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Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally (Read 1698 times)

rbent member

Posts: 424
Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Apr 26th, 2008, 8:18pm
Checked in about 10:15, got number 1900, so I'm guessing that's about how many were there.  Good weather except for noticable east wind.  Ran in to Roy Longcrier from Whichita Falls on his brand new Fujin along with Mark and a couple of other guys, Dave and Mike, from RAT (Recumbents Across Texas), all before the start.  There were WAY too many riders on the course as it seemed to take forever for things to thin out.  Caught up to Corsa Ken several miles into the ride and tried to help him with some bike problem he was having.  We rode together several miles until I turned off on the 65K course and Ken continued on the 100K.  Ken had seen Steve and Peggy, Greg and the sstexex Steve, but I never saw any of them.  I'm sure they were all well in front of me.  Charlie started with some other friends back behind me but I never saw them again either.  There were plenty of hills before the turn-off, but nothing like I encountered from there in - lots of long hills and a few pretty steep ones.  Even had to break out the granny gear once.  Other than some slow uphills things seemed to move pretty fast, but since my computer crashed right at the start I have no idea how fast I averaged, but probably about 15 mph.  Started getting some indications of cramps coming on around mile 27 but managed that OK just being careful how hard I pushed up the hills.
My only gripes were that the rest stops were way overcrowded and definitely not enough porta-potties.  Some of the stops were not well located and all the bikers pretty much blocked the road to traffic.  At one stop a man pulling a trailer behind his pickup tried to pick his way through the crowd, but the gate on the horse trailer swung open and knocked down a girl on her bike.  Hopefully no serious injuries, but a good reminder to get OFF the road when you're stopping.
Hopefully everyone else had a great time.  The course was OK, but way too overcrowded.  Lots of hills as advertised, but in my opinion nowhere near as difficult as Fort Davis Cyclefest in West Texas.  More similar to the Peach Pedal than anything else I've ridden.
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rbent member

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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #1 - Apr 26th, 2008, 9:26pm
I agree about the porta potties! I stopped at the St. Jo rest stop and there was only one!! The Germanfest could spare a couple...
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Killer Bee
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #2 - Apr 26th, 2008, 10:39pm
Robert & Steve(it was nice to see you again) ,I can't address the rest stops ,I made the 60 miles without stopping. As far as the course ,this is one of the more difficult pay rides in N.Texas. I believe Corsa Ken's elevation chart with confirm that(3,000+ feet of ascent).  I overhead a ride organizer mention 2,100+ entries for today's ride.  
This course is much harder the Peach Pedal(IMO) I would say in terms of difficulty as pay rides:
With that said ,today's ride was nowhere near as difficult as Nelson's Cheeseburger/Cheeseburger route(200K) & I hear Ray Torrey's 220K Spanish Fort is full of climbing as well. I also hear that the Mineral Wells brevet in May is challenging as well.  
It was crowded ,but not on par with H'NH crowded.  
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Pedalin` Peggy

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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #3 - Apr 27th, 2008, 8:41am
This was a great ride,I agree there could have been a few more porta-potties. But the one thing I would change if anything would be the finish it was  anti-climatic , just a banner on the side of the road( "Finished").I felt strong all day, even though I rode it by myself most of the day . I rode with Greg and Mark a couple of times. I lost Steve at the start saw him again in Forrestburg . My average was not what I would like it to be 16.5. but I"m ok with that.  
I know that yesterday I didn't have it in me to do another 100k. But after yesterday , I know I need more hill training before we do Ray's 220k Spanish Fort ride.
I did get a new roadie comment yesterday, I rode by some guys on  DF's, one ask if bents were easier, I told him no ,he asked me the difference , so I try to give him the pro and cons saying that we are faster on the flats and slower on the hills . He then said," so why are you pull away from us on this hill." I said "I didn't went to be the stero-typical (not that any of use are stero-typical) lady on a bent" (as I pulled away he called me a b*#&h).
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« Last Edit: Apr 27th, 2008, 11:21am by Pedalin` Peggy »  

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Pedalin` Peggy

rbent member

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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #4 - Apr 27th, 2008, 9:24am
But the best part of the day was dinner and drinks with everyone, this was a  Cheesy Yea day.  
Great food and friends Wink                   Peggy
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #5 - Apr 27th, 2008, 11:54am
I guess it's all a matter of perspective.  I thought the ride was pretty good -- well done.  But Foo & I got there really early -- around 9 am.  We had a selection of parking spaces, close to registration and the one bathroom I could use.  Yes, there was only one which was later clogged and overflowed.  (Another story)
I did part of the 22-mile route (an out & back) and found the difficulty level to be comparable to the Peach Pedal in terms of hills.  (It sucked starting the ride going down a hill then having to climb 2 massive ones right after.)  The one difference about this ride versus Peach Pedal hills is that they flat before the uphill.  At least at Muenster, many hills went down then immediately up so you could get some speed going for the next one.  I wouldn't call this a beginner ride by any means, although there were a few newbie riders out there.  Everyone spaced out well and pretty much abided by the rules (IMHO), considering the number of participants.  I guess I didn't have any problems, since I was at the very back doing my own "thing."  People passed me, encouraged me and then left me on my own.  All the volunteers were great and very helpful.  SAG must have passed me 10 times, along with oodles of motorcycle riders.
Then after the ride, we all headed to the Fest.  Even there, they had only one accessible restroom, but I managed.  People were still very helpful when asked and apologized they couldn't make things right.  The food was good.  The music enjoyable.  The company even better.
Although still a little sore and tired today, I'd do it again!   Smiley
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rbent member

