'16 ICE SprintX fs, '16 Rocket, '12 KHS Mocha
Posts: 5803
The hotel across the street from the Rec center has an excellent Italian buffet, for $10 -- beats the pants off of the HHH Group Feed... I'd suggest that. No reservations required, just go over and do it, pay there. My initial suggestion for the " 'bent paceline " was exactly what Bud described, a "casual" one, maybe rolling at 18-20... with occasional "sprint zones" of course. Last year, Bud and I were hitting 23-25 most of the first thirty miles before we split up, but I was definitely thinking something a little more "social" (read: able to breathe and drink and talk, perhaps even simultaneously)... However, we'd want to coordinate on rest stop points. I've historically stopped at 30, 50, and 85ish prior to the beer stop -- 30 gets you past most of the initial crowd, 50 (Margaritaville) the sun is starting to heat up, and 85-ish, it's HOT, and you've been fighting the headwinds since 70...