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General Category >> Ride Reports >> TTTT Race update

Message started by Rawhide on Sep 28th, 2007, 12:02pm

Title: TTTT Race update
Post by Rawhide on Sep 28th, 2007, 12:02pm

I was out at the TTTT this morning for the 36 hour start.  Paul started the first lap then Greg, Steve and Bud for lap # 4.  Greg smoked 'em on his lap, something like 51 minutes or just under that.  I won't give much detail, but Greg has a good story about someone who had roughly a 5 minute lead.  I've taken a few photos and will be getting more when I head back out there as a volunteer.  The Flying Recliners look to be well taken care of by their support team.  

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FooRider on Sep 28th, 2007, 3:01pm

Thanks for the report, DJ!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Sep 29th, 2007, 10:48pm

This will end up being a long story, but I posted a course record with a 50.15 tie around the 20 mile course.  Paul took his lap, then handed off to me.  John Schlitter had a 5 minute head start, but I passed him 3 miles from the finish.  We dueled it out neck and neck until I took him on the final hill.  The team kicked serious butt with a 25:30 run for the full 500.  I couldn't have asked for better teammates.  I'll take you guys over anyone, every time, every year.

There are a bazillion stories to be shared, but I'm in too much pain to type....

Big ups to Peggy for her tremendous victory on the 100 mile!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FooRider on Sep 30th, 2007, 6:45am

aikigreg wrote:
There are a bazillion stories to be shared, but I'm in too much pain to type....

The teasers are nice and all, but take some Advil and dish the details already!  

You might start by devoting a few lines to explaining how the race works.  I know that the course was 20 miles, and if I divide 500 by your 25.5 hour time, it comes out to about a 19.6 mph average--which sounds about right.  But I remember Peggy telling me that each team member has to ride the full distance, so something's not adding up.

Big ups to Peggy for her tremendous victory on the 100 mile!

Cheryl and I wondered whether Peggy successfully fought off the peer pressure or if you insaniacs talked her into it.

Meanwhile, I managed to ride 37 miles yesterday, at a blistering average of 14.8 mph (and had another flat).  Whee.   ::)

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2007, 7:42am

That's the hardest thing I've ever done on a bike (so far)....   We're talking essentially multiple laps of a 20 mile sprint, that starts with an 8 mile climb and finishes with 9 miles of rollers...  

Good Lord, what were we thinking????!!!!!!!!!??????

Well, we were thinking that we'd maybe finish in 30 hours or so...  and CRUSHED that expectation with a 25 hour and 30 minute finish, passing people left and right...  (OK, only on the left...   ;)  Ding, ding!!!)  Suffice it to say, we had the second fastest 500 team time, and topped last year's course record (by the GDB Assassins) by roughly an hour...

What an excrutiatingly fun 36 hours, with an excellent team/crew...  thanks to all!!

I'll dish details later, but check out my new signature line!!!   ;D ;D ;D

Here are a couple pics, in giant size -- more later!   (I've gotta get ready for the GDB picnic ride...)

The Flyers

John Schlitter, Honorary RBENT member


Greg on the approach/passoff


The Hardware


2nd Fastest Four Man Team, and Recumbent Division winner!!!


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 30th, 2007, 9:40am

Well, I wasn't very happy with my own lap times, but my teammates were so fast, they carried the day. It's a team relay race, so none of the riders does the entire distance, but you're right, Foo, it doesn't come out even. While the rest of us ended up with 6 laps, after 24.5 grueling hours, Paul went out and blasted a 1 hour, 20 mph average, 7th lap to finish the event.

These guys were already friends, but I have gained a whole new respect for their will and determination. Despite feeling bad, with his body telling him it had had enough, Greg still got that TiCa around the loop faster than any of us. Even though he's new to longer distance riding, and had blistering times in his first laps, Steve gutted it out and rode great to the end. And Paul did 140 miles of sprinting speed in just over a day; I still can't believe he had that much strength on that last lap!

If you haven't done one of these type events, you just have no idea how much work it is for the crew helping you, and how much you need them. Thank you so much, Rose, Terrie, Alexis, and Peggy!

Great rides, Ray, Nelson, and your Cole Train teammates! And thanks, Ray, for saving us that spot at the start. It was an excellent spot to crew, recover, and watch for our riders.

