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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Granbury Ride

Message started by aikigreg on Jun 9th, 2008, 8:01pm

Title: Granbury Ride
Post by aikigreg on Jun 9th, 2008, 8:01pm

After having missed my 6:30am appt with Bud for the 200k, I jumped online to see if I could make a club ride.There was this one headed out of Granbury:


It's not a route for the faint of heart - especially when the 75 mile paceline is rolling at 20mph into the wind.  We took a short rest stop about mile 20 to let a couple folks catch up and change a flat.  During which, one fella turns to me and says:  "you're very fast on that thing."  I raise my eyebrow to this and reply "this THING???"  He called it "that beautiful machine the rest of the ride *lol*.  Right before glen rose, we got split into two groups, since a couple guys couldn't hang.  We went down this one screaming downhill that led to a steep vertical and I got a bit behind as well.  I just didn't want to take that sucker that fast.  I lost em up another big hill and then at a stop sign.  I turned what I thought was the right way but wasn't sure so I slowed down.  The guys weren't at what I thought was our rest stop so I kept rolling.  Turns out they'd forgone the rest stop.  

The two other slow guys caught up with me then and we finished the route together.  We had two wrong turns that led to 7 miles extra credit, and then the real hills began, including two that were steep enough to raise the front wheel of the V-rex off the ground.  Some of the roads were unmarked, and we had to portage over some low water crossings - taking shoes and socks off, and walking about a 1/4 mile.   Not much shade to speak of, and I had to take a shade break once myself.

Total mileage was 81.5.  Average to glen rose was 18, but with all the walking the bike and keeping a steay pace for my companions, I finished with 14.5  I'll not complain.  My plan had been to eat lunch and go back for the 22 mile routs, but I got really ticked when Mcd's wanted to charge me 2 bucks for an extra cup for some water, and I just came on home.

So not a great route but I still had a good time, all things considered.

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