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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Tin Man-110k

Message started by Killer Bee on Apr 24th, 2010, 5:02pm

Title: Tin Man-110k
Post by Killer Bee on Apr 24th, 2010, 5:02pm

Peggy, Nelson, our old LSR/rbent friend Jason (the guy that 4 flats on the rbent ride a few years ago, then accidentally drove his bike into the garage header after the ride) & myself rode the 110k Tin Man this morning. This is an out & back route.

We awoke to rainy skies. By the time we arrived at the start, the skies had cleared & it was turning into a beautiful day. The ride starts in Celina & heads north through Gunter, & onto to Whitesboro. After 4 miles, Nelson stopped(as he was on the beautiful Ti-Aero), missing front brake pad. That was a quick repair, off we went.

Just outside of the Gunter(pronounced Gunner) is the ultimate rando dog. He's not mean/vicious, he's just the energizer bunny that can run ALL day(as we learned from the last time we rode this route-he followed/lead us all the way to Whitesboro-17 miles from home).

Upon arriving at his home, he came to greet us, happy as ever to see us. I for one don't want to see this cool dog get hit be a car,so Nelson hop off our bikes, & return the dog to his home. No one home, so we put him in the fenced backyard.

Off we go to Whitesboro. Now the wind starts to pick up now, a quartering tailwind(sometimes a headwind). We arrive at Whitesboro with a 17-18mph avg., not blazing, but considering we stopped for a minor mechanical & dog retrieval.

We took a few minutes at the control, then into the howling headwind. Jason is fighting a sinus infection & severe allergies, so his breathing was troubled at times, so we took turns riding back with him. With the exception of 8 miles of the 35 return miles is into the headwind. Oh well, more resistance training.

We ride back past the rando dogs house, he was there waiting. Peggy & Nelson get off the bike to explain to the owner how he runs with us & he's going to get hit...all of this falls on deaf ears as the owner is clueless. Too bad, this dog is so cool, friendly, smart & he loves to run-FAST(for a long, long time). I don't want to see him get hit by a car. That would be a huge waste.

On to the finish, we ride through downtown Gunter, & turn right onto Preston Road, into 9 miles of howling headwind. We finished in 5hrs 25 mins. With the wind today, the return portion was not going to be a speed route. No fast, but finished nonetheless.

Nelson rode the Ti-Aero effortlessly. He rode strong all ride, as did Peggy, & our old rbent/LSR buddy Jason fought off his ailments to finish strong. Great ride everyone. Thanks for riding.

I flew home, showered & then meet rbent member hornsmw13(Mike) & his friend (Ken) & sold my Corsa SS.

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by hornsmw13 on Apr 24th, 2010, 8:15pm

sounds like a great ride.  it's nice to hear a story about a good dog.  my last dog was growly and angry and pulled my water bottle out of it's cage.  it made him stop wanting to eat me so i was willing to make the sacrifice.   i want to thank you for all your info today.  i was worried i would meet another roadie a..hole that's better than everyone else.  i enjoyed talking with you and look forward to the time we actually ride together.  thanks again and don't worry about your bike, it will be well cared for.

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by Killer Bee on Apr 24th, 2010, 10:39pm

Mike, I enjoyed our visit as well(and Ken too-let's see some posts from you guys). Always good to talk with a fellow bent/Bacchetta rider(s). I have no doubt the bike is in good hands. We want to hear some ride reports from you guys.

Like everyone , we've all encountered/endured the dreaded dog chases while on our bike rides. This dog is so unlike 99% of the dogs we cyclists encounter,he's friendly AND he just wants to run next to you(as I said for miles & miles), not chase you. The faster you speed up to get away from him, the more determined he is to catch up & follow. And he will catch & follow you.

I'm admitted dog lover, but  like most others, I have run across too many of the mean/nasty variety that would just as soon take a piece out of me if I can them the chance.

So if/when you ride through N/W of Gunter on Wall Street, and you see this huge,gorgeous house sitting by itself in the country and a spaniel type dog comes running after you, it's OK, he's friendly, but you're not going to out run him, several of LSR's best (from past rides) have not been able to do it.

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by hornsmw13 on Apr 25th, 2010, 4:56pm

took your old bike, ken's new bike for a nice little 30 mile ride in the Texas spring time wind.  he was amazed at the difference between the bent and upright regarding wind.  normally after our daily jaunts he is wore out from the wind.  today he didn't look that bad.  anyway, i think he is quite happy.  got the usual wows and awesomes from the kids and some others and he had a smile on his face.  thanks again.

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by aikigreg on Apr 25th, 2010, 8:49pm

sounds like everyone's happy!  And Jason's gear survived intact?

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by hornsmw13 on Apr 26th, 2010, 7:47am

not sure what Jason's gear means.  please enlighten me

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by aikigreg on Apr 26th, 2010, 11:37am

re-read the first few lines of the report.

hornsmw13 wrote:
not sure what Jason's gear means.  please enlighten me

Title: Re: Tin Man-110k
Post by hornsmw13 on Apr 26th, 2010, 3:39pm


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