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Message started by aikigreg on Mar 26th, 2009, 10:43pm

Title: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Mar 26th, 2009, 10:43pm

Got in some time on Bellaire road, two sets from end to end with warm up miles on either side, all in the dark.  Bellaire is basically flat, with maybe 250-300 feet of climbing as you travel up the 3.25 miles from Bryan Irvin road to, well, bryant irvin road.  I took the opportunity to do two longer intervals as well and not lollygagging, since I wanted to get in a good solid half hour of workout.  Pedaled up in the middle ring, down in the big.
The first First "lap" (which included my warmup) was a pretty steady ride raising my HR up to 150 bpm.  I got passed by a car and the lizard brain took over.  Hit 31.8 mph and stayed with that car (27-30mph) until they slowed down to turn, about 1.25 miles.  Nearly puked after that since my mouth was dry and I had a 181 bpm heart rate.  For that lap I had a total of:
9.15 miles
19.6 mph
max speed 31.8

second lap was slower, but not ncluding the warmup:
6.55 miles,
29.5 max
20.7 average
175 max hr

totals: 17.67, 18.5 average, 138bpm hr average.

fun route for the dark.  Much better than a trainer!  Could see a thunderstorm rolling in in the distance.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by Killer Bee on Mar 27th, 2009, 10:10am

aikigreg wrote:
Got in some time on Bellaire road, two sets from end to end with warm up miles on either side, all in the dark.  Bellaire is basically flat, with maybe 250-300 feet of climbing as you travel up the 3.25 miles from Bryan Irvin road to, well, bryant irvin road.  I took the opportunity to do two longer intervals as well and not lollygagging, since I wanted to get in a good solid half hour of workout.  Pedaled up in the middle ring, down in the big.
The first First "lap" (which included my warmup) was a pretty steady ride raising my HR up to 150 bpm.  I got passed by a car and the lizard brain took over.  Hit 31.8 mph and stayed with that car (27-30mph) until they slowed down to turn, about 1.25 miles.  Nearly puked after that since my mouth was dry and I had a 181 bpm heart rate.  For that lap I had a total of:
9.15 miles
19.6 mph
max speed 31.8

second lap was slower, but not ncluding the warmup:
6.55 miles,
29.5 max
20.7 average
175 max hr

totals: 17.67, 18.5 average, 138bpm hr average.

fun route for the dark.  Much better than a trainer!  Could see a thunderstorm rolling in in the distance.

Good for you. Keep goin'. Wait to you get further into the training. Peggy & I are in a 3 phase training program.

Phase #1-maintain a sustainable pace for 20 minutes(20+mph), relatively easy,max H/R-160.
Phase#2-maintain a sustainable pace for 20 minutes(20+mph) ,spin at high rpm for 20 min,back to the sustainable pace for 20 minutes(20+mph). A little more challenging. Max H/R-171.
Phase #3-maintain a sustainable pace(20+mph) for 60 minutes-Next on the list to do.

Has William recommended core exercises(Pilates or Yoga) or weight training? Peggy & I spend approx. 3-4 hours per week at the gym.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by Killer Bee on Mar 27th, 2009, 11:41am

Scratch #3 off the list. 1 hour sustained pace ,with a 20.3 avg. Max.H/R 168,Avg.145(max speed 33.3. mph). AND the new Michelin's roll really well.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Mar 27th, 2009, 1:03pm

wow - VERY nicely done, my man!  

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by Killer Bee on Mar 27th, 2009, 3:56pm

aikigreg wrote:
wow - VERY nicely done, my man!  

Thanks. Let's see what the coach says. What other kind of fun stuff will he have in waiting?
Be safe on your permanent.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Apr 3rd, 2009, 10:31pm

Tired as hell and sore from standing up all week, coaching after work, a 200k on Sunday, two training rides, and a gym workout.  I haven't been in the gym much since my foot surgery last eyar - just fits and starts.  Hoping this time it sticks, because I've got to get stronger and slimmer.  the good news is that I'm down 5 pounds since Spring Break.  Only 20 more to go.   [smiley=headbang.gif]

tonight's ride was done all in the dark.  Light started to fade halfway through, but there was enough street light to not have a problem.  Had a car pull up and pace me at about 27 or so and ask me all about my bike and yell encouragement like "you rock man, you're COOKING."  It was nice to hear, but I was actually slower and had to work harder to keep my heart rate up where it needed to be.  I'm cooked and done for.  Hopefully I can lift tomorrow early and get a long rest before starting the process all over again on Sunday.

average - including warmup - 17.9mph
138bpm average heart rate, 172 max
21.22 miles.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Apr 9th, 2009, 10:38pm

Another in the dark ride tonight.  Had several days off due to baseball and getting a stomach virus yesterday and such, and I think the rest helped.

I did 3.5 laps plus warm up and cool down instead of my usual 3.

Almost all laps were done at 21.6mph.  last lap was 21.3

24.12 miles
19.4 average
mx speed 29.5
max HR 175
avg. HR 146.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by Pedalin` Peggy on Apr 12th, 2009, 12:19pm

Friday I commuted to work. Normally I would arrive at the mall in time to ride 15 to 20 miles around the mall. After my first lap a coworker stop and ask me come on into work. Now with only 5.9 miles in for the day I know I'm going to need miles on the way home.

I stopped on College Road to get some interval work . Our coach wants all of my training rides to be at 18.average or more, 3 to 4 times a week.

As I started my laps I see a cyclist on the opposite side of the street ,we wave and I ride on. As I start my next lap, I see the some guy now on the other side of the street from me again. He shrugged his shoulders at me, I wave him over, He asks what my work out was going to be ,I said I was going to ride 15 mile with a 19 to 20 MPH average holding a 90MPH. He asks if he could ride with me as he was out warming up to race on the Frisco velodrome .We soon pick up one more velodrome racer, So I got to pace this 2 guys on their warm up. I'm not used to being the rabbit ,but in this case it was fun. I ended the ride with 17.3 miles at 18.6MPH including my ride home  from work

I'm enjoying the training, learning to push myself. I don't think I'm getting any faster but more comfortable with riding. Understanding how to ride longer rides. Climb a little better.
                                                            Peddl'n Peggy

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Apr 27th, 2009, 8:30pm

tonight I got in 5 laps instead of the usual 3-4, but somehow one lap wasn't recorded.  No matter.  Rode the corsa again as the condiitons were wet.  

for my speed loops, I had 18.9 average speed, 144 avg HR, 165 max.  
Total distance 38 miles in 1:38 minutes  17.4 avg 136 avg bpm.

Title: Re: tonight's training
Post by aikigreg on Apr 28th, 2009, 10:49pm

tonight was a trainer ride using the "climbing acceleration" video put on by Joe friel's bunch.  10 minutes warm-up, pedaling in the big ring at 80-90 rpm to simulate "easy" uphill riding, then sprints to get the heart rate theoretically to your max along with upshifts to grind it out a bit.  I was supposed to be at times in the upper reaches of zone 5, but I barely got into it at all, and that only the last 2 intervals.  I dunno if that's because of ME, because I'm riding a BENT, or because I trained at  ahigh level for 2 hours last night at a solid clip and didn't have the juice.

There were six intervals total for the 55 minute ride.  I was soaked with sweat and it was a hard ride - enough to make me feel accomplished even though I was working on a trainer.  I have one more of these to do this week and a couple strength workouts and one long ride to go!

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