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Message started by evblazer on Jan 18th, 2009, 10:47pm

Title: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 18th, 2009, 10:47pm

2009 Stats
200k 2 - Team DNF 0
Team DNF is a registered trademark of the Hastings Hurricanes  [smiley=evil.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Kwijybow on Jan 18th, 2009, 10:53pm

Crap!  I was hoping with the westerly return wind you guys would be golden.  How was it?  Any info is appreciated.

Take Care,

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jan 19th, 2009, 8:13am

Team DNF  [smiley=evil.gif]

Uh, oh, I see a new entry into the Texas Time Trials ahead........ [smiley=dbanana.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Bud_Bent on Jan 19th, 2009, 8:46am

How about some details?

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 8:48am

Hm... I don't know what the deal is with picasa
Here is our card we meant to post with the names/addresses of the controls removed but I'm seeing it as an x

   There are patches on and off fresh chipseal. There is one 1/2 mile patch going into and out of the mid point control that was freshly torn up road that is far worse leaving then going into it Mostly dirt, loose gravel and such. It would be about 20 miles till the control and 19.5 miles out of it. they'll probably have that patched very soon and move on to tear up some where else. The only other hazard is that in alot of places the right side of the road is sunken and about 4 inches lower then the rest of the road. It is easy to see and currently there is a smooth transition and it doesn't just drop like a pothole. You can see it hundreds of feet in advance so as long as you are at least passively looking at the road and I guess even if you aren't you'll just hit a little dip in the road.

Overall the road is really nice much nicers than most of the other brevets. The bridges over water were nice and most of the dogs were nice. They always seem to live on hills though  [smiley=smiley_up.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 8:58am

Bud_Bent wrote:
How about some details?

I gotta finish sleeping first. We got back home at 10:30 after waking up at 4  [smiley=sleeping.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by aikigreg on Jan 19th, 2009, 9:04am

wow that looks like a long day.  You've got some wicked sticktuitivenes, mi amigo!

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again - Quiz time
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 10:34am

So your riding along to your first control. Ok your looking for a country store
#1 http://lh4.ggpht.com/_g0_wmYkLmkY/SXSak3EoVwI/AAAAAAAAAP4/vrxCM_GzHK8/s288/P1181478.JPG or #2http://lh6.ggpht.com/_g0_wmYkLmkY/SXSap6mS_GI/AAAAAAAAAQY/fnnyWGFik0g/s288/P1181482.JPG
Hmm lets take another look at that store on the right
http://lh5.ggpht.com/_g0_wmYkLmkY/SXSaondCB7I/AAAAAAAAAQQ/OKDNhqssV3I/s288/P1181481.JPG naaah that can't be it.

er nope it wasn't door #1 [smiley=embarassed.gif] http://lh6.ggpht.com/_g0_wmYkLmkY/SXSakMjxBMI/AAAAAAAAAPw/bGzXwAebqjU/s288/P1181477.JPG

Note: The #2 image looks alot clearer then it did when we rolled in  ;)
Hm on second thought it is alot easier to figure out with those pictures  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 10:43am

When you are passing the fuel pumps getting on the first road and you see part of
rolling past as the chain falls off
it is ok to curse your <10 mile old pulley. How much would a dab of epoxy weigh anyhow [smiley=huh.gif]

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 12:07pm

The ride was really nice. Very nice roads except 1 miles of construction, light traffic, nice scenery, not many loose dogs.

It was a little chilly heading into the wind for the first part of the trip. It also made the hills all that much harder as you fought up the hills to receive no reward of coasting downhill since the wind cancelled out the nicer effects of gravity.

You just can't coast down the nice hills.

The trip out wasn't so bad except for that chill especially in the beginning around the water. There are a few really tough climbs into the midpoint control though which really hurt our time.
We had some chicken strips and fries at the country store. Well we ordered chicken strips and fries but mostly just had a few fries and cool ranch doritoes. Then hit the road on the way back at 2:50 or so *coungh* 14:50 rather.

We were making ok time with a little tailwind. We got through the construction area without any problems just riding on through and then Union pacific was ahead of schedule again. [smiley=rolleyes.gif]
Passing train
I think the train might be moving

A recognizable building but still far from getting home.

The last 20 or so were pretty long. The GPS stopped telling me how far or how much time till the next checkpoint. My wireless computer is well a wireless computer and kept dropping miles all over and neither the GPS nor my wifes computer was reset prior to the ride so we didnt' really know how much further it was at any time.
Most it was just hm.. I wonder how far it is now with alot of darkness
When we got back we loaded up the bikes and went in to cleanup and got our cards signed. I think we actually rolled in around 20:44 and since we missed the midpoint anyhow we weren't in a rush.
Even had time for a pic or two.

more pics

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Bud_Bent on Jan 19th, 2009, 12:17pm

What route is this?

