'16 ICE SprintX fs, '16 Rocket, '12 KHS Mocha
Posts: 5803
It's October, and a lot of local club group rides are changing their start times (or stopping until Spring, even). If you're planning to hit a local club ride, make sure to check their website calendars!!! There are several changes in GDB rides coming up: Plano Eastside Ride: Changes to 9:30AM start, THIS WEEKEND, 10/4 Tuesday Night REI: Last 6PM ride of season is 10/7, changing to a 7PM WRLake ride from Forest/75 on 10/14 -- lights required! Tuesday/Thursday Mesquite Evening Rides: Last rides of season nextt week, 10/7 and 10/9. This ride folds into the Tu/Th WRLake ride. Saturday and Sunday morning GDB rides will remain the same until the November 2 time change.