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General Category >> Ride Reports >> TTTT

Message started by Rawhide on Sep 27th, 2008, 12:32pm

Title: TTTT
Post by Rawhide on Sep 27th, 2008, 12:32pm

A brief update on our RBENT members.  As of Friday at 3PM everyone was looking good and riding well.  All were ahead of respective schedules of completion.  If you don't ride in events like this, it is so worth just going down to help support the riders and the event itself.  DJ    

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by power_bent on Sep 27th, 2008, 3:36pm

I had intentions of going to help out not ride but could find no one from this area to catch a ride. I had no transportation, we have only one car and the wife had it at work. oh well maybe next time I can find someone who'll help me out ! Wish I'd been there :-/

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 27th, 2008, 11:17pm

Reclining Flyers II 500-mile relay results:

It's late Saturday night and I'm kinda bleary-eyed from lack of sleep, but...  the RFII Team Goal of beating 24:00:00 hours was MADE!!!!!

We were not the fastest team there, thanks to four ringers from Austin that were slumming, but I won't go there -- suffice it to say that after the first four laps we knew there would be no use chasing them .   ::)

But back to the IMPORTANT stuff:   Here are the (unofficial results, per our notebook) lap-by-lap rider orders and times, and then a table of individual rider results:

LAP          RIDER       LAP TIME
1      Paul      51:50      
2      Greg      55:56      
3      Brad      55:14      
4      Mark      54:40      
5      Paul      52:40      
6      Greg      57:34      
7      Brad      54:45      
8      Mark      54:50      
9      Paul      53:46      
10      Greg      61:56      
11      Brad      53:43      
12      Mark      57:02      
13      Paul      52:53      
14      Greg      58:42      
15      Mark      59:46      
16      Brad      57:07      Dual Lap
17      Brad      58:25      Dual Lap
18      Mark      62:25      
19      Greg      62:52      
20      Paul      54:59      Dual Lap
21      Paul      56:22      Dual Lap
22      Greg      66:56      
23      Brad      60:46      
24      Mark      63:00      
25      Paul      54:07

           Avg                      1      2      3      4      5      6      7
Paul      53:48      51:50      52:40      53:46      52:53      54:59      56:22     54:07
Greg      60:32      55:56      57:34      61:56      58:42      62:52      66:56      
Brad      56:40      55:14      54:45      53:43      57:07      58:25      60:46      
Mark      58:43      54:40      54:50      57:02      59:46      62:25      63:00      

Let's just say it was a heck of an effort.  We knew towards the end that it would be VERY close trying to beat 24 hours, because tired was setting in, we were losing the time cushion we had built up earlier, and it was dark, damp, and cold.  But Mark finished the next to last lap at 5:02 in the morning, giving me 58 minutes on the clock to beat the 6:00 AM deadline, and I somehow popped a 54:07 last lap, to cross the finish line as the 12-hour time trial riders were gathering at the start line. New recumbent team record of 23:56:52, over an hour and a half faster than last year's similarly record-breaking performance of 25:30:00.  

And I'll just say that the XStream was "berry, berry, good to me....."    :D

Thanks for another hard, enjoyable run, boyz (and wives and other crew, and the Mixed Bag O' Nutz and everybody...)  So there are the numbers, and good night!!!

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Rose Pedal on Sep 27th, 2008, 11:31pm


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 28th, 2008, 9:50am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
Reclining Flyers II 500-mile relay results:

Let's just say it was a heck of an effort.  We knew towards the end that it would be VERY close trying to beat 24 hours, because tired was setting in, we were losing the time cushion we had built up earlier, and it was dark, damp, and cold.  But Mark finished the next to last lap at 5:02 in the morning, giving me 58 minutes on the clock to beat the 6:00 AM deadline, and I somehow popped a 54:07 last lap, to cross the finish line as the 12-hour time trial riders were gathering at the start line. New recumbent team record of 23:56:52, over an hour and a half faster than last year's similarly record-breaking performance of 25:30:00.  

And I'll just say that the XStream was "berry, berry, good to me....."    :D

Thanks for another hard, enjoyable run, boyz (and wives and other crew, and the Mixed Bag O' Nutz and everybody...)  So there are the numbers, and good night!!!

I would just like to add that Paul was flat out amazing and that I am amazingly sore

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by evblazer on Sep 28th, 2008, 10:30am

mleuck wrote:
I would just like to add that Paul was flat out amazing and that I am amazingly sore

With those results RANS should give Paul a big discount or a special TT edition of that machine.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 28th, 2008, 2:09pm

Yup, Paul was the hero of the day, and Mark and Brad were outstanding as well.  I'm sorry I was the slouch this year and you guys had to carry me the whole way, but at least we achieved our team goal!

I think *every* bent rider there, including those from outside of rbent, achieved a great milestone somehow.  There were 11 bents total if I remember correctly.  Kudos especially for Bud, Peggy, Ray, and Steve for their amazing effort and beating the existing mixed record by HOURS, only to get screwed just like the rest of us  ;).  But still, Outstanding effort and achievemtn for bentdom.  I'm going to try and do a little write-up for BROL tonight, and will post it here for addition and editing and we can send it off to brol together.  

