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Hotter 'N Hell Hundred (Read 7617 times)

Posts: 3310
Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Aug 23rd, 2008, 8:41pm
I had a blast at the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred again this year. Sleeping in the rec center the night before the ride makes it all seem like a camping trip, and there were even more rbenters in the rec center this year than last, and it was great getting to spend some time with everyone. A couple of meals out with rbenters, and spending time looking and shopping at the MPEC show was lots of fun, too. I'm still amazed at the effort that Wichita Falls and the area puts into this ride. It's just an event that any rider should try to do at least a few times.
Because HHH is a relatively flat route with good traffic control, it's always a great place for riders to try for their best century time. I was especially curious to see what I could do after all my health issues since last year's ride. I knew I couldn't physically do now what I could then, but I wondered how much riding smarter could help me with my time.
I like to go for the best overall time, and compare there, but since we had discussed a recumbent paceline here, I decided that if I rode with rbenters and spent too much time at the rest stops for an overall time comparison, I would settle for an on the bike time comparison. Last year, I had finished HHH in 5:34, with an on the bike time of 5:16, both personal bests for me for a century ride.
I had a 3 point plan for getting as good a time as I could this year:
1. I would not go out too fast this year like I did last year. Last year, I hit the wall at around mile 60, and was pretty much just turning the pedals to finish after that. I wanted to watch my heart rate early, and save some matches for late in the ride.
2. I would suck more wheels. Last year, I spent way too much time out in the wind, hammering on my own. There are 10,000 bikes to draft here; I figured I should be able to find a few to ride behind.
3. I put a coroplast wheel cover on my rear wheel this year. Last year, I didn't add one until after HHH, just before TTTT. On a flat route like HHH, good aerodynamics does help.
As soon as the jets roared overhead, the cannon fired, and we were off at the start, I found a tandem doing a steady 21-22 mph and got on its wheel. I decided this was a reasonable speed for me, that I wasn't willing to ride much faster, and that I would resist chasing any of the many rabbits sure to race by. I waited behind the tandem to see how the rbent paceline would shake out. I didn't have to wait long. Paul came blasting past me, and Steve and Peggy took off in pursuit, at a pace way too fast for me, so I let them go, and figured I was on my own.
It turned out that the tandem I was behind was very slow on hills, and when we hit the small rollers at mile 15, I found another wheel to ride behind. And so it went. I felt good, tried to pace myself well, and changed pacelines from time to time. Several riders I knew said hi as they zoomed past me. I resisted the temptation to join any of them. I knew my water and mix would take me to mile 50, so when I didn't need to stop for any other reason, I made that my first, and as it turned out, only stop. It was a long stop. I spent 12 minutes eating, drinking, visiting mother nature, and refilling my Camelbak and mix bottle. I realized shortly after taking off again that I hadn't taken electrolyte capsules, so I downed a couple of those as I rode.
I reached Hell's Gate just a few minutes after 10:00 am, and still had a 20.5 mph average there. That's much slower than the average I had at that point last year, but I felt MUCH better. I knew there were rough roads, and a wind to face ahead, though, along with fewer pacelines at my speed to join, so I knew that speed would come down. It fell to 20.2 fairly quickly, but held there until I turned into the wind at mile 78. I had passed the paceline I was riding with on the big downhill just before that turn, but I spun an easy pace and waited for them after the turn. What had been a pretty big paceline got whittled down rapidly on the next stretch; riders were hitting the wall, it seemed.
On the hills that start at mile 88, the last of the paceline broke up, and I was pretty much on my own after that. At mile 90, my average speed finally fell to 20.0 mph, and I realized that if I could pick my speed up just a little, I might be able to finish with 5 hours of on the bike time, and a 20 mph average. Both were things I considered way out of reach before the ride. I also knew by that point that I wasn't stopping again. I downed a GU gel pack, and set about seeing how fast I could finish. I figured that even if I blew up at some point after that, I was still going to beat last year's overall time.
Although I was feeling pretty tired, things were looking good, and I was still on my 20 mph pace until mile 98, when my legs started giving me one of those "we're done, and can't do this any more" cramps. I knew I had to start spinning easy, or have my legs lock up with cramps. I eased off, keeping a good fast, but easy cadence. I was going so slow up the overpass at mile 100, I think the crickets were passing me, as they hopped along.
As I passed the finish, the loudspeaker announced the ride time, 5:18. That made my on the bike time 5:06, and my average speed 19.9 mph. My total miles were 101.8 It was a bit disappointing to come that close to a 5 hour riding time century and 20 mph on the bike average and not get them, but that overall time is 16 minutes faster than last year, which I never thought would happen. It says a lot about pacing yourself well, which I seem to be better at these days.
It sounds like most other rbenters were pleased about their rides today, too, although I expect Joe would rather have had those tire woes another day. Congrats to all who rode well and those who had personal bests. I'll let them tell you about their rides.
One last note: watch out for Steve if he sneaks up on you after a ride...
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« Last Edit: Aug 23rd, 2008, 9:33pm by Bud_Bent »  

