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General Category >> Ride Reports >> Bra bustin' ride-HCTT's

Message started by Strada177 on Mar 22nd, 2008, 2:51pm

Title: Bra bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Strada177 on Mar 22nd, 2008, 2:51pm

(subject modified to fit the topic better...  after all, it was the BRA that went...  ;)  PB)

File this is in the category of "very few of us can relate" : During the finish of the horse country time trials today ,Mrs Strada had a ,um ,er ...equipment malfunction that Janet Jackson & Justin Timberlake would be proud of(although not on the par with their Super Bowl display of a few years ago).

Upon nearing the finish line of an all out time trial effort ,Peggy was working so hard to climb the last hill & against a very tough East wind ,that her sports bra BLEW! Now ,insert jokes here_____________.

There were 4 'bents that showed up(all Bacchettas)for the time trial. Nelson ,Peggy ,Robert J ,& Greg(what a nice surprise to see Greg out & riding again). Overall ,I believe the total number of entries was over 100. All 4 'bent riders rode strong & represented the 'bent class well. It was nice to finally meet Robert & Nelson rode like a man possessed.

Congrats to all who rode & Nelson has bragging rights at least until round#2 starts on May10th. Also, Congrats to Kevin for putting on a great event. Hopefully ,we'll have a few more 'bents entered for round#2 ,I know I will be there(RIDING next time).


P.S. Greg ,the check's in the mail

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by jman on Mar 22nd, 2008, 4:47pm

Sounds like a SPARTAN effort

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 22nd, 2008, 5:13pm

Congrats to Peggy for busting out a great time, and Robert too in their first TT.  A real pleasure to see Greg there and showing signs of coming back fast!  Sure would be great to get up to 8 bents next time! Everybody has to get healthly that's an order! Conditions today were pretty tough, the ENE wind was almost at our backs on the way out.  I hit 40.1 down the first hill without even trying too hard so I knew coming back would be fun, I think I averaged 12 on the way up.  My splits were 14/23 so ugh.  I would much prefer the wind to be at our back for the climb back!

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by aikigreg on Mar 22nd, 2008, 10:44pm

Kwijybow wrote:
Congrats to Peggy for busting out all over

Fixed!  ;D

I am stil dissapointed, but otoh, shouldn't expect too much given how much it hurts to cycle.  I gotta find a way to fix this.  The best part of the ride was the conversation at  Subway afterwards - thanks y'all!

Also we generated a LOT of buzz, and one of the TT guys wanted to try out my bike.  Several were circling it like a pack of dogs, just trying to figure out if it was trying to become the alpha dog or if it was just a fire hydrant :)

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Strada177 on Mar 23rd, 2008, 11:10am

aikigreg wrote:
[quote author=Kwijybow link=1206215518/0#2 date=1206224002]Congrats to Peggy for busting out all over

Fixed!  ;D

I am stil dissapointed, but otoh, shouldn't expect too much given how much it hurts to cycle.  I gotta find a way to fix this.  The best part of the ride was the conversation at  Subway afterwards - thanks y'all!

Also we generated a LOT of buzz, and one of the TT guys wanted to try out my bike.  Several were circling it like a pack of dogs, just trying to figure out if it was trying to become the alpha dog or if it was just a fire hydrant :)[/quote]

Greg ,a few months after surgery & still riding in some pain ,I wouldn't be disappointed with yesterdays ride at all.   You all rode well yesterday.  Subway was fun . That tells me that riding is about as much as comradeship as anything else.  

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Mrs Strada on Mar 23rd, 2008, 11:50am

That was a great time yesterday. Now I have my first one out of the way, I have only one way to go, thats to get faster much faster.I was not every well trained  for that type of an event. I need to work on sprint intervals and being able to work at my max heart rate for the hole 35 minutes or so.
Thanks to Steve, Nelson, Greg and Robert for not letting me quit before I started, I am so lucky to ride with a great group of people.  Robert it was great to met you, congratulations on getting your first time trial under your belt. Hope to see you at the next HCTT in May.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by aikigreg on Mar 23rd, 2008, 12:24pm

I agree 100% Peggy.   When I first said I'd do the time trials back last year, I never thought I'd be competitive, but I figured at the least, they would be great ways to judge my own improvements over the course of the year, and they were.  So even if you don't think you're a racer, think of thees are real-world data to show yourself how much you're capable of improving.