If we work hard and can each do *50* minutes or under next year we can break the new record and complete in 20.8 hours.  Whatdya say?   ;D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Strada177 on Sep 28th, 2008, 2:36pm

Congratulations to the Reclining Flyers-II. You guys were flying around the course. Very impressive times & it was great to have you as "tent neighbors".

Thank you all for your encouragement & support. Huge thanks to rbenters Mark Hastings & DJ Boyd for volunteering/support. We(the riders) really appreciate it(more than you'll know).

Upon typing this ride report ,there's just so much that occurred prior to/during the event that for the Nutz team, if I forget a detail or two ,forgive me. First of, God bless Nelson Ralls & family. You were in all of thoughts/prayers(besides being a class guy,you're a better human being).

Secondly ,how can our team thank Bud & Rose Baker? We can't. But I hope you know that we are so grateful for your sacrifices & efforts over the past few days. Bud agreed to be an alternate on our team a few days before the event due to a family emergency to our team captain. I don't know of many riders that could step in & ride their butt-off on such short notice.

Most impressively ,Bud is 9 months from lung surgery ,5 months removed from chemo & a few months from Thyroid surgery. You might be nuts ,but I know you're a tough nut & should be an inspiration to us all. "Good Job".

My other teammates Peggy(my lovely wife) & Ray Torrey(my very good friend) ,were simply amazing & I was so proud of all 3 of them.  The chemistry between all of us is something that just can't be forced. It's either there or it's not. We have it. It was a very fun weekend.

Our team laps were as follows:

                                        lap time                                  avg speed                                
lap #1                                 58.00                                     20.5 mph
lap #2                                1hr-2mins                                19.3 mph
lap #3                                1hr-4mins

Our team time for the 500 miles was 27 hours-41 minutes.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Strada177 on Sep 28th, 2008, 3:24pm

Sorry ,operator error. To continue...

                      lap time                             Avg speed

lap#4               1hr-7mins                          18.0 mph
lap#5               1hr-2mins                          19.3 mph
lap#6               1hr-7mins                          18.0 mph
lap#7               1hr-7mins                          18.0 mph
lap#8               1hr-7mins                          18.0 mph
lap#9               1 hr 7mins                         18.0 mph
lap#10             1 hr-7mins                         18.0 mph
lap#11             1 hr-7mins                         18.0 mph
lap#12             1hr- 9mins                         17.6 mph
lap#13             1hr-4mins                          18.7 m[h
lap#14             1hr-11mins                        17.3 mph
lap#15             1hr-7 mins                         18.0 mph
lap#16             1hr-13 mins                       17.0 mph
lap#17             1hr-2 mins                         19.5 mph
lap#18             1hr-5mins                          18.5 mph
lap#19             1 hr-8 mins                        17.8 mph
lap#20             1 hr-15 mins                      16.8 mph
lap#21             1 hr-3 mins                        19.0 mph
lap#22             1 hr 3 mins                        19.0 mph
lap#23             1 hr-7 mins                        18.0 mph
lap#24             1hr-13 mins                       16.5 mph
lap#25             1hr-3 mins                         19.0 mph

Our team goal was to complete the 500 miles in less than 28 hours. Mission accomplished. The course record for a mixed team was 31 hours. JOB WELL DONE by Mixed bag of Nutz!

We had no mechanicals/flats ,etc...we were very fortunate. To all that read these posts ,please don't forget to support retailers such as Plano Cycle & Fitness. Without them ,this event becomes extremely difficult(trust me ,this course is plenty challenging. For those that have ridden the Tour de Goatneck , this 20 mile loop is located near Cleburne State Park & the lime plant ,only the time trial course go the opposite direction.

I can't forget to mention Terry Pickl & good job.  

For those of you thinking about this event ,it is truly amazing to see the caliber of riders participating in this event. There were riders from Canada ,England ,California ,Oregon ,Missouri ,Illinois Texas(of course) and several other states in between. To watch the solo 500 mile riders is an incredible sight. And Dan Driscoll & team put on a great event & there are many divisions to compete in. Do it. You won't regret it. The website is: http://www.tt24tt.com/.

The Mens' solo 500 winner(Dallas Morris) from Calgary ,Canada was a great guy & obviously an amazing rider(especially since it was snowing in Calgary when he left on Wednesday ,& it's 90 degrees Thursday/Friday/Saturday in Cleburne...& he never seen/ridden the course before.

I'll stop now. Congratulations again to Flying Recliners & Mixed Nuts.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 28th, 2008, 3:41pm

aikigreg wrote:
Yup, Paul was the hero of the day, and Mark and Brad were outstanding as well.  I'm sorry I was the slouch this year and you guys had to carry me the whole way, but at least we achieved our team goal!

I think *every* bent rider there, including those from outside of rbent, achieved a great milestone somehow.  There were 11 bents total if I remember correctly.  Kudos especially for Bud, Peggy, Ray, and Steve for their amazing effort and beating the existing mixed record by HOURS, only to get screwed just like the rest of us  ;).  But still, Outstanding effort and achievemtn for bentdom.  I'm going to try and do a little write-up for BROL tonight, and will post it here for addition and editing and we can send it off to brol together.  