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #1 - Aug 23rd, 2008, 9:02pm
Thanks Bud I look forward to hearing everyone else’s HH100 report.  Im in Wisconsin attending a family reunion.  Missing HH100 is a disappointment but missing a family reunion would have been a regret.
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Happy Trails! Smiley
Terry Pickl
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #2 - Aug 23rd, 2008, 10:00pm
I would like to thank all rbenters for a fantastic H'NH. The accommodations at Lamar Baptist Church were great(Paul's right about the men's bathroom door-BOOOOOOOM...if there were any war vets in gym  that could tripper past traumatic stress syndrome). I truly enjoyed everyone's company! It was good to see Lynn ,Dianna,Joe ,Eddie, Richard & my old Bacchetta CAFE!!!
Peggy& I talked with Paul,Bud & Greg about rest stop strategy. Mile 30 ,50 & 75. AND that's what we did. We stuck to the plan. As the fly over passed overhead at the start we were off...I took off after Greg & Brad(forget that ,that over in a hurry). I settled into a 25 mph pace & then dropped back a bit. Shortly after ,Peggy & Paul came into view. The three of us plus a Corsa rider from Oklahoma(Trey) rode together for much of the ride.
At mile 30-,we had a 22.5 mph avg. Fighting the crowds at rest stops is a chore, but the 4 of us re-grouped & rode onto rest stop #5(as planned), where I run into Bid(how in the heck did he beat us to that rest stop?). This was his first & ONLY stop. The 4 of us refueled & re-hydrated after Bud left.  
Next stop mile 75-I was starting to warm-up. Again ,the 4 of us refueled/re-hydrated & took a few minutes to cool off. Off again ,non-stop to the finish. At about mile 80-85 ,Paulo meets up with some GDB friends & he excuses himself to ride with them to the "unofficial beer stop" at mile 97. Knock yourself out. Paul blasts off ,so now it's Peggy ,Trey & myself.  
Shortly after, the three of get slightly separated by a medium size peloton(mostly the same team members). I'm riding about 210-15' behind them ,when one member rubs tires with another members. Bodies & bikes go tumbling & I make evasive measures to miss the mess. At least 6/7 guys are down & down hard. I'm thinking-"I'm 17 miles form the finish ,no accidents!"  
At this point ,I become separated from Peggy & Trey. The road is littered with bikes,bodies,bottles ,etc... At miles 92 ,I pull over & wait for Peggy & Trey. I see Peggy just a minute or so behind me. No Trey. Sorry Trey , it's hot & I'm starting to wear down. Gotta go!
Peggy & I take off,& pass the "unofficial beer strop" at mile 97,no thanks,none for me this year. Peggy & I finished together. She rode her butt off. Our ride time was 5hours,56 ins.37 secs. Bike time was 4 hours,55mins,15 secs. Our avg speed for the 102 miles-20.5 mph. That was 2 mph faster for me & 2.8 mph faster for Peggy than last year(and we cut 35 minutes off the ride time from last year). Mostly importantly ,there were no mechanicals,accidents. That's a successful ride,right there(not to mention dodging 11,000+ other riders).  
Thank you Paul for riding with us ,& doing you share of fast pulls(resident cameraman as usual). That was my first time of riding in a fast paceline. The four of us were passing some serious number of riders.  Bud's wheelcovers were great. I have no idea how much time they shaved off of our ride time(how to quantify that really?),but both Peggy & I feel they were a factor in our faster times than last year.
We(rbent) truly have some characters in the group. A Bud said...I'm always glad to give a good, hardy "handshake" to all after a ride. We had a good Mexican meal after the ride ,which is always involves a lot of laughter & good times.  
Bud,congrats on a great ride. 5 months after chemo & you're riding a sub 5 hour century?! Greg was fast & strong as usual. ,good job Greg. Paul was extremely strong all day. & Trey(6 weeks on a Corsa & fighting a summer cold) was strong as well.  
Good ride ,better memories.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #3 - Aug 24th, 2008, 8:06am
(http://s296.photobucket.com/albums/mm179/jman7659/HHH-100K-Aug2008/HHH-Finished- 2008/ )
Hope y'all had as much fun as I did Sat. I can say it was a hallmark for me. All other rides I have done pale in comparison to this mega bike event. The roads of course were Texas rural road average with some good stretches closer to communities then became econo seal specials Wink . And you know of course my front Kenda took a fatal hit somewhere close to the arrive at mile 40 rest stop Sad  Eddie checked with the bike shops at the stop to see if they had a 20" 406 on my behalf but no surprise
they didn't have one, so it looked like my ride was over cry .  Eddie and I discussed options to join back up post SAG then he headed out. Seconds before driving off in the SAG and having just put Cafe' on the trailer Texoma Cycling Center suv pulled up and the mech. came over to see if he could help any of us, I told him my problem and (Praise God) he Just happened to have one lone 20 X 1.25 IRC tire and Presta tube! Eureka!! He told me because I didn't have funds with me to just mail them to his shop !! Now That's what I call service! Min's later Cafe' was mended and the chase was on to catch up with Eddie who thought I was still DOA to the center. I asked the SAG driver and TCC mech to look for
Eddie with his bike description  and told them I was heading out. It was HAMMER Time and there wasn't a sub 16 mph DF in my path I didn't smoke as I was rejuvenated at this remarkable set of circumstances that allowed me to finish my planned 100K event! The new IRC was up to the task plowing through the chip seal and putting me at my best event 10 mile record. I think freaked Eddie out when he saw me roll into the mile 50 mega rest stop Smiley .
As they say, the rest is history as Eddie and I got the grand tour treatment through Shepards AFB. What unique scenery! Those parked jets and C130's were awesome to say the least. I'm so thankful they belonged to our good old USA and not the enemies of freedom.
What a day, what a ride, one I'll never forget and the rbent crew was proudly represented in Wichita Falls and of course the Lamar Baptist Church was fantastic as a hospice! The ladies were very sweet and made the ride that much more enjoyable.
I can hardly wait for August 2009 to get here and see what new adventures we can have.
Happy Trails,
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« Last Edit: Aug 24th, 2008, 2:46pm by jman »  