And, congrats, Peggy on that 100 miles! Because they want everything to finish at 6:00 pm, TTTT doesn't let the 100 mile riders start until 10:00 am, so Peggy had to fight the worst of the heat, wind, and traffic to make 5 laps around that hilly course. Awesome ride, Peggy!

Even though I was the slowest of the four Reclining Flyers, in my six laps around the course, I only got passed by one rider. I think we turned some heads at the event. Maybe a few people will decide they need to check out these strange bikes. There were so many people walking so badly at the end, I was very thankful I had done my laps on a recumbent. More later....

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Kwijybow on Sep 30th, 2007, 11:20am

Hi Guys!

 A very impressive performance by the Rbent Flyers!  I knew you guys were good, and I knew what bents could do, but even I was blown away by how fast and consistent you guys were.  Congratulations!!  I should say alot of people have taken notice, as well as taking notice of John's 29:01 course record.  Doing this event as a team, with your friends is an unbelievabley meaningful experience.  The Cole train exceeded our expectations as well, if not by quite the same margins.  We were aiming for 30 hours as goal, and came in at 28:08, turning nice consistent lap times, and no mechanicals or flats.  For me the hardest lap was the 6th one, being in the hottest windiest part of the day, I was motivated to go faster on the 7th being the last lap, and definitely cooler at night.  Despite our best efforts to get sleep I got very little and that may be the hardest aspect, sleep deprivation.  There we some real characters.  Gerry Hull from Georgia was on our opposite side from the Rbent Flyers riding a strange looking bike he built himself.  He was alone and crewing himself, and led for half the race, despite stopping to tell the lap officials a joke on nearly every lap.  He finally bonked sometime in the night and laid down in a ditch for awhile!  Brenda Barnell's team was just down the row as well, and despite being only 3 people, and then partway into the race just 2, they broke the mixed 4 person team record (31 something hours I believe).  The women's race was also incredible.  Sharon Stevens, had a flat the first lap, and a mechanical a few laps later, but persevered and pulled back almost 45 minute deficit on her rivals to set a new women's record somewhere in the 41 hour range.  

I'm sorry I didn't get to see Peggy's ride, after being up and crewing, and then turning in a great performance in the hot and windy part of the day, very impressive, I think I see a mixed team record in the near future ( I volunteer as a teamate!).  

Once again major congratulations!!

Take Care,

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Sep 30th, 2007, 2:10pm

All Right! Man did I enjoy reading the reports, come on let those brains recycle and give us more detials! We always talk about improving the "bent "image. I believe this performance has done more than anything to change the prevailing recumbnet stereotypes. Recumbent riders are not only bearded old guys, but some highly intense men and women who can really bring the heat. Congratulations to Bud, Paul Steve, Greg and Peggy and all those that provided support. Way to go Peggy, you are one tough lady!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 30th, 2007, 2:28pm

Here's a photo of the team. Other photos that Rose took are in my photobucket album (http://s181.photobucket.com/albums/x5/Bud_Bent/2007%20TTTT/).


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by bikerteam on Sep 30th, 2007, 2:31pm

I too want to congratulate Bud, Steve, Paul and Greg.  You guys really blew me away.  It was a wonderful experience watching you guys consistently turn 1 hour laps on a very tough 20 mile course.  I raced on the Cole Train Team.  Nelson and I rode our bents, while our two teammates (Dennis and Jeremy) rode DF.  Our team name came as a result of a 360k annual event called a "Fleche" (in French it means "point-to-point" or "arrow").  The fifth member of our Fleche Team, Gary Cole died a few months ago, so we dedicated our TTTT team to Gary.  

And Peggy, I agree with several points Nelson made.  (1) even though you helped keep a keen eye on "the boys", your performance was tremendous.  (2) there has not been a mixed recumbent team (female/male).  So if Steve rides with Paul/Greg/Bud again next year, please consider racing on a team with Nelson and I.  Don't worry, we wouldn't be in direct competition with your wonderful husband Steve (who I admire greately).  The mixed team are in a separate category.  Plus, we could keep our pit crews next to each other, so you could spend a lot of time with Steve (and steal their secrets  ;D ;D ;D)

I also agree with everyone who said that recumbents turned a lot of heads.  Even at the awards ceremony, Dan Driscoll (the Event Organizer), as he was awarding trophies continually mentioning that recumbents kicked every category they entered.  When he called John Schlitter to the front, he said something like "Everyone, this is one person you need to meet.  John Schlitter, he is a world class athlete and now has both the 24 hour and 500 mile record".  