If we work hard and can each do *50* minutes or under next year we can break the new record and complete in 20.8 hours.  Whatdya say?   ;D

Greg is being modest, he did a hell of a job like the rest of us and as a bonus left a nice gift near the RBent tents  :)

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 28th, 2008, 4:03pm

Congrats to the Reclining Flyers II: Greg, Mark, Paul, and Brad. Doing 500 miles on that course in less than 24 hours is a great achievement for four local riders, even if they didn't get the overall record they sought. Paul is truly a beast on the X-Stream. Good job, Grumpus!

Ray, Steve, and Peggy are great teammates, and I thank them for their support and encouragement, and having me on the team. As for me personally, I guess this was a good test to let me know where I stand. With smart bike riding, I had managed a personal best at the Hotter 'N Hell Hundred, but with these hills in a no-drafting event, there's just no faking it, and I was 31 minutes slower than last year, doing the same six twenty mile laps. Part of it was missing lung tissue, no doubt, but part was also lack of hill training, I suspect. It has been such a monumental feat to drag myself up hills this year, that I just haven't sought them out as much as I did last year. I have recovered further than I thought I would this year though, so I won't complain.

Volunteer DJ seemed to be everywhere helping everyone again this year. Thanks, DJ (but you really need to be riding this event next year, instead of me).

And here are the holders of the TTTT 500 mile mixed recumbent team course record: The Mixed Bag O' Nutz, Ray, Steve, Peggy, and me.


EDIT: Moved my post from between Steve's two posts to here.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 28th, 2008, 5:13pm

Now that I've slept a little (and went out for the GDB fall picnic ride this morning, featuring excessive hill climbing  :P ), I can try to expand beyond just lap numbers...

*  Sincere thanks again to Plano Cycing, Performance at Walnut Hill, and Thingy's -- the nutritional stuff did wonders to both prevent leg cramps and keep energy levels up!!!  But right now I don't want to even SMELL Gatorade or Gu for a week or so...   ;)

*  Thanks again to everybody involved, for keeping it a "family picnic" type atmosphere.  Knowing that if you needed something and you didn't have it, that somebody else did and would help you out, is a very comforting feeling, and reduces a lot of potential worry and stress.  Thanks to those who got stuff donated or brought "community" stuff, whether it was the overheads, food, supplies, or whatever.  If I had to name three necessary things at a competition like this, it's 1) food, 2) water, and 3) SHADE...

*  Oh, yeah, and someplace to lie down after a 20-mile sprint...  or several... ::)


*  Amazing efforts all around, on the RFII team...  
          >> Even though Greg wasn't quite up to last year's standards for himself, he kept putting it out there, even at one point having to stop and upchuck by the Lime Plant for a few minutes...  This wouldn't be the classically recommended technique, but, hey, if it gets you around the course...   ;)  
         >>Mark, I had no idea if you had the endurance for an effort this concentrated, but you came through very nicely!!  He even went out once for a fast lap about 10 minutes after waking up, due to a "schedule interpretation error."   :D
         >> Brad thoroughly lived up to expectations on the VKII, despite being a "novice" 'bentrider -- his mid-50s times helped to both give us the time cushion we eventually needed, and kept the pressure on me to go faster...   ;)   And wife Beth was an excellent timekeeper, for someone who doesn't do math!  :)
         >>  I did OK...    8-)  and I was glad Terrie was able to come down on Friday afternoon and pitch in with everything, and "force" me to get some sleep here and there...  I was pleasantly surprised by both my lap times and my consistency once again...
         >>  And thank the Fates or what/whoever's responsible for having another "Mechanical-Free Ride"!!!

*  Seeing the MBO'N gang working together and enjoying themselves definitely added to the fun, especially with Dexter's competing mixed foursome stationed right next door to us!

*  Having Sandy and Lindsay as part of the overall gang (although non-bent) was good, too.  Sandy hammered out 360 miles, and Lindsay 160, most of the last 60 with bleeding saddle sores (obviously not riding a recumbent!!!!) due to ill-fitting shorts...  But an admirable effort on both parts!  C'mon back next year!

*  I'm not quite sure WHAT to say about Terry Pickl, other than I'm proud of him for putting in the effort to do 100 miles on a very tough course, and fighting though various and sundry mechanical issues, and SERIOUS mental block  ;) about downhill speed....  Going down Goatneck Hill at 15 mph is just WRONG, my friend....  but I'm sure the overall experience is something he'll never forget!

*  The XStream is quite the steed -- Thanks again, RANS!  Yeah, the "engine" has something to do with it, I suppose, but being able to climb the toughest hills this course throws at you at 15-16 mph is a big key to success, a lot of which I attribute to the bike...   Not a SINGLE rider passed me at any time during any of my laps.  Granted, this was obviously due to convenient timing, since the AT&T boyz were throwing down sub-50 laps, but I also passed one of them at least once on the backside of the course.  In addition, I noticed that, whatever time had elapsed when I got to the Retreat (~15.5 mi point), I was at the finish line 10 minutes later -- which means averaging ~28 mph through the last fourth of the course -- talk about a "recumbent friendly" section!!   :D


*  The youngster  ;) from Canada who won the 500 mile solo race (in 27 hours!!!) was a BEAST, himself -- I encountered him several times during the night, and chased him down and passed him every time on the back side of the course, thinking, "This is a 500 MILE rider going this fast???"  Sure enough, it was him, because at the awards dinner, we happened to sit across from each other, and while talking about the race, he mentioned "...this one recumbent rider would pass me EVERY time, ringing his bike bell!!!"  I just smiled, and said, "That was ME...   :D "

Enough...  I'll have my photos up in a few days, but here's an RBENT shot for now (Without Brad, who wasn't back yet at the site at the time -- he had gone to the hotel -- SORRY!).  Good times...


