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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Riding with JS

Message started by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 25th, 2008, 6:46pm

Title: Riding with JS
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 25th, 2008, 6:46pm

Plano Eastside Ride --

I decided at the last minute this morning to join in on the Plano Eastside ride, figuring I would stop over at PCF afterwards to meet John for a while...  However, after I pulled into the parking lot, Peggy rode up, with John in tow, on the CA2...!!!   Several RBENTers were there for the ride --  Lynn, Richard, Peggy, me, and Carolyn...  Carolyn's husband Warren, who bought a Corsa a couple months ago, was on his DF instead...  

Peggy was talking with JS about the nice design of the zipper pockets on the "B" jerseys, and John commented on the "front pockets" on my BikeJournal.com jersey...  and I remembered that I had my RANS jersey in the car, so I laughingly changed into it...


The CA2 is an interesting frame design -- it's got some beefy chainstays...



As we were gathering, FreakFlyer came over from PCF, riding the Cafe, and JS helped him out with a "custom fit" job...




We did a casual ride out to Sachse... on the way, a 'bent rider none of us knew who was going the other way turned around and rode with us for a few miles, introducing himself, then peeling off.



Along the way we made a tourist stop at the Buddha Farm...


After the break, I suggested that JS, myself, and Peggy join Warren in his "fast" leg version, so we did...


Peggy couldn't quite hold the pace, so I told JS and Warren to go on, and I rode with Peggy, adding some extra miles of our own, out to the Wylie rest stop.  John wore Warren out pretty good, I think...   :D  (Warren had no idea John was a RAAM rider, etc., etc...)  At that point, it was after 11:30, so I volunteered to "hustle" JS back the last leg to PCF -- so we took off and came back in directly across on 544, at a 25+ sort of pace, and got back to PCF about 12:15...

At PCF, Rodney and his wife were there, as well as Terry P, and Mark H. came rolling in a couple minutes later...  John helped Rodney's wife ride the Bella, and she took to it within a couple of minutes, no problem...





For some reason, I got no pictures with Mark or Carolyn in it... my apologies...    However, all in all, it was good fun, and an unexpected pleasure....  I rode the CA2 around the parking lot for a few minutes, just for grins....

Hope you folks doing the long ride tomorrow have similar fun!

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by jcsadowski on Oct 25th, 2008, 7:12pm

Warren had ridden with JS before.

When I got to PC&F JS was packing up. there was still time for a quick test ride on CF.

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by bent_eagle on Oct 25th, 2008, 8:19pm

(*Expletive Deleted*)

I'm missing a great riding weekend with this cold (or flu, or whatever)...

Thanks for the pics, Paul.

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by aikigreg on Oct 27th, 2008, 7:31pm

Warren - when had you ridden with JS before?  

Looks like a great day - Paul, what is the Buddha farm exactly?

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 27th, 2008, 9:17pm

It's just a Buddhist temple and meditation garden that's out in Sachse...  not something that you would necessarily expect to find out there...

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by aikigreg on Oct 27th, 2008, 9:45pm

I think there's one south of ft worth as well, in the mansfield area, but I can't seem to find it - passed by it on or near thingy price road on the bike once, and I've been trying to find it since.

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by Mrs Strada on Oct 27th, 2008, 10:00pm

Sorry I didn't post that John would be riding the Plano East ride, He had so many ride offers I didn't know were he wanted to ride . But with him showing the bike  at PCF around noon that ride made the most scene . Plus I knew we had several rbent rides that did that ride regularly. It's a pretty nice size group 15 plus riders. As for getting dropped by John, He can drop any of us anytime, Being dropped at 23 MPH I feel mostly OK about. Thanks Paul for getting me back to the group. As always I enjoyed riding with everyone. I did miss riding with Corse Mike :'(.

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by MrOverdressed on Oct 28th, 2008, 4:49pm

As seen in the photo above.  I sat on the Carbon Aero for a day-dream ride.  Paul noticed that my riding profile was close to Johns as I almost fit on the Aero as is.  So Paul attempted to talk me into a test ride of the Aero.  John was very agreeable as long as their was no adjustments of the bike.   If I brought some pedals and clipless shoes I might have took him up on it.  Like they say about Hot Air Balloons.  The first ride is cheap, the second ride costs you thousands!

Title: Re: Riding with JS
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 28th, 2008, 6:53pm

Terry, I rode it around the parking lot wearing tennis shoes...   ah, well....

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