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Message started by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 12:52pm

Title: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 12:52pm

I'm thinking that I want to do about 60 miles before I go to the HHH and do their 66.  I'm off Friday and would like to know of a good fairly level place to ride.  I'm not doing this as a training ride or a speed test, but an endurance test.  I was considering doing like 6 laps at WRL (the path on the lake across the dam, as opposed to the route that is on the roads.)  I was also thinking about the Trinity Trail out and back but have never ridden there.  I just want to go and ride and try 60, would rather not do it alone, and need to know where I can do all this on a relatively flat surface, and if I can do a trail as opposed to roads even better.  Next time I'll do more roads/hills.  Looking at the HHH route (66.13), there is only about 620 +/- climb/descent so it is relatively flat as well.  I know I will be dealing with wind and heat there, but I just need to see if I can do the distance.  

Longest I've gone before is 42, but I've ridden much more since then.  I suppose this is the mental "60 mile hurdle" more than anything.

Anyone up for a slower 60 on Friday morning?

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Jun 26th, 2012, 1:18pm

Not on a Friday.  But Aikigreg is doing a ride on Sunday in Ft Worth that I bet you could stretch into 60+.  Much of it is on a trail too.  Or maybe you could get Key out Friday and go ride around Weston/Gunter or over on the east side on the New Hope Road route from the Collin Classic.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by freakflyer9999 on Jun 26th, 2012, 1:32pm

Come join Greg's ride on Sunday. About 30 miles is on trail/park roads.

I've never ridden HHH, but I'm told that it is relatively flat and that riding the Trinity Trails is approximately the same.

I too plan on riding a 100k at HHH but the furthest that I've ridden so far is about 42. Not sure whether I will attempt bonus miles before/after Greg's ride, but I was contemplating starting at the Benbrook trailhead and riding to meet Greg, then I would have the option of either finishing the ride with Greg and riding back to my vehicle or simply dropping at the Benbrook trailhead as Greg and company pass it along the way.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 2:34pm

Sunday's are out for me, at least in the mornings as we attend church as a family.  I have this Friday off due to working a 9/80 work schedule.  (9 days at work: 8 nine hour days, 1 eight hour, 1 off per 2 week pay period.)  That also leaves the weekend open to do family stuff.

Plus to get up and drive all the way over to Ft. Worth for an 7-8 o'clock start!  Bleh!

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 2:36pm

freakflyer9999 wrote:
I too plan on riding a 100k at HHH but the furthest that I've ridden so far is about 42.

What bike will you be riding?  I'll look for you there, and maybe we can ride together!  I'm in the 11-13 MPH group.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by freakflyer9999 on Jun 26th, 2012, 3:04pm

JimFPU wrote:
Sunday's are out for me, at least in the mornings as we attend church as a family.  I have this Friday off due to working a 9/80 work schedule.  (9 days at work: 8 nine hour days, 1 eight hour, 1 off per 2 week pay period.)  That also leaves the weekend open to do family stuff.

Plus to get up and drive all the way over to Ft. Worth for an 7-8 o'clock start!  Bleh!

I too work 9/80, but have the opposite Friday off.  

I'm an ordained minister.  I'd be glad to preach while we ride.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 3:07pm

I can switch Fridays next PP!  Or I can handle preaching too.  [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by freakflyer9999 on Jun 26th, 2012, 3:09pm

JimFPU wrote:
[quote author=freakflyer9999 link=1340733164/0#2 date=1340735537]I too plan on riding a 100k at HHH but the furthest that I've ridden so far is about 42.

What bike will you be riding?  I'll look for you there, and maybe we can ride together!  I'm in the 11-13 MPH group.

I'll be riding the Bacchetta Strada that I recently bought from SSTEXEX.  I'm averaging about 14-15 around Weatherford, but can keep a 17-18 MPH pace on flat terrain or even faster if I have someone to draft behind.  Last weekend I maintained a 22-24 MPH pedal behind a couple of DFs for about 2 miles.

I was originally planning on riding my Terratrike Cruiser at HHH, but then I found the Strada.  I love the trike but I love going fast too.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by aikigreg on Jun 26th, 2012, 4:04pm

Well I WAS gonna say that I could ride with you and create an easy route that'll get you just what you want, but you gotta come down here :).

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 26th, 2012, 6:26pm

And I've been down there Greg...its WAY down there for me!

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Action Lad on Jun 26th, 2012, 7:04pm

Monkeywrangler22 wrote:
Not on a Friday.  But Aikigreg is doing a ride on Sunday in Ft Worth that I bet you could stretch into 60+.  Much of it is on a trail too.  Or maybe you could get Key out Friday and go ride around Weston/Gunter or over on the east side on the New Hope Road route from the Collin Classic.

I'm at a conference this week.  It's local, but all day until Friday.  I'd really much rather be riding.  Only one more week-long conference this summer.  

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by mleuck on Jun 26th, 2012, 10:15pm

JimFPU wrote:
I'm thinking that I want to do about 60 miles before I go to the HHH and do their 66.  I'm off Friday and would like to know of a good fairly level place to ride.  I'm not doing this as a training ride or a speed test, but an endurance test.  I was considering doing like 6 laps at WRL (the path on the lake across the dam, as opposed to the route that is on the roads.)  I was also thinking about the Trinity Trail out and back but have never ridden there.  I just want to go and ride and try 60, would rather not do it alone, and need to know where I can do all this on a relatively flat surface, and if I can do a trail as opposed to roads even better.  Next time I'll do more roads/hills.  Looking at the HHH route (66.13), there is only about 620 +/- climb/descent so it is relatively flat as well.  I know I will be dealing with wind and heat there, but I just need to see if I can do the distance.  