Oh, and "Who's Number 1?", Ray???   :D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 28th, 2008, 5:38pm

????  I still have my bike......what else did I leave, other than my common sense? :)

mleuck wrote:
[quote author=aikigreg link=1222536752/0#6 date=1222628970]Yup, Paul was the hero of the day, and Mark and Brad were outstanding as well.  I'm sorry I was the slouch this year and you guys had to carry me the whole way, but at least we achieved our team goal!

I think *every* bent rider there, including those from outside of rbent, achieved a great milestone somehow.  There were 11 bents total if I remember correctly.  Kudos especially for Bud, Peggy, Ray, and Steve for their amazing effort and beating the existing mixed record by HOURS, only to get screwed just like the rest of us  ;).  But still, Outstanding effort and achievemtn for bentdom.  I'm going to try and do a little write-up for BROL tonight, and will post it here for addition and editing and we can send it off to brol together.  

If we work hard and can each do *50* minutes or under next year we can break the new record and complete in 20.8 hours.  Whatdya say?   ;D

Greg is being modest, he did a hell of a job like the rest of us and as a bonus left a nice gift near the RBent tents  :)

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 28th, 2008, 5:41pm

Hey Steve, where's the picture of my thingy?  

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Strada177 on Sep 28th, 2008, 6:23pm

aikigreg wrote:
Hey Steve, where's the picture of my thingy?  

What picture? What happens in Cleburne ,Texas...stays in Cleburne ,Texas. Besides,in/any X-rated pictures were deleted.
That's how I roll.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 28th, 2008, 8:04pm

My pictures are up at


if I have someone's name wrong let me know, I kinda forgot the name of the lady with the blue hair (Pam?)

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 28th, 2008, 10:19pm

My pic set is at  


I don't have any shots from the awards stuff.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by power_bent on Sep 28th, 2008, 11:09pm

Great job you guys, wish I had been there .Those pictures make it look like I'm there anyway.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 29th, 2008, 11:58am

I sent Randy the same (above) description of the RFII team's ride and results, and my thoughts on the XS performance -- got this email back:

<<<Excellent! I am just totally proud of you, the other guys, and the beta testing results. I will look forward to your call. As we put this bike into production, I am having thoughts about how to keep the wins rolling, and love to hear what you may have to say. Our objective was to build a racer that attracted the racing crowd, maybe we are getting close to that objective...>>>

Just as an aside, it's interesting to see the time results of the single-lap competition, and realize that I could have possibly placed 3rd or 4th in it....  :-?

9 Simmons Scott               0:50:13
5 Delany Gustav (Todd)     0:51:53
24 Pond Matt                     0:53:15
1 Alvarado Jorge               0:55:54


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 29th, 2008, 7:56pm

More stories....

*  The guy from Mexico I met in the registration line, who had a hip replacement a year ago, who was very interested in the recumbent concept, and kept asking questions in very broken English...  He was attempting his first (I think) solo 500 miler, in the 48 hour division, that started 6PM Thursday...  I knew he was struggling with it along the way, and he and his wife were sitting there eating pancakes at 8AM on Saturday in the church hall, and I asked him "Are you done?  Finished?  No mas?"  He shook his head, and held up six fingers... and went back out onto the course, intending to finish six more laps.  I saw him again at about 2:45, coming in for a break -- his wife had put ice cubes into plastic baggies, and he was taking his shoes and socks off, putting his feet down onto the bags of ice, letting out an audible "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh............"  His lap times at this point were an hour and a half, and he had two laps to go...  I saw him come across the line again at about 4:20, and shouted "UNA MAS!!!" and he shouted the same thing back...   At about 5:25, I saw his wife sitting near the finish line, and stopped to talk with her a bit -- at this time in the competition, the 20-mile time trialers had been riding the course, so he had obviously had riders zipping past him during his last lap, so I figured he would be in a lot faster than an hour and a half -- sure enough, suddenly there he was coming up the last section, and his wife uttered a cry of disbelief -- I think he did the last lap in about an hour and ten...

*  Terry Pickl and his mechanical meltdowns...  With all the trouble Terry has had with his bikes, was it any surprise that it reared its head again? Somewhere during his third (second?) lap, apparently his rear brake slipped out of alignment, and was rubbing the tire sidewall every time he used it -- which eventually blew the tire, and Terry was out of the race.  I know his riding partner wasn't very happy about this, and various people somehow found a new tire Saturday morning, and we assisted Terry in getting his machine going.  It probably took over an hour for Terry to finally get the bike functional again, but he was back in bidness.  His partner came in, and we gave him the good news -- because it had taken his partner about TWO HOURS to finish that previous lap.  And together, somehow they banged out 280 miles...

*  The lime and gas/oil trucks were much friendlier this year -- I think it was because Dan D. had people giving them food....   :D  Hey, whatever works....

