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Message started by Bud_Bent on Jul 3rd, 2010, 9:56pm

Title: LSR Brevet - Rio Vista Rumble 200k
Post by Bud_Bent on Jul 3rd, 2010, 9:56pm

Today was the annual LSR 200k 4th of July weekend brevet. We left out of Lynn Creek Marina at Joe Pool Lake at 7:00 this morning to do the Rio Vista Rumble route. I didn't get a count of riders, but there looked to be around 20. Recumbent riders in the group included Steve B, Daniel, Steve P, Peggy, and myself.

This year's brevet had something extra, though. At mile 65, we stopped at a small country church 5 miles west of Covington, and had a short ceremony where Steve and Peggy, who recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, renewed their vows. Afterward, there was cake, fruit, and other snacks served.

Bryan and Shellene were there too, but both being off the bike, they drove the course, attended the ceremony, and took photos. Nice seeing both of you!

The entire ride, there were heavy clouds that looked like could turn loose rain any minute, but we got 120 miles with no more than sprinkles. The last 5 miles, though, I rode in a downpour. The last section of the ride has quite a bit of climbing, so as usual, I was behind quite a few of the riders. Coming down Lake Ridge Parkway on a Saturday afternoon is no bargain, on the best of days, and doing it by myself in a downpour had me pretty paranoid. I was hammering for all I was worth to finish the ride as soon as I could.

And I finished with no problem. My total miles were 125.0, and my total time was 10:02. My on the bike average speed was 16.1 mph, which is pretty good for me, for a 200k. I felt great at the end, but the peach margarita I downed afterwards pretty much finished me off. Great ride everyone, thanks! And congrats, Steve and Peggy!

Here is the poem Steve and Peggy asked me to read at the ceremony:

What can I say, in a positive way? How can I sway you to come out and play,
On a lean, clean machine in a beautiful scene? Who of you will dare to put wind in your hair,
Rain in your face and leave never a trace, of having ever been there?
When it's all said and done, what makes cycling fun? Is it better in winter, or in the hot sun?
Do you like warm wherever you go? Or when your tires go "crunch" in the snow?
Do you like racing with crowds that cheer? Or touring along with a bird's song in your ear?
I can ride for hours by beautiful flowers. Mile after mile with bugs in my smile.
I find rolling hills to be so sublime, and even the hardest, mountainous climb! Can you tell why my heart pines,
For quiet country roads with Burma Shave signs? Sometimes I get a thrill from "screaming down hills",
Or a fog covered road laced with daffodils. It's easy to see what it all means to me.
I've seen places and faces as fine as can be. Often at night, stars so bright,
I ride with my love in the pale moonlight, past farms with cows and stacks of hay.
Crickets and frogs cheer us on our way. We ride in the morning and then at sunsets,
And know that this is as good as it gets. Not even flat tires can alter our mood.
When I'm tired I dine on the best tasting food. What can I do to get through to you?
Why should you ride? I haven't a clue. Sometimes after long rides in a group we might sit,
And all with agree, "IT FEELS SO GOOD WHEN WE ARE DONE."

The bride and groom:

Title: Re: LSR Brevet - Rio Vista Rumble 200k
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 3rd, 2010, 10:16pm

Most excellent, and congrats to all for a (mostly) dry ride!!!  Best wishes for another 25 at least!!!!!

Title: Re: LSR Brevet - Rio Vista Rumble 200k
Post by aikigreg on Jul 3rd, 2010, 11:45pm

Congrats, y'all.  I got up and it was raining pretty hard with 80% chance of t-showers.  Given the hard rain yesterday I just figured I'd have no chance of staying dry.  Me staying home was probably what kept you guys cool and dry!

I hope you have 25  and many more on the bike together!

Title: Re: LSR Brevet - Rio Vista Rumble 200k
Post by Killer Bee on Jul 4th, 2010, 10:03am

Bud, thanks for reading a poem during our post wedding vow portion & being a part  of our ceremony. Sorry to spring it on you last minute. And huge thanks to Linda Metcalfe that set up all refreshments/met the pastor at the church so we could ride(especially when she should have been in the hospital with pneumonia).

