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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Cowtown Classic

Message started by Bud_Bent on Sep 11th, 2010, 1:26pm

Title: Cowtown Classic
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 11th, 2010, 1:26pm

There looked to be between 1,200 and 1,500 riders that showed up for this ride. We rolled out of North Crowley High School at 8:00 am.  I rode out to the start, 4.6 miles from home. The 60 mile route goes from the school, on Hulen St in south Fort Worth, straight south into Johnson County, then west to Sky Road in west Johnson County, which is pretty much the highest ground in this area. It does a loop back to Joshua, then north back to the start.

The south wind was already blowing pretty strong when the ride started. At mile 8, I ended up with a large group that missed a turn. I stopped at mile 9 to figure out the best way to get back on the route. It ended up being the only stop I made. I rode with Ray for a while, and met Mike (nice meeting you, Mike!) on his F-5. Mike is another fast high racer rider who could pedal away from me pretty easily. I kept a sane pace on this ride, and while I was tired at the end, I wasn't wiped out. I ended up with 60.8 miles at a 17.5 mph average.

I really liked these roads, and the traffic control was very good. I was wishing I had printed out a cue sheet online last night, after I didn't find one at the ride start this morning. It's a good route, although some of the turns can be tough to spot. After the crowds thinned out, it was easier to see the small signs that marked each turn.

After the ride, I rode to the Crowley FasTaco and had lunch. Then, it was on to home, with total miles for the day being 72.0.

Title: Re: Cowtown Classic
Post by bikerteam on Sep 11th, 2010, 4:07pm

I saw Bud about 15 minutes before the start, even though there was ~1500 riders.  We started about 75-100 riders back.  From the gun Bud was passing people, and I had to work around people to keep on his wheel.  We were riding about 18mph talking; Bud was on my left.  The pace was too slow for him, so he bolted.  I got stuck behind this group and by the time I was able to work my way to the outside, Bud was 1/4 mile up the road.  I managed to catch him, and shortly afterwards is where we stopped, thinking we were lost.  Ever the Randonneur, Bud pulled out his map and in about 3 minutes determined where we where and how to get back on route.  There was probably 30 people who stopped with us.  I waited on the side of road while Bud looked at his map.  After we started back riding, I picked up a thorn and a slow leak started.  Rode 1/2 mile and I was loosing too much air and had to stop.  Couldn't find the thorn at first, so I flatted again about 5 miles later.  Finally found it !

Ended up with a 17.2 average.  I liked the route, however there are a lot of turns, which only is a bummer if you're trying to reach a higher avg speed.

IT WAS GREAT TO SEE AND RIDE WITH YOU BUD, and to meet Mike.  He's lean, long and fast on that F5.  

Title: Re: Cowtown Classic
Post by Mark on Sep 11th, 2010, 6:26pm

I rode the 40 mile route on my Catrike.  I think vandals painted over the turn arrows on the street on a couple of turns. One was at the turn onto Emerald Forest.  There were 20 or so uprights milling around that corner.  I had a cue sheet and we made the correct turn.   I got a new Gopro Helmet Hero camera for my birthday and used it for the first time.  It takes great videos.

Below is a picture of a Bent Tandem I saw at the start.


Title: Re: Cowtown Classic
Post by m_mcdonald on Sep 11th, 2010, 9:34pm

I rode the Cowtown Classic today. My third such ride and fun it was. The temperature and cloud cover were great and the brisk wind challenging. At about 8 miles I ended up in a large pack of lost riders where I met Bud and Ray. Bud used his skills to get us back on track and we were off to the races. All went well until about mile 50 where I picked up a staple going around a corner. I watched Bud ride off for the next hill and I got in a little flat changing experience. I just cruised to the finish after that and went for a Kincaids burger and a beer. It was nice meeting you, Bud and Ray and I really enjoyed riding with you. I am looking forward to the next ride.

Title: Re: Cowtown Classic
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 12th, 2010, 7:34am

m_mcd, would you be the F5 rider mentioned above?  Welcome aboard - post a pic or two in the Introduce Yourself section!!!

I'm used to seeing only Terry Pickl at the helm of one of those EZ tandems!!!  Wonder who they were...

Title: Re: Cowtown Classic
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 13th, 2010, 11:17am

Ray and Mike, sorry y'all had flats. I went into the building at the finish and ate some cookies and fruit, thinking that you would come in any minute. Finally, the urge for tacos got the best of me and I headed on to Crowley.

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