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #4 - Aug 24th, 2008, 9:48am
What a ride
The ’08 HHH was a great experience.  Our trip there and back was a blast, the ride was exceptional, and the folks from Wichita Falls were so welcoming and enthusiastic, what a fine time.  Five of us shared this wonderful time together.  Myself (this was my third time up there), Chris (my wife and her first organized ride ever), Terry (his second ride, but first on a ‘bent), Kelly (her first ride), and Shane (ex-triathelte who still ride a DF).  Terry, Shane, and I planned to ride the 100K, while Chris and Kelly rode the 25 (they are beginning riders and have been riding regularly about 3 months).
We left out of Hooks, TX Friday afternoon loaded down with bikes.  We stayed in Nocona that night (as close as we could get with an empty motel room).  The alarm went off at 4 AM and we headed to Wichita Falls.  We got to the MPEC about 5:15, picked up our stuff, ate a pancake, then went and got our bikes together.  I got the Burley set up, donned my Hawaiian shirt and helmet, and we made our way to the start line.
We lined up near the back with the 25 milers (Chris and Kelly rode that route).  The fly over went by and the group took off.  What a great sight of all the riders ahead of us going up the bridge was.  We rode with the girls for about the first 2-3 miles, until they were comfortable riding in the group.  Then Terry, Shane, and I took off for our ride.  Shane and I paced ahead of Terry since he was getting used to riding his new bike.  When we passed through Iowa Park we pulled over at the turn off for the 50 mile route and waited for Terry, just to see how he was holding up and to make sure he was up to the 100K route.  We should not have stopped he came by, waved at us and kept going.  We made it to the 20 mile rest stop and pulled over (we were not racing just enjoying the ride).  This stop is always one of my favorites; the folks do a great job making a festival atmosphere.
After a quick break and reloading the water bottles we took off.  Shane and I were feeling a bit spry about then and told Terry we would meet him at the next rest stop.  The two of us took off and hammered the next 10 miles.  This section went by pretty quick.  The 100 mile turned off and the number of riders dropped off making for a more wide open road.  We pulled in at the rest stop and waited for Terry to catch up.  I like the hanging out and doing some neighboring at the rest stops- the riders and the volunteers are always in such a great mood.
Terry caught up and we headed out.  The three of us rode this section pretty close together, until a couple on a tandem passed by.  I pulled in behind them and rode along at a good pace for a while.  Shane and Terry rode along enjoying the day.  Toward the end of the leg Shane came blowing by (he is still a competitor that does not like to be the second one anywhere).  We pulled into the rest stop for a quick break.  By now we were getting to know several of the riders along our route.  Some had beaten us there and some pulled in as we were lounging around.  
We took off for the leg of the route that I am not very fond of.  The access road section is a booger.  But, I knew that after that leg the rest was gravy.  The section lived up to my expectations.  Knowing that the big rest stop was ahead kept us moving.  At the big 50 mile stop, we spent more time than the other stops.  Shane was feeling fine and took off ahead of Terry and me.  I wanted to hang and ride the last bit with Terry; he was beginning to cramp up and was getting a bit nervous.  He had done very well so far, considering he was new to ‘bent riding and had a new bike.
We took off for the last leg to the finish.  Sheppard AFB is always a jewel of the ride and this year was no exception.  Riding through the base is a major reason I keep going back to this ride.  As we left out of the base Terry began to cramp up pretty badly, so we pulled over on the road and let him stretch and work them out.  We got back on and finished up the ride for a great day.
The ride itself is a good route, but the people there make it.  All of the citizens of that region should be commended for the red carpet they put out for us bike riders.  The folks in their front yards clapping and urging you on makes me feel like a pro.  The people at the rest stops go out of their way to make sure your ride is special and safe.  How about the group of Midwestern State students at the top of the hill about mile 25 who clapped, cheered, and gave high fives as each rider crested the top.  Of course, the airmen and women at Sheppard were some of the best.  Having these young people, who are giving their service to our nation, line up and cheer the riders on was very emotional to me.  Cheers to the riders, volunteers, sponsors, and each person who made the ride a great experience.
The ride beat my expectations.  Each person in our group met the goal they had set for themselves.  Chris and Kelly made their first ride, Terry made the 100K on his new bike, Shane got out and rode on a great day, and I made the ride and enjoyed every minute of it.
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'Bent in NE TX
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #5 - Aug 24th, 2008, 10:13am
Hello Rbent riders!  It was great meeting all of you at the Lamar Baptist Church and riding with some of you in the HHH.  I'll keep this brief since I'm at work as I write this.  
After downloading data from the Edge 305 GPS, it turns out I completed the HHH with an average speed of 20.3 mph.  All things considered I'm very pleased with this effort and can build from there.
Thanks to all of those who participated in the paceline efforts.  The ride was a lot of fun for me and Jerry, another rider from Oklahoma.  Jerry is doing well after his brief trip to the ER for dehydration.  In fact, the IV fluids adminitered to him in the field were curative but they took him and his bike to the ER just in case.  They released him from the ER and he rode his bike back down to the finish line and then back to the church.
We look forward to seeing you all again at future events.  Feel free to come up to Oklahoma for the OBS Streak September 7th.  http://www.obsstreak.com/strk08.htm
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« Last Edit: Aug 24th, 2008, 11:20am by oumed »  
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #6 - Aug 24th, 2008, 11:08am
If your going to try a 100 mile ride the place to do it is HHH. Well I tried. I managed to get 92 miles (which is a world record for me) before I gave out. My normal heart rate when I am really tired is 150. I really enjoyed doing the first 40 miles with an average speed of 17 mph and my heart rate was 142. After 60 miles my average went down and my heart rate went up and up. When it hit 207 for a few minutes I knew it was over. Remember 220 minus your age?
In the end I have never been so tired in my life.  Funny thing, it was difficult walking across the parking lot but I it was easy to get  back on the bike and ride the 2 miles back to the motel, I even went over the overpass again.
Next year I plan to to the whole 101 miles.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #7 - Aug 24th, 2008, 11:53am
I was not as pleased with my actual ride, but there's just no way to not enjoy the actual event, the chaos that surrounds it, and the friends you get to spend time with along the way.  I felt *SURE* I was going rip the pavement up.  After all, I was strong enough to shatter a 1/2" thibk glass with my bare hands at the buffet the night before!   Tongue
I leaped off the starting line right away thanks to being right up front and Joe being nice enough to give me an opening out of the blocks.  Of course that mean I only had 3000 people in front of me  Grin.  Caught a couple fast tandems and a chick with a nice butt in a good paceline and held onto them for 13 miles or so at 24-26, which was faster than I wanted to go out initally, but with the wind block It felt like a good pace, and I let all the big DF pacelines go instead of chasing and passing like I normally would.  Brad, who was going to paceline the ride with me, caught up after a mile or so and stayed for a bit and then latched onto a group doing 26-28 and that was the last i saw of him.  How'd you do Brad?
I did the best I could to stay latche donto people doing in the 23-24 range as I could, or used them to pull me up hills or just to take a break so I could coast at that speed.  I ended up being al alone on the nasty chipseal sections because the bigger pacelines could zip by me with impunity and the smaller ones and twos were too slow.  
The problem with setting a goal so high (sub 4:30) is that you've got to maintain a just under 23mph average the whole way.  I got close, and achieved a PR, but I obviously need to become a much better athlete if I want the kind of speed to achieve this goal.
Looking at the garmin data was interesting to say the least.  I can't see the screen on the garmin while riding - the cockpit of the tica is just too small.  My heart rate, which almost all year was in the 130-145 range, with a MAX of 167, AVERAGED 162 for this ride, with many spikes above 170 and a a max of 178.  So I was definitely running over the redline most of the ride.  I can't believe I lasted till mile 85 to finally get dropped and have to slow way down.
If I just could have made those last 6 or 8 miles I woulda have had my goal, but I ended up puttering along along at 12-14, tired of the chipseal and the bouncing and just wanting to hit Dear and the smooth pavement.  Once I did, I was right back into the 17-23 range, depending on the elevation, and in spite of the totally blown legs and knees I took most of the overpass at 20mph.  
Along the way I had a baron and a catrike 700 keep up with me much of the ride until mile 45, only made two short stops, and had a lot of fun.
Looks like RBENT represented themselves very well at every turn, and Bud of course stole the show with his phenomenal effort - nice work everyone!
I think I'll bring the carbent next year and see what happens.  
Oh, and the best line of the ride?  "Nice Hubs, Peggy!"   Grin
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« Last Edit: Aug 24th, 2008, 11:56am by aikigreg »  

