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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Saturday RBM Allen ride

Message started by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 22nd, 2008, 10:50pm

Title: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 22nd, 2008, 10:50pm

I saw a email by a guy who lives in Rockwall who said he was going to ride to the RBM 9AM ride, and was planning to average 20 on the way, do most of the RBM ride, then cut back to Rockwall...  So for the heck of it, I took him up on it -- I've never done one of the RBM rides before.

Mark rode across 66 from Rockwall, and I met him here in Rowlett at 7:45, and we boogied on over to RBM, holding a consistent 20-22 along the way, for the 18 miles -- going across 66 to Pleasant Valley/Buckingham, up 1st/Beltline then north to Arapaho past 75 to Mimosa and up.  So I was already well worked out when we arrived, but we had about 20 minutes until the ride left.

It was crowded at RBM, being such a nice morning...  and of course, I was the ONLY 'bent there...  not unexpectedly  ;) .  I met a couple of Mark's friends, and talked to Woody for a bit.  Shortly after 9, a group of 75-100 riders took off... This was the "Allen" ride, advertised as 36 miles at ~18 mph.  I hung towards the back, just getting the feel of the group -- there were a lot of starts and stops, and yo-yo-ing, with the group being that big.  We went up to Renner and across eastbound.  At the Plano Rd. stoplight, one guy up front wobbled left on his startup, and got clipped by a car side mirror as they were starting up -- nobody hurt, nothing damaged, but it was a bit tense for a minute...  Once we started up again, the group as a whole was doing about 18...

Once we got past 190, I got tired of the yo-yo-ing, and took advantage of the slight downhill to cruise past the entire group (into the wind  ;) ) up to near the front, leaving Mark and his pals behind.  We cut left on Los Rios, and I after a couple miles I slipped back a bit, talking with a couple people I knew.  Then, just past Plano Pkwy, we hit a long downhill, and I found myself stuck near the curb behind a bunch of people, having to use my brakes while coasting...  I commented rather loudly, "C'mon, people, RELEASE THE HOUNDS!!"  to much laughter around me... :D  However, there was a rather large uphill coming up... and I noticed a wide shoulder nobody was using, due to "turtle" markers -- so I cut out to the right, and passed about 30 people to get to the hill first -- and beat everybody up it... :)  However, it gassed me pretty good, so I fell back again after the top...  The pace was holding a consistent 20-22 by then...

I must have P.O'd 'em with that move, because a lead group of about 20 took off, and there was no catching them...  However, I was solidly with the 2nd (main) group, which was still holding 20-ish.  It went all the way up Los Rios, where I dropped back a bit up a long hill, then up Jupiter, then looped back across east, into the wind at 15 for a few miles, then back south through a very nice stretch where I hit 30-32, but not really catching up...  then back down Los Rios, where I finally caught up and rejoined Mark and friends, and we did THAT at 30+ downhill...

But climbing the hill up to Plano Pkwy, I dropped to about 15...  and felt a hand on my shoulder... :-?  I looked over, and an older gent said "mind helping me up the hill, you're faster..."  I smiled and said, "Sure, let's go -- just don't set your drink on top of my helmet  :D"

A couple more miles, and we were back at Renner, where Mark and I were going to split off back home.  I waved as I went by, saying thanks, as the group turned west, and Mark and I wound up making our way back to the non-highway part of 190, taking the right lane all the way back to 66, where I cut off for home and he went on down 66.

I wound up with 57 miles with a 19 average for the morning, which is probably the hardest I've ridden since TTTT last fall...  But I think I "represented" pretty well...   ::)

If anybody's going to attempt the RBM 18+ pace ride, be aware that THEY MEAN IT... They don't stop, they don't take a break at the halfway point -- To describe it succinctly, I'd say it's:

"No Stops, All Drop"  :-X

 However, I'm glad I did it, having never done an RBM ride before, but I was a bit surprised I struggled so much to keep pace...  It was somewhat harder than the typical GDB ride I'm used to...  

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by jman on Mar 23rd, 2008, 8:18am

Great fun reading your report Paul. I wish I could find a new engine so I could upgrade  ;D to those sort of averages. My chief mechanic (neuro doctor ) informs me that he will not supply the necessary "booster" additives to enhance temporary engine performance which would sacrifice long term millage   >:( of vital components .

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 23rd, 2008, 8:33am

Wow Paul!  Sounds like a big effort!

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by Jonvee on Mar 23rd, 2008, 11:09am

Great Story.  You guys are movin along.  A week ago I rode along with the Rusty Chain Gang at Joe Pool Lake.  I had step up my game just to keep up.  Lots of fun.  8-)


Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 23rd, 2008, 2:59pm

jman wrote:
My chief mechanic (neuro doctor ) informs me that he will not supply the necessary "booster" additives to enhance temporary engine performance which would sacrifice long term millage   >:( of vital components .

Say, boy, are you accusing me of doping???   :D  Next time I'm using Accelerade instead of Ultima...   ;)   I must admit, after doing that riding session as well as the 35 miler with the Tri group on Friday, I mixed up and drank some of that Enervit recovery stuff we had at the TTTT...  my legs are still sore today, but no cramping...

I remember after HHH a couple years ago,  I got out of the car after driving home, and my left thigh cramped up when I tried to straighten my leg to get out...  OWwwwwwwww....

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by jman on Mar 23rd, 2008, 6:23pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
[quote author=jman link=1206244229/0#1 date=1206278319] My chief mechanic (neuro doctor ) informs me that he will not supply the necessary "booster" additives to enhance temporary engine performance which would sacrifice long term millage   >:( of vital components .

Say, boy, are you accusing me of doping???   :D  Next time I'm using Accelerade instead of Ultima...   ;)   I must admit, after doing that riding session as well as the 35 miler with the Tri group on Friday, I mixed up and drank some of that Enervit recovery stuff we had at the TTTT...  my legs are still sore today, but no cramping...

I remember after HHH a couple years ago,  I got out of the car after driving home, and my left thigh cramped up when I tried to straighten my leg to get out...  OWwwwwwwww....
I for sure need to replenish my recovery drink supply. My legs are very slow to recover from my little 20-30mile rides. I'm sure you guys don't take "enhancers", you just don't have certain "factory defects"  :) . One thing's for sure, riding helps all of us live healthier  and hopefully longer lives than a couch potato.

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by DallasBikr on Mar 23rd, 2008, 9:39pm

The only thing missing from the 36 mile RBM Race on Saturday mornings is numbers and entry fees.  I do that one all the time...poorly.

Maybe a 'bent would help ;)

Title: Re: Saturday RBM Allen ride
Post by Richard on Mar 24th, 2008, 1:24pm

Way to go Paul!  Hammer em good! You know it had to really pucker some of the uppity DFrs, seeing the lowly recumbent pass them by with a smile. :D

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