In closing, I again want to thank the entire Reclining Flyers, including the crew.  Oh, you guys need to change you name to "Flying Recliners" as you really flew through the course.  I had as much fun constantly checking your lap times, as I did our own team!

I look forward to riding with you all soon.  Consider riding a 200/300k Brevet with our LSR gang on October 20 in Italy.  It's one of the flatter LSR routes.  

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2007, 3:55pm

"Flying Recliners" was an early option, but apparently "Reclining Flyers" sounded a bit more.... intimidating???   ;)

Although there WAS the rare occasional comment by a just-passed DF rider, along the lines of "F-ing Recumbents"...   Hey, maybe that's NEXT year's name!!!!!   (The Fing Recumbents) ;D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2007, 3:57pm

aikigreg wrote:
 ...John Schlitter had a 5 minute head start, but I passed him 3 miles from the finish.  We dueled it out neck and neck until I took him on the final hill.  

Hmmm....  that's funny...   John told the story as "...he BEGGED me to just let him finish ahead of me ONCE...."

Well, you had to be there, I guess!!!!   ;D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Strada177 on Sep 30th, 2007, 4:49pm

Bud was an awesome captain & teammate(as were Paul & Greg-all supportive). It was great to finally meet Nelson(awesome rider & all-around good guy-and his teammates Dennis,Jeremy,& Ray Torrey-of course). Ray's team camp was set up right next to ours.Thanks to both Ray & Nelson for the encouragement, advice & having someone to talk to between rides(during those times when teammates were getting much needed rest/sleep).

As I told Paul,the numbers "5-7-9"(our team number-which each team rider had to shout out to the timekeeper everytime we crossed the finish line) will be etched in my brain for sometime.

Thanks to Dave for making a special trip to Cleburne on both Friday & Saturday( & taking pictures & the words of encouragement as well). Thanks for the support.

Ray,I would like to start riding in some brevet's. I need to improve my endurance. October 20th sounds fine with me(if your group will have us). Peggy would love to ride with you guys next year. Our secrets? Pedal harder/faster,but that's not really a secret.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2007, 5:32pm

Here are my pics


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2007, 6:01pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
[quote author=aikigreg link=1190998933/0#2 date=1191124095]  ...John Schlitter had a 5 minute head start, but I passed him 3 miles from the finish.  We dueled it out neck and neck until I took him on the final hill.  

Hmmm....  that's funny...   John told the story as "...he BEGGED me to just let him finish ahead of me ONCE...."

Well, you had to be there, I guess!!!!   ;D

I *did* beg.....but that doesn't mean he LET me!  He had me going near 40 on the frigging flats trying to stay ahead of him!

F'ing recumbents it is for next year!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by bikerteam on Sep 30th, 2007, 6:13pm

Paul - great pictures - thank you.

Steve & Peggy - I know the entire LSR (Lone Star Randonneurs) gang would love for you to join in the October 20th Brevet.  You can always contact Dan Driscoll, but I believe the only requirement is that you must be a member of LSR and possible RUSA (Randonneurs USA).  You can join LSR via their web site:
click on the "become a member" link.  Dan's address and phone number are on the membership form.

I also suggest you and Peggy join RUSA (http://www.rusa.org/).  On the left hand side of the screen, click on "Members Info" "Join/Renew".  You get a nice medal for each Brevet completed within the time limit, year end mileage awards, and others.  I just received my "R12" award, which is given to riders who complete at least one 200k for 12 consecutive months.  It's a beautiful, colorful engraved medal.

While you're on the RUSA site, under "Search For", click on "Results", and put in any of our names.  For example, under last name, key in my name "Torrey", and see my 2007 results.  

Please call me if you like to talk.  My cell number is 817-975-8638.

Paul/Bud/Nelson/Greg - Are you "Flyers" going to ride in the 10-20 Brevet?

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Sep 30th, 2007, 7:01pm

bikerteam wrote:
Paul/Bud/Nelson/Greg - Are you "Flyers" going to ride in the 10-20 Brevet?

I'll let you know later. Today's answer is "I'm NEVER riding again!"

