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Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides (Read 3436 times)

recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Oct 27th, 2008, 9:03am
What a weekend everyone had!  I was all geared up and ready to go and sure I was in plenty of time to the start on Saturday, but the google directions from Lantana led me the freaking middle of nowhere, so I ended up going back and forth over the same area 3 times before calling Steve and Nelson, who guided me in, right as we shoulda been leaving - Sorry fellas, and thanks for waiting while I hustled my gear together!
So Bud, Steve, Ray, Nelson, and I took off around 7:15 I'm guessing.  It was COLD, and I'd forgotten my long gloves in the car.  The rest of me was fine.  Wool socks, mid-weight Underarmour tights, cw-x summer baselayer, wool baselayer above that, and my jacket.  Could have used cheekwarmers - my face felt paralyzed and I couldn't talk.  
We started to warm up about 25 miles in - enough for me to take the jacket off.  That was right about the time Nelson "Brawler" Rahls had to bop Fido in the nose for snapping too close for comfort.  I had to swat another one away later in the day.  
The first control was a nice short rest, where this old man came up to Steve and said something to the effect of "those black folks need to take a lesson from you boys on how to wear their pants."  Apparently the old man prefers his "black folks" not to sag and to wear lycra instead.   Grin
After that control we hit some chipseal which as usual slowed me down, but thankfully the whole idea of the dart is to go slow, so it wasn't a biggie.  Lots of chatting was had.   At the second control we had chicken sandwiches, fries, and home-made cookies for lunch at a grocery store which fetured a REAL autograph from the guy who played Otis on the Andy Griffith show prominently displayed above the bathroom stall.
After that we meandered through *lovely* (sarcasm intended) Collin County.  The chipseal in Italy has nothing on this stuff - it was like those tire alarm ruts they make intentionally in the shoulders.  I almost had to stop a couple times to rest the feet, but Nelson kept me going until the halfway point - thanks, N!  We spent the time to the next control wandering over a couple miles of scenic gravel roads and being buzzed by cars.  
At the last control Nelson and I had some god Mac N Cheese and chatted with Dan, Pam, Todd, and their bunch and watched a guy get his truck smacked into in the parking lot.   We had a nice fast run home - chipseal included - and my poor front wheel apparently had had enough and tried to run away - the skewer came loose and the wheel was just hanging in their by gravity.  I discovered this about 3 miles from home.
Some quick showers (thanks Ray) and it was time for the banquet.  Pork chop, mashed taters, veggies, tomato bisque, and bourbon pecan pie, with Peggy and John Schlitter as company!  We got to hear all about their day and I got to pick John's brain about strategies for coaching and Sebring and the like.  
It was a phenomenal time!  Thanks for letting me be a part of Dart Vader!  How did Sunday go?
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Killer Bee
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #1 - Oct 27th, 2008, 9:44am
Greg ,always great riding with you. It was a great weekend with good friends. Yesterday's 165k had 5,200+ of climbing(according to JS software). 109.36 miles. Great roads & scenery. After riding 115+ mile Saturday(with the last 60 mile on the WORST chip seal that I've ridden in a long time),my legs were protesting early & often on Sunday.
JS took from the start & with the hammerheads(Dan Driscoll,etal). Ray was able to hang with the group for awhile. Ray said the group was averaging 25-26 mph. We would get updates from the control clerks that JS & group were at the same control 1hr+ earlier ,then 1.5 hrs earlier ,then 2hrs...then we quit asking.  
The Cupcake route is great route ,probably the most challenging 100+ mile ride I've ridden in sometime.  
Big thanks to Bud(Dart team captain) & Nelson for designing the route(which is not an easy task) & everyone for allowing me to ride on team Dart Vader.
I'll let Bud do his "Bud ride report".
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #2 - Oct 27th, 2008, 9:53am
I second Steve's comments, it was great getting to see everyone!  I've really missed you guys the last couple of months and a nice long day in the saddle was just the ticket.  I apologize for the chunk seal, and will be studying the cupcake route, because I understand it had pretty smooth roads!  Hope we can get Spanish Fort in next month, and I'm planning to ride my Greenbelt Corridor route before submitting it.  You'll need some wide tires for that one, but would love to have company.
Take Care,
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Killer Bee
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #3 - Oct 27th, 2008, 10:47am
Quote from Kwijybow on Oct 27th, 2008, 9:53am:
I second Steve's comments, it was great getting to see everyone!  I've really missed you guys the last couple of months and a nice long day in the saddle was just the ticket.  I apologize for the chunk seal, and will be studying the cupcake route, because I understand it had pretty smooth roads!  Hope we can get Spanish Fort in next month, and I'm planning to ride my Greenbelt Corridor route before submitting it.  You'll need some wide tires for that one, but would love to have company.