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Killer Bee
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #8 - Aug 24th, 2008, 12:44pm
JS ,I hope I'm riding centuries when I'm your age. I think that tops anyone's efforts so far(92 miles is close enough). Congratulation's on a great ride. Always good to see you,albeit it was a short time at the start/finish line!  How many H'NH's is that for you??
Greg, I'll trade you times & speed. Don't beat yourself up too much...there are several riders that would love that time/speed. Yeah ,watch that Bud,he'll snake up on you as well...
Trey, again that was a fantastic effort for a short time on the bike. Well done. Glad to hear Jerry is doing "OK" & hope you feel better soon as well. How's the knee??
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #9 - Aug 24th, 2008, 2:09pm
Quote from Bud_Bent on Aug 23rd, 2008, 8:41pm:
There are 10,000 bikes to draft here; I figured I should be able to find a few to ride behind....

Like this one?  Worked for ME...  I mean, I found that jersey pattern mezmerizing... Cheesy
Best sign of the day, at Margaritaville:

Second best sign of the day, at the expo:

Considering that I didn't sleep worth a darn, I had an excellent ride, and enjoyed pacelining along with the Stradas and Trey...  Once we regrouped at Mile 30, we kept it at a fairly consistent 20-22, and passed a lot of groups along the way.  Around mile 70, Steve told me they weren't going to stop at Mile 98, and we had some of my GDB pals riding with us, so about mile 80, I took off a bit faster with the GDB guys, doing 22-23.  I was feeling pretty good; the stops at 30, 50, and 75 were good ideas.  Then, when we hit Dean at mile 90 and that smooth road, I could smell the beer stop, and cranked it up, headwind and all, leaving the GDB guys in the dust -- I did the last 8 miles at 25 to 30 mph, arriving at the beer stop with an average of 22 for the day.

