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Message started by Killer Bee on Oct 26th, 2009, 2:23pm

Title: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by Killer Bee on Oct 26th, 2009, 2:23pm

I rode Nelson Live Long & Prosper 200k+  yesterday, along with approx. 14 other LSR riders. The ride starts in Prosper & heads west to Forrestburg. This is an out & back route.

It was early morning start, 7:00am. The temperature was cool ,but not to bad. Shortly after we started ,the sun rose & the temperature was not bad.  I took off quickly, Val & Robin Phelps passed me on a tandem just outside of Aubrey, but I keep them in sight, & we played leap frog all the way to Forrestburg. As we made our way westward, it became cloudy & cool(cold for me).

The route has 3 controls(including the beginning & end control in Prosper). I had planned to ride from Prosper to Forrestburg without stopping(64+ miles). I arrived in arrived in Forrestburg just after past 3 hrs 20mins(19+ mph avg). A quick stop & back into the hills & wind.

Still very cool & cloudy at this point. I passed the other riders heading into Forrestburg(about 4/5 miles behind). I was a few hundred yards behind the Phelps, riding my ride. Saving some energy for the hills & wind that really howling at this point.  There is a nice store in Bolivar(not a control on this ride), however,I filled up with water/food in Forrestburg, & had an extra water bottle in the brain box in case I ran out of water.No need to stop.

As we rode back east, through Sanger ,the sun was out & became very warm. At least 10-15 degrees warmer than Forrestburg(but no less windy).The leg warmers were toasty. I wasn't going to stop at any stores on the return trip.

The hills/wind were tough. I thought the tandem would drop me(since I was saving myself for the last 10 miles of this route which is mostly head on into the howling wind. Peggy, Nelson, & I rode this same route in August & the wind was howling form the south that day as well. Peggy & I fried ourselves on the section from Forrestburg from Aubrey, then barley survived the last 15 miles.  I learned from that ride). The tandem was also feeling the effects of the wind/hills.

Then one of the riders started cramping just outside of Bolivar, I slowed & asked if they need help, "no, were OK, just a breather." On I go, the leap frog continues.

Outside of Aubrey, I make a quick pit stop. Then we ride FM 428(the same rode as the HC time trials). I had nothing at this point, I'm thinking the tandem is long gone. I crest a hill & see the tandem a few hundred yards in front of me.

Then the brutal section, FM 1385-we turn right onto to this nasty chip seal road-into the 20-25(maybe more) mile headwind. This section seemed like it lasts forever. I pass the tandem again. There pulled over & resting. I keep going. Left on Fishtrap, now the wind is quartering wind, now I'm being blown sideways-great.

7+ miles to go, the tandem passes me. I'm still holding back because I know there's another left turn about 1+ form the finish-that means a strong tailwind. I keep the tandem in sight. Then, I hit the Bus 289(the left turn) & sprint to run down the tandem. I pass them, but I didn't want to step on any toes, so we rode into the control together, ONLY after Nelson has a nice 10+% grade hill to finish off the ride.

Total mileage-129.31 miles. Total ride time-7hrs-50 mins. The return trip took an extra 1hr-15 mins, thanks to the wind. I spent 14 minutes off the bike. Total climbing-4,460'. That was a personal best. I was shooting for 7 hr-30 mins,but the wind/hills were not cooperating. There are at least 2/3 climbs that are 13% .Then there's Forrestburg which is just up & down.

The ride was bitter sweet, this is one ride that I didn't ride with Peggy(she's resting an injury). I signed the LSR ride waiver & by habit went to hand the pen to Peggy & she wasn't there. It was hard for Peggy not tide on Sunday.

Thanks for Nelson for a great route. I really enjoy this route. The roads in Wise county are great(smooth) & hilly. Nelson's new rando wheels on the Barcroft are sweet. Congratulations to everyone that rode in tough conditions, on a not so easy route. Nelson rode well after still battling the lingering effects of swine flu.

Title: Re: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by aikigreg on Oct 26th, 2009, 4:28pm

I've been wondering where you guys have been.  Tell Peggy I'm sorry about her injury and hope the rest heals it up.  Sounds like another epic ride that you conquered with aplomb, as usual!

Title: Re: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by Killer Bee on Oct 26th, 2009, 5:23pm

aikigreg wrote:
I've been wondering where you guys have been.  Tell Peggy I'm sorry about her injury and hope the rest heals it up.  Sounds like another epic ride that you conquered with aplomb, as usual!

Greg, Peggy has a stress fracture. In true form, she rode a 400k(in Houston) and then 2/3 of a 616k before it got the best of her. I would like to ride this route without the wind howling(in Texas, good luck with that). Personally, this is one of my favorite 200k routes. There are some rough raods on Fishtrap(Prosper) & boulderseal on 1385, but that's riding a bike inTexas.

John was in town recently, so it's been a busy 2-3 weeks.  Thanks for the kinds words,like aplomb?

Title: Re: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by aikigreg on Oct 26th, 2009, 6:27pm

Ouch.  How long is the recovery?  

I have a degree in English to go along with the Spanish.  Hey, why not use the word?  I paid for it after all! :)

Main Entry: aplomb
Pronunciation: \[ch601]-[ch712]pläm, -[ch712]pl[ch601]m\
Function: noun
Etymology: French, literally, perpendicularity, from Middle French, from a plomb, literally, according to the plummet
Date: 1823

: complete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise
synonyms see confidence

Title: Re: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by Killer Bee on Oct 26th, 2009, 7:20pm

I knew you were a master-debator and cunning linguist. Peggy is riding, low impact , no hills. Typical healing time for a strees fracture 7-8 weeks.

Title: Re: Live Long & Prosper 200k+
Post by Kwijybow on Oct 26th, 2009, 8:28pm

As Steve mentioned it was a tough return from Forestburg with the 20-25 steady S winds.  I planned to take it pretty easy, and felt pretty good at the halfway point, but I was easily an hour behind Steve, and ordered a hot ham and cheese from the grill.  Still 4:20 for 104K is a pretty good Rando pace for me.  Heading back I didn't stop until Aubrey, and I was a lot more fried than I knew even.  The lack of miles and slow recovery from being sick had me debating the wisdom of riding a 200K.  But I recouped for about 30 minutes and rolled out with Danny Sarine, and with the winds had managed to pull away down FM1385 due to my lowness.  I was dead tired at the finish, and probably did not eat enough and was near bonking.  @10:15 for me.  The new 406mm wheelset for the Barcroft is sweet.  The 36H rims are well nigh indestructible (spoon!), and the 37mm wide Primo Comets give me a much smoother ride than the 23mm tires on the Corsa.  Seemed to roll better than the 28mm 451 wheels that came with the bike.  Now I just need to get the engine running better.

We had 18 riders start, and unfortunately one DNF.  We had 4 tandems, and 2 bents!  

It was great seeing Peggy at the finish, get better soon!

Take Care,

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