*  The guy from Wisconsin (?) who I met before it all started, who said he hadn't done a practice lap, but didn't think it would be too difficult, because "these hills aren't so bad..."   he dropped out on Friday from heat exhaustion after 200 miles, realizing the error of his ways.   However, he went back out on Saturday, and knocked out an additional 100 miles!!!

*  LSR guy Bryan Gibbon from Waco, who was riding his Corsa in the 12 hour, after having it for only three weeks and about 40 miles, converting from a DF.  He just kept cruising slowly past, lap after lap, and I never saw his head move once.  I happened to be at the finish line when he came in at the end, and I went over and grabbed his bike to stabilize it for him.  He could barely move his neck, and when he tried to get off the bike, his thigh immediately cramped up...  so my timing was good, to be there to help.  He knocked out 160 miles!!!!

*  Bud Baker trying to defect to the "Dr. Fart" team, by acclamation...  "Good job!"   :D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 29th, 2008, 8:13pm

Let's not forget Terry's new nickname:  Dinty moore Man!

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 29th, 2008, 10:26pm

aikigreg wrote:
Let's not forget Terry's new nickname:  Dinty moore Man!

I never asked Terry if he kissed and made up with his riding partner, looks like they sat together at the awards dinner all smiley

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 29th, 2008, 10:40pm

They have a partial unofficial list of finishing times posted at the TTT web site, funny thing is we were in awe of Dallas Morris and his amazing 500 mile time however little did we know he barely beat a guy named Larry Idle by 24 seconds and Larry was in the 50 to 59 age group

It also looks like they have a link at the time trials website for pictures to purchase if any of you are interested, it doesn't look like they are offering my favorite which is of course picture mugs

go to  http://www.tt24tt.com/

There is a link near the bottom to go to Celebrated Images then click on the left EVENTS button


So far I found several RBent people lineup pictures on page 4

Paul and his RANS are the last several pics on page 6

Greg on the RANS 1st pic on page 7

None with Brad on his VK2 however he might be somewhere mixed in with the DF pictures during his 6 hour

None of me tho, morons! What are they afraid of?????  >:(

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 29th, 2008, 10:54pm

So far the unofficial times from the Time Trials web site shows

Bedell/Brown/Gross/Leuck - 23 hours 56 minutes, average speed of 20.89

Manly Bulge - 29 hours 08 minutes, average speed of 17.16

Bag o' Nuts - 27 hours 42 minutes, average speed of 18.05

Dr Fart - 27 hours 38 minutes, average speed of 18.09


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 29th, 2008, 11:05pm

While looking for some information on the 500 winner, Dallas Morris, I happened to find his BLOG, and read his report on his trip...  

At one point, he writes:

"My 36 Hour time limit event started in darkness at 6am Friday morning, apparently there were a couple heavy hitter RAAM dudes, but of course I have no idea who they are. Our event starts with an 8 mile Neutral/ drafting allowed leadout by team car. I thought 'Neutral', sweet, maybe talk a bit and meet some people/. Nope. People attack. ASAP. And I mean ATTACK!. I can't tell who's Team and who's Solo so I go with it... I work into 2nd position with a bent guy chasing me...,"

So, I left the following comment on his blog, to be read by his Alberta cycling pals:

<<Hey, there, Dallas... you left something out, my friend... the fact that the "bent guy" caught and passed you with two miles to go on that first lap, and again several times during the night!!! Ding, Ding, brother!!! >>

;D :D ;D :D 8-)
If you want to read his entire report, and get a Canadian view of Cleburne, it's at:  http://dalrock.blogspot.com/

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 29th, 2008, 11:15pm

mleuck wrote:
It also looks like they have a link at the time trials website for pictures to purchase if any of you are interested, it doesn't look like they are offering my favorite which is of course picture mugs.
None of me tho, morons! What are they afraid of?????  >:(

The photographer didn't even show UP until after we were finished riding, Mark....   >:(

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 30th, 2008, 12:01am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
[quote author=mleuck link=1222536752/15#22 date=1222746021]
It also looks like they have a link at the time trials website for pictures to purchase if any of you are interested, it doesn't look like they are offering my favorite which is of course picture mugs.
None of me tho, morons! What are they afraid of?????  >:(

The photographer didn't even show UP until after we were finished riding, Mark....   >:(

Hardly an excuse, they should have known I was there, granted I would have not given autographs but I would have allowed a few pictures....

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2008, 6:02am

*LOL* at the both of ya.  

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by MrOverdressed on Sep 30th, 2008, 9:42am

mleuck wrote:
[quote author=aikigreg link=1222536752/15#20 date=1222737209]Let's not forget Terry's new nickname:  Dinty moore Man!

I never asked Terry if he kissed and made up with his riding partner, looks like they sat together at the awards dinner all smiley

Hey anyone can get grumpy when you ride hard with no sleep.  Even the usually the usual happy-paul was showing some rando-grumpus-idous

My partner never fussed at me.  Did he ever say anything to you guys?  He seemed to get really introverted as the event wore on.   I think you where assuming he was angry.  I could tell he was a little irritated that I wasn't more serious about the ride.   He advertised on the Texas section of bikeforms.net for a riding partner so that he could get off the bike once and awhile.  And that is the service I provided.

