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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Beanstalk 100K Populaire

Message started by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 13th, 2008, 4:52pm

Title: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 13th, 2008, 4:52pm

We had a very nice ride this morning, with 8 'bents out of about 20 total riders, including populaire "newbies" Mike S. and Richard...  (and Ken?)


 The roads were mostly good, and what dogs there were were more entertainment than threat. [ I missed a great potential photo of dachsunds chasing us down the road...]  There were a few sprinkles around the midpoint, but the cloud cover last until 11AM keeping the temps down.

This is a good "starter" 100K, not too hilly and low traffic, although only having the one stop at the halfway point is a bit skimpy -- I was out of water right at the end of the ride.

Got some good pics, as usual -- and we had a good lunch at Applebee's in McKinney afterwards.  Congrats to Richard for doing his first 100K, and finishing with a smile on his face!


Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by Strada177 on Jul 13th, 2008, 5:45pm

Yes,GREAT ride. Congrats to Richard ,Mike S ,Ken & Jason. Job well done. Thanks for Bud & Ray for driving some distances to join us.
Peggy & I had a great time during the ride & lunch at Applebees.

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by bikerteam on Jul 14th, 2008, 6:17am

It was a great day for a 100k.  I was especially thrilled to see Corsa Ken, and also meet Richard and Mike.  

Shortly after the start, and is usual for me, a wrong turn, and a few bonus miles including about 1/3 mile 5% hill before turning around.  Fairly quickly re-integrated the lead group, catching Paul, who looked over at me shaking his head and calling something like an idiot  ;D

Shortly after passing through Westminster it was Daniel, Paul and myself in the lead.  I don't remember at what point, probably around mile 23 (?) Bud caught up saying he had been chasing us for 10 miles  :o  We rode together to the turnaround/control at 50k.  Within 8-10 minutes, Peggy, Steve, Ken, Mike, etc. began to arrive.  

Mark never stays at controls more than a few minutes.  I look around and say "let's go".  Peggy had just walked out of the store with a bag of Gatorade and Paul said he'd hang back with some of the others.  Bud says he'll leave with me but wants to slow down.  I tell him I'll ride whatever speed he wants  ;)

So, Bud, Mark, Linda, Daniel and I leave together.  Within a few miles, Bud, Daniel and I drop Mark and Linda.  The remaining 30 miles, Daniel, Bud and I cruise into a slight head wind, riding at an average speed of 20 plus, the last 8 miles at 22-25.

Considering what Bud has gone through, he was awesome.  He kept saying that I was killing him, but I know better.

Paul took a bunch of pictures, and I can't wait to see them.  

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by Bud_Bent on Jul 14th, 2008, 9:14am

It was indeed a fun gathering. We didn't get far down the road before making a wrong turn. I had moved to the back of the group to make sure we had everyone back after the wrong turn, and talked to everyone as I moved back up in the group. I spotted Paul, Ray, Daniel, Robin, and Mark and Linda Metcalfe in the lead group ahead, so decided to speed up and join them. That proved to be easier said than done. They were taking photos, laughing, cutting up and such while I was huffing and puffing for all I was worth trying to catch them. After I finally did, I told Paul I was going to hide his fairing while he wasn't looking.

There was a bit of light rain when we stopped at the turnaround in Tom Bean, but only a very short stretch of the road back was wet. The trip back was fun. I felt good, and since I had been wheel sucking most of the day (when I wasn't trying to catch up, that is), I took a nice pull near the end, keeping us over 20 mph for a stretch.

There were some randonneuring first timers, both recumbent and upright, at the ride. I hope all the new folks enjoyed the ride. I was among seven rbenters who stopped in McKinney for lunch afterwards, and while I was tossing down entirely too much food, I had a great time chatting with the group. Great ride, everyone, thanks!

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 14th, 2008, 11:33am

The Metcalfes are surrounded....


My pics are at:


Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 14th, 2008, 11:43am

I made the mistake of giving the camera to Steve at lunch....   :D    ;)


Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by aikigreg on Jul 14th, 2008, 1:08pm

Funny!  Nice work, y'all!  We're taking this thing over!

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 14th, 2008, 1:22pm

Ray made an astute comment at lunch, about the fact that the LSR group has been a very accepting gang regarding the "invasion" of 'bentriders...   I guess because the Rando thing isn't so much about the paceline concept as it is the individual endurance and comraderie involved in spending so many hours riding together.  There's definitely genuine respect, there.

