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General Category >> Ride Reports >> North of Dallas Bent Riders

Message started by Action Lad on Apr 17th, 2012, 9:37pm

Title: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on Apr 17th, 2012, 9:37pm

JimFPU had a good idea.  Let's all get together sometime for a ride, chat at a cafe, etc.  Perhaps it could start with us casually discussing nice places to ride.  Then, select those with decent places to stop off for something light.  Don't know how you feel about Sonic, but their set up is perfect for trikes.  Had a big trike get together at WRL, and stopped off at the Sonic there.
Any nice routes or trails anyone can think of up here?

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 17th, 2012, 9:59pm

I may be riding more soon, unless I get my car fixed.  Part is on order...I hate working on my car.  Anyway, I think I'd be up for something but as Key can attest-I'm slow.  So if you guys want some sprint stuff or 30-miler or something, not sure I can do that but I can tag along for some of it.  Unfortunately I don't really know any good routes as most of my riding is strictly commute route to get someplace.  I am trying to just enjoy the ride more.

Maybe l'll  get those clip-less shoes soon, and y'all can ride around me as I lay on the ground in various places... [smiley=injured.gif]

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by dd5339 on Apr 18th, 2012, 4:51am

Count Vicky, (vic303) and myself in.

Semper Fi

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Denman on Apr 18th, 2012, 6:47pm

There are some good places here, along with one bad one.  

Touring the historic section of Mckinney provides about 5 miles of low traffic and well kept older homes.

From downtown, taking Kentucky south to Graham, then to College picks up a bike trail around Town Lake.

From there are about 3-4 miles of quiet low traffic neighborhood roads that include a trip through a natural area near Elorado Golf course, crossing under a viaduct at Eldorado, eventually reaching the trail crossing Highlands Drive.  Take that trail up to the end near the Gabe Nesbitt baseball field.  The return route can be the same although there are number of really nice low traffic neighborhoods to get back to downtown.  The locals will know their way so if you aren't familiar with the area it may be best to start from someone's house and all of us meet somewhere.

Open the google link and under the MAP button turn on the Bicycle option.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Apr 18th, 2012, 9:47pm

Good going, "Northerners"...  somebody put a route together of about 20+ miles, name a date, and see who shows up!  That's all it takes....  advertise it as a "social ride", maybe throw in a sprint zone where faster people could blow off some steam then double back, and you're in business!!!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 18th, 2012, 10:41pm

CCRBENT??  Collin County RBENTers?   [smiley=duel.gif] Sounds cool to me!  The Wilmeth Rd loop we have marked out and ride pretty regularly would be a good 16+mi loop.  The more times you ride the loop portion, the longer the total ride...

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 19th, 2012, 7:59am

Wrangler: put up the map.  16 miles is just about right for me.  Unfortunately I'm busy the next couple of Saturdays, and Sundays not available until after church & lunch!  Cinco de Mayo looks good though!!

Hey, maybe a CCRBENT Cinco de Mayo ride...?

Also, going out of work yesterday, a guy pulls up next to me and stops...asks me how I like my Stratus?  I say I love it...much better than my old Infinity!  He says something to the effect of I have a Rans <...> 26".  Don't remember the model... light turned green told him to look up RBENT.org!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 19th, 2012, 8:47am

Ask and ye shall receive!

This loop is certainly workable for an evening ride or a Sunday-after-church & lunch, ride.  Folks wanting more miles can do more loops, or head up past Myers Park for the Triple Bypass hill section...

I just wish I knew of a decent coffee shop on this side of McKinney...so we could ride, and then stop for coffee and munchies afterwards!  But a Cinco de Mayo ride sounds fun.  I only see one potential conflict--that is the Dallas MS150 weekend...and folks might be doing that ride instead.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 19th, 2012, 9:38am

I say let's do it, and if you're doing the MS150, then maybe another time.  For those not doing the MS150 and want a ride for fun and fellowship (read: Jim is a slow rider) then let's meet up on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th for those English speakers among us) and have a little ride.  We'll use the "Wilmeth Loop" map provided above.  

What time?  Say start at 8:00 AM? 9?  What works for y'all?

Who's in?

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 19th, 2012, 2:14pm

Neither Dave nor I are doing the MD150, so one of us would be able to do the social ride on the 5th.  Count one of us in.  I think a 9am start time would be a little better only to limit some of the weekend working traffic.  And I think 9am is early enough to miss a good part of the joy-riders out there.  We could finish at Benny's Bagels in the strip mall across Lake Forest from Krogers (down the row from Little Cesars Pizza).  Either Dave or I, whichever stayed home with the Monkeys, could show up for munchies after the ride too, and bring a cable or two and locks, just to be sure no bikes wander off with new owners! (Poor Bob! I really hope he recovers his bike!)