This was a very special day for Peggy & I, not only for the obvious,exchange of vows, but to have so many people & close friends share the day with us. We will remember this day/ride forever.

The group stayed together all the way from the start to the the church in Covington. There were a lot of laughs & stories being tossed around. A very nice surprise was seeing Bryan & Shellene. Bryan was spot on with the photography all day. http://sports.webshots.com/album/578095482gpkdWh.

Also, it was great to see Steve Barlow again. Riding strong as usual. Sharon Stevens did an unbelievable job of hosting the event(again). Sharon, you are the best.

The pastor at Woodrow Baptist Church was a hoot, his name is Sam Houston. He's been a preacher for
65 years. He was full of stories/jokes & couldn't have been more welcoming. He thought it was awesome that we had that many people show up for our wedding vow exchange in his little church.

That poor church, like Bud said, we were dodging rain from the start, it was so humid all day. By the time we arrived in Covington, there were occasional peaks of sun. All of us were pretty "gamy" when we arrived at the church. Someone was smart enough to take the seat cushions off the pews, there were some puddles of sweat in some of the pews. After the ceremony, we had cake,punch, & some finger food. No one seemed to be in a hurry at all during the ceremony. We were there for at least an hour.

After the church, we headed off to Maypearl. Prior to heading off, Bryan had tied some tin cans on the back of our bags. When we took off they rattled, when got up to speed, the can floated off the road. I told Peggy this was a version of a "Redneck powertap". The can lasted for about 5 miles(Covington), then we headed to Itasca(and Orphan Hill), followed by Maypearl. AND there was no giggling by Peggy at this control at Bud like she did last year when we rode this route(Bud had ridden a flat for 5 miles on an extremely hot day outside of Covington). When he arrived in Maypearl, he was wiped out(like we any of us would be).

We meet up with the group again at the control. mile 93+. 30+ miles to go & it was incredibly hot & humid(the sun came out & several of us got more sun than we bargained for). At mile 110, somewher outside of Midlothian, I got see the rain clouds billowing behind us. I though, "we're going to get wet." As we made the turn off of hwy 67 onto Lake Ridge Pkwy, a few rain drops were falling. As Peggy got to the end of Lake Ridge Pkwy(through the fast descents) & made the left turn toward the marina, the shies opened up. Actually, it felt good. I didn't get cold, it was kinda refreshing. The problem was the rain was washing seat into my eyes(and my riding glasses were already covered in moisture), so seeing was very problematic. I slowed down & as we got closer to the marina, the rain lessened a little.

Bud passed Peggy & I just outside of the marina. We finished with a time of 9hrs 57 mins. I Had a 16.7 mph avg. Not bad since we spent a lot of time off the bike. And to put finishing touches on a perfect day, we visited a nice Mexican restaurant , with Mark/Linda, Bud, Brenda Barnell, & Daniel/Sharon. The
margaritas were awesome, as was the food(as I was so hungry). Great time with great friends.

Again, thank you all for making it a very special day for Peggy & I, we will hold the memories for the rest of our lives.

Title: Re: LSR Brevet - Rio Vista Rumble 200k
Post by square_corners on Jul 4th, 2010, 4:13pm

Bud and Steve said it all! - i have very little to add. Both Sharon and I had misty eyes during the service for Steve and Peggy - a moving occasion! Even though the forecast made it seem all but certain we would be rained on, I wouldn't have missed the ride for anything. I waited up for Sharon before we left Maypearl to make sure Sharon had someone to ride with all the way in from there. We left about 15 min behind everyone else but each of us was glad for the presence of the other. As we approached Midlothian, we could see the mother of all storms brewing to our west and behind us. But it held off until we turned onto Trail Ridge Rd. When we experienced a wind shift and a blast of cold air right before the skies began dumping. I rode blinded by sweat flowing into my eyes and fogged glasses with hardly anywhere to turn off to remedy it. Fortunately, the storm was fairly short lived and we rode out of it while we were on the Joe Poole Lake Bridge. Later, Mango margueritas made up for the discomfort experienced at the eind of the ride!
time: 10:04; avs 16.6, climbing 3839 (seemingly all on 3 steep hills).

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