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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Marko Polo permanent 7/6

Message started by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 6th, 2008, 6:35pm

Title: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 6th, 2008, 6:35pm

Greg, Mark Leuck (pronounce it, "Like"!!!), and I, along with Brad Bedell, tackled the Marko Polo 100 miler today.  There were about 35 total people, and the ride was in memory of Mark Sachnik, whose birthday is/was tomorrow.  His parents and his sister and brother in law were there at the start of the ride to see us off, which was pretty cool.

Greg brought out the XStream for its first long-distance test, which was pretty cool.

We all set off at a reasonable pace, 17-18ish, until Steve Barlow missed a turn after about 15 miles, taking about 20 of us with him.  Then it suddenly became Hammer City all the way to the Caddo Mills rest stop (Mile 36), and the group was totally splintered.  Greg, Mark, and I hung with Steve and a couple others at 25 mph all the way to Caddo (I dropped off a couple miles prior).

We continued on from there at a more reasonable 20ish pace, and Brad, sensing that he's a bit too early in his recumbent career to tackle many hills, cut off at Hwy 380 -- which was a smart move, because after the 2nd rest stop, we had both headwind AND hills for most of the rest of the day.

Greg was doing well on the XS -- at one point, I have a video of him doing 30+mph...  (granted, I'm right on his tail...   ;)  )   But after several miles of chipseal, I asked him how it felt, and he said, "Very nice -- smoother than the CAero."  Later on, he mentioned his toes were needing a break after about 60 miles, but this is further than this typically happens on other bikes.

We had a "first time century" rider with us after the 64 mile stop, that slowed us down a bit, because he had lost his cue sheet and we didn't want to drop him...  Along this section, we passed a "road closed / detour" sign at one point, and a few miles later just before hitting 78, came across a torn out bridge construction, that we were actually able to "portage" across, with some difficulty...  too funny...  but we were VERY careful to get the the XS across without getting it in the mud!!!  If it would have rained recently, we would NOT have been able to get across it.

Greg developed a ticking spoke about halfway, that we tried to tighten, but without success -- guess these wheels aren't made for chipseal...   ;)

Mark continued to lead us a merry chase into the wind, taking advantage of his low profile to keep the pace at 16-18 most of the way southbound.  We took an extra break at mile 98 at a CVS, because chasing Mark had gassed us, and it was getting REALLY hot out.  But that was the break we needed -- we finished the 107 miles in 8 hours even, feeling pretty good -- my overall average was 17, which isn't bad into the wind we were dealing with.

I'll post some pics when I get to it....   But it was a good ride, without TOO much chipseal.  Thanks for leading the way with the Garmin, Mark...

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 6th, 2008, 7:02pm

Looking forward to the pics - they uploaded yet???

It was a mistake to try and be nice to the guy who lost his cue sheet.  I should have mentioned to him that we'd be cruising at 16-19 before telling him he could come along with us.  It was my undoing.  The chipseal, heat, and the wind were just too much to tackle at that slow a speed, and it did me in that last bit.

The ride started off badly for me, not having time to sunscreen up before we were rolling, and forgetting to put it on until the control at mile 60.  That alone usually seals the deal for a bad ride for me.  And I didn't follow my new rule of adequate hydration, which made me pukey - Thanks for the CVS stop.  That 20 ounces of water perked me right back up for the ride.

I can't get into as much detail about the XS as I might like, but I will pay it one compliment;  I forgot it was a LWB.  I was in the paceline hammering away right behind the leader, and forgot that unlike SWB bikes, the front wheel extends a LONG way past my feet.  I actually touched his wheel for an instant - he never felt it he says but I apologized anyway.

My other piece of stupid was that I brought no electrolytes or extra salt like I usually do - my exact thought process was "why bother?  it's *only* 107 miles.  Idiotic.  The ammonia smell when I was done with the ride was intense.  

Given everything that went on though we rocked the course I think.  It's the perfect HHH training ride - turn into the wind and nasty stuff right when the sun turns up the heat.  No idea what my average would be since I forgot to start the garmin until well after the first control, but I'm still learning how this thing works.  I *LOVE* the map feature though.    Made me very comfortable on the route.

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by mleuck on Jul 6th, 2008, 8:52pm

It was fun although I overheated a little between Celeste and Princeton, nice riding with you guys

Some pictures at www.lifeonabaron.blogspot.com

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 6th, 2008, 10:01pm

ice pics - boy that bike sure is purdy!

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by richardr on Jul 7th, 2008, 9:45am

Thanks for the report however the speed of 20mph is significantly greater than I can keep for more than a few hundred yards.  Were there also riders who rode at a more reasonable pace, let's say under a 15mph average?

What Garmin GPS model were you using with the mapping feature?


Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 7th, 2008, 10:05am

richardr wrote:
Thanks for the report however the speed of 20mph is significantly greater than I can keep for more than a few hundred yards.  Were there also riders who rode at a more reasonable pace, let's say under a 15mph average?

What Garmin GPS model were you using with the mapping feature?


There were several who couldn't even finish, and there was even one guy who was so siped out that others had to go off course to find water and food and bring it to him to help him recover.  The course was much more brutal than it looks on paper.  There were plenty of riders moving a lot slower than we did.  Wether that meant a sub 15mph pace, I couldn't say.

