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My first Recumbent Bike and Ride (Read 9452 times)

rbent member

Posts: 56
My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Oct 2nd, 2008, 2:15pm
Hi Guys.
I Got my First Recumbent bike a few days ago, (30th Sep) It came in 2 box's and other than the pictures on this site and on ebay i really hadnt seen one.   Going by the pictures and memories of the last time i put a bike together (24 years ago) i started to put this thing together.
It didnt take to long since handle bars, Tires, forks all go on the same as they have always went on. then the seat.wow its different than the old type of butt killer type seats.  The thing that took me longest was to get the back gear thing on that the chain runs through.  all together it took me about 2 hours sitting behind the car in our driveway to get it looking like a bicycle again.
What i got was an EZ-1 SC Lite with aluminum frame and rims. This bike looks cool! almost like a chopper : )
It was nearly dark when i got it put together but i had to take it for a ride, Heck thats why i got it. Mostly i just wanted to make sure i could ride a bike. I havent been on one since 1979 and due to my condidtion i havent walked over a few hundred yards in probably 13 years or so....... for me this is a life changer and somethin i know i need if i intend to get any type of mobility back.
I ended up riding it maybe 1/4th mile and ajusted the handle bars and seat a bit then rode it another 1/4 mile before parking it for the night.  The front tire is small 16 inches and really takes a bit to get used to (Im still geting used to it)  I live out in the country with blacktop roads. I tryed to turn around while riding the bike and couldnt do it without the front tire geting off the road and me stopping and picking up the bight to turn it back twards home.  I know this is just a matter of me getting used to the bike and learning how to ride it better. it rides like a chopper so Turns will be wider but also they are doable, i was just nervous and probably to slow.
When i got back home my wife was waiting, honestly she is more woried about me than i am. My legs were a little sore, actualy the underneeth of my thighs were all that was sore and it was a good thing because it was just muscle burn, my neck back and shoulders had ZERO pain and for me that is a godsend!
I woke up the next morning (Yesterday) and roade about 3 miles in total, i tryed to do the routes that i thought would be easy and somewhat flat..what i found out is,There are no flats where i live LOL
I dont understant the gearing thing on these type bike and trying to go up the hills i would either make the peddleing way to hard or so easy that the bike would stop moving wheil waiting on my peddleing to catch up.  I had to stop 3 different times due to leg and knee muscle pain but was Loveing it! I was outside and i could see everything like a normal persons perspective!  
When i got home i was sore but doing ok till i sat down and rested for a bit, then my legs gave out and i was walking like a drunked sailor in lots of pain, its funny i know i didnt ride far at all but my body is certain it just did a marathon : )
The mind says i should be able to jump on the bike and ride but my Body knows that the mind can be silly sometimes and i know mine is : )
Over all so far i am loving this Bike, i cant ride today or hardly walk for that matter, but tomorrow i will be back on the road and trying it again, maybe try to not mess up with the gears so much so i can go a little farther.
Thanks for reading,
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #1 - Oct 2nd, 2008, 3:41pm
Hey, Nice job!  It's always hard starting out.  I doubt I rode even a mile my first time.  It took years for me to understand the gears and how to best use them for the grade of the road - assuming I know how to do it even today, of course!   Wink
Just keep at it, and you'll grow by leaps and bounds.
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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #2 - Oct 2nd, 2008, 4:06pm
Some suggestions:
On the gears...  While you're getting used to the bike, put the front into the middle chainring, and just LEAVE it there, and get used to working with the back wheel 7 (or 9?) gears.  That should give you the middle 75% of the available gearing on the bike, without causing any problems.  You really only have 12 or 13 real gears anyway.
To educate yourself further, read THIS    
Then read THIS
Try to pedal in as low of a gear as possible, keeping your pedal RPMs up in the 60-80 range.  That will help keep excess stress off of your knee joint -- and also give you more power.  It's a lot easier to climb an incline pedaling fast than pedaling slow.  When you're more confident on the bike, THEN work on front/rear gear combinations...
Regarding the 16" front wheel -- relax your steering grip.  I've got an EZ-1.  It's GOING to wobble, with that small of a front wheel, but it's also going to be very easy to correct a wobble.  And U-turning (or turning in general) gets easier the more you learn to lean into the turn.  ESPECIALLY relax your steering (and shoulders) when going slow -- you'll find the bike will steer itself.
While you're riding, keep two fingers on the brakes at all times.  Since you're just essentially resting your hands on the tops of the grips, it's no big deal to just lay your fingers across the brake handles.  That way, they're there when you need 'em!!!!
Keep us posted on your progress!  And DRINK WATER...
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rbent member

