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Message started by AustinSkater on Mar 4th, 2009, 7:42pm

Title: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by AustinSkater on Mar 4th, 2009, 7:42pm

Wait a second, this is rbent, why am I talking about my Diamond Frame?

After spending 6 weeks rehabbing my back (actually just letting it rest) and using that time riding my Corsa I decided I'd chance a one-way commute today (Shellene dropped me off at work this morning).  After work, I rode home with the following thoughts:

1.  Dang, this padding sure feels funny!
2.  Hmmmm, I can't see my feet.
3.  Oh yeah, on a turn the inside foot goes up, not straight
4.  My helmet mirror is in the wrong position.
5.  Well, it is easier to stop and start
6.  Great, a cop on my tail in a 20 MPH zone
7.  Wow, my cadence has improved!
8.  Back feels fine, next week try a longer ride.

All in all a good ride, but I actually missed being on the Corsa.  I do know that I need to put in more miles on the DF though, since I intend to be riding both in the future.

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by aikigreg on Mar 4th, 2009, 9:30pm

Nice work1  I think having DF and bent is the best of both worlds.  It wasn't long before I shelved the Df for anything but cross training and tris, but no reason the two can't peacefully coexist.  I think every high mileage cyclist ought to have one especially for the reasons you describe.  There's a reason so many long time DF riders have such bad necks and backs, not to mention other male-specific problems.  Having the bent ought to keep you healthier longer, IMO.  

I take it you both are still enjoying them?  How is Shellene coming along?

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by Bud_Bent on Mar 4th, 2009, 9:42pm

Good stuff, Bryan. There seem to be so few strong riders who split time between recumbents and uprights, it will be interesting hearing your thoughts and comparisons over time.

We haven't heard much out of Shellene. I take it that you have more internet geek tendencies than her? How is she enjoying her bike?

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by AustinSkater on Mar 5th, 2009, 8:57am

One of the interesting comparisons to me is psychological:  I "feel" slower on the Corsa.  I'll be cruising along thinking that I'm going slow, look at the GPS and see 20MPH.  It just seems like a more relaxed ride.

Being on the Corsa has already improved my cadence; I normally pushed a big gear at about 80 RPM, but yesterday it felt natural pushing 95 RPM.  I have a single-speed that I geared for cadence work, but the Corsa is much better for that.

It will be an interesting experiment switching between the 'bent and the DF.  This weekends objective is to see how much hurt I can take on the Corsa over 300k.

My job has me online most of the day, so I do geek more than Shellene does.  Sadly, she is dealing with tendonitis at this time, but will hopefully be back on the bike soon :-(

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 5th, 2009, 9:37am

These south winds make certain sections of my morning commute very nice, as I can hit 25+ without too much effort...  Drivers tend to give you a little more R-E-S-P-E-C-T when you're up at that speed.

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by AustinSkater on Mar 5th, 2009, 2:12pm

Sadly the majority of the northern part of my route includes an active school zone, so I don't even get that benefit.

Respect is interesting, I seem to get more of it on the DF than I do on the 'bent.  Of course, I've only commuted this route once on the DF, so it's hard to judge.

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by evblazer on Mar 5th, 2009, 2:31pm

Just don't put a flag on your bent I found it really really agitates a very select few drivers similar to a red cape with a angry bull.

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by aikigreg on Mar 5th, 2009, 3:13pm

I think you'll find the opposite.  I have ridden the same courses at the sme time on both bent and df, and on the DF cars buzzed me.  I got boucoups more room to breathe on the bent.

AustinSkater wrote:
Sadly the majority of the northern part of my route includes an active school zone, so I don't even get that benefit.

Respect is interesting, I seem to get more of it on the DF than I do on the 'bent.  Of course, I've only commuted this route once on the DF, so it's hard to judge.

Title: Re: Commuting on the Merckx
Post by Opus the Poet on Mar 5th, 2009, 5:43pm

I get treated way different on each of my bikes. When I was riding the MTB with slicks I got run over at somewhere between 45 and 65. That took some recovery time. When I was riding the Stratus I got lots of space, especially with the Honkin' Huge Tailighttm and the big white cargo box. Now that I'm riding the Fusion sometimes I get treated to lots of room, sometimes I get treated like I'm Mexican and riding a low-rider (I understand a little Spanish but with the Doppler shift it's trickier than English), and sometimes I get treated like I did on the MTB before I got hit (get that bike on the sidewalk!)

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