At the Awards Banquet he beamed about how much fun he had.  Our team goal was 300 miles.  We did one lap short at 280 miles which as YALL know was squarely my fault. Due to equipment issues (My diuble flat).   I was the one who convinced my partner to pedal 24hrs rather then 12hrs he wanted to do.  I wanted to get a true ultra-cycling experience with some latenight 24hr riding.   Afterward my partner talked about how much enjoyed the challenge.   And

In the never ending quest for more comedy I became the Dinty moore man.  I was fixing my lame Baron on top of a small sand pile.  I did not know some poor lady puked right in front of RBENT central and someone covered her bio' with a few scoops of sand.    I could here laughter and conversation about puking.  No one said anthing to poor ole' pickl.  Then a lady came up to apologize for puking.  Then I put it all together and said "Is that Pile of Sand the Puke?"  Yes! the response came with much laughter.

This was a response post.  Give me a few days to type up a thankyou post to everyone.


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by MrOverdressed on Sep 30th, 2008, 9:55am

aikigreg wrote:
Let's not forget Terry's new nickname:  Dinty moore Man!

After careful thought Greg you are trying to deflect away from yourself!  Greg You are the Dinty Moore man!    :-?  :-/  It takes serious skill to puke on a lower racer at high speed and still complete your lap segment on time!

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2008, 3:48pm

Don't sweat it Terry.  I'm not sure I could have held it together for 100 miles after so many mechanicals....

And I had to stop my lowracer and puke on my hands and knees.   I'm not as good at it as most randonneurs.  I know Pam told me she's perfected being able to do it on the bike.  I hope that's a skill I never need to learn!

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2008, 5:55pm

Hmmmm... and I seem to recall Sandy talking about relieving herself off the back of a TANDEM....

Speaking of which, what's her email addy?

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2008, 6:12pm


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Sep 30th, 2008, 8:02pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
While looking for some information on the 500 winner, Dallas Morris, I happened to find his BLOG, and read his report on his trip...  

At one point, he writes:

"My 36 Hour time limit event started in darkness at 6am Friday morning, apparently there were a couple heavy hitter RAAM dudes, but of course I have no idea who they are. Our event starts with an 8 mile Neutral/ drafting allowed leadout by team car. I thought 'Neutral', sweet, maybe talk a bit and meet some people/. Nope. People attack. ASAP. And I mean ATTACK!. I can't tell who's Team and who's Solo so I go with it... I work into 2nd position with a bent guy chasing me...,"

So, I left the following comment on his blog, to be read by his Alberta cycling pals:

<<Hey, there, Dallas... you left something out, my friend... the fact that the "bent guy" caught and passed you with two miles to go on that first lap, and again several times during the night!!! Ding, Ding, brother!!! >>

;D :D ;D :D 8-)
If you want to read his entire report, and get a Canadian view of Cleburne, it's at:  http://dalrock.blogspot.com/

For being such a nice mild-mannered guy he certainly does have some "issues" ...

"This area of Texas has oil and gas, lots of it (depleting rapidly). And thanks to the Bush/Cheney Govt. all proposed energy based projects that are applied for, go through without opposition. The last few years it's been like a 'burn down the house to stay warm for one night' type approach to harvest the gas and leftover oil here, these guys have no idea what they're doing, besides a get rich quick scheme. So this area is simply exploding around the clock/ 24/7 of Oil and Gas rig trucks, service workers, and everything else that comes along with it. From the window of my room I could see 3 active drilling rigs in the distance. I realize I could have a good paying job here within several hours, but would prefer to work one of the local taco stands than sell my soul for the prosperity of Bush/Cheney."


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by robert.j on Sep 30th, 2008, 10:32pm


For being such a nice mild-mannered guy he certainly does have some "issues" ...

"This area of Texas has oil and gas, lots of it (depleting rapidly). And thanks to the Bush/Cheney Govt. all proposed energy based projects that are applied for, go through without opposition. The last few years it's been like a 'burn down the house to stay warm for one night' type approach to harvest the gas and leftover oil here, these guys have no idea what they're doing, besides a get rich quick scheme. So this area is simply exploding around the clock/ 24/7 of Oil and Gas rig trucks, service workers, and everything else that comes along with it. From the window of my room I could see 3 active drilling rigs in the distance. I realize I could have a good paying job here within several hours, but would prefer to work one of the local taco stands than sell my soul for the prosperity of Bush/Cheney."