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #3 - Oct 3rd, 2008, 11:06am
Veery cool. Cheesy I remember my first recumbent ride...I ran over a dog Tongue. It is great, isn't it? You will be fine. Give yourself time and enjoy the discovery process that comes with riding recumbent. There are tons of information out there and many great people  who will gladly help you along. It helps if you are a tinkerer too.
See you down the road,
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Modified Bentech
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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #4 - Oct 3rd, 2008, 1:09pm
It amazes me just how hilly my area is and how steep some of the completely flat streets are when I got back on my bike and then again when I started again riding a recumbent.  
After only a couple years off after moving to Texas I think just a lap around my block on my old bikeE almost killed me two years ago. The bikeE has a 16" in front and a 20" if I remember correctly. Just mind those rail road crossings and expansion joints gaps that you can't hit straight on.  Actually I'd suggest walking or shuffling across the railroad tracks with both feet on the ground at least the first couple of times especially if you have to take them at an angle.
I think my first fall was from taking a right turn into a parking lot too tight. The little front wheel wouldn't go over the lip of the driveway so the wheel went hard to the left and I went right onto the pavement. Didn't do that again it just became natural to plan a good angle of attack or to tightly hold the handlebars when needed.
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« Last Edit: Oct 3rd, 2008, 1:10pm by evblazer »  

Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
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rbent member

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #5 - Oct 3rd, 2008, 4:13pm
Thanks guys for the advice and the web links.
I had been reading that site that you linked as one of the Rbenters has been comunicating with me some through email and send it and a few others for me to look at.
I put the front derailure on the second sprocket and just used the back one today and it worked much better for me.
Today i only road 2 miles in total but they were good productive miles for me.  The trip has me going up one incline that is about 15 degrees for a little less than a half mile and i only had to stop one time, not because of my legs being tired but because i had to caugh out half my lungs and catch my breath....it was something that was needed and will help me on my next trip tomorrow.  I did NOT walk the bike at all i rode it all the way up the hill and then on the way back home i got to ride down that same incline.
Talk about fast going down hill, i dont know if the speedometer thing is right but it got to 37 mph and i started pumping the break to get it down to about 15 wich seemed better to me.  there is one hill on the wayhome, not but a few hundred hards to my house. this hill isnt long but it is Steep. I would say its 25 to 30 degrees and maybe 300 or so feet from bottom to top...I road up this one too and i was proud of that accomplishment......Heck i cant walk up that hill without stopping : )
I got home and stretcked my legs a bit they wernt hurting at all, they were a little stiff and the felt puffed up like a ballon that had just been blown up with lots of air...................I think this bike is going to really be a big help. my lung are going to finaly feel like they are needed and my body will get back some of its vitality rather than just being something to hold down the recliner.
I did reset the break handles so that i could rest my fingers on them and when i go to town next i am going to get some oil for the chain.  Oh and today i had no shifting problems.  I do knw that walmart doesnt have any chain oil in the bicycle department. i was thinking of getting some 3 and 1 oil to use. Hopefully that will work, i know it has a small stem on the can so would be easy to use.
Again, thanks for the tips guys. Looking forward to oneday seeing some of you on the road : )
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Tim C.

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #6 - Oct 20th, 2008, 8:15pm
Any more ride updates?  We enjoy reading your posts.
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2008 RANS Stratus XP
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rbent member

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #7 - Oct 22nd, 2008, 5:00pm
Hi Tim,  
Sorry it took me a while to get back to posting guys, i was having computer problems and then had to remember my sign on info.
I have been riding 3 to 4 days a week, depending on how i feel and i am getting better at riding the bike.
Yesterday i rode the furthest i have gone so far. 5.1 miles. the milage thing on the bike i dont think is acurate (and i dont know how to use it) so i bought one from walmart only to find out it wont read correctly on a 16 inch tire. So after my ride yesterday i got in the car and checked, 5.1 for me that was the goal i was shooting for by the end of the month so i am very happy with that.
Honestly everyone that knows me was totaly against me doing this because of my condition, but now they are blown away that i am actualy doing it, heck i am blown away. the 24th is my birthday and my wife bought me a watch for my birthday to check my heart rate so its a new toy i can use when i feel like my heart is going to explode lol.
On the 5 mile ride i had no problems my legs did get stiff and on one hill i got off the bike and stretched till my breathing slowed some and then just got back on the bike and kept going. My new mantra is Just keep peddling ; )
My next goal is going to be 8 to 10 miles, i wont really know how far till after i do it, i am thinking of going tomorrow and giving it a shot.  Basicly it will be to my mothers home and back, ride there, take a break and ride back.then get in the car and measure it.  Im not trying to set any speed records or anything but i know the longer i am on the bike the better it is for me health wise.  
I am still having a problem with the derailure at times but i am just forgetting about that and just riding. the only thing i am doing is oiling the chain and checking the tires to make sure they stay ok.  I dont really know how often to oil the chain so for now i am doing it every other ride.
Another thing is sometimes the bike is compleatly silent when peddleing sometimes i can hear the chain hitting the sprockets , i am thinking that is the derailure being slightly off,am i correct?
Im glad to be back and look forward to reading everyones posts, honestly i get inspiration from all of the stories.
Thanks again for all of your help.
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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #8 - Oct 22nd, 2008, 7:16pm
When you first start to wear in a bike usually the cables will stretch a little which mean adjustments will be required to make the front and rear gears lined up or brakes nice and tight.  
Some cyclocomputers (mileage tracker) will go down to 16" tire sized but the chart won't list it, I do have one that you have to pick form a few preset tire sizes and that is it. A good site to check for that is http://www.sheldonbrown.com/cyclecomputer-calibration.html and just click on A-F to find the chart matching the calibration used (inches, centimeters, millimeters) in the others on your instruction chart if your computer model isn't set.
Heart rate monitors are great. For me it helps make sure I'm actually getting a workout and that I'm not going to go into heart valve regurgitation territory which is not where I wanna be personally.
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Mark Hastings
Hurricane & Oregon - Need to lose weight to ride, I hate my new meds Sad
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rbent member

