Quote from power_bent on Jul 16th, 2008, 3:10pm:So this is one long course that you need a map to know where to go ? Or is it like a 20 mile laps until you get to the desire 150k?? I look and there is no old map or new. I just trying to see what out there??
This is a ride from Duncanville to Covington and back. Riders are given a cue sheet to follow. These populaires are to let new riders try the randonneuring style of riding, but with a shorter distance, and there are usually experienced randonneurs riding with new riders to make sure they don't get lost, and complete the route, but in real randonneuring brevets, you may or may not stay with a group, and you are responsible for following the cue sheet. This ride's cue sheet can be seen
here. You can find out more about randonneuring in general at the
RUSA website.