I elect Greg, I'll be climbing hills in the Cleburne area into the wee hours of the morning. Honestly I'm 10lbs over what I weighed when I did the record. Also I'd just come off the LSR series and had raced a few crits. So things were ticking over pretty well. Now if I were to loose 30lbs that might help. But seriously at age 45 this year I can safely say I'm at about double my peak age. When I was 23 I weighed 142lbs (vs 185 now), benchpressed 350lbs (what's a benchpress?), and squated 500lbs (did some leg presses last year, don't know the weight, and really don't want to) and could do a 1:04 and change Kilo ( I think I was under 1:30 in November, but I might have been kidding myself). But hey it continues to be a nice enjoyable ride down. I certainly never did anything approaching the 200-600K's I like now with the randonneuring. Take Care, Nelson.