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by robert.j on Sep 30th, 2007, 7:38pm

Way to go guys!  Sounds like there was some fun mixed in with all the hard work.  I don't think I'll ever be in your league but it pushes me to know it's possible.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Strada177 on Sep 30th, 2007, 8:01pm

Team Cole train deserves a lot of "kudos" for a job well done. Everyone/every team in this event is a "winner". Ray/Nelson,your team rode well,hard, & fast. You are to be congratulated as well. Your overall team ride time was very,very respectable. Congratulations to team Cole train.  

Yes,I will contact Dan Driscoll about the 10/20 Italy Brevet.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Sep 30th, 2007, 9:14pm

aikigreg wrote:
F'ing recumbents it is for next year!

NO, no, no...   not "  F'ing   "    Just "Fing" -- let 'em figure it out...   :D

I might do Italy again this month, not sure yet...  it was a good ride last time, with a TOUGH last 20 miles full of rollers into a north wind...

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by swyant on Sep 30th, 2007, 9:17pm

Awesome job guys!


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2007, 9:49pm

Indeed.  It brought a tear to my eye when I found out Ray and Nelson were riding in memory of a lost friend.

So many people ot thank for making this happen for just a 2 day race.  I can't imagine what RAAM must be like.  From the wives/girlfriends ;) who crewed and fed us, to Bud getting the campsite, to Ray for staking out our spot, to Plano cycling, to Paul for the vest to stop my chattering teeth....you name it.  Like I said, a finer group of guys I'll never meet.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Sep 30th, 2007, 10:40pm

looks like a pro photog has some great photos of Peggy:


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Oct 1st, 2007, 12:59pm

Fing is a good word. Copyright it. There's money in that word.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 2nd, 2007, 8:49am

This, from Odell (ORTinTexas), from the LSR group:

I finished the 500 mile solo. I was the last official finisher. I came in at 47:48. 12 minutes to spare. I started strong Thursday, then I could not sleep and got behind on hydration which made Friday a disaster.
I started the ride with a stomach virus which did not make things easy to begin with.

I had around 10.5 hours off the bike. Most of that was Friday. I took a 30 minute nap and then got on the bike with 140 miles to go and 11 hours to do it. From 7am Saturday to 5:48PM Saturday I cranked out the 140 miles. I could barely eat anything so I pushed water. Somehow, by the grace of God, my speed stayed up at a reasonable level. I finished with the previously mentioned 12 minutes to spare.
Too much drama for me.

The tape:
Total time: 47:48
Ride time: 37:33
500.1 miles
12th place (last finisher)
27 started the solo male 500 mile. Only 12 finished.
I have not ridden furnance creek but I am not going to knock this course. It is tough. I would like to try both for comparison.

A BIG thanks to C'Dude Keith Gates and my wife and daughter for crew support. I could not have done it with out them. I will put together some type of full report from what I remember later. A lot of it is blurry and I need to capture what I did right and what I did wrong.

John Schlitter is incredible and a vary nice guy too. Great job Paul....!!!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 2nd, 2007, 6:48pm

The 2007 TTTT Preliminary Results (http://www.tt24tt.com/results/2007/2007TTTTRESULTS_100207.pdf) have been posted. There are links to lots of photos on the main page (http://www.tt24tt.com/), too. The time splits are available, too, as an Excel file on the results page (http://www.tt24tt.com/results/results.php).

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 3rd, 2007, 10:41am

John Schlitter's Bacchetta Forum post:

John Schlitter
  I plan to post race report but still working in it.

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Laurie and Dennis for coming up from Huston and crewing for me. You saved my neck in the nick of time.

It was great meeting all the other recumbent flyers down there, a couple of of repeats from last year Ray and dammit I can't remember his name but what was exicting was the crew of new recumbent riders at this race. The Reclining Flyers most excellent race and gives us some thought of bringing out some team riders for the team event.    [ Uh, Oh! -- PB ]

Mrs. Strada! (Peggy Petty) what a great job pounding out those 100 miles in the wrost part of the day. I was relating to what you were going though and was feeling for you.

Tommy Marsh!!!!!! great job Tommy. He was cooking when he went by at the start and I never saw him come off the pace. With a little better luck and proper fuel I know he would have been down in the close to a ten hour two hundred.

Paul Carpenter and Larry Id, as always a pleasure to race wiht you guys and Paul way to put it to Larry this time.

John Foote, thank yo and I hope you have the best ever ride in your life this weekend at the 508. If it get hot just put a big old sock full of ice on your chest and you'll be just fine out there in the desert.