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #9 - Oct 23rd, 2008, 2:40pm
Hi Mark,  
Thanks for the link, i have been reading that site for a couple of weeks, i think Paul had also linked it to me as well as a member emailing me some info. I have tryed to adjust the derailurs but havent had much luck, the bike itself isnt new (Just new to me) I bought it used, i think its 2 or 3 years old  
I just got back from riding to my mother house and set another record for myself 6.1 miles.  I had intended on riding back but they were coming over and he had a truck so i took the ride.  I have to say though that i am loving this bike, I am having little learning things everyday on it. Today was the first time i really leaned it into the turns and it is feeling more and more like a chopper i used to have hehe.
the ride from my door to theirs took me 48 minutes so i am thinking its slightly over 7 miles and hour, im pretty happy with that. There are some really big hills that i took on and although they are hard, they keep getting easier : )
Health wise i already notice my breathing is getting better, and believe that i am standing straiter than i have in many years. my head and neck are still really looking down to where my chin nearly touches my chest but my back is more upright so that is a big plus.
One of the things i am planning on doing is after a few more rides i am going to lean the seat farther back and adjust the handle bars more twards me so that i will be more inclined and let gravaty try to help straiten me more, Possibly even my neck.
My last trip to my doctor i was told that i have less than 20 percent lung capacity.........I think that is slowly going up!
Also my resting hart rate is around 58-60  I checked it several times on this trip, the highest when i was really breathing hard it was at 148 the other times it was 126 and 134. so im thinking this will help my heart aswell.
Thanks again guys for all of your help and advice.
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Tim C.

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #10 - Oct 23rd, 2008, 9:18pm
My Vetta RT 55 cyclometer says that for a 16 x1.5 tire the setting is 1206.  That should get you close enough.
I really enjoy your posts.  You are really an inspiration with what you are accomplishing.
We need to have a Tour de Don and head out your way some weekend.
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2008 RANS Stratus XP
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recumbent ninja

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Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #11 - Oct 24th, 2008, 8:38am
Just awesome!  Keep it up, but just make sure you do it in a safe way!
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rbent member

Posts: 56
Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #12 - Oct 24th, 2008, 3:08pm
Thanks Tim and Greg.
I wrote the numbers you mentioned down for the computer thing on my bike...im going to try to figure it out tomarrow as i will be taking the day off.  Greg i am as carefull as someone that cant turn his head in any direction can be, I am going to get a flag for the bike because of the hills here. My backpack i put behind the seat has some red on it also, but i am going to see if i can stitch some bright reflective color on that.
In the country people have their cars and trucks outside so the pollin and dust gets on their windows, often making it hard to see when they are driving into the sun. that is one of the things i think about when picking a time to ride.
Now for todays ride : )
8.7 miles 1 hour and 14 minutes.
It was a good ride , started out really cold but i breath better in the cold, the air seems fresher to me.
I am honestly loving this, i have been outside more this month than i have in the last 15 years.....and i think its just gonna keep getting better.
Today is my Birthday (44) so i have lived a lot longer than the doctors figured i would and honestly i feel better today than i have in a very long time.       GO BENT!
Thanks again guys for all the help and inspiration.
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Posts: 3310
Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #13 - Oct 24th, 2008, 6:23pm
A good thing to have visible from the back of your bike is the standard slow moving vehicle triangle like these. Most of the rbenters who do randonneuring use them.
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« Last Edit: Oct 24th, 2008, 6:23pm by Bud_Bent »  

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rbent member

Posts: 56
Re: My first Recumbent Bike and Ride
Reply #14 - Oct 28th, 2008, 1:28pm
Hi Bud, Those look awsome!
My wife got me a bike flag 6 foot white pole with a little orange flag on it made by bell, wal mart had them for 5 dollars. she also got a orange plastic hunters vest for 1 dollar.  I took the hunters vest and put it around the Backpack behind the seat, it is pretty bright so should be a big help.  Th flag i havent mounted yet as i have to make a few fabrications to get it on the bike.
Mostly just need to get a couple of hose clamps and some plastic tubing from the hardware store. been sick the last few days so hopefully if feeling ok i can get that done tomorrow.
Thanks again for all the info, pictures and help.
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