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by shellbear on Apr 19th, 2012, 9:32pm

Boo, I'm doing the MS150!  You all have fun though.  :)

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 24th, 2012, 10:42pm

So Key, are you in for this fellowship ride?  If so maybe I can have those FPU DVD's to you then.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on Apr 24th, 2012, 11:54pm

Waaaay into the ride.  So, the course doesn't require going to a teacher?  Okay, I have already asked that pastor if the deal was still on for the free tuition.  He said it was.  However, I don't even have to pay the gas to go to Lovers Lane if it's just a matter of watching the vids.  Thanks for the offer.  The financial plane is in mid-spiral towards the ground, so free is just about my budget right now.
Every indication is saying that this Friday is when I will have the car back for the first time since last June.  


Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 25th, 2012, 6:31am

Oy! I get it now!  Jim's screen name, videos....FPU.....
Mr Ramsey has been a blessing to us too. We are getting close to being able to call in on a Friday to the show!

So next Saturday for the ride, right?

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by TonyWard on Apr 25th, 2012, 8:05am

Monkeywrangler22 wrote:
We are getting close to being able to call in on a Friday to the show!

I like it!  Keep after it!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 25th, 2012, 8:06am

Wrangler: Yes, next Saturday may 5th.  Cinco de Mayo ride.  Just a fun ride for fellowship and meet/greet.  I'm on the ride so it will be slow!  LOL!

Lad: you aren't required to go to a 'teacher led' class, but the benefits of going to a group are tremendous.  Unless you are greatly self-motivated in this area, I would recommend you go to a class-especially if someone is giving you a scholarship!  What are you waiting for man!?

As far as my screen name, JimFPU: I'm Jim but I figured you already guessed that part.  FPU: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu  Kim and I have been leading the class in a few churches and once at work for about the last 7-8 years.  It has allowed me to get on a track to be debt free ever since.  I have not had a car payment in over a decade.  I haven't had a Credit Card for over 13 years.  If I don't have the money, I don't buy it.  Once I get the house paid off, I'll call in on a Friday if Dave is still at it!  We have only the mortgage left.  Kim and I are also Dave Ramsey trained Financial Counselors*.  If you want to know more feel free to PM me for my phone number.


*Completion of this training does not make me an employee or agent of Dave Ramsey, nor give me the right to speak for or bind him, nor constitute an endorsement by him.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by shellbear on Apr 25th, 2012, 4:02pm

JimFPU wrote:
As far as my screen name, JimFPU: I'm Jim but I figured you already guessed that part.  FPU: Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University.  http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu  

Yay, I love to see other Dave Ramsey people here!  I'm not a counselor, but my sister and her husband have led several FPU classes and they were the ones who got us started on the Ramsey plan.  We paid off all our debt, including 6 credit cards/lines of credit, 4 student loans, 2 cars, and a loss on a house we sold in Austin in just under 14 months.  I love being debt free and will never go back.  Never ever ever.   :)

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on Apr 26th, 2012, 12:06am

Monkeywrangler22 wrote:
Oy! I get it now!  Jim's screen name, videos....FPU.....
Mr Ramsey has been a blessing to us too. We are getting close to being able to call in on a Friday to the show!

So next Saturday for the ride, right?

That is, if "next" Saturday means the 5th, yes.  (always have been confused by that)
Now, all we need is a route.  No chipseal, or finely grained, please.  I am with what everyone else likes.  I am not really familiar with the bike-friendly routes around here.  I am mainly hardcore high-trafficked roads, being there for business.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 26th, 2012, 6:30am

The Wilmeth rd loop is not bad. Half the route is chip seal but the surface is reasonable I think. They patched a couple potholes recently, but if chip seal is a problem you might run a lower pressure in the tires since that's easier than swapping tires or wheel sets out.
But basically all Collin Co roads I have ridden are chip seal with the notable exception being the recently redone Weston rd which is virgin asphalt!

And yes May 5, Key.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 26th, 2012, 7:52am

Key see this thread: http://rbentonline.org/YaBB.pl?num=1335368065

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Sweeper on Apr 26th, 2012, 5:35pm

Did I miss something?  Who is Dave Ramsey?

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 26th, 2012, 5:55pm

LOL!  Multi-millionaire who sells books, has a syndicated talk show across the nation, and has a 13 week course on getting your finances in order.  See the full story here: http://www.daveramsey.com/tools/new-to-dave/?ictid=ntd.ntdpage.3way.vid

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on Apr 26th, 2012, 6:42pm

Mulch? ?
Or were you hoist by your predictive spelling software, and meant”Multi”?

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on Apr 26th, 2012, 7:17pm

Yep spell check strikes again!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Denman on Apr 26th, 2012, 9:15pm

I'll probably give it a ride, but like the Lad, I'm not real fond of chipseal.  In the last 6 months I've lost about 5 taillights on chipseal.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on Apr 26th, 2012, 10:09pm

JimFPU wrote:
Key see this thread: http://rbentonline.org/YaBB.pl?num=1335368065

Went to the thread and responded.  We could try this no-hammer, no drop fun ride, and see how we like it.  Some rides add sprint points, or will set up faster avg. rides.  
We'll work it out.  [smiley=stirthepot.gif]   Sounds like it'll be fun.