OH, you got the picture perfect there It was always a test of what state you where in during the race having to remember that damm number and calling it out. I must have been really low on oxygen on that lap.

Thanks everyone for the kudos.


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 3rd, 2007, 3:29pm

The split results are supposedly available on the tt24tt.com website homepage, but when I attempt to download the excel file, my computer tells me it is blocking a worm intrusion...   Anyone else having this problem?????

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Opus the Poet on Oct 3rd, 2007, 4:39pm

I just got finished downloading it on my Linux machine, no problems except it was a humongous file and took forever to load.I got the 500 splits file first Excell file on the list.


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Strada177 on Oct 3rd, 2007, 4:53pm

Nope. I opened the excel file without any issues.  My lap times were:
Lap#1-55 min
Lap#2-58 min
Lap#3-1 hr-3min
Lap#4-1 hr-2min
Lap#5-1 hr-7min

With better endurance training(some wieght lifting),MUCH better hydration,my lap times next year will be MUCH better. But,I gave it my all this year.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 3rd, 2007, 7:47pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
The split results are supposedly available on the tt24tt.com website homepage, but when I attempt to download the excel file, my computer tells me it is blocking a worm intrusion...   Anyone else having this problem?????

Get rid of your virus protection software, and you'll get it fine.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 4th, 2007, 6:37pm

We are today's headline on Bentrider Online!!!! SWEEEEEEEEETTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!

And check out the link to The Recumbent Blog


John Schlitter and "The Reclining Flyers" Shatter Records in Texas

Bryan | 04 October, 2007 21:58
I'm a bit late on this one but I wanted to pass along some very impressive performances that took place at the Texas Time Trials.  John Schlitter of Team Bacchetta set a course record in the 500 mile category of 29:02.  He now holds records in both the 24 hour and 500 mile Texas Time Trial categories.  "Team Reclining Flyers" (made up of Paul Brown, Bud Baker, Greg Gross and Steve Petty) also set a new recumbent record in the 500 mile four man category of 25:30.  Congrats to all!  There is some more coverage on the Recumbent Blog.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Opus the Poet on Oct 5th, 2007, 1:38am

Forget Recumbent Blog you guys made BROL! The recumbent big time!


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 5th, 2007, 8:36am

...and this little bit of unexpected sweetness just showed up in my inbox....   :)

Randy Schlitter <rjs@rans.com>  
  8:16 am (16 minutes ago)  


Thanks for being in the race and doing an impressive job. I talked with John Wednesday night and he said you were pretty strong, something about you dropping him? Cool stuff, if you do anymore races let me know, maybe I can loan you a factory bike in ti.

WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!   ;D :-[ ::) 8-) :o :D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 5th, 2007, 8:37am

"John Schlitter and the Reclining Flyers"....

Sounds like a 50's rock 'n' roll band, or something...   ;D

Was that a great team name, or what?????????!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 5th, 2007, 8:56am

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
...and this little bit of unexpected sweetness just showed up in my inbox....   :)

Randy Schlitter <rjs@rans.com>  
  8:16 am (16 minutes ago)  


Thanks for being in the race and doing an impressive job. I talked with John Wednesday night and he said you were pretty strong, something about you dropping him? Cool stuff, if you do anymore races let me know, maybe I can loan you a factory bike in ti.

WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!   ;D :-[ ::) 8-) :o :D

That's sweet, indeed, Paul. It may be some very good timing. Right now, Randy just happens to be thinking about a RAAM run and putting together a racing team, and here's John telling him how fast you are on an XP. Maybe rather than a one race loaner, you should ask about getting a team price on a ti bike or frame.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Oct 5th, 2007, 9:24am

Pretty sharp avatar there DJ!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Rawhide on Oct 5th, 2007, 11:02am

Thanks Richard.  My appreciation to Paul for snapping that great photo.  

And look at you Paul!  So are you entertaining thoughts of being a factory rider for Rans?  

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 5th, 2007, 11:31am

Too much pressure...   ;D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 5th, 2007, 1:47pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
I thought that since you had the V26 now, we were shooting for 25.5 hours.

I posted that on September 18th, 10 days before the race. Am I a fing prophet or what?