Take Care,

Nelson ,no apologies necessary. You design a route ,& do the best you can. The nut-bag/dangerous drivers on FM 533 bothered me more than the boulder seal.
Wide tires? Yikes-I run 23's.
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #4 - Oct 27th, 2008, 11:03am
I was too tired to write the reports last night. I'll post them as separate reports here. I wrote them this morning, before reading these other reports, so some things are a repeat of what's already been mentioned. First, the dart:
This was a fun and unique event. Saturday, Steve, Greg, Nelson, Ray, and I rode as a team in this event, and called our team Dart Vader. As opposed to a brevet, where you can ride pretty much any speed you want (as long as you maintain over a 9 and a half mile per hour average), and choose whether you ride with a group or not, on a dart, you ride the entire course with your team, and must use close to the entire designated time. Since the 12 hour time limit is more than we would ordinarily use to ride the 184k in the event, the main concern is just making sure the entire team can finish.
Nelson put together our course for the event. We, along with all the dart teams, started at the Lantana Lodge, which is east of Pilot Point, at Jordan Park at Lake Ray Roberts. Scheduled to start the ride at 7:00 am, we were late getting started, but we didn't worry too much about that, since it was before daylight, in the lower 40's temperature-wise, and we had plenty of hours to complete the ride.
We rode to Pilot Point, then north on US377, then turned east at Tioga. My fingers got pretty cold these first miles, in spite of the fact that I had on glove liners under my fingerless gloves. I guess it's getting to be that time of year. There were a couple of rough spots, but these roads were mostly smooth, small, low traffic roads. At our first control in Howe, Shellene and Sharon and all from George's dart team stopped and said hi. We also saw them at the next control in Tom Bean. They were headed north from there, though, while we turned south. I had never ridden the stretch from Howe to Tom Bean, and a couple of the hills were tougher than I would have thought could be found in this area.
The next stop was in Blue Ridge. Since it was looking like we'd be coming in way too early, we took time to eat lunch there. I downed a grilled chicken swiss sandwich that was very good. From there, we turned west. It had warmed, turning into a beautiful day without much wind by this time. When we turned south near Melissa, Nelson mentioned that these roads were the only part of the route he had never ridden before. We soon found out why, as we ended up on a three mile stretch of gravel road. I rode it slowly, keeping one foot unclipped half the time. Greg was looking like he enjoyed the stretch, though, especially when the truck and trailer passed, leaving a cloud of dust.
The remaining roads were mostly larger roads, but made of the new rough chipseal this part of the state is so known for. We made our last stop in Celina. Brenda's team stopped there shortly after we did. It sounded like they were having a fun time just like us, although they had had a chain issue. We had no mechanicals on the ride. We rode back to Pilot Point, finally getting on smoother pavement again as we headed for Jordan Park. I ended up with just over 115 miles.
The dart riders, as well lots of LSR folks staying the night at Lantana Lodge for a permanent the next day, gathered for dinner at the lodge restaurant, and John Schiltter joined us. The food was very good, lots of stories were told, and it was a fitting end to a very fun day. Thanks, Nelson, for creating this route for us. And thanks to all my teammates for joining me on the ride. It was a different kind of ride, and great fun riding with these guys.
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« Last Edit: Oct 27th, 2008, 1:20pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #5 - Oct 27th, 2008, 11:07am
Sunday, a day after doing the dart from Lantana Lodge at Lake Ray Roberts, I rode the Cupcake permanent that starts at the same place. I never did hear how many riders showed up for the ride, but it looked like a great turnout. We rolled out at 8:00 am. With John Schlitter in their midst, I knew the fast riders in LSR would be hammering on this ride. On my best day, I would do well to hang with this bunch for a few miles, and while that might have been fun, there was no way I was going to do it after having already ridden a century the day before. Having never done back to back centuries, I knew that just completing this ride would be all the challenge I needed. Ray took off and joined the fast crew, but Steve, Peggy, Mark and I took off at our own pace, and the lead group was out of sight within a few miles.
Like our dart route the day before, this ride went through Tioga to Howe for the first control, then on to Tom Bean. But we didn't stop in Tom Bean this time. Before we reached Howe, though, Ray had stopped and waited for us. As I suspected, the lead group was holding a race-like pace. Shortly past Tom Bean, we heard those words that all randonneurs love: "BONUS MILES!" We missed a turn to stay on FM2729, and ended up on SH11 instead. A mile out of town, I saw the sign that only said SH11, but it never registered that we had gone astray until Mark sprinted up beside me and said his gps had been telling him to turn around for a couple of miles. As soon as he said that, I thought of the sign I had just seen, and realized he was right. I yelled at Steve ahead to get him to stop, and we turned around. Sure enough, we found the correct turn about two miles back, and tallied 4.5 bonus miles for our trouble. Somewhere around this point, the wind really started picking up out of the south.
After heading north on FM2729, we soon ended up on some tiny curving roads with short, but steep and challenging hills, before arriving at Bells for our next control. From there, it was mostly west, on more small and hilly roads. One short, steep hill, on which Ray had chain issues, was so tough I was unsure whether I was going to be able to climb it, right to the point where I finally reached the top. I had shut off my gps at the last control, and forgot to hit the start button again, so was disappointed that I had no data on this little hill. This part of the ride would be challenging, even if I hadn't ridden a century the day before.
As we kept heading west, the wind seemed to be in our face, and Steve and I mentioned that it now felt more west than south. By the time we stopped at our next control in Sherman, the flags in front of this control told us the wind was now coming from the west-northwest. I won't mention exactly what happened, but it was at this control where I learned how to totally mortify Steve, Peggy, and Ray in a Jack in the Box restaurant. I should remember this technique, as it may come in handy later.