At the beer stop, I met BeerTruck (Rick) from Houston, who I had apparently blown past during that last few miles...  Forty-five minutes later, I rode the rest of the way in...    Smiley  Cheesy
Unfortunately, about half my photos didn't come out, due to unfamiliarity with the camera I borrowed from Peggy...  but I'll get 'em posted in a couple of days.
Good times, all....   Cool
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« Last Edit: Aug 24th, 2008, 9:01pm by FlyingLaZBoy »  

"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #10 - Aug 24th, 2008, 2:43pm
Quote from Strada177 on Aug 24th, 2008, 12:44pm:

Trey, again that was a fantastic effort for a short time on the bike. Well done. Glad to hear Jerry is doing "OK" & hope you feel better soon as well. How's the knee??

An ice pack on each knee this morning before work felt great and tylenol helped as well.   Wink
I'll be experimenting with changing the seat recline angle on the Corsa to improve hill climbing.  As always, working on the motor will improve that aspect as well.  One fun quote from the HHH came from a DF rider that we passed in our mini-paceline.  Steve was leading followed by Peggy and then myself.  We were move steadily up an incline and I had started to drop back just a bit on the climb.  As I was passing one DF rider he had taken note of Steve and Peggy moving quickly passed him and he remarked to another DF rider, "I thought those things weren't suppossed to climb well."  Priceless.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #11 - Aug 24th, 2008, 2:55pm
It was great to see everyone at the start and at least a few of you during the ride. My plan for this ride is a brisk(for me) pace to Hell's gate and then become a total tourist to the end. My first stop was at Margaritaville(Paul, where was your girlfriend?) for water and a nature stop. I made Hell's gate at 10:29. After that I made five stops including stopping at the hotel to refill my bottles and splash some cold water on my head. My favorite stop is still the unofficial beer stop at mile 98 - the pause that refreshes. Even with all of the stops I still finished 20 minutes faster than last year. I left my computer behind so I can't give you those multiple decimal point averages. What a blast!
Corsa Ken
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #12 - Aug 24th, 2008, 3:44pm
Greg wrote "I leaped off the starting line right away thanks to being right up front and Joe being nice enough to give me an opening out of the blocks."
 Grin Very kind of you, actually I had my bucket off while singing the National Anthem and someone yelled GO and the race was on! Tongue There I was, flat footed trying to put my skull cap and bucket on while a horde of humanity raced around me. I just threw the brain gear on and sat on my Cafe' and my drink tube was wedged into the back of my seat. I didn't want to miss the free slipstream for anything, so I rode with no way to get a drink until I reached the second rest stop  cry   but it was darn well worth it. All the stories I had heard about the HHH draft were true  Shocked We didn't need the first stop because we were doing over 20 mph avg!
The great surprise for me was this morning after a good night's sleep, I felt great, not a sore muscle in the house. Of course I DO take great meds.  Cheesy
I look forward to next year for sure.
Here are a few jpgs.



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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #13 - Aug 24th, 2008, 3:46pm

Oh, and the best line of the ride?  "Nice Hubs, Peggy!"   Grin [/quote]
Who would be so classless? Some people have no couth!  Yuk! Yuk!!
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #14 - Aug 24th, 2008, 3:47pm
Quote from oumed on Aug 24th, 2008, 2:43pm:
...he remarked to another DF rider, "I thought those things weren't suppossed to climb well."  Priceless.

Yep, more than once as I busted past a large group at 30+, I heard "D*mn, those things can fly...."   Cheesy
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
days does that take you?"

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #15 - Aug 24th, 2008, 7:29pm
How was the MPEC show?  
Did RANS have a booth at MPEC?
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Brad Bedell

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #16 - Aug 24th, 2008, 7:39pm
Quote from aikigreg on Aug 24th, 2008, 11:53am:
Brad, who was going to paceline the ride with me, caught up after a mile or so and stayed for a bit and then latched onto a group doing 26-28 and that was the last i saw of him. How'd you do Brad?

