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Message started by jcsadowski on Dec 9th, 2008, 2:01pm

Title: The clowns ride again
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 9th, 2008, 2:01pm

Despite the storm line passing over and the promise of 40 mile hour winds. I started out at 7:30 a.m. riding down the trail keeping an eye open for open water.
Despite the rain last night there were only a few muddy spots and just one real slick spot.
But I can say neither the trail or the lake was real crowded today. Usually I see almost a dozen commuters going the other way. Today only two.

I met a second benter at the lake and we rode to Barbec's to meet the third clown.  On the way the lake was mirror smooth. A half hour later the wind was up and the water was getting choppy.
After twice around the lake it was time to face the 30 mph headwind and head up stream.
When I got home I noticed the temperature had dropped 10 degrees since I had left.

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by evblazer on Dec 9th, 2008, 3:33pm

Sounds like you had some nice fun before it got too bad out. I saw some nice lightning far off during my commute this morning.\

Hm wind.. My evening commute that meanders northwest should be fun fun.

Well at least I'm on the hurricane instead of the giro so the bridges over the highways won't be so troublesome. The lower the better when there is only a 3ft wall seperating you from dropping onto 114/161/635  8-)

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 9th, 2008, 4:18pm

The lightning must have been from the squall line that passed over earlier.  At 8:00 a.m. the sky was clear and there was no wind
My Giro took the wind okay, although there were a few times it wanted to head south when I didn't want to.

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Dec 9th, 2008, 6:07pm

I don't envy anybody commuting home to the northwest tonight!!!   :-?

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by evblazer on Dec 9th, 2008, 8:29pm

Ah it was a wonderful day to commute into that bitter headwind. Reminded me that I can take the temp but that funny thing called windchill *shiver* When I ride the Giro that wind is brutal but today on  the hurricane I could feel it but it didn't toss me around so much.

Title: Just too cold
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 11th, 2008, 8:09am

This morning 28 degrees seemed just a bit too cold for a ride.
We will try again next tuesday.

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by Richard on Dec 11th, 2008, 7:24pm

White caps, 30 mph wind, lightening, clowns, Barbecs...man did I miss this one? ;)

Hang in there John. I guess I will start night riding after the new year.


Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 11th, 2008, 8:26pm

Any idea where you are going to ride?

Title: Friday Brrrrrrr
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 12th, 2008, 2:33pm

Well Thursday looked too cold so we opted for Friday.
When I got up the temperature was 40degrees. fifteen minutes later it was 37 degrees.
I have an old thermometer I can Velcro on the bike.  I haven't used to a long while and maybe I should have waited just a little longer because as I rode down he trail it read a low as 32.2 degrees.
The temperature climbed up to a toasty 38 degrees when I reached the lake.
Never the less, the three clown had breakfast at Barbec's and rode around the lake.
I got in 35 miles and was almost an hour late for work.

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Dec 12th, 2008, 5:14pm

I, on the other hand, while taking a "snow day," went out at 2PM when it was nice and warm, to do my "Home to Sachse" loop -- and wound up traveling in front of Sachse HS and Jr. High, mixing it up with the school buses and teenage drivers...  Had a lot of "cool bike" shoutouts, and raced other vehicles through the 20mph school zones...


Title: Snow day
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 12th, 2008, 5:21pm

Thats really pushing it to take a snow day.

Title: Saturday
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 13th, 2008, 6:46pm

I left my wife home with three screaming grand kids and went out to brave the 30 mph winds.
The winds were still light as I started down the trail but picked up by the time I got to the lake. Even though the thermometer read 10 degrees warmer that yesterday it seemed colder because of the wind. I still managed another 35 miles before rushing hone to catch a piano recital.
All around the lake you could see preparations for tomorrows White Rock Marathon.
I have a daughter doing the half marathon and a daughter-in-law doing the full.
Their husbands are going down to cheer them on. I get to stay home with the three kids.
Back to the lake.

Title: Re: Saturday
Post by mleuck on Dec 14th, 2008, 12:38am

jcsadowski wrote:
I left my wife home with three screaming grand kids and went out to brave the 30 mph winds.
The winds were still light as I started down the trail but picked up by the time I got to the lake. Even though the thermometer read 10 degrees warmer that yesterday it seemed colder because of the wind. I still managed another 35 miles before rushing hone to catch a piano recital.
All around the lake you could see preparations for tomorrows White Rock Marathon.
I have a daughter doing the half marathon and a daughter-in-law doing the full.
Their husbands are going down to cheer them on. I get to stay home with the three kids.
Back to the lake.

That wind was indeed brutal although it made for fast riding on the west side

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by jcsadowski on Dec 28th, 2008, 9:11pm

We are still riding.
Rode Friday 12/26 again in some very nasty gusting winds. 34 miles
Skipped Saturday and rode again Sunday 12/28 - 35 miles

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by MrOverdressed on Jan 6th, 2009, 2:55pm

I spotted our beloved Clowns riding at White Rock last Saturday.  It was around noon and they where heading up East Lawther away from the lake.


Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by jcsadowski on Jan 6th, 2009, 3:07pm

I spotted our beloved Clowns

"BELOVED" ????????????????

Title: Re: The clowns ride again
Post by MrOverdressed on Jan 6th, 2009, 3:13pm

Yes I have happy thoughts when I think of the Beloved Clowns!!   Fresh Air, sun on my face, moderate pace.   Hey what there not to like?

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