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Strada177 on Oct 5th, 2007, 2:22pm

Bud_Bent wrote:
[quote author=FlyingLaZBoy link=1190998933/30#33 date=1191591366]...and this little bit of unexpected sweetness just showed up in my inbox....   :)

Randy Schlitter <rjs@rans.com>  
  8:16 am (16 minutes ago)  


Thanks for being in the race and doing an impressive job. I talked with John Wednesday night and he said you were pretty strong, something about you dropping him? Cool stuff, if you do anymore races let me know, maybe I can loan you a factory bike in ti.

WOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!   ;D :-[ ::) 8-) :o :D

That's sweet, indeed, Paul. It may be some very good timing. Right now, Randy just happens to be thinking about a RAAM run and putting together a racing team, and here's John telling him how fast you are on an XP. Maybe rather than a one race loaner, you should ask about getting a team price on a ti bike or frame.[/quote]

Very cool indeed. Congrats Paul. Strike while the irons hot!! See if Randy will let go of one of those new Rans high-racers!!!

Bud,you're not just a prophet,you're Captain prophet!!!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Oct 5th, 2007, 3:31pm

Paul- My advice is never refuse a manufacturers reps freebies. :D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Opus the Poet on Oct 5th, 2007, 6:18pm

Paul, ditto on what Richard just said.


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 5th, 2007, 6:22pm

Richard wrote:
Paul- My advice is never refuse a manufacturers reps freebies. :D

Randy Schlitter isn't just a manufacturers rep, he OWNS the place.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FooRider on Oct 5th, 2007, 8:45pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
Cool stuff, if you do anymore races let me know, maybe I can loan you a factory bike in ti.


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 5th, 2007, 9:19pm

I'd hate to borrow something I couldn't pay for if I wrecked it!   ;)

However, there's at least the POSSIBILITY of a real discount on an XStream frameset in the future!   :)

Greg sez I'm the "first member of Team RANS"...   :-[ 8-)

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Oct 11th, 2007, 6:34pm

Well, turns out my lap "record" didn't last very long.  It seems one of the 100 milers turned in a 47 minute lap  :o.  Ah well, it's still the bent record I guess!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 11th, 2007, 6:38pm

aikigreg wrote:
Well, turns out my lap "record" didn't last very long.  It seems one of the 100 milers turned in a 47 minute lap  :o.  Ah well, it's still the bent record I guess!

The guy's name is Patrick Evoe. He's a pro tri guy. He did the 100 mile ride in 4:13. That's awfully fast for that course.

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Bud_Bent on Oct 11th, 2007, 7:49pm

Greg made M5's front page (http://www.m5-ligfietsen.nl/).

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Oct 12th, 2007, 9:03am

Since I don't speak German I babel fished some german for clarity. Also, for fun, I translated "Greg kicked some serious butt at the TTTT".....Greg trat irgendeinen ernsten Kolben am TTTT. Ok that souds good. Then I translated it back and got this....Greg stepped any serious piston at the TTTT! ;D I always knew Greg could step some serious piston! ;D

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 12th, 2007, 10:19am

RIch -- click the small Union Jack flag in the upper right...   granted, it's not as catchy as "serious Piston!"!!


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Opus the Poet on Oct 12th, 2007, 6:09pm

Rich, the site is in Dutch as indicated by the .nl at the end of the URL That's why you got the funny translation. Close enough to German to get most of the words, but far enough away to get some really funny automatic translations.


Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FlyingLaZBoy on Oct 18th, 2007, 5:30pm

I just read a report that Tuula Rodgers put together, and it mentions that Patrick Evoe, the professional triathlete guy who threw down the 47 minute lap and did a 4 hour 13 minute 100, weighs only 140 POUNDS

Talk about yer lightweights!!!!!   ;)

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Strada177 on Oct 18th, 2007, 5:38pm

FlyingLaZBoy wrote:
I just read a report that Tuula Rodgers put together, and it mentions that Patrick Evoe, the professional triathlete guy who threw down the 47 minute lap and did a 4 hour 13 minute 100, weighs only 140 POUNDS

Talk about yer lightweights!!!!!   ;)

Yeah-that means that 130 of those 140lbs had to be in his legs!!!!

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by FooRider on Oct 18th, 2007, 6:59pm

140 pounds?? I can't help thinking of Jack Palance's classic line from City Slickers: "I crap bigger'n you."

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by Richard on Oct 19th, 2007, 10:04am

I weighed 140 lbs....when I was 15!  :o

Title: Re: TTTT Race update
Post by aikigreg on Aug 27th, 2008, 10:08pm

bringing this back to the top to pump you up!

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