As we left the control, we noticed the wind was now blowing straight out of the north, and had really picked up. We were ready to turn south for that great tailwind, but we had more miles of west riding to complete first. There are some great views of valleys, hills, and countryside in this part of the ride, and it was at this point were I decided, challenging hills and all, I really like this route. Somewhere shortly before the next control in Collinsville, though, I really started to feel like I was hitting the wall, and in Collinsville, I noticed that we all looked pretty exhausted.  
Mark had fallen back, and arrived at the Collinsville control just as we were about to leave, and with Schlitter have been waiting for hours for Steve and Peggy, we figured we should press on. This stretch down US377 is mostly downhill, and with a now howling wind at our backs, we were back in Pilot Point in a very short time. As soon as we turned west to head back toward Lake Ray Roberts, though, we were stopped at a railroad crossing while a slow train took its time. As we rode the park road approaching Lantana Lodge, I kept waiting for Steve and Peggy to come speeding past me, but they never did. It turned out, Paggy had gotten stung by a bee on the side of her forehead, just before the end of the ride. I hope that sting's not too bad today, Peggy.  
With our bonus miles, I ended up with just short of 109 miles, and my first back to back centuries had been completed. A tired camper, I headed straight for home. This was a fun route, and riding it with Steve, Peggy, Ray, and Mark really made it enjoyable. Thanks, y'all!
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* 2009 RANS F-5 Pro
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #6 - Oct 27th, 2008, 11:39am
Any pictures????
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #7 - Oct 27th, 2008, 11:56am
Sorry you guys didn't get to ride much with John, but I'm not surprised about how he wound up riding!!!   Grin
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #8 - Oct 27th, 2008, 12:28pm
Paul - lots of pictures were taken at the Dart, especially at dinner. I had fun with the Petty Picture Taker, but Steve quickly took it away from me.
There isn't much for me to add other than a big thanks to our Dart Team.  While Greg had issues with the chip seal, he never complained, and kept plugging along.  That's a true Randonneur.  Nelson, always the ambassador, rode with Greg to help burn away those unpleasant miles.  I can only add that this is some of the worst continuous boulder seal I've ridden in recent memory.  The  only thing that made it fun was the team.  If I was by myself, I'd never ride those roads.
My dang ego got the best of me on Sunday, and after taking off at a moderate pace the first mile with Mark, Peggy, Steve and Bud, I see Schlitter and a very fast group already 500 yards ahead.  I decide to birdge the gap to them, and of course it was going uphill.  After a couple miles we reach 377, turn left into a slight down hill.  I glide my way to the front of the pack and Bryan makes several comments about not being able to draft a bent.  I pull for about a mile (big mistake) at a 25-27 mph pace.  I then move back and hang with this ultra fast pack for about 15 miles.  I then tell John Schlitter that I'm going to wait for my friends.  He got in front of me and pointed at his rear wheel, cyclist speak saying "Ray just jump on my wheel and I'll pull you".  I was too worn out from the Dart to keep that kind of pace.  LIttle did I know we were about to climb 10-15 hills that were at least 12% grade.  The best part was the last 15 miles into a brisk tailwind, where we chased Peggy at a 27-30 mph pace for most of it.  
Thanks for a great weekend everyone, you all are the best.
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Ray Torrey
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #9 - Oct 27th, 2008, 2:14pm
Thanks to all for a GREAT weekend. Peggy's fine,a true randonneur(a little sore form the sting). If you have to get stung ,better it happen at the end of the ride. I was not surprised to see John's ride data downloaded onto software with H/R ,wattage ,speed data & elevation change. He ride data for several past rides. 5,200+ of elevation change for 109+ miles is a lot.
I'll send my pictures to Bud &  Ray for you guys to post. My garage was loaded with spare 'bents ,& wheelsets. Pretty cool.
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #10 - Oct 27th, 2008, 2:42pm
Thanks for the staying with me on the ride a bit but wow was I woefully unprepared for that thing ouch. They need some kind of hill climbing advisor in big bold letters on those things. If I go out again I'm going to make sure to do a little surgery on my bike. Pull the rear rack, fenders, light mount and aerotrunk then replace it with just a brainbag for my water and a snack and just leave my tire/tube/kit in my double century bags. That would probably be good for 10-15lbs. A few lbs saved off the bike really could have helped my poor legs drag 270lbs of rider up the hill after riding 220 miles over the previous 6 days. Of course 10-15lbs off of me would help even more I'm sure.
My garmin logged 5.1k ft of climbing which it surely felt like but I have no idea how accurate that thing is but with Johns lining up with it all I can say is ouch.  
I do hope one of those pictures from Sunday with the line of bacchettas will come out that would be neat to show some folks.  
Overall I showed 110.28 Miles, 5.1k ft of ascent, 7:52:25 14.01mph avg.  
Edit: In those last few miles I was getting pelted with both leaves and insects. I had to swat away a bee that was just climbing around on my knee and then a wasp or something on my glasses.
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« Last Edit: Oct 27th, 2008, 2:46pm by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
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Killer Bee
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #11 - Oct 27th, 2008, 2:54pm
Quote from evblazer on Oct 27th, 2008, 2:42pm:
Thanks for the staying with me on the ride a bit but wow was I woefully unprepared for that thing ouch. They need some kind of hill climbing advisor in big bold letters on those things. If I go out again I'm going to make sure to do a little surgery on my bike. Pull the rear rack, fenders, light mount and aerotrunk then replace it with just a brainbag for my water and a snack and just leave my tire/tube/kit in my double century bags. That would probably be good for 10-15lbs. A few lbs saved off the bike really could have helped my poor legs drag 270lbs of rider up the hill after riding 220 miles over the previous 6 days. Of course 10-15lbs off of me would help even more I'm sure.