Big ups to everyone, and especially to Nelson for beating the pants off me.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 23rd, 2008, 12:40pm

I didn't beat the pants off anybody!  You guys were very close! (well maybe a bra)
I really enjoyed the subway fellowship as well, Thanks for that.

As an interesting comparison I dug up my 1 mile lap splits from last July.

03/22/08                                   07/28/07
Lap Split      Avg            Lap Split      Avg
1:55      31.3            2:02      29.5
2:05      28.7            2:11      27.3
2:09      27.7            2:13      26.9
2:39      22.5            2:43      22.0
2:27      24.4            2:32      23.6
2:07      28.2            2:12      27.1
3:31      17.0            3:01      19.9
3:45      15.9            2:46      21.7
3:31      17.0            2:29      24.1
3:16      18.4            2:19      25.7
4:12      14.3            3:10      18.9
4:22      13.7            3:00      19.9
1:37      11.9            1:08      16.6
37:36      19.7            31:46      23.3

I was definitely in better shape for going fast last summer than now, but there was very little wind that day, and it was 80 degrees vs somewhere in the 50's.  I clock the course at 12.32 with my GPS.

Take Care,

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by DallasBikr on Mar 23rd, 2008, 12:51pm

Full results:


Thanks all, and happy Easter!


Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 24th, 2008, 9:52am

Looks like it was a well-attended event - congrats, Kevin!!!

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by evblazer on Mar 24th, 2008, 10:32am

Sound like y'all had a good time I guess I got till May to get some reasonable practice. I got more then enough hills on my commute to get bent/hill practice but may try out the course pre-may. I know I shouldn't care but I'd rather not be too slow.

If I did my math correct y'all did between 17 and 20mph average with wind and hills yikes. (and chipseal! I barely go on chipseal)

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by robert.j on Mar 24th, 2008, 11:32am

The best part of the ride was getting to meet the folks I only knew as forum contributers - Steve, Peggy and Nelson - and also good to see Greg again on his bike.  Sorry I didn't get to stay around and enjoy everyone's company at lunch, but I had a house full of relatives I needed to keep entertained.  
Having never participated in an "official" race in any sport, I was looking forward to giving this a try before I get any older than I already am!  I pretty well expected I'd be the slowest bent rider there, so I tried to make it a race against myself.  I have a 13 and 21 mile course in Keller that I occasionally try to bust a gut and see how fast I can go.  My best before this time trial was a 17.4 average.  I think I did the TT in 17.45, so I suppose I should be pretty happy, especially given that I haven't put many miles on the bike this year so far.  I'll have to work on my training regimen and see if I can't do better next time.  It was still fun, or at least the part up to the turnaround - mostly downhill and with the wind.  I thought I was really cooking until Greg caught me only a couple of miles from the start!  Peggy was in front of me and I might have gained a little ground early on, but decided it wouldn't be wise to put out the effort that would have been required to catch her.  I tried to keep the heartrate in the 145-155 range going out, as I thought I could sustain that.  After the turnaround and heading uphill and into the wind, it didn't take long for my heart rate to max out around 162 and once I get to that point there's no "faster" to be had!  Greg caught up to Peggy and they yo-yoed back and forth a couple of times.  Peggy's adrenaline must have kicked in with Greg on her tail as the last I saw it looked like she was gradually pulling away.  After another hill or so I lost sight of them both.
I enjoyed riding with everyone.  You guys are strong riders on a not particularly bent-friendly course.  See you at the next one if not earlier.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 24th, 2008, 2:25pm

Strada177 wrote:
Upon nearing the finish line of an all out time trial effort ,Peggy was working so hard to climb the last hill & against a very tough East wind ,that her sports bra BLEW! Now ,insert jokes here_____________.


Uhhh, I'm still having a difficult time picturing this.... did anyone happen to picture this?   ;)


Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by robert.j on Mar 24th, 2008, 4:06pm

Strada177 wrote:
Upon nearing the finish line of an all out time trial effort ,Peggy was working so hard to climb the last hill & against a very tough East wind ,that her sports bra BLEW! Now ,insert jokes here_____________.