Denman wrote:
"I'll probably give it a ride, but like the Lad, I'm not real fond of chipseal.  In the last 6 months I've lost about 5 taillights on chipseal."
Been there, losing lights.  Feelin' ya, John.  And I know all about lowering the pressure in the tires.  The demise of Stelvios has brought the Kojaks, which are nice on the fronts of the high-strung 700s over chipseal; I run a touring tire in the rear, still, the less course grade chipseal, the better.  Alma Rd. running through Plano is an example of finer-grained chipseal which is perfectly acceptable.  I do it every day on the commute.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on May 5th, 2012, 3:31pm

Well, I believe the ride was a success!  We had anyone from an experienced Clown, to a couple of trike rookies on their first ride!  We ended up with 4 trikes, a couple of LWB RANS (SXP, and X-treme) a couple of high racers a Musashi and one DF rider!  We took off after a blessing prayer led by Key, and it was a very leisurely ride down the hill on Lake Forrest.  made it out to the Wilmeth loop with out much hassle and no one seemed too tired.  Had a few rolling hills which started to take their toll on the newbies knees (one of which just had surgery a few months ago.)  All was well until Terri's trike threw a chain at the bottom of a hill and had to stop-fix it and then climb the hill from a stop.  When we later regrouped and got to looking at the trike-the tools came out and adjustments were made to the fine Speed.  Later the Rambler started acting like it wanted attention so it threw a chain as well and took a few minutes to get corrected.  We dropped Terri at a friends after 10-12 miles (depending on who's computer you looked at!) and Lloyd and I broke off to travel to his house to drop him.  He ended up with about 14 miles-for the first ride these two did GREAT!!  I then headed back to Kroger's via Hardin to Virginia to Lake Forrest to get back on the posted route.  Made it to Kroger and within about 5 minutes Lloyd & Terri showed up to get the car.  I then made my way over to the place where everyone was eating and enjoyed a sandwich and a cold Dr. Pepper!  At that point I had just under 20 miles.  After lunch, I rode with Dave who showed up after Vic left to watch the kids.  The original plan was to swap pedals and me try the F-5 (which is for sale) and he ride the SXP.  He decided he didn't want any more bike envy so he instead took me to the MUP that is close to the neighborhood.  I rode it for a couple of miles and then headed back to Kroger.  Ended up with 26 miles even.  I also used sunscreen today and didn't end up with a burn!!

It was a great time and it was really nice to ride WITH someone!  Will have to do this more often.  Soon there will be a Speed in our family and we'll have to do this again!  Of course I've already been told there will have to be some conditioning rides to work up first!  Others have more pics...I forgot to do that!

Thanks again to all!

Work on the Speed:

I think this was as bad as the chipseal got, nice relaxed group:

Last nights wind had blown down several trees across the road this one was the worst:

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on May 6th, 2012, 12:28am

Video's up!   [smiley=vrolijk_26.gif]


Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on May 6th, 2012, 2:47pm

Nice vid Key!  I really wish I had a more shock-absorbing mount for the GoPro.  I may have to try helmet mounting it next time.

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by testersbc on May 7th, 2012, 10:34am

Good Lord now i know i look like a dork!!!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Monkeywrangler22 on May 7th, 2012, 11:19am

Lloyd, you look better on the trike, than you do on the couch!  [smiley=duel.gif]

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by testersbc on May 7th, 2012, 4:03pm

video says otherwise.  thanks to all those who "tolerated" my wife and i being along.  We had fun.  Thanks to Jim for hanging with me.  It was a big help.  just gonna take smaller rides for right now to get my knees and lungs to cooperate.  Again thanks to all those that helped put this thing together!
[smiley=runover.gif] [smiley=runover.gif]

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by TonyWard on May 7th, 2012, 6:54pm

testersbc wrote:
 thanks to all those who "tolerated" my wife and i being along.  We had fun.

No problem - we have all been there  Heck there are still people "tolerating" me today!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by shellbear on May 11th, 2012, 6:50pm

Key, that video is amazingly smooth!  How did you do that??

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by Action Lad on May 12th, 2012, 3:21pm

shellbear wrote:
Key, that video is amazingly smooth!  How did you do that??

Nerves of steel, of course.  
(nose of Action Lad begins to lengthen)
OK, what I did was to try out YouTube Editor's shakiness stabilizer.  On my computer, the waviness of image in my camera is accentuated, so I tried to undo the effect, to no effect.  I was prepared to be apologetic to the group, but if it's acceptable, so be it.  

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by JimFPU on May 12th, 2012, 3:31pm

TonyWard wrote:
No problem - we have all been there  Heck there are still people "tolerating" me today!

I'll second that!

Title: Re: North of Dallas Bent Riders
Post by shellbear on May 15th, 2012, 7:34pm

Action Lad wrote:
[quote author=shellbear link=1334716679/30#33 date=1336780257]Key, that video is amazingly smooth!  How did you do that??

Nerves of steel, of course.  
(nose of Action Lad begins to lengthen)
OK, what I did was to try out YouTube Editor's shakiness stabilizer.  On my computer, the waviness of image in my camera is accentuated, so I tried to undo the effect, to no effect.  I was prepared to be apologetic to the group, but if it's acceptable, so be it.  

Well, I learned something today!  I will have to check that out.  :)

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