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Message started by freakflyer9999 on Jan 31st, 2009, 4:46pm

Title: Today's Firsts
Post by freakflyer9999 on Jan 31st, 2009, 4:46pm

Well, I had several firsts today.  My first complete traverse of the the Trinity Trails from Pecan Valley in Benbrook to Gateway Park and back.  A total of 41.12 miles.  The most I've ever ridden at one time.

Of course on the first day that I have ever forgotten my helmet, I also had my first fall.   [smiley=injured.gif]  I had a bike coming towards me on the trail and one coming up behind me and just plain wasn't paying attention to the trail.  Got my wheel caught between the grass and the pavement and down I went.  Kinda just laid there for a little bit while everyone around me rushed over to see if I was ok.  Nothing hurt but my [smiley=embarassed.gif] pride, though it is pretty bruised at the moment.  If I wasn't on this diet, I'd treat it with some medicinal  [smiley=beer.gif] Shiner Bock, but I guess that I'll just have to suffer.

Saw more bents today than I ever have before on a ride.  I think that I saw 5 total, including the first hand cycle trike that I've ever seen.  DJ rode with me for a ways on his Corsa.  We passed RobertJ going the opposite direction, and a Bike E with a rider that I haven't met yet.  I also passed someone on a bent over towards Gateway park.

This was also my first time to ride in gale strength winds.  It was nice and calm when I started out this morning, but just past downtown Ft. Worth on the way back the wind picked up to the point that I wasn't sure I was making any forward progress.  I know that recumbents present a better profile to the wind that DF riders, but I still have 245 lbs stuck on top of this thing and 245 lbs don't present a little profile.

Title: Re: Today's Firsts
Post by Lrodshy57 on Jan 31st, 2009, 5:16pm

"bent over"?  [smiley=lolk.gif] Was it female? Maybe you should have stoped and ask if you could help. If it was male, forget it, let him suffer along  [smiley=evil.gif]

My english teacher would have cut up your sentence structure (war at dat 'spel chek').  [smiley=grin.gif] She loved to make me reword a lot of my compositions.

butt, ah still loved her  [smiley=engel017.gif]

Title: Re: Today's Firsts
Post by evblazer on Jan 31st, 2009, 7:17pm

That wind was pretty brutal out there at some points. Just imagine if you had the same profile but not 245lbs or more in my case to back it up. When wind starts blowing us around it is getting pretty windy.

Title: Re: Today's Firsts
Post by robert.j on Jan 31st, 2009, 10:49pm

Congrats on all the "firsts," except the fall!  Good to see you and DJ if only for a couple of seconds.  I was with some pretty fast DFs headed into the wind so managed to stay 15-16.  Coming back there were a lot of 25+ moments.  Fun!  Intended to get in 40 but ended up with only 22.5 but really hard miles.

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