Must have been a heck of an east wind!

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Mrs Strada on Mar 24th, 2008, 7:45pm

Paul ,no pictures. I will clarify the equipment failure. I was wearing a zip front sports bra, so I didn't have to lean back on the clasp. As I was approaching the crest of the last hill completely out of breath , I pull on up on the handle bars to try to make it to the top. As I did,I pulled apart the teeth on the bra. rendering it useless. The "boys" were not showing ,just loose under the jersey.

If that's too much info for some ,sorry ,but Paul did ask.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Mrs Strada on Mar 24th, 2008, 8:09pm

I didn't post that Steve did.There was nothing indecent.  I put on a jacket and left it on the rest of the day.
                                                                Mrs Strada

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Opus the Poet on Mar 24th, 2008, 9:07pm

I could tell it wasn't posted by a woman. A woman would never call those "the boys". The girls, the twins, maybe, but never "the boys".

I spend too much time on the web reading web comics.


Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 24th, 2008, 9:29pm

I have a few post ride pictures back, pretty humorous to hear about Peggy's bra busting effort, but unless I'd been informed I'd have been none the wiser.  The pics are on my flickr:


some in race photo's can be found here


pages 5,6,9

the actual moment of escape?



Take Care,

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 25th, 2008, 8:45am

Mr. Strada, you have been unmasked...  "The boys," indeed...   ;D

By the way, nice Killer B jersey....  JS send that to you for free???

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Bud_Bent on Mar 25th, 2008, 8:58am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
By the way, nice Killer B jersey....  JS send that to you for free???

I bet JS made him promise to remove his kickstand before sending the jersey.....

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Richard on Mar 25th, 2008, 10:21am

Its always hear warming when someone gives their all for the team!

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by evblazer on Mar 25th, 2008, 11:50am

Bud_Bent wrote:
[quote author=FlyingLaZBoy link=1206215518/15#18 date=1206452745]

By the way, nice Killer B jersey....  JS send that to you for free???

I bet JS made him promise to remove his kickstand before sending the jersey.....[/quote]

Soo. Would it be bad if I got a B jersey to go with my kickstand, rack, fenders, reflective tape and lights  :-[
Maybe if I got an aero helmet before I get up there it'll cancel out. ;D

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 25th, 2008, 1:30pm

EV, the kickstand comment comes from last Fall's Texas Time Trials, where John Schlitter rode up beside Steve Petty (or did Steve pass him?) on the course and called out "Get that kickstand off of that bike!!!"

....and there was much humor at his expense....    :D

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by evblazer on Mar 25th, 2008, 2:00pm

Ah ok. I looked through all the photos though and saw all race oriented bikes and I recall from HHH less then a handful with any fender/rack/lights. I wonder how much time if any i'd save taking all that off but if I'm just comparing one run to the next no reason to pull it off at all.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 25th, 2008, 3:43pm

You'd save very little.  There's some evidence to suggest that fenders are more aero!  Weight matters on the hills but not so much on the flats.  Unfortunately output wattage vs air resistance is the biggest factor.  Careful comparison has led me to believe that the most aero configurations on my upright vs my recumbent is a 30-40 watt advantage to the recumbent .  That's signifigant, but which is somehwhat offset by the extra weight of the recumbent, and that I can make more power on the upright (especially climbing).  But my measley sustainable 250-275 watts is nothing compared to a good Cat P12 who can do 350-375.  Most Cat 4/5's are just above my range.  I'd need to loose 30lbs and bump mine up a bit.  The one feather I still have to some extent is Critical Power for 45-60 seconds, after that the matchbook is burnt up.  I understand Uber Pro's like Lance and his ilk can reach sustainable levels in the 450-500 watt range at peak fitness. So Lance on a Walmart Magna (I'll spot him street tires) and me on a Lowracer might be close over 12 miles, but throw in a few hills and I'm toast.