This is getting a little "political," which I usually avoid, but I can't let this one pass.  This guy simply has no idea what he's talking about.
1.  There's lots of gas in the area (it's the largest gas field in Texas), but NO oil - nada, zero, zip, NOTHING!
2.  In the US, unlike almost any other country, mineral rights are owned by private citizens, not the government.  No one has to apply for anything with "Bush/Cheney."  He must be assuming US oil and gas law is the same as Canada's.  If Bush/Cheney are benefitting from the drilling in this area it will be because they own stock in Chesapeake, XTO, Devon or whoever else is active in the area.  Of course, any of you can do that too.  However, look at what's been happening to oil and gas stocks the last few months and you'll see they're not doing so hot either.
3.  Nobody's "burning the house down" by sucking down the reserves faster than they should.  Most Barnett shale wells are drilled one well per 40 or 80 acres (horizontal wells may be one per 120 acres).  It is extremely rare that a well is affected by an offsetting well.  Most people think the Barnett will get down to 20 acre spacing and still rarely compete with the wells around it for reserves.  Many, maybe most, of these wells will produce for 20+ years.  I'm not completely up on the economics for Barnett wells, but I suspect payout on a company's investment takes 3-5 years per well, not including paying overhead (my salary), etc.  Hardly a "get rich quick" scheme.  The only people getting rich quick are the folks fortunate enough to own mineral rights, for which they're getting somewhere in the neighborhood of $25,000/acre bonus and 25% of the production from the well, for which they contribute nothing financially.  I say, good for them.  Many of them are small farmers/ranchers and it's about time they got a break!  And "Bush/Cheney" nor anyone else can force them to make a deal with any of the gas companies if they don't want to.
4.  All those truckers, service workers, etc, do this because they make darn good money.  Any body wanna guess why the North Texas economy seems to be doing OK relative to much of the rest of the nation?  If this guy wants to work minimum wage at a Taco stand instead of more than double that as an entry level worker on a rig or some other job, well, I guess each to his own.  How does he know he isn't selling his soul to whoever owns the Taco stand??

Sorry for the rant, but as someone employed in the energy industry for 30+ years (except for the couple of years there was no work to be had) I get tired of all the misinformation floating around out there.

Now the most important part:  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL YOU FOLKS WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE TTT!  Everyone did a great job and I'm really jealous I can't get to that level.  Great pics and write-ups.  Y'all did recumbency proud!

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 1st, 2008, 8:37am

Whoa, let's not turn this into a political discussion. The guy is a Canadian. Let's just recognize that there are lots of people in other countries who don't like our government right now, and leave it at that.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 1st, 2008, 8:51am

Interesting comment by Dan Driscoll on the toughness of this course:

"The Texas 24-Hour Time Trials was originally slated to be a RAAM Qualifier, until we figured out that no one was able to get the required 425 miles to qualify in 24 hours on this course. This year's male solo was won by Larry Nelson with 345 miles..."

Even John Schlitter only knocked out 400 miles in 24 hours back in '06...

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Oct 1st, 2008, 9:22am

interesting.  I'd think RAO would be a much toughter RAAM qual than the TTTT, but I'm obviously wrong.  I'm still going to attempt the RAAM qual.  at Sebring this spring.  Hopefully I can get the weight down and the fitness level up a bit.  

Anyone else wanna go and try it?

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 1st, 2008, 9:36am

I hesitate to ask... when's Sebring, and where?   :-/

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 1st, 2008, 11:37am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
I hesitate to ask... when's Sebring, and where?   :-/

It's in Florida in February. You can find more info here (http://www.bikesebring.org/).

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Strada177 on Oct 1st, 2008, 12:23pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
Whoa, let's not turn this into a political discussion. The guy is a Canadian. Let's just recognize that there are lots of people in other countries who don't like our government right now, and leave it at that.

Exactly. Besides ,he kick all of are arses.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by evblazer on Oct 1st, 2008, 12:28pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
It's in Florida in February. You can find more info here (http://www.bikesebring.org/).

Valentines Day! That can't be right. Hm anything near there worth checking out or going to to tie a sebring visit into?
Half a lifetime ago I had a first date with a certain hurricane sl rider I know on valentines day so some year a trip might work out.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 1st, 2008, 12:31pm

Strada177 wrote:
Besides ,he kick all of are arses.

"are arses...."   ye be talkin' like a pirate, matey!!!!   :D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Oct 1st, 2008, 12:51pm

I'm not saying I'll actually make it, you understand, but it'd be fun trying,.....

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by MrOverdressed on Oct 1st, 2008, 1:21pm

For our chating enjoyment I started a Sebring thread in the "upcoming Rides" section here:

Sebring thread (http://rbent.webhostingwholesale.com/cgi-bin/YaBB.pl?num=1222883845)

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Oct 1st, 2008, 6:40pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
Whoa, let's not turn this into a political discussion. The guy is a Canadian. Let's just recognize that there are lots of people in other countries who don't like our government right now, and leave it at that.

My post was not meant as a reference to politics or Bush/Cheney, if you read his entire post its pretty obvious he strongly disliked everything about Texas and the Cleburne area.

It just seemed so different from what my opinion of him was, oh well

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Oct 1st, 2008, 6:43pm

aikigreg wrote:
interesting.  I'd think RAO would be a much toughter RAAM qual than the TTTT, but I'm obviously wrong.  I'm still going to attempt the RAAM qual.  at Sebring this spring.  Hopefully I can get the weight down and the fitness level up a bit.  

Anyone else wanna go and try it?

