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Weatherford night 200k (Read 1089 times)

recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Weatherford night 200k
Aug 31st, 2008, 2:01pm
Well, I've got about 5 hours of sleep in me and felt decent enough to hobble in here and make my report.  Peggy, Nelson, Steve and I all rode the 200k starting at 7pm in Weatherford.  The route isn't flat for very long at all.  It's a constant up/down up/down but a good ride.  There was more chipseal that OI cared for at a couple points, and a 50+ mile stretch without a  control.  Palo Pinto to Peadenberg (?) was a boring stretch at night, but otherwise the route had something to offer around every bend and up every hill, including Cherry Pie hill at around mile 80, and another hill even longer but not as steep somewhere around mile 110.  
We narrowly missed the rain.  Weatherford was hit by a strong storm as I was leaving my house, and you could see evidence of the nastiness.  It began to rain again as I pulled up to the start.  We got rained on while we were unloading and warming up, and like magic it stopped at 7pm exactly and we never saw a drop the rest of the night.
Other than some chipseal the roads were perfect.  Almost no road imperfections whatsoever the whole way.  It was a nice change after the fwba ride last weekend.  There was gravel in a couple turns, but so long as you were trying to round the corner full speed it was a non-issue.  The roads were so nice you could bomb down every hill at full speed if you dared.  We didn't dare often, not knowing what was ahead.
We had a "secret control" complete with tiki torches a while into the ride.  Everyone did great.  We stayed about 10 minutes behind the 300k group the whole way together, even though we were intentionally taking it easy.  
Peggy was the queen of the night.  We'd hit a hill and she would ROCKET up the thing like she was shot out of a cannon.  Nelson was steady eddie except for those couple of times he was feeling his oats and went off the front for long stretches.  Steve and I kinda bounced back and forth a lot.  I'm surprised I made it, truthfully.  I I almost didn't even start and by mile 40 I was sure I was going to call the sag.   But thanks to the gang I made it fine and even managed to haul  my 50 pounds of bikes and gear up cherry pie hill, though I felt a bit pukey at the top.
It's one of the tougher 200ks, but it was nice and cool, even cold in some spots in the Brazos river valley.  It was a good time.  Thanks for the riding, y'all.  Isn't night riding awesome?
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Killer Bee
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Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #1 - Aug 31st, 2008, 3:09pm
Greg & Nelson ,thanks so much for riding with us . We had a an absolutely GREAT time. We missed Ray(congratulations on your daughter's marriage) ,Bud ,& Paul. Greg & Nelson are always great company. Last night/today was no different. You guys make it FUN.  
Peggy & I hitched a ride with Nelson. As we approached the North side of Ft.Worth last night ,it was very overcast & then we drove through rain. I thought to myself"this going to be a very long & wet 220k.".
The closer we got to Weatherford ,the clearer the skies became. As we unloaded the bikes ,the sun was coming out & a few stray rain drops were around. We said "hello" to the Randonneuring group(about 20 or for the 200k & 300K rides) ,made a natural break at a close by convenience store ,& were ready to ride.  
As we took off ,a few rain drops were still around ,but after a few minutes they were gone. My experience of riding at night was limited to 3-20 mile loops at the Texas Time trials last year ,so I'm not a "seasoned" night rider. But the few times I have ridden at night,I really enjoyed myself. Mrs Strada had never ridden at night ,so this was a perfect opportunity to get both of us some need night riding experience.  
The first half of the ride flew by,the four of us were talking so much ,the miles just flew by. As Greg said ,we had a Randonneuring "secret" control after the 2nd control in Lipan. I thought that was pretty cool. Nelson ,mentioned  that secrets controls are a Randonnuering tradition ,primarily on longer night rides.  
The four of us had no mechanicals or crashes ,which is always a good thing. I knew from discussions with Nelson that the infamous "Cherry Pie" hill was waiting for us at mile 81. Let me say the good thing about riding at night ,you can't really see/judge hills that well ,so like Nelson said "you said listen to your body & climb". I had a visor light so I could see my computer & H/R ,but I didn't need it because it was fun just to ride & not worry about H/R data ,speed ,etc...
I found "granny" gear in a hurry as well started to climb 'Cheery Pie". I believe Greg mentioned that his Garmin was reading a 15% grade at the beginning. Nelson estimated the climb to be at least a mile long. To add to the "fun" there were some twists/turns in the climb as well("Oh boy, are we having fun yet"?). ALl fours of climbed "cherry pie" with relative ease.  
Then there was a LONG stretch to our next control. I believe it  was mile 109(the previous control was mile 61). Another cool aspect of this brevet was that there was actually SAG support & food provided(thanks Sharon Stevens & Shellene Foster),  because of the time of day(night) ,there were no controls(convenience stores open). So Sharon & friends were waiting on us at a gas station/convenience store in Peadonville(sp?)that already closed for the evening. Shellene was telling us that as she was setting up the food/drink for us ,a drunk local on a mountain bike(at 3:30am)stopped in & proceeded to drink out of one of the 1 gallon water jugs(I think that water jug was saved for Gary Gotlieb-a 300K rider. Sorry ,inside joke). He mumbled words to the effect that he was going to kick the crap out of some local Hell's Angles bikers. Sheelene said just then a group of local women came & collected the drunk & drove off. And we missed all of the action in Peadonville!  
Form this point ,we traveled down some really back roads for the final 27 miles. As we approached Weatherdord , the four of sprinted to the final control. Done! My computer read 136.33 miles ,with a 14.4 mph avg. Not bad considering night riding & the amount of climbing involved('m not sure how much climbing ,the route posted on bikely was approx. 3,500'). Greg's Garmin my provide more accurate data. It was significant. Great route.  
Prior to the ride ,Nelson had suggested a light to Peggy & I for this night ride. All we had were Light & Motion H.I.D. lights that are GREAT,but our batteries are only rated for 3-3.5 hour run time. To supplement our H.I.D. lights ,we bought 2 Fenix LED lights(which are a small,BUT very powerful flashlights that can be mounted easily on bike handlebars). Here's the website:
http://www.lighthound.com/Fenix-L2D-CREE-Q5-LED-Smooth-Reflector--2xAA-battery-f lashlight-6-Levels-HA-III-OD-Finish_p_76-364.html.
I rode with just one Fenix light for 99% of the time on medium setting(for then 11+ hours without any battery issues. (Now ,Mrs Strada HAD to have her light on HIGH  & only got about 7 hours before the batteries died. No big deal ,a set of new lithium AA batteries & she was ready to go). I highly recommend this light. I wish I knew about this light last year. PLENTY of light for this little dynamo.
These rando rides always turn into epic journeys ,& this one was no different. Riding at night is so much fun. The various smells are more noticeable,the strange animal sounds ,& then there's the perk of not riding in the heat. This ride was one of the best routes that I've ridden in my short time that I've ridden rando routes. A definite "will do" ride again.
Greg ,I fell asleep in Nelson's van for awhile on the way home ,just enough that I didn't want to sleep when I got home. SO I stayed up for awhile ,then slept for 2-3 hours ,now I'm up until this evening.
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'16 ICE SprintX fs,
'16 Rocket, '12 KHS

