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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Honey Do 200K

Message started by Strada177 on Dec 6th, 2008, 6:45pm

Title: Honey Do 200K
Post by Strada177 on Dec 6th, 2008, 6:45pm

Seven riders braved the early morning cold temperatures(did I hear 28 degrees?) & rode the Honey Do permanent. The ride starts in Princeton ,travels to Celeste,Wolfe City,Ladonia & onto Honey Grove for a turnaround control(out & back route).

I really enjoyed this route. There is some beat-down boulder seal(what a shock-E.Texas-go figure)outside of Celeste through Wolfe City. However,the roads have very light vehicular traffic. Some pretty scenery & rolling hills. I believe the LSR website mentions approx. 3,800ft of climbing for this route. Nothing horrible.


And after an early morning chill,we were shedding layers of clothes by the 1st control in Celeste. At the turnaround control ,one of the LSR riders mentioned that his on bike thermometer read 55 degrees@ 11:45am. Not bad for December. There were sections on the return trip back to Princeton that is was downright warm. I'm not sure what the high temperature was today,but as the afternoon clouds burned off,it was very nice . Not a hint of the morning chill at all.

Nelson was the ride leader & did usual stellar job(thanks Nelson). We rode with Jorge(LSR member & Bud Baker & Ray Torrey friend). We have since come to call him Jorge the "F-16". He's a speedy one. George Elizondo ,Jeff Elmer  & Terry Pickl's TT's teammate(Bob) rode today as well. Nelson ,Jorge ,Peggy & I rode together. We saw George ,Jeff & Bob a few times along the route.

We finished with a time of 9hr-15 mins. @ 4:45pm. We finished before dark ,no need for lights. I finished with 16.0 mph avg. for the 125.6 miles. Overall ,a great day. We missed Bud ,Greg , Ray & Paul.

Greg ,this was a perfect day to get the 200K for December. Like I said ,chilly early ,but after an 30-45 minutes ,we were all warmed up. I would definitely recommend this route.  

Oh ,Jorge is working on a new website for LSR. He describe it as a "bikejournal" type webpage for LSR events. You can log your time ,the website calculates averages,etc...reference a route you rode earlier & compare times. It might be up & running by the end of the year. He will make an announcement on the LSR website. He's a really nice guy(besides being a fast rider. He was asking about you Bud).

I believe Nelson has some ride pictures. Thanks to all for a great day.

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by surly006 on Dec 6th, 2008, 9:54pm

Strada 177 - give me an update on miles to date. Will 6000 for the year happen. Nice report on the ride today. No wind in Texas - I think it was in Detroit MI this am when I was hanging my xmas lights in 19F temp and blowing snow.

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by Kwijybow on Dec 6th, 2008, 10:32pm

Man what a beautiful day!  I had a great time, and the no wind thing was almost weird, don't think I've ever experienced that in Texas!  Hope everyone got in a ride today.  It was good to see Jorge back riding as well.  He may have taken a year off, but he's as fast as ever it seems.  Probably the last LSR ride of the year for me, but looking forward to 1/10 brevet, a permanent in Feb sometime, and then a 400K 3/7 next year.  I only took a couple of pictures today sorry, will finish the roll and post the good ones soon.  Highly recommend this route, very low traffic, pretty good roads for chipseal, a good route for PR.  If I hadn't spent over 1.5 hours hanging out at the 3 controls I might have had one!

Take Care,

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by Strada177 on Dec 7th, 2008, 6:42am

surly006 wrote:
Strada 177 - give me an update on miles to date. Will 6000 for the year happen. Nice report on the ride today. No wind in Texas - I think it was in Detroit MI this am when I was hanging my xmas lights in 19F temp and blowing snow.

Surly, mileage YTD-5,889.3. I expected to break 6,000 next weekend.  You can have that snow thing! I had 34 yrs of that in the mid-west. And as for the X-mas lights ,I don't do that.

-The Grinch

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by Bud_Bent on Dec 8th, 2008, 7:50am

Glad to hear everyone had a good ride. Y'all are more hearty than me.

Great to hear that Jorge is back, too. He's enough of a computer guy that I wish he'd start a rando forum somewhere. I've thought about doing that myself. None of the forums I know seem to have that good a rando section, but I think a forum just devoted to rando might be fun. I've thought about adding a rando section to rbent, but we're regional plus recumbent specific, which would combine to make a pretty small rando forum population.

Oops, I'm rambling again. Good ride, y'all!

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by aikigreg on Dec 8th, 2008, 1:00pm

Yup, I'm sorry I had to miss it but the joints were being uncooperative.  And riding in the cold makes them so much worse, so I had to skip out.   It felt like after the months of biking with no breaks and the 10 miles a day walking in Paris that my feet just needed a rest weekend.  

Title: Re: Honey Do 200K
Post by Kwijybow on Dec 8th, 2008, 1:50pm

Greg Sorry to hear you were hurting, it was definitely a good day to knock the R12 ride for the month, may this weekend be as nice!

Certainly recommend this route.  It certainly makes my annual ride list.  I don't see an organized brevet length ride in February.  So I expect I might be organizing a ride when it gets nearer.  Hope to have a new loop route from Prosper approved by then that would need an inaugural ride.

Take Care,

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