I'll make sure the organizers of RAAM have plenty of puke bags waiting for ya.....and sand!  ;D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Rawhide on Oct 1st, 2008, 9:26pm

This is my "behind the ride" report.  It doesn't matter if you don't ride, get out there and volunteer!  It's a blast being able to support our fellow RBENT'rs as they give it their all.  Duties can be quite varied, which is good.  I did 10 hours on Friday starting at 5 AM.  First job was to keep the fire burning in the fireplace.  Then went with Kalleen in the TTTT Pace car to lead out the 36 hour group.  Came in from that and Dan Driscoll had me empty the water from all the ice chests and replenish them with fresh ice.  I kept the igloo coolers full of ice water all day so all the riders had plenty to fill their water bottles.  Grabbed a broom and swept the pavilion and the front of the church throughout the day.  Went out on the course and checked on riders.  There was plenty of time to check on RBENT folks as they made their laps.  I'll ride next year, but I'm still going to volunteer some because all the riders really do appreciate it based on the comments I received.  DJ    

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by power_bent on Oct 1st, 2008, 10:25pm

Hey Rawhide, I appreciate the work you did at the TTT and I want to say I'm sorry I couldn't be there to help out.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Rose Pedal on Oct 1st, 2008, 11:48pm

Yes DJ....u came to our Rescue...by filling up our small ice chest...since we were trapped and not able to make it out to get some ice.  THANK YOU SO MUCH....we really did appreciate it!!!!!!  


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 2nd, 2008, 9:57am

Rawhide wrote:
... I'll ride next year, but I'm still going to volunteer some because all the riders really do appreciate it based on the comments I received.  DJ    

Attaboy, DJ -- you NEED to ride this course....  Go for the 6-hour solo or sumpin'....


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by bikerteam on Oct 2nd, 2008, 12:12pm

Yes DJ - all your hard work was noticed and appreciated.  I do have to point out your best duty of the weekend...

At the award banquet you were so eloquently standing by the food, keeping the flies away.  My arms hurt just watching you.  Plus, you did it with the biggest smile on your face I've ever seen!  


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 2nd, 2008, 4:07pm

Need a larger picture!!!!!!!     :D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Strada177 on Oct 2nd, 2008, 6:29pm

Rawhide wrote:
This is my "behind the ride" report.  It doesn't matter if you don't ride, get out there and volunteer!  It's a blast being able to support our fellow RBENT'rs as they give it their all.  Duties can be quite varied, which is good.  I did 10 hours on Friday starting at 5 AM.  First job was to keep the fire burning in the fireplace.  Then went with Kalleen in the TTTT Pace car to lead out the 36 hour group.  Came in from that and Dan Driscoll had me empty the water from all the ice chests and replenish them with fresh ice.  I kept the igloo coolers full of ice water all day so all the riders had plenty to fill their water bottles.  Grabbed a broom and swept the pavilion and the front of the church throughout the day.  Went out on the course and checked on riders.  There was plenty of time to check on RBENT folks as they made their laps.  I'll ride next year, but I'm still going to volunteer some because all the riders really do appreciate it based on the comments I received.  DJ    

DJ & all the volunteers were amazing & the event could NOT go on without you. Thanks you for all of your support. You need to ride next year. You could easily find a category & smoke it.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Don on Oct 31st, 2008, 6:02pm

All i can say is WOW!

You guys are bike riding monsters!

Awsone reports and some amazing times .heck i had to read some of them several times to understand that many of you were averaging over 20 miles and hour.......Scary fast.

I know i wont be able to ride in that next year , but if i can talk my wife in to driving me out there i will deffinatly do what i can to help.

You guys Rock!

Thanks for reading,


Title: Re: TTTT
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Nov 4th, 2008, 12:31pm

Greg, it's somewhat obvious Bryan isn't planning to publish our TTTT report...  perhaps you should just go ahead and post it to the previously-existing thread....

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Nov 4th, 2008, 7:31pm

good point.....I've pretty much called him on it in PMs this past week...... >:(

Dn, I'm glad you enjoyed our exploits.  We all had fun, and pushed ourselves to a goal, which was the most important thing to us all, I think.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Nov 5th, 2008, 12:51am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
Greg, it's somewhat obvious Bryan isn't planning to publish our TTTT report...  perhaps you should just go ahead and post it to the previously-existing thread....

I was noticing that too, perhaps if Greg had also included a review of a trike Brian would  have posted it  ;D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by evblazer on Nov 5th, 2008, 10:19am

Do a video review wearing some crazy holloween costume with some artsy music in the background. Instant front page  ;D

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by aikigreg on Nov 5th, 2008, 10:33pm

posted on BROL now.  Tried not to be TOO snarky.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by evblazer on Nov 6th, 2008, 9:13am

aikigreg wrote:
posted on BROL now.  Tried not to be TOO snarky.

BROL direct link to the snarky thread  ;)

Bud I forgot you had both bikes there how did the lowracer perform for you compared to the bacchetta on the hilly course?

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by Bud_Bent on Nov 6th, 2008, 10:07am

evblazer wrote:
Bud I forgot you had both bikes there how did the lowracer perform for you compared to the bacchetta on the hilly course?

There was very little difference in speed. If I had realized I was going to race, I would have tried to get in a lot more miles on the Roadster beforehand. I can tell it's the slightly faster bike, but I don't have enough hours on it to be as dialed in as I am with the Corsa.

After four laps, with my legs pretty much fried, I switched back to the Corsa just because of the instant adjust seat recline. That seems to help recruit different muscles when I'm really tired.

Title: Re: TTTT
Post by mleuck on Nov 6th, 2008, 7:27pm

aikigreg wrote:
posted on BROL now.  Tried not to be TOO snarky.

"I sent this article to Bryan the week after the time trials, but he deemed it unfit to publish, so I thought I'd post it instead."

LOL! THATS not too snarky :)

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