Posts: 5803
Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #2 - Aug 31st, 2008, 5:36pm
Glad everybody made it through the night safely!!!  What a concept, riding when it's below 90 degrees!!!
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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Killer Bee
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CA2.0 proto type

Posts: 1308
Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #3 - Aug 31st, 2008, 7:23pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Aug 31st, 2008, 5:36pm:
Glad everybody made it through the night safely!!!  What a concept, riding when it's below 90 degrees!!!

Yep. Actually,there was enough moisture in the air ,to make the ride a little chilly(I actually put on a very lightweight jacket the last 27 miles). Nelson just shakes his head at us candyarse randonnuers.
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Pedalin` Peggy

rbent member

Posts: 261
Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #4 - Aug 31st, 2008, 7:29pm
Here is  my ride report I would agree with everything that Greg and Steve said.I would like to thank Nelson for his knowledge and expertise in night riding. I love my new light.(its so small but it was all the light I needed)I did prefer it on high maybe because I had never ridden at night before so I used it as a security blanket.I didn't like using my visor light I found it to be distracting and it didn't allow my eyes to adjust to the low light.
 I now know that so much of riding is mental. If you can't see the hills and how steep they are you just fly up them. With out using my visor light I could not see my heart rate of MPH average or how far we had traveled. I just rode to how we felt and by doing so I was able to sprint up hills and even sprint in with Greg at the end of the ride. In short I loved riding at night!!! Cheesy
Thanks again to Greg, Nelson and Steve for a great night of riding Smiley
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'07 Strada
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Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #5 - Aug 31st, 2008, 8:22pm
It was an honor and a pleasure to ride with such fine folks. Very possibly my favorite Brevet ever.  Peggy "Wonder Woman" Petty was a fun to watch as she blasted up the hills and sprinted to the finish.  Greg rode strong all night, and if he says he felt bad I sure never noticed it.  Steve it was a great pleasure getting to yack!  The weather couldn't have been better, and the traffic was light, even lighter than I expected, and the roads were very good.  All the turns at the end definitely kept us alert, and did cut into our average speed some.  I too was once again very pleased with my Fenix L2D CE Q5 lights, quite amazing, and definitely has me wondering what I'm going to do with my generator hubs.  I'm looking forward to the Italy Brevets and the TTTT when we get to have more fun!
Take Care,
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Commuter 1Cheesyavidson Impulse
Commuter 2: Motobecane Fixie
Commuter 3: Salsa Journeyman
Recumbent 1: Schlitter Encore 20
recumbent 2: Bacchetta Ti Aero
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Exceed Your

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Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #6 - Sep 1st, 2008, 3:33pm
Great job Peggy, Nelson, Steve and Greg.  I've done the LSR night ride the past 3 seasons.  They've been some of my most rewarding and memorable.  As I read each of your posts, I was able to morph to years past, and relive your feelings as I lived them.  Riding at night can be a wonderful experience.  As you approach mile 110, or the wee hours in the morning around Peadenville (sp?), you can stop, get off your bikes, and look skyward at hundreds of star clusters that are not visible in the metroplex due to the light polution.  
Great job, and for those who haven't had the chance, an all night bike ride is something everyone should experience with friends (not alone).
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Ray Torrey
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Killer Bee
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Re: Weatherford night 200k
Reply #7 - Sep 1st, 2008, 4:54pm
Ray ,as I mentioned in my ride report ,the BEST brevet since we joined LSR. I will send a private e-mail from George Elizondo on the 300k route. That group had a little bit more drama than the 4 bents.
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