Longest I've gone before is 42, but I've ridden much more since then.  I suppose this is the mental "60 mile hurdle" more than anything.

Anyone up for a slower 60 on Friday morning?

6 laps around WRL will give you about that amount of climb/descent although I avoid the trail on the west side, too many pedestrians and that road is so much fun for the fast stuff

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 27th, 2012, 6:51am

I've read that there is some construction down there somewhere.  Does anyone have a map of the road route that shows where it is?  Or for that matter what the road path even is?

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Action Lad on Jun 27th, 2012, 6:02pm

mleuck wrote:
[quote author=JimFPU link=1340733164/0#0 date=1340733164]I'm thinking that I want to do about 60 miles before I go to the HHH and do their 66.  I'm off Friday and would like to know of a good fairly level place to ride.  I'm not doing this as a training ride or a speed test, but an endurance test.  I was considering doing like 6 laps at WRL (the path on the lake across the dam, as opposed to the route that is on the roads.)  I was also thinking about the Trinity Trail out and back but have never ridden there.  I just want to go and ride and try 60, would rather not do it alone, and need to know where I can do all this on a relatively flat surface, and if I can do a trail as opposed to roads even better.  Next time I'll do more roads/hills.  Looking at the HHH route (66.13), there is only about 620 +/- climb/descent so it is relatively flat as well.  I know I will be dealing with wind and heat there, but I just need to see if I can do the distance.  

Longest I've gone before is 42, but I've ridden much more since then.  I suppose this is the mental "60 mile hurdle" more than anything.

Anyone up for a slower 60 on Friday morning?

6 laps around WRL will give you about that amount of climb/descent although I avoid the trail on the west side, too many pedestrians and that road is so much fun for the fast stuff

Hear, hear!!   [smiley=pepper.gif] [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif] [smiley=pepper.gif]

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Action Lad on Jun 27th, 2012, 6:08pm

You know where it is.  You know Tepee Hill?  It's the hill on the west side, close to the boat docks, where the scull rowers are.  Anyway, the road next to the path is it.  No pedestrians to get in the way, the cyclists are fun to pass, nice turns, the whole thing.  Just look up Tepee Hill after you get to WRL in Google Maps, and turn on Street View.  

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 28th, 2012, 8:22am

Unfortunately I don't know Tee Pee Hill (yet) but this is tomorrows proposed route.  Anyone see any problems with this route?  Is the market a safe place to leave the car?  I was trying to get more than just 6 laps at WRL.  This way is 5 laps plus the trail back and forth for 60 miles.


Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by TonyWard on Jun 28th, 2012, 11:51am

you probably won't want to ride that - the "trail back and forth" is White Rock Creek Trail - WRCT and it's connection with WRL there at Northwest Hwy is what is under construction.  You can still ride and get through the construction relatively safely - the clowns do it multiple times a week.  

Given the choice I'd just drive down to the lake - find a parking spot in the shade if you can and jump on the bike.  Keep the lake on your right and just follow everyone else.  It isn't like you are going to be the only one out there.   :)

This is the route I take:  http://ridewithgps.com/routes/1369048

What time you going to be out there?  I might be able to meet you for a lap in the morning depending on timing.  I gotta have my car to Plano (Independence & Parker) for some work done at 10am.  I'll be riding home from there.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 28th, 2012, 12:16pm

I can skip the extra stuff and just do the lake 6 or 7 times.  I plan on making it out fairly early as I don't want to ride ALL day in the heat, maybe get there around 6:30-7:00 traffic depending.  I think it's like 38 miles from my house to the lake.  I'll try and find a place to park on the west side somewhere or there is that place just off the North side.  Look for a white Suburban and a funny bike.  [smiley=wink.gif]

You can also text me: (972) 302- three seven eight two.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by TonyWard on Jun 28th, 2012, 12:24pm

pm sent

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by kenbent6 on Jun 28th, 2012, 5:12pm

I am going kayaking at White Rock Friday morning, will start my ride after that. Will try and meet everyone on the trail some where.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by JimFPU on Jun 28th, 2012, 6:52pm

I may be the only one there...but I'll be riding clockwise this time I think.  Text me when you are out of the water...I'm hoping to get there around  6:30-7 traffic dependant.

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by TonyWard on Jun 28th, 2012, 7:42pm

It was just wishful thinking I could be there - didn't realize this was tomorrow!!!!  If only I could find a way to get out of work.....

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by jayg on Jun 28th, 2012, 7:58pm

TonyWard wrote:
It was just wishful thinking I could be there - didn't realize this was tomorrow!!!!  If only I could find a way to get out of work.....

Just think, in only 33 years you'll be able to ride whenever you want to. You might even be Clown #1.  :D  

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Action Lad on Jun 29th, 2012, 7:38pm

Jolly Joker    [smiley=tongue.gif] 

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by jayg on Jun 29th, 2012, 9:13pm

Action Lad wrote:
Jolly Joker    [smiley=tongue.gif] 

Just a retired guy poking fun at a young riding buddy.  :)

Title: Re: 60 miler this Friday morning?  (6/29)
Post by Action Lad on Jun 29th, 2012, 9:25pm

Just today, finishing up the conference I was at all week.  All I could think of was getting back to riding.  On my way home, I get a call from MA.  My mom wants me to go back for a visit...AAArgh!  Well, that's later in the summer.  And if I could redeem the time by bringing the trike, somehow, then I could go to Western MA to my old college stomping grounds where they have built miles, and miles of new trails, including rails to trails, in my absence.  I am really licking my chops for an opportunity to ride them.  We'll see.  Ever transported a bike using Amtrak?  I am thinking it would be less hassle than the airlines.  Dare I even hope that the thing won't have to be disassembled? [smiley=shrug.gif]

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread.

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