My garmin logged 5.1k ft of climbing which it surely felt like but I have no idea how accurate that thing is but with Johns lining up with it all I can say is ouch.
I do hope one of those pictures from Sunday with the line of bacchettas will come out that would be neat to show some folks.
Overall I showed 110.28 Miles, 5.1k ft of ascent, 7:52:25 14.01mph avg.

Edit: In those last few miles I was getting pelted with both leaves and insects. I had to swat away a bee that was just climbing around on my knee and then a wasp or something on my glasses.

Congratulations Mark. AND no corn fields!!!!
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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #12 - Oct 27th, 2008, 2:59pm
Quote from Strada177 on Oct 27th, 2008, 2:54pm:

Congratulations Mark. AND no corn fields!!!!

I think I need to reassess. I'll trade 110 miles of cornfields for one less hill! ok two Grin
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« Last Edit: Oct 27th, 2008, 2:59pm by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
Merlin Road - Short distance speed bike
Fuji Touring Xtracycle Shopping Hauler Bike
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Posts: 3310
Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #13 - Oct 27th, 2008, 7:20pm
Yes, it was a more challenging route than I expected. I'm glad the 115 miles I did the day before was at a very easy pace.
Steve's photos from Saturday are here.
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« Last Edit: Oct 27th, 2008, 7:20pm by Bud_Bent »  

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recumbent ninja

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Re: Saturday & Sunday's Rando Rides
Reply #14 - Oct 27th, 2008, 7:27pm
I too was surprised at some of the hills on Saturday - sounds like you guys got a double dose on Sunday.  I'm also VERY sorry I missed out on Sunday's ride.  Sounds like it was quite interesting.  
Bud I think the pics are password protected.
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