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 12:29pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
What route is this?

Oops CheeburgerCheeburger.

Oh and the most important lesson of the ride.

When you are riding along with your head and rest of your body within easy chomping distance the perfect deterrent for an angry pack of dogs is nothing other then a ripped open on the go bag of
Just wait for the Animals to close and throw it at one. No dog can resist fighting over dozens of little bits of sugery goodness.

Animal control officer tested and approved  8-)

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Kwijybow on Jan 19th, 2009, 1:28pm

How long did you have to wait for the train Mark, did you have to wait on the outbound leg to Forestburg as well?


Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 2:35pm

The train is a little difficult to quantify since we weren't paying it much attention to it being a delay since we missed forestburg.
It was at least 5 minutes until we heard the other train whistle and decided it was safe to dig out the camera for pictures since we didn't want to be fussing with it and have the train move.
Just checked the pic images. The first one was 4:58 the latest one is 5:04 when the train just started moving. It took at least 10 minutes for it to clear the intersection.

Outbound to forestburg we beat the train by a minute or less and I believe it was early at the track crossing near 377 that happened and not the 35 one.

I can't believe we were in forestburg for an hour just to get the card signed and eat some fries geash. Actually card signing seemed much more difficult of an affair then I'm used to.

At the start.
After waiting a bit I ended up using the atm to get a receipt with a time 7:06 at the start since there was no one visible in the shop except for one agitaded customer. Girl gets off the phone  in that little office behind the counter and comes out to customer saying he just wanted _________ and then she sells us our spree and signs our receipts 7:07 PM. Christine called her back out and she apoligized that she was having family problems and fixed our PM to AM and said she could see how that would be a problem and went back to the phone and wished us a good ride. (and perhaps cursed us when we closed the door because we didnt' even make it out of the lot without a mechanical)  :(

At forestburg it went something like this.
Park the bikes walk in the wrong building and wonder what kind of control this is? ooops wrong building
Walk out  of the feed store and into the actual store and see the one casheir waiting on someone at the second register with a line of 3 folks at the first register unattended and one of them griping about it since I believe his friends were waiting outside since they were on a motorcycle ride.
Walk in back to see if there was anyone there but there was just a little kid and about half a dozen folks dressed up yelling across the tiny room at eachother about who knows what.
Return up front and they are still doing something with that other person and finally let him go and came over to check the 3 folks in front of us out.

Per Verizon time it took us 7 minutes from arrival to card signing (VZ Time at checkout was 1:56). We rolled in at 1:49 VZ time which is why I didn't ask someone in front of my for their receipt, ours was 1:52, or make a fuss about the 1:50 time on the card.

At the final control
A different cashier in Van Alstene was outside talking with his GF. ATM Reciept showed 8:53 it seemed longer then 2 minutes before he came in and sold us our goodies and signed it 8:55.

Other misc times that were all my fault  [smiley=wink.gif]
Heading out
Pulley explosion, chain jam, chain jam all in the initial parking lot 15 minutes
Picture stop in the beginning 10 minutes (I saw long my wife says shorter)
Stopping at the Exxon by 35 on the first leg and having to wait for the rest room 15 minutes

Coming back
Chain mysteriously falling off coasting down a hill 5 minutes
Digging out the helmet lights ouf of my bag and doing battery changes on all rear lights that had been running all day. 5 minutes
Pictures at finish, Loading up the bikes, cleaning up, getting a treat 10 minutes

It was a good ride and we learned some stuff like not to make the mistake of trusting a replacement pulley that is 10 miles old to last any better then the one that lasted over 700 miles. Bring more frosted flakes  :) etc etc.

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Kwijybow on Jan 19th, 2009, 3:36pm

Man a lot of places to save minutes in there.  I think it is AOK to ask for your card to be signed with the time you actually arrived.  If a group arrives at a volunteer manned control everybody gets the same time regardless of how long you have to wait to get processed. I'll have to ask Edward for a ruling on trains, but they may act the same as a road closure, and you have proof you were stopped with the picture.  Randonneuring is quite the adventure eh?

Take Care,

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by evblazer on Jan 19th, 2009, 3:54pm

The train thing would be helpful info for the future for probably many of us here. With most courses going across tracks some bad timing could cost someone a long time. Then we'd know to take a picture right when we get there and when the train leaves so we have two actual time stamps or at least to write down the times so we knew how long it took.
Of course once we get the answer it'll never happen again, I hope.

Title: Re: Team DNF Rides Again
Post by Kwijybow on Jan 19th, 2009, 4:05pm

I've sent an email to Edward for a ruling on that, included the bit about photographic evidence.

Take Care,

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