April 19th from 11AM to 6PM at Easy Street, 5555 N. Lamar Blvd #C-127 (SE corner of Koenig & Lamar, behind Goodwill, behind the herb shop). Planned festivities will include a group ride or two in the central city, various mad scientists and their wheeled creation, all kinds of recumbents and enthusiasts, Velomobiles from Velomobile USA (probably a Qwest and an Alleweder), Texas made recumbents, Florian Schlumpf's 2-speed unicycle (only a few can shift it "on the fly"), a two-speed fixed-gear bike, music, food, and anything else we can think of. For questions or comments, or to get on Easy Street's mailing list, contact us at I'm keen to get some of the out-of-town Bent-heads to come visit, but I recognize the hassles of getting you and you wheels down to Austin. Let me know if coordinating carpooling would help. I can chip in on the gas, especially if you can bring some interesting and exotic machines. By all means let me know how I can support a RBENT presence at this event.