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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)

Message started by evblazer on Nov 13th, 2008, 9:42am

Title: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 13th, 2008, 9:42am

So I go to get my AT and VO2 or whatever test and since I ride a bike they have me on a spin bike which in hindsight was not a good way to go.

Went along for 10+ minutes with my HR slowly climbing and moving the resistance harder and harder till bam the next turn of resistance locks the wheel. So they back off the resistance a little and do 1/4 turns until bam I have to stand and pull on the handlebars to even make the thing turn. End results: no results. Bad day for me.

Next week I'm just going to use the treadmill for it or something. oy.

Hey it was a hard ride at the end there

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by Bud_Bent on Nov 13th, 2008, 9:49am

How many miles did you get in? Maybe you needed more pounds of stuff hanging off the spin bike to get comfortable on it...

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 13th, 2008, 9:58am

Bud_Bent wrote:
How many miles did you get in? Maybe you needed more pounds of stuff hanging off the spin bike to get comfortable on it...

You know I didn't turn on the bike computer on it but I was riding at 85 rpms for almost the whole test window but before I got in the end range the wheel locked up. Up until then the chart had a nice flowing incline to it then it spiked way high. I guess all they need is the oxygen flow from my mask and HR and nothing else really matters. That bike was definately kinda light but since it was immobile hanging a couple 45pound plates off it problably wouldnt' have helped much  ;D

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by aikigreg on Nov 13th, 2008, 10:05am

Where did you have the test administered?  I've always thought it would be cool to have it done...

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by Bud_Bent on Nov 13th, 2008, 10:12am

aikigreg wrote:
Where did you have the test administered?  I've always thought it would be cool to have it done...

Yeah, I would have liked to see the results of a before and after test on me.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by bikerteam on Nov 13th, 2008, 10:46am

I had a V02/AT test done last year at LifeTime Fitness.  I received a 15 page result that is pretty cool.  They normally do it on a treadmill, but I insisted that they find a trainer who is certified in a cycling protocol for this test.

Basically, they put me on an indoor recumbent, and hooked me up to a computer with lots of electroids.  It wasn't cheap, somewhere around $100, maybe more, plus I had to purchase the$30 mask (which I kept).

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 13th, 2008, 11:14am

Hm ok well I guess it is a MAP test (AT test) which they do give you a supposed VO2 Max but they dont' push you being AT for liability reasons so can't really get a true VO2?
It was at lifetime fitness.

bikerteam wrote:
I had a V02/AT test done last year at LifeTime Fitness.  I received a 15 page result that is pretty cool.  They normally do it on a treadmill, but I insisted that they find a trainer who is certified in a cycling protocol for this test.

Basically, they put me on an indoor recumbent, and hooked me up to a computer with lots of electroids.  It wasn't cheap, somewhere around $100, maybe more, plus I had to purchase the$30 mask (which I kept).

Yeah I think the bike was the problem. My wife did hers on a spin bike without a problem so I'm not sure what the deal is. I may give a call and see if they can do it on a recumbent non spin based on your having done it before.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by MrOverdressed on Nov 13th, 2008, 11:36am

You fellows are so silly!  How can you call this a ride report when your "Bike" didnt go anyplace.  

Wikipedia says: "VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption, maximal oxygen uptake or aerobic capacity)".
It sounds like an interesting parameter to know.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by aikigreg on Nov 13th, 2008, 2:01pm

MrOverdressed wrote:
You fellows are so silly!  How can you call this a ride report when your "Bike" didnt go anyplace.  

It sounds like an interesting parameter to know.

I think we could say the same about your Texas TT loops and your "one and dones" around white rock, but hey, let's not point fingers.... ;)

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by Kwijybow on Nov 13th, 2008, 3:18pm

I think in my case if ignorance is not bliss, at least it is pleasant unawareness!

Basically for me if its all downhill from here, at least I can enjoy the ride!

Take Care,

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 13th, 2008, 3:44pm

Tests that you can't really change the results to and are mostly just things you are born with only give bad news.
I must be glutton for punishment.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by Opus the Poet on Nov 13th, 2008, 4:02pm

VO2 is trainable, your final value is determined by genetics but first you have to train to reach your genetic potential.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by bikerteam on Nov 14th, 2008, 7:07am

evblazer wrote:
Tests that you can't really change the results to and are mostly just things you are born with only give bad news.
I must be glutton for punishment.

Mark - You can raise your V02/AT.  I found value in my MAP test at LifeTime fitness.   Compared to the standard 220 minus your age to derive max heart rate, mine was 12 beats higher.  That means that I needed to train at a higher avg. heart rate than I did previously if I wanted to push up my AT, thus being able to tolerate higher levels of pain  ;D

If you and Christine work out at our neighborhood LifeTime Fitness, you'll have to let me know if you go to spin class or do any type of weights.  I have 10 sessionis with a trainer where my goal is simply to increase my "strength to weight raio.  This basically means to loose weight while increasing strength.  He designed a killer program, if I stay disciplined.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 14th, 2008, 9:11am

For VO2 max most of the checking I have done shows either a max of 5% or 15% improvement an be expected if one is out of shape. 5% of a big number good.. 5% of a supremely sub par number  :-[

It tis what it is.

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Nov 14th, 2008, 11:13am

Opus the Poet wrote:
....your final value is determined by genetics but first you have to train to reach your genetic potential.

Hmmm.. wasn't there a song by the Austin Lounge Lizards, "Shallow End of the Gene Pool"??   :D

Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by MrOverdressed on Nov 14th, 2008, 12:31pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
[quote author=Opus the Poet link=1226590947/0#11 date=1226613741] ....your final value is determined by genetics but first you have to train to reach your genetic potential.

Hmmm.. wasn't there a song by the Austin Lounge Lizards, "Shallow End of the Gene Pool"??   :D

Paul What gene pool are you part of?


Title: Re: Vo2 Max test.. - Failed :-)
Post by evblazer on Nov 14th, 2008, 12:54pm

bikerteam wrote:
If you and Christine work out at our neighborhood LifeTime Fitness, you'll have to let me know if you go to spin class or do any type of weights.  I have 10 sessionis with a trainer where my goal is simply to increase my "strength to weight raio.  This basically means to loose weight while increasing strength.  He designed a killer program, if I stay disciplined.

What trainer are you using there? Just wondering if he is the chap giving me the test an other initial consult info.

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