Take Care,

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 25th, 2008, 4:01pm

Interesting Chart that lays it out:


Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Strada177 on Mar 25th, 2008, 4:13pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
Mr. Strada, you have been unmasked...  "The boys," indeed...   ;D

By the way, nice Killer B jersey....  JS send that to you for free???

You gotta be kiddin' me..."free"? That "freebie"  was a $65 Christmas present from me to her. There's another 4-letter f-word I could've used instead of "free" , but the board is censored(as we all know-"Thingy's").

Bud ,Peggy's kickstand was off for the HCTT's.  JS would have been proud.

Nelson ,interesting chart. I like the pink & blue colors. Thanks for interrupting what it means.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by robert.j on Mar 25th, 2008, 5:10pm

Hey Nelson (or whoever might know):  Is there any way of accurately measuring your sustainable power output without buying a bunch of expensive gadgets?

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 25th, 2008, 6:26pm

Hi Robert,

 you can get a good approximation from doing rides like this time trial or other effort ( I like to go to the Crit Course in Plano, circular mostly flat) and then using a site like

http://www.kreuzotter.de/english/espeed.htm  (my favorite)


The chart above makes use of 4 power zones to build up a profile.  The zones Usually refered too as CP0.05, CP1, CP5, and CP30 or something like that.  A TT specialist is good in the CP30 zone but probably not CP.0.05.  My personal profile has always been highest by far on the CP1, dropping down quite a bit on the others.  The only way I ever won a race was to use that to my advantage, go too early for the sprinters at the end (high cp0.05s), and do my best not to get dropped by the climbers on the hills (high cp30s).

The problem with this weekends TT was that it is relatively hilly, and we had a good bit of wind. I think it was easily 3.5 minutes harder than "Normal".

The good thing is that any course, under similar conditions, similar bike etc gives you relative comparison based upon your time.  Not for nothing they call the TT "The Race of Truth."

A single loop of the Tejas TTT course is a good comparison as well.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 25th, 2008, 9:59pm

Interesting -- the Kreuzotter calculator puts me at roughly 300 watts for the TTTT loop, but wouldn't that be considered a hilly course?  If I put in what I do on the 7.5 mile GDB TT course, it approaches 380 watts...  

Guess I'm somewhere close to one bulb short of a 4-pack...   :D

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by aikigreg on Mar 25th, 2008, 10:57pm

I'm dying to get a powermeter.  Absolutely dying, but can't find one under a grand.

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 26th, 2008, 7:36am

I used think I wanted one, but the price put me off too.  Now I no longer think I could justify it for the type of riding I do.  I guess if I were to get serious about racing, but honestly I feel like I've finally put that bug behind me.  I had a pretty serious decade of racing from the ages of 18-28.  Then I got married, fat, happy and trauma adverse.  I really never even use the heart rate monitor anymore, which is also a good tool if you understand its limitations.  The nice thing about a power meter is it provides consistent accurate feedback.  The heart monitor can be thrown off by all kinds of things that cause our complicated biological engines to run different but still have the same output.  

For the Tejas TT loop I use the SWB bent in racing config, along with no wind (it is a loop) and a 1% slope and it produces a number @240 which is about in the ballpark I expected.

Take care,

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Mar 26th, 2008, 9:08am

Kwijybow wrote:
 Then I got married, fat, happy and trauma adverse....  

"Trauma averse..."  Yep, dat's me...  :D    Well phrased (albeit slightly incorrect)!!!

Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by DallasBikr on Mar 26th, 2008, 11:39am

RBM Richardson has Power meter wheels and units available to rent for 1 day, 3 days, etc.  Not sure on pricing, but could be fun to rent one and use for everyone in the group to get numbers :)

I plan to do this one day and measure my times at the Plano Crit course for some solo laps, the HCTT course, and a 3 mile flat TT run I can do that has no lights or stop signs :)

No real reason other than having all new numbers to obsess over.


Title: Re: Boob bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by Kwijybow on Mar 26th, 2008, 12:47pm

I wonder if they have a 650c wheel,  I'll have to check.  I never thought about renting!

Take Care,

Title: Re: Bra bustin' ride-HCTT's
Post by DallasBikr on Mar 26th, 2008, 8:40pm

Pretty sure they are all 700s

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