Well, depnding on fitness level, I hope to convince Mark to paceline with me this time around and finally complete that sub 5 hour century including all time. Last year it was 4:45 bike time, but 5:15 total. This time I'll be sucking down calories like there's no tomorrow, and wearing long sleeved SPF clothing..
If I can get my body in line again I think I can do it. With the addition of the rear wheel cover to help me be more aero, and if I have a little break pacelining, and if the weather is under 100 degrees.
If, if, if.....
If you meant me I'll be up in Indiana for the next 2 weeks and will miss HHH, I'll be doing a 100 mile event in Lafayette next weekend and will be thinking of all you guys while riding in 80 degree "heat"