Both mark and I were using garmin edge 705.

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 7th, 2008, 10:06am

I can say however that my arse, quads, and hamstrings are hurting.  A lot.

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 7th, 2008, 10:15am

I've got a couple decent videos of Greg on the bike, but I'm checking with Randy first if it's OK to post 'em....

Richard, most of this particular Rando group were experienced folks, although there were a few people who were doing their first century.  If you're going to ride 14-15 most of the way, realize that with rest stops it's going to take you about 9+ hours to finish, or more if it's a hilly course.  I would recommend looking for (or organizing) a group specifically intending to do that sort of pace, rather than leaving it to chance whether you'll have anyone to ride with or not.   Mid-summer is NOT the time to get left out in the middle of nowhere...  yesterday got HOT.

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by richardr on Jul 7th, 2008, 12:21pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
I've got a couple decent videos of Greg on the bike, but I'm checking with Randy first if it's OK to post 'em....

Richard, most of this particular Rando group were experienced folks, although there were a few people who were doing their first century.  If you're going to ride 14-15 most of the way, realize that with rest stops it's going to take you about 9+ hours to finish, or more if it's a hilly course.  I would recommend looking for (or organizing) a group specifically intending to do that sort of pace, rather than leaving it to chance whether you'll have anyone to ride with or not.   Mid-summer is NOT the time to get left out in the middle of nowhere...  yesterday got HOT.

Thanks for the advise.  I am considering next Sunday's 100k as a good first ride.  Since the ride is near McKinney, I may drive it first to see what the road is like.  I am hoping to complete it within 4 1/2 hours, including breaks.

Is there anyone else planning to ride it at about this pace?


Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 7th, 2008, 1:03pm

We had to portage a bridge-out section:




My other pics (and a short video) are here:



Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 7th, 2008, 2:55pm

Awesome.  It was a great ride for sure, as exhausting as it was.  Today I work on ghost and rest.  Tomorrow I get my wheels trued up and ride!

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by barlows on Jul 7th, 2008, 7:41pm

Hey man, it wasn't me that made the wrong turn.  On the other hand, it "might" have been me that wanted to chase down the lead pack that got away.  You can't say that wasn't a fun little hammer pack we had going though huh?  I didn't reallize how hard everyone was working, since Greg and Mark were chatting and Paul was shooting pics.

Good riding with you guys again, see you this coming Sunday?


Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by mleuck on Jul 7th, 2008, 7:50pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
We had to portage a bridge-out section:

My other pics (and a short video) are here:



Dang I never noticed how low I really was until I looked at those pictures

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 7th, 2008, 8:01pm

you is a low down clown!  It's even funnier to see me on the tica.  I should be there Sunday, Steve.  I'll be racing the HCTT on Saturday, so a Sunday populaire fits in perfect for me.

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Jul 7th, 2008, 10:15pm

barlows wrote:
Hey man, it wasn't me that made the wrong turn.  

Well, you were right up there with Richard...  :D  Granted, that was the moment just before that that Greg and I decided to run up there and catch you two...  So I guess we helped!   :-[

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by barlows on Jul 8th, 2008, 2:55am

Yeah, in hindsight I think we kind of goofed up.  I stayed back with Truman after the first rest stop and we saw quite a few other folks that had popped trying to keep the early pace.   :-/

For the record, you guys is some fast b**ches!!  :)


Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by Brad Bedell on Jul 8th, 2008, 7:29am

You guys are just lucky I wasn't on my DF.    

Although, it does look like I missed quite an adventure with my 18 mile shortcut.    I'm sure, with a few more days like Sunday, I'll get my legs bent into shape in record time.    :D

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by bikerteam on Jul 8th, 2008, 11:20am

Greg - are we going to get a detailed analysis of the XS compared to other bikes you've ridden on Rando rides?

Quite keeping us in suspense...

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by aikigreg on Jul 8th, 2008, 11:44am

Brad - don't worry .  Once you get a lighter bike, you'll be beast enough.  I'm still regretting introducing Steve to bents anyway, since he'll be the fastest guy in Texas once he gets his bent legs.

Ray - I thought you were coming to this Shindig?  I was all set to let you ride the bike yourself.   I'm going to leave off comparisons until I have some more long rides under my belt, but initial reports are very favorable!

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by Brad Bedell on Jul 8th, 2008, 2:42pm

aikigreg wrote:
Brad - don't worry .  Once you get a lighter bike, you'll be beast enough.

I'm not worried at the least.   A new frame set is already ordered and I have a soft commitment on selling the C.G.     Now begins the waiting process.  With the 650c wheels in the mail to me, I'm pretty sure I have everything I need to finish it out.  

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by bikerteam on Jul 8th, 2008, 3:04pm

Greg = I was a last minute cancellation; family commitments.

I will be at the 100k this Sunday.  I think the Petty's are coming as well.

Nelson - any chance you could ride the 100k this Sunday?

Title: Re: Marko Polo permanent 7/6
Post by Kwijybow on Jul 9th, 2008, 12:07am

Doesn't look good for me to be there, fresh back in town with family, work, and church commitments galore!  Have fun for me!

Take Care,

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