Sorry about that, I figured you'd grab hold of that same group. By the time I realized you didn't, I was probably 25 miles in.     It was a good one but they blew apart about mile 35.       23.1 overall average is what my computer showed.   Total time on the bike was 4:21.  Official finish time was 4:51    I would have been faster had I not decided it was cool to pace the Sag vehicle at 30+ mph from rest stop 8 to nearly 9... Simply put, I burned my entire book of matches at once with that stunt.    At mile 50,  25.4 average, At mile 80, I had a 24.1 average for the ride, then I quickly went backwards because of my dumb stunt with motor pacing...  Greg,you passed me at the beer stop (I said hi) and you waved.    I flatted as I went around that corner I wasn't in any kind of hurry to change it.   (40mins?)  
A most impressive ride was put on by my friend Lindsay.  Last week, I loaned her my DF Orbea Orca for the HHH ride and the 12 hour time trial in September.  She surprised the heck out of me on Saturday.  She beat me in with a 4:23 time with no time off the bike.  She had dropped a water bottle at mile 20... I'm so thankful that woman  doesn't take the time to properly train, she's one of the most naturally talented cyclists I know.   Lesson here: don't loan your race bike to your friends, they'll smoke you on them.  
Sounds like everyone had a great ride.  Having been part of organizing a Rally in the past, it always amazes me at how well a ride the size of HHH gets pulled off.   Many kudo's to the event organizers.  
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #17 - Aug 24th, 2008, 7:45pm
Hello All,
Its Sunday and I finally feel like a "normal" person again. I just really enjoyed this years HHH. The stay at Lamar BC was great. These folks continue to try to do more for us bike junkies every year. Susan stays at the gym for about 48 hours straight, sets up and cleans, up all with a cheerful attitude. Thanks to the Lamar Avenue Baptist Church for all they have done. All you bent friends make this a crazy fun camp out as someone said. I did not see one bad attitude there.
I really did not know what I could do this year. I just tried to go as as fast as I could for as long as I could. Last year, my first year, I finished in 8 hours and 11 minutes. My on bike average was almost 12 mph.  This year the start was great. (Side note to the many who would not go and interrupt the national anthem and s a n g. Hot dawg, sqeeked a tear out of me. This country ain't done yet, patriots are still thriving!!.) We cranked off without a hitch and were zooming at 20+ in a heart beat. I said to myself, "wonder how long this will last". I kept this up for 10 miles or so, it was easy with all the pelotons just sucking you along, no wind resistance at all! Still feeling good, I did something that I have never done before. I caught up with Bud, right at the place he was following the tandem. I hung behind him for several miles. We turned a corner and I heard frantic screaming s t o p p i n g !!!! I smell tire smoke and see a guy fly through the air and land in a roadside ditch. This was one of three wrecks I came upon. While I was concerned for the poor fellow, my adrenaline was pumped up and I hammered on. I was able to hang with Bud and the tandem until we hit those first good hills then it was by by. I still managed some 14-16 climbs, which is a first for me. It felt great. From there to mile 30 I managed a 20 mph average, which for me is a kick in the ***! I really felt good eating peanut butter crackers, GU, and drinking carbomax every ten miles. Mile 70 and I was burning up fast, muscles and heat. I took a good 15 minutes to recharge and struggled to 80 for a quick stop and finally mindless cranking to 90. Another 15-20 minutes rest and I somehow recovered to do the las 10 miles in fine shape.  
The nice fellow who woke us all up at 4:00 am and a club group in purple jerseys wound up overtaking me in the last ten miles. Of course, I just had to see what I could do to that farting alarm clock. I cranked it up to about 20 in the wind and all those over the shoulders were for naught. I slowly caught him and passed him. Pump as he would he just could not catch me in the wind. Next the club was in view, but they look serious and can draft. Same strategy, this time we were at that long gradual downhill in the last 10. I just hit hi hi and pushed as hard as I could. 32 mph is all I am worth. They looked they jumped, they pumped and dissappeared in my mirror. I held 32 for almost a mile. Back down to 16  and breathing hard. I settled in for the last few miles. The club caught up to me at the final overpass and sneered as they passed. I  labored up the overpass at 5 mph and the other fellow was going to eke his revenge also, but I had already crested and had a bit more gas in the tank for the last mile. I hit it again for all I was worth and left him coasting the last mile.
  Really good first 50, crapy next 40, great final 10. I cruised in at 6 hours and 11 minutes. This is a full hour and 16 minutes faster than last year. My on bike average was 15.5 mph. Last year just under 12 mph. The fire hydrant spray at the finish was super!!
Two and a half years ago I was getting fat and seeing the doc for high blood pressure. Thank God for RBENT and recumbents in general! Smiley
See you down the road,
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #18 - Aug 24th, 2008, 8:00pm
Quote from jcsadowski on Aug 24th, 2008, 11:08am:
If your going to try a 100 mile ride the place to do it is HHH. Well I tried. I managed to get 92 miles (which is a world record for me) before I gave out. My normal heart rate when I am really tired is 150. I really enjoyed doing the first 40 miles with an average speed of 17 mph and my heart rate was 142. After 60 miles my average went down and my heart rate went up and up. When it hit 207 for a few minutes I knew it was over. Remember 220 minus your age?
In the end I have never been so tired in my life. Funny thing, it was difficult walking across the parking lot but I it was easy to get back on the bike and ride the 2 miles back to the motel, I even went over the overpass again.
Next year I plan to to the whole 101 miles.

92 miles is more than I've ridden in a day so I'm really impressed!!  
We did the 100k and my wife turned in her fastest metric century ever!
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #19 - Aug 24th, 2008, 9:06pm
Quote from Brad Bedell on Aug 24th, 2008, 7:39pm:
...my friend Lindsay.  Last week, I loaned her my DF Orbea Orca for the HHH ride and the 12 hour time trial in September.  She surprised the heck out of me on Saturday.  She beat me in with a 4:23 time with no time off the bike.   

WOW...   I remember her passing me at some point, shouting out a "Hi, Paul!" as she tagged along with a fast bunch, but I had no idea she was capable of something like that...
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #20 - Aug 24th, 2008, 9:14pm
Quote from Richard on Aug 24th, 2008, 7:45pm:
From there to mile 30 I managed a 20 mph average, which for me is a kick in the ***! This is a full hour and 16 minutes faster than last year. My on bike average was 15.5 mph. Last year just under 12 mph.

Two and a half years ago I was getting fat and seeing the doc for high blood pressure. Thank God for RBENT and recumbents in general! Smiley

Way to go, Richard!!!  Proud of ya, pal!!!!
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"A hundred miles on a bike? How many
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #21 - Aug 24th, 2008, 9:21pm
Quote from Richard on Aug 24th, 2008, 7:45pm:
I caught up with Bud, right at the place he was following the tandem. I hung behind him for several miles. We turned a corner and I heard frantic screaming s t o p p i n g !!!! I smell tire smoke and see a guy fly through the air and land in a roadside ditch. This was one of three wrecks I came upon. While I was concerned for the poor fellow, my adrenaline was pumped up and I hammered on. I was able to hang with Bud and the tandem until we hit those first good hills then it was by by.