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by power_bent on Jul 14th, 2008, 2:08pm

Hey FlyinglaZboy, what do you think the hill percentage on the abovt picture?? And what speed were yall going up it?

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 14th, 2008, 3:28pm

power_bent wrote:
Hey FlyinglaZboy, what do you think the hill percentage on the abovt picture?? And what speed were yall going up it?

Which pic are you referring to, the one with the all the 'bents trailing/surrounding the DF riders?  If so, that was just a minor slope, and we were probably going around 15-16...

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by richardr on Jul 14th, 2008, 3:29pm

I had a great time on the ride!  I didn't ride fast, but felt very good afterwards and I'm not sore today.  I do need to work on my speed before I try a longer ride, or I'll be riding all night.

I enjoyed lunch at Applebees and listening to all the stories.  Now I can put a face with a lot of the postings I read.


Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FooRider on Jul 14th, 2008, 7:21pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
Ray made an astute comment at lunch, about the fact that the LSR group has been a very accepting gang regarding the "invasion" of 'bentriders...   I guess because the Rando thing isn't so much about the paceline concept as it is the individual endurance and comraderie involved in spending so many hours riding together.  There's definitely genuine respect, there.

Yeah... it certainly seems to be a different sort of group.

I can't remember the last time that I got a phone call from one of the club members who wasn't even on the ride, thanking me for coming out. I was sitting at home, half asleep, and Cheryl handed me the phone. She said it was someone named Dan Driscoll, and while the name was kind of familiar I couldn't put a face with it. I then proceeded to confuse the poor guy, who said he was with the Lone Start Randonneurs, by guessing that he might be the Daniel who was on the ride with us. (He wasn't.)

I still don't know how he knew my phone number, but it was a first for me. I mean, most of the PBA folks I've ridden with and talked to over the years don't remember who I am from one ride to the next!

I like the picture with the pack of us surrounding Jason and the Metcalfes. Kind of has a Gulliver's Travels feel to it.

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by Strada177 on Jul 14th, 2008, 10:29pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
I made the mistake of giving the camera to Steve at lunch....   :D    ;)


That wasn't a mistake...the camera was level ,it was the group that was tilted(or jilted). AND you know what you can do with your camera & pictures?! I can give you a hint if need be...

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by Bud_Bent on Jul 15th, 2008, 8:56am

FooRider wrote:
Yeah... it certainly seems to be a different sort of group.

I can't remember the last time that I got a phone call from one of the club members who wasn't even on the ride, thanking me for coming out. I was sitting at home, half asleep, and Cheryl handed me the phone. She said it was someone named Dan Driscoll, and while the name was kind of familiar I couldn't put a face with it. I then proceeded to confuse the poor guy, who said he was with the Lone Start Randonneurs, by guessing that he might be the Daniel who was on the ride with us. (He wasn't.)

I still don't know how he knew my phone number, but it was a first for me. I mean, most of the PBA folks I've ridden with and talked to over the years don't remember who I am from one ride to the next!

I like the picture with the pack of us surrounding Jason and the Metcalfes. Kind of has a Gulliver's Travels feel to it.

Dan Driscoll was on the ride. He rode a mountain bike. He's the founder of LSR.

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 15th, 2008, 10:41am

Strada177 wrote:
[quote author=FlyingLaZBoy link=1215985935/0#5 date=1216053807]I made the mistake of giving the camera to Steve at lunch....   :D    ;)


That wasn't a mistake...the camera was level ,it was the group that was tilted(or jilted). AND you know what you can do with your camera & pictures?! I can give you a hint if need be...[/quote]

Hee, hee, hee....   ;)

Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 15th, 2008, 10:45am

FooRider wrote:
I can't remember the last time that I got a phone call from one of the club members who wasn't even on the ride, thanking me for coming out. I was sitting at home, half asleep, and Cheryl handed me the phone. She said it was someone named Dan Driscoll, and while the name was kind of familiar I couldn't put a face with it.

This would be that face, Mike...


Title: Re: Beanstalk 100K Populaire
Post by FooRider on Jul 15th, 2008, 9:15pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
This would be that face, Mike...

He was one of the guys on a mountain bike, wasn't he? After the phone call I did a little googling and found a cycling page with Dan's picture on it, looking a bit more... eh... boyish.

I was impressed with the folks I met (and re-met) on Saturday's ride. It reinforces my belief that some of the true giants in the cycling community seem to be the nicest. Maybe it's because they don't feel like they have to try and ride you into the ground to prove they're faster/stronger/better/whatever.

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