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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #6 - Apr 27th, 2008, 12:54pm
It was a beautiful day and a good ride even with some of the issues mentioned above. I thought the most boneheaded idea was passing out bananas to riders as they passed the rest stop. I saw this lead to a crash as people were trying to peel bananas, dodge bananas on the road and dodge people trying to peel bananas - it was insane. Right up there with the frozen turkeys being dropped from an airplane. Is was the chaos from the bananas that led to me mistakenly going to high-high gear and locking up the bike hard. It was a real struggle to get the drivetrain unjammed. Robert J. stopped to help and was just what I needed to get my head cleared and the bike moving again.  
I met a bent rider on a Lightning that had come all the way from Houston to do the ride.
The festival after the ride was enjoyable also. Unfortunately, I didn't get to spend much time with the bent gang as my professional drinking team had rode up from Dallas to greet me at the finish. Good food and good beverages.
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Opus the Poet
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #7 - Apr 27th, 2008, 8:34pm
Those turkeys weren't frozen.
"With God as my witness I though turkeys could fly" Les Nessman
That was one funny TV episode, with the turkeys just folding up their wings and dropping like rocks on the assembled people trying to catch one for dinner... With none of it actually shown on the tube of course.
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recumbent ninja

Posts: 3685
Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #8 - Apr 27th, 2008, 8:46pm
Twas a great ride.  Steve as we all knew, took off a-flying and blasted from the start.  So did I , thinking I was catching up with Mark on his Baron and Roy from Ratriders on his fujin.  Mark finally caught up with me 25 miles in after I'd already taken a break once.   Grin  Poor Ray was done in when he caught up with us after another rest stop.  
There were a TON of bents here this year, including most of us here, it seemed.  Got to meet SStex which was nice, and a guy on a trike who was keeping up with me and Mark for a while.  He must have had a near 17mph average.  Mine was somewhere between 17.25 and 17.5 - pretty darned good considering I was taking it easy up the hills - spinning and grinning.  I actually had plenty of gas left in the tank on this one, though I am sore and stiff today.
Most hair-raising moment was hitting 48.5 on that long downhill   Best moment was getting to have dinner with everyone afterwards, and the free beer!
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Killer Bee
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #9 - Apr 27th, 2008, 9:19pm
Greg ,a-blastin' I did. My ride time was 3 hrs-32min,06 secs-17.8 mph avg. ,one of my better efforts in a while. I started to wear down the last 5 miles(not sure if stopping would have helped or not). 45 mph on the long downhill . It was fun passing roadies.
Agreed-best moment was the food/drinks afterwards with friends. Again ,good luck next weekend. Peggy ,Mikey ,Cheryl ,& myself are participating in the MS-150(actually 165 miles)next weekend. Go team "Wheeler Dealers".
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #10 - Apr 29th, 2008, 6:14am
It was great to see everyone from a motorcycle perspectivel  Angie and I had a blast.  We caught up to Steve about 8 miles from the finish.  As we pulled along side of him, he talked as if he wasn't even riding.  He looked absolutely awesome.  As we climbed a hill, I looked at my spedo, and we were 18mph.  Way to go Steve!
Mark, Greg, Peggy:  It was great to see you all too at the St. Jo rest stop.  Angie and circled back to Muenster, then around again to St. Jo and Muenster.  We never saw you guys at the fair grounds, so we headed home.  
Great job everyone.  For those who loves em' hills, we'll be riding my Spanish Fort 200k in a few months, which covers many of the same roads (and lots more hills).
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Ray Torrey
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Killer Bee
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Re: Muenster Germanfest Bike Rally
Reply #11 - Apr 29th, 2008, 12:07pm
Quote from bikerteam on Apr 29th, 2008, 6:14am:
It was great to see everyone from a motorcycle perspectivel Angie and I had a blast. We caught up to Steve about 8 miles from the finish. As we pulled along side of him, he talked as if he wasn't even riding. He looked absolutely awesome. As we climbed a hill, I looked at my spedo, and we were 18mph. Way to go Steve!

Mark, Greg, Peggy: It was great to see you all too at the St. Jo rest stop. Angie and circled back to Muenster, then around again to St. Jo and Muenster. We never saw you guys at the fair grounds, so we headed home.

Great job everyone. For those who loves em' hills, we'll be riding my Spanish Fort 200k in a few months, which covers many of the same roads (and lots more hills).

Ray ,thanks for the kind words. At that point where you & Angie pulled up , I would have gladly traded places with you. I kept waiting for you to offer to bring home for me...it never game.
Both Greg & Peggy rode really, really strong as you mentioned.
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