That was pretty scary, watching that guy fly into the ditch. That tandem braked so hard, I had to hit mine pretty hard, too. I was hoping you had good brakes, too. I never did figure out what caused the slowdown. I figured the guy who ended up in the ditch did it to avoid hitting someone who had slowed down in front of him.
That tandem's speed was so steady, I thought at first it was going to be great to follow, but the captain tended to move left or right without looking, he had music blasting in his ears and couldn't hear it when faster riders called out, "On your left", and when it slowed so much on that first hill, that was strike three for me, and I moved on.
Adrenaline makes it too easy to hammer those first miles. I learned my lesson on that last year, and watched my heart rate early this time, and eased off when it got too high. Of course, I still blew up this year, but it was right at the very end. You had a great improvement over last year, though. As long as we can do that, we're getting younger and not older, right?
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Brad Bedell

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #22 - Aug 24th, 2008, 9:59pm
Quote from FlyingLaZBoy on Aug 24th, 2008, 9:06pm:
Quote from Brad Bedell on Aug 24th, 2008, 7:39pm:
...my friend Lindsay. Last week, I loaned her my DF Orbea Orca for the HHH ride and the 12 hour time trial in September. She surprised the heck out of me on Saturday. She beat me in with a 4:23 time with no time off the bike.

WOW... I remember her passing me at some point, shouting out a "Hi, Paul!" as she tagged along with a fast bunch, but I had no idea she was capable of something like that...

If you ask her, she'll tell you that it was all the bike.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #23 - Aug 25th, 2008, 8:47am
At about the 80 mile mark this young lady said "My butt sure is jealous of your butt"
A few cute answers passed thrugh my mind but I just said "Well it should be"
She wasn't the only one riding standing up.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #24 - Aug 25th, 2008, 9:05am
If getting old means I can still do 92 miles in heat and still enjoy the "view" as John says, I'm in!  
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #25 - Aug 25th, 2008, 11:51am
No matter how much my bike tried to sabatoge it Christine finished her first century at the Hotter 'N Hell. her longest ride on her Hurricane SL up till then was 31 miles. We had tried previously at the Cross Timbers Classic but the signage was against us that day and we ended up only with 83 when we got to the speedway and didn't want to do the loop around the outside of the track 3+ times. I probably wouldn't have made it that day since the eggbeater/kneesaver combo was tearing up my ankles and causing some big time swelling I had to stop a few times for. Still working on trying to sign her up for a nice 200k. Should be cake for her in cooler weather.
We got to sleep late on friday and woke up at 2am so we could drive up. Next year we plan on heading up the day before. It was nice to see everyone briefly at the start way up front in the pack before everyone took off. I lost the bet with the wife when we saw the Fujin. I didn't think even the HHH was big enough for two Challenges to show up.  Grin
After the start we made our way to the ~40 mile rest stop before taking a short break. Average was just over 17mph with no intentional drafting. Refilled the water on both bikes and grabbed a snack out of the aerotrunk and we were off. Still making pretty good time but apparantly both my tires were losing air. A few miles short of hells gate my rear tube let go and got all fish tail on me. Pulled off to the side to find I only had one tube and I couldn't find what caused the problem on the one I pulled out. There was about 3"s of dozens and dozens of pinholes in a little strip.  Reset the rim strip, changed the tube in the rear and pumped up the very low front tire and headed out. The rear tire was also seperating a bit from the bead but it wasn't bad yet.
We got through hells gate ok but it was kind of underwhelming. It was nice to be on the other side of that underpass with time no longer being an issue. I was keeping my eyes open for some kind of shop to pick up a tube but didn't see anything. My tire was still good but I probably slowed us down a bit because I didn't want to go too fast or corner too tight. Stopped again at the rest stop around mile 70. Average had fallen to 16 or so. It was getting a bit hot out but neither of us were having any issues at all. Just some water and more snacks and we went on our way to the mile ~90 rest stop.
Both of us took a little refuge in the shade to cool down a bit and drink. Those huge portacoolers were a nice break from the heat. When we were walking back to our bikes we saw at least 100+ riders spread through a few sag trailers all headed to the finish of all different ages and types of bikes. After we started back up again I didn't get more then a mile before I lost air pressure again. I commute thousands of miles this year without a problem plus that furnace of a brevet in italy and I get stopped twice at HHH oy! Same problem again 3" of little pin holes and then another inch of pinholes a little further on. Used some pretty orange electrical tape to cover over the rim tape a few times and all the patches I had left and crossed my fingers while putting some air in. It seemed to hold ok so put on my spare tire instead of risking the seperating one and put topped off the front slow leak. Rode very slowly for the last 10 miles taking really wide slow corners instead of leaning the bike. Even with all the slowing down we made it in under 7 hours ride time and then I held the bikes while Christine went for a refreshing walk in the firehose.
The ride went really well and the rest stops and traffic direction was great. I could have done without the 200+ times we heard variations of nice lazyboy where's the TV, oh that must be comfy, riding like that is cheating, the only way that would look funnier is with a bigger front wheel. Oh even the pin guy got into it pondering whether we should even get a pin since we rode on lawnchairs or somesuch. Actually I think the old guy was just flirting with the pretty young lady on a shiny green bike more often then not since hardly anyone took a notice or made any comments my way.
3"+ pinholeathon tube. Happened twice. There was a slight fold over in my rim tape where it was but no exposure to anything sharp. Rim tape must have worn through it due to those wonderful chipseal roads.

Bead seperation on Vredestein Perfect Moiree. Second tire of this brand to do it. I cut up the third one I have so can't make the mistake of using them again.  

Patching of strange pinpick holes in the tube. Held out 10 miles then the tube and rim strip were trashed. Got all new rim strips and tubes yesterday.

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« Last Edit: Aug 25th, 2008, 7:31pm by evblazer »  

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rbent member

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #26 - Aug 25th, 2008, 8:10pm
Great reports.  Glad everyone had a successful ride.  I lot more fun than I ever had at HHH.  Now I'm jealous and may have to plan on next year!
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Robert Johnson
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #27 - Aug 25th, 2008, 8:15pm
Robert ,I'm not a HUGE fan of riding with 11,000+ cyclists ,but I keep coming back & enjoy the ride more & more each year. We will be there next August. Plan on riding H'NH next year & see what happens. The more 'bents ,the better.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #28 - Aug 25th, 2008, 9:03pm
Yes, it's more than a ride; it's an event. And when you get to go camp out with a group of friends while you attend it, it really does make it even more fun.
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Opus the Poet
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #29 - Aug 25th, 2008, 9:26pm
My friends up in WF said that there were flood waters over the course in several areas last week, did they make any route changes?
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Killer Bee
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #30 - Aug 25th, 2008, 9:41pm
Quote from Bud_Bent on Aug 25th, 2008, 9:03pm:
Yes, it's more than a ride; it's an event. And when you get to go camp out with a group of friends while you attend it, it really does make it even more fun.

Exactly. And that's what made this weekend so much fun for Peggy & I. Yeah we had a good ride,but I'll remember so many other fun moments other than the ride. Those fun moments with friends will be with me forever.  
Opus,I didn't notice any problems with the roads. I did see several cyclists on the side of the road with flats ,but I can't say anymore than a usual H'NH .
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #31 - Aug 25th, 2008, 10:29pm
Quote from Opus the Poet on Aug 25th, 2008, 9:26pm:
My friends up in WF said that there were flood waters over the course in several areas last week, did they make any route changes?

It was Tuesday before the ride when it flooded, and they got it all cleared off the roads before HHH. Here's one of the news stories on it.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #32 - Aug 26th, 2008, 3:40pm
Quote from Strada177 on Aug 25th, 2008, 8:15pm:
Robert ,I'm not a HUGE fan of riding with 11,000+ cyclists ,but I keep coming back & enjoy the ride more & more each year. We will be there next August. Plan on riding H'NH next year & see what happens. The more 'bents ,the better.

The years I did the HNH were before I met up with the Rbent crowd.  I rode a little with my bent friend from Houston, but he's WAY faster than I am so I could only stay with him a few miles before I'd have to back off.  Because of my cramp issues I limited myself to 50 or 60 mile routes, and tried to take it easy so I could really hammer the last 20 miles or so (passing all the DFs headed into the wind was fun!).  At any rate, I was mostly riding by myself (the 50 mile route is particularly poorly attended), left at 3:00 AM (yuck) to get there and generally just didn't think it was worth the effort, though it was very cool being around that many riders and all the surroundings - the "event" part.  Next year I'll plan to come early and hang out with the rest of you.
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Robert Johnson
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #33 - Aug 26th, 2008, 6:31pm
Sorry I missed this one again but hey it's umm 75 degrees up here in Indiana  Cheesy
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Tim C.

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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #34 - Aug 26th, 2008, 9:25pm
I hope to be there next year now that I am riding again.  I had gone a few times in the early 90's when I was part of the enemy with a TREK 1200.  I only did the metric century back then so I need to be ready for the big one next summer.  I really enjoy all these reports and the friendship among the 'bent riders.
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #35 - Aug 27th, 2008, 8:53am
This ride is unique in my mind. It reminds me of going to the carnival when I was a kid. There is no other ride that makes you want to ride hard and fast like HHH. For just a tiny second you get to be Lance Armstrong moving to the front of the pack. Cheesy And the 10,000+ other riders makes you feel that you are a part of something really big, cause it is! HHH is a must do for anybody who enjoys riding a bike of anykind. All the bent riders will forgive those that have sinned, I too rode a schwinn sidewinder for years. cry Oh the pain, "the horror"
See you next year,
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Re: Hotter 'N Hell Hundred
Reply #36 - Aug 28th, 2008, 11:32am
I am just finally getting around to to saying how much fun I had this year. Just like everyone else it was good to see everyone together at the church  I liked the accomodations they were very nice it was a nice touch when we got there we all had our own spots layed out it gave it a personal touch it sure beats camping out side.  This was another nice year for the weather it started out nice but it did warm up a bit.  Joe and I had a great time good job joe for not giving up you were a bit tired at the 30mi rest and getting that blow out might have been a bit discouraging but I was glad to see you at the 50 mi rest stop.  between the 40 and 50 mile rest stop it was a little tiring for me but I felt like I would make it last year I rode the whole 100miles on a DF and it was hard towards the end so I thought I would ride 100k this year on my EZ-Sport it was better then when I rode my EZ Rider a couple of years ago the 20-20 was good on hills but I wasn't in as good as shape as I am now.  good job to all you guys that were in the 5hr range keep it up it is good for our health riding has been good for me since my accident I just have to be careful and safe.  I haven't posted any pictures yet been busy lately   will try later when I have time it was nice riding through the air force base I for got that either 100mi or the 100K have different endings and I missed the Margaritaville this year maybe next year I hope to have a Crank forward bike